/* test-irc.c : irssi Copyright (C) 2018 Will Storey This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MODULE_NAME "test-channel-events" typedef struct { char const *const description; char const *const input; char const *const topic; char const *const topic_by; time_t const topic_time; } topic_test_case; static void test_event_topic_get(topic_test_case const *const); static void test_event_topic(topic_test_case const *const); static void test_event_topic_info(topic_test_case const *const); static void setup(void); static void teardown(void); static IRC_SERVER_REC *server; static CHANNEL_REC *channel; topic_test_case const event_topic_get_test_cases[] = { { .description = "Normal 332 message with a topic with multiple words", .input = "testnick #test :new topic", .topic = "new topic", .topic_by = NULL, .topic_time = 0, }, }; topic_test_case const event_topic_info_test_cases[] = { { .description = "Normal 333 message", .input = "testnick #test newnick!user@example.com 1533866229", .topic = "initial topic", .topic_by = "newnick!user@example.com", .topic_time = 1533866229, }, }; topic_test_case const event_topic_test_cases[] = { { .description = "Normal TOPIC message", .input = "#test :new topic", .topic = "new topic", .topic_by = "newnick!user@example.com", .topic_time = 0, /* Dynamic */ }, }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, res; g_test_init(&argc, &argv, NULL); core_preinit(*argv); irssi_gui = IRSSI_GUI_NONE; modules_init(); signals_init(); settings_init(); recode_init(); channel_events_init(); settings_add_str("lookandfeel", "term_charset", "UTF-8"); recode_update_charset(); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(event_topic_get_test_cases); i++) { char *const name = g_strdup_printf("/test/event_topic_get/%d", i); g_test_add_data_func(name, &event_topic_get_test_cases[i], (GTestDataFunc)test_event_topic_get); g_free(name); } for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(event_topic_test_cases); i++) { char *const name = g_strdup_printf("/test/event_topic/%d", i); g_test_add_data_func(name, &event_topic_test_cases[i], (GTestDataFunc)test_event_topic); g_free(name); } for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(event_topic_info_test_cases); i++) { char *const name = g_strdup_printf("/test/event_topic_info/%d", i); g_test_add_data_func(name, &event_topic_info_test_cases[i], (GTestDataFunc)test_event_topic_info); g_free(name); } #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,38,0) g_test_set_nonfatal_assertions(); #endif res = g_test_run(); channel_events_deinit(); recode_deinit(); settings_deinit(); signals_deinit(); modules_deinit(); return res; } static void test_event_topic_get(topic_test_case const *const test) { setup(); signal_emit("event 332", 2, server, test->input); g_assert_cmpstr(channel->topic, ==, test->topic); g_assert_cmpstr(channel->topic_by, ==, test->topic_by); g_assert_cmpint(channel->topic_time, ==, test->topic_time); teardown(); } static void test_event_topic(topic_test_case const *const test) { time_t now; setup(); now = time(NULL); signal_emit("event topic", 4, server, test->input, "newnick", "user@example.com"); g_assert_cmpstr(channel->topic, ==, test->topic); g_assert_cmpstr(channel->topic_by, ==, test->topic_by); g_assert_cmpint(channel->topic_time, >=, now); teardown(); } static void test_event_topic_info(topic_test_case const *const test) { setup(); signal_emit("event 333", 2, server, test->input); g_assert_cmpstr(channel->topic, ==, test->topic); g_assert_cmpstr(channel->topic_by, ==, test->topic_by); g_assert_cmpint(channel->topic_time, ==, test->topic_time); teardown(); } static void setup(void) { server = g_new0(IRC_SERVER_REC, 1); MODULE_DATA_INIT(server); server->type = module_get_uniq_id("SERVER", 0); channel = g_new0(CHANNEL_REC, 1); channel->name = "#test"; server->channels = g_slist_append(server->channels, channel); g_assert_nonnull(channel_find(SERVER(server), "#test")); channel->topic = g_strdup("initial topic"); channel->topic_by = g_strdup("initialnick!user@example.com"); channel->topic_time = 123; } static void teardown(void) { g_slist_free(server->channels); MODULE_DATA_DEINIT(server); g_free(server); g_free(channel->topic); g_free(channel->topic_by); g_free(channel); }