@SYNTAX:ignore@ -regexp: is a regular expression -full: must match to full words -pattern: must match to the message's text -except: *DON'T* ignore - overrides an existing ignore. -replies: Ignore replies to nick in channels. For example "/IGNORE -replies *!*@*.fi PUBLIC" ignores everyone from Finland, but also anyone sending message "tofinnishnick: blahblah". -network: Ignore only on this network. -ircnet: Same as -network. Deprecated. Do not use. -channels: Ignore only in channels (comma separated list) -time: seconds after the ignore is removed : Either a nick mask or list of channels : List of levels to ignore. You can use - to remove levels from ignore (/help levels for details). <^levels>: List of levels to NOT ignore (/ignore -except nick notices = /ignore nick ^notices) /IGNORE without any arguments displays list of ignores. If you want to remove some levels of the ignore, use /IGNORE - - etc The best match always wins, so you can have: /IGNORE * CTCPS /IGNORE -except *!*@host.org CTCPS Examples: /IGNORE * JOINS - ignore joins in all channels /IGNORE #channel ALL -PUBLIC -ACTIONS - ignore all but public/actions /IGNORE #channel -JOINS - don't ignore joins anymore /IGNORE -replies *!user@*.host.org ALL - ignore user and all replies Some suggestions for ignoring annoying public aways: /IGNORE -regexp -pattern "is (away|gone|back)" * ACTIONS /IGNORE *zzz* NICKS /IGNORE *afk* NICKS /IGNORE *away* NICKS The special level "NO_ACT" can be used to ignore activity ("Act:") but not actually ignore the message entirely. It is somewhat special because it is allowed in addition to another ignore for the same target. Examples: /IGNORE #channel NO_ACT JOINS PARTS QUITS - hide joins, etc from activity /IGNORE nick NO_ACT -MSGS - ignore activity from nick, except for /MSG /IGNORE -regexp -pattern . -except nick NO_ACT HILIGHT - combined with the ignore above show hilights from this nick (needs to be an except as "PUBLIC HILIGHT" still matches public, the regexp is used to have more than one ignore for "nick"). For regular expressions, see `man 7 regex`. See also: UNIGNORE, SILENCE, ACCEPT