@SYNTAX:log@ -noopen: Create the entry to log list, but don't start logging -autoopen: Automatically open this log file at startup -targets: Log only in specified channels/nicks -window: Log the active window -rotate: Reopen the log file every hour, day, week or month. This makes only sense if you specify date/time formats to file name. : File name where to log, it is parsed with strftime(), so %d=day, etc. see "man strftime" for more info. : Defaults to ALL : ID number of log. /SET log_create_mode - Specifies what file mode to use with the created log files. Default is 0644. All of these are parsed with strftime(): /SET log_timestamp - Specifies the time stamp format. Default is "%H:%M ". /SET log_open_string - Text written to log when it's opened /SET log_close_string - Text written to log when it's closed /SET log_day_changed - Text written to log when day changes NOTE: Log files are locked after opened, so two Irssis can't accidentally try to write to the same log file. Examples: /LOG OPEN -targets cras ~/irclogs/cras.log MSGS - Logs all messages from/to nick `cras' /LOG OPEN -rotate day -targets #linux ~/irclogs/linux/linux-%Y-%m-%d - Logs all messages in channel #linux. Log is rotated daily, so logs in 1. May 2000 goes to file "linux-2000-05-01", when the day is changed, Irssi closes the log and starts logging to "linux-2000-05-02" etc. See also: SET LOG, WINDOW LOG