# /AUTOOP <*|#channel> [<nickmasks>] # use friends.pl if you need more features use Irssi; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); $VERSION = "1.10"; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Timo Sirainen & Jostein Kjønigsen', name => 'autoop', description => 'Simple auto-op script', license => 'Public Domain', changed => 'Fri Nov 24 12:55 GMT+1 2014' ); my (%opnicks, %temp_opped); sub cmd_autoop { my ($data) = @_; my ($channel, $masks) = split(" ", $data, 2); if ($channel eq "") { if (!%opnicks) { Irssi::print("Usage: /AUTOOP <*|#channel> [<nickmasks>]"); Irssi::print("No-one's being auto-opped currently."); return; } Irssi::print("Currently auto-opping in channels:"); foreach $channel (keys %opnicks) { $masks = $opnicks{$channel}; if ($channel eq "*") { Irssi::print("All channels: $masks"); } else { Irssi::print("$channel: $masks"); } } return; } if ($masks eq "") { $masks = "<no-one>"; delete $opnicks{$channel}; } else { $opnicks{$channel} = $masks; } if ($channel eq "*") { Irssi::print("Now auto-opping in all channels: $masks"); } else { Irssi::print("$channel: Now auto-opping: $masks"); } } sub autoop { my ($channel, $masks, @nicks) = @_; my ($server, $nickrec); $server = $channel->{server}; foreach $nickrec (@nicks) { my $nick = $nickrec->{nick}; my $host = $nickrec->{host}; if (!$temp_opped{$nick} && $server->masks_match($masks, $nick, $host)) { $channel->command("/op $nick"); $temp_opped{$nick} = 1; } } } sub event_massjoin { my ($channel, $nicks_list) = @_; my @nicks = @{$nicks_list}; return if (!$channel->{chanop}); undef %temp_opped; # channel specific my $masks = $opnicks{$channel->{name}}; autoop($channel, $masks, @nicks) if ($masks); # for all channels $masks = $opnicks{"*"}; autoop($channel, $masks, @nicks) if ($masks); } Irssi::command_bind('autoop', 'cmd_autoop'); Irssi::signal_add_last('massjoin', 'event_massjoin'); sub load_autoops { my($file) = Irssi::get_irssi_dir."/autoop"; my($count) = 0; local(*CONF); %opnicks = (); open(CONF, "<", "$file") or return; while (my $line = <CONF>) { if ($line !=~ /^\s*$/) { cmd_autoop($line); $count++; } } close(CONF); Irssi::print("Loaded $count channels from $file"); } # --------[ save_autoops ]------------------------------------------------ sub save_autoops { my($auto) = @_; my($file) = Irssi::get_irssi_dir."/autoop"; my($count) = 0; my($channel) = ""; local(*CONF); return if $auto; open(CONF, ">", "$file"); foreach $channel (keys %opnicks) { my $masks = $opnicks{$channel}; print CONF "$channel\t$masks\n"; $count++; } close(CONF); Irssi::print("Saved $count channels to $file") unless $auto; } # --------[ sig_setup_reread ]------------------------------------------ # main setup is reread, so let us do it too sub sig_setup_reread { load_autoops; } # --------[ sig_setup_save ]-------------------------------------------- # main config is saved, and so we should save too sub sig_setup_save { my($mainconf,$auto) = @_; save_autoops($auto); } # persistance Irssi::signal_add('setup saved', 'sig_setup_save'); Irssi::signal_add('setup reread', 'sig_setup_reread'); # ensure we load persisted values on start load_autoops;