%9Syntax:%9 @SYNTAX:server@ %9Parameters:%9 LIST: Displays the list of servers you are connected to. CONNECT: Connects to the given server. ADD: Adds a server to your configuration. REMOVE: Removes a server from your configuration. PURGE: Purges the commands queued to be sent to the server. -!: Doesn't autojoin the channels. -4: Connects using IPv4. -6: Connects using IPv6. -ssl: Connects using SSL encryption. -ssl_cert: The SSL client certificate file. -ssl_pkey: The SSL client private key, if not included in the certificate file. -ssl_pass: The password for the SSL client private key or certificate. -ssl_verify: Verifies the SSL certificate of the server. -ssl_cafile: The file with the list of CA certificates. -ssl_capath: The directory which contains the CA certificates. -auto: Automatically connects to the server on startup. -noauto: Doesn't connect to the server on startup. -network: The network the server belongs to. -host: The hostname you would like to connect from. -cmdspeed: Specifies the minimum amount of time, expressed in milliseconds, that the client must wait before sending additional commands to the server. -cmdmax: Specifies the maximum number of commands to perform before starting the internal flood protection. -port: Specifies the port to connect to the server. -noproxy: Ignores the global proxy configuration. -rawlog: Immediately open rawlog after connecting. -noautosendcmd: Doesn't execute autosendcmd. The server, port and network to add, modify or remove; if no argument is given, the list of servers you are connected to will be returned. %9Description:%9 Displays, adds, modifies or removes the network configuration of IRC servers. When using the ADD parameter on a server that already exists, the configuration will be merged with each other. When using the command without any of the given parameters, it will connect to the specified server; the server in the active window will be disconnected unless you prepend the server with the '+' character; the same method is applicable to the CONNECT parameter. %9Examples:%9 /SERVER /SERVER chat.freenode.net /SERVER +chat.freenode.net /SERVER CONNECT chat.freenode.net /SERVER CONNECT +chat.freenode.net /SERVER ADD -network Freenode -noautosendcmd orwell.freenode.net /SERVER ADD -! -auto -host staff.irssi.org -port 6667 -4 -network Freenode -noproxy orwell.freenode.net /SERVER REMOVE orwell.freenode.net 6667 Freenode /SERVER PURGE /SERVER PURGE orwell.freenode.net %9See also:%9 CHANNEL, CONNECT, DISCONNECT, NETWORK, RECONNECT, RMRECONNS