# automatically rejoin to channel after kick # delayed rejoin: Lam 28.10.2001 (lam@lac.pl) # NOTE: I personally don't like this feature, in most channels I'm in it # will just result as ban. You've probably misunderstood the idea of /KICK # if you kick/get kicked all the time "just for fun" ... use Irssi; use Irssi::Irc; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); $VERSION = "1.0.0"; %IRSSI = ( authors => "Timo 'cras' Sirainen, Leszek Matok", contact => "lam\@lac.pl", name => "autorejoin", description => "Automatically rejoin to channel after being kick, after a (short) user-defined delay", license => "GPLv2", changed => "10.3.2002 14:00" ); # How many seconds to wait before the rejoin? # TODO: make this a /setting my $delay = 5; my @tags; my $acttag = 0; sub rejoin { my ( $data ) = @_; my ( $tag, $servtag, $channel, $pass ) = split( / +/, $data ); my $server = Irssi::server_find_tag( $servtag ); $server->send_raw( "JOIN $channel $pass" ) if ( $server ); Irssi::timeout_remove( $tags[$tag] ); } sub event_rejoin_kick { my ( $server, $data ) = @_; my ( $channel, $nick ) = split( / +/, $data ); return if ( $server->{ nick } ne $nick ); # check if channel has password my $chanrec = $server->channel_find( $channel ); my $password = $chanrec->{ key } if ( $chanrec ); my $rejoinchan = $chanrec->{ name } if ( $chanrec ); my $servtag = $server->{ tag }; Irssi::print "Rejoining $rejoinchan in $delay seconds."; $tags[$acttag] = Irssi::timeout_add( $delay * 1000, "rejoin", "$acttag $servtag $rejoinchan $password" ); $acttag++; $acttag = 0 if ( $acttag > 60 ); } Irssi::signal_add( 'event kick', 'event_rejoin_kick' );