#!/usr/bin/perl # # This script reads the syntaces of commands from irssi source tree. # Then it browses through all '.in' files in the current directory and # substitutes '@SYNTAX:foo@' tags with real syntaces found. This data # is written into the corresponding files without the '.in' extension. # For example: help.in -> ../help # # This path has to be changed. It should point to your irssi/src directory # Remember to include the asterisk ('*'). $SRC_PATH='src'; # This is quick and dirty, but works for sure :) #$FOO = `grep -r -e '/* SYNTAX:' $SRC_PATH | sed 's/.*SYNTAX: //' > irssi_syntax`; $FOO = `find $SRC_PATH -name '*.c' -print0 | xargs -l30 -0 grep -e '/* SYNTAX:' | sed 's/.*SYNTAX: //' > irssi_syntax`; while () { open (FILE, "$_"); @data = ; close (FILE); foreach $DATARIVI (@data) { if ($DATARIVI =~ /\@SYNTAX\:(.+)\@/) { $etsittava = "\U$1 "; $SYNTAX = `grep \'^$etsittava\' irssi_syntax`; $SYNTAX =~ s/\*\///g; $SYNTAX =~ s/ *$//; $DATARIVI = $SYNTAX; } } $newfilename = $_; $newfilename =~ s/\.in$//; $newfilename =~ s/\/in\//\//; open (NEWFILE, ">$newfilename"); print NEWFILE @data; close (NEWFILE); } unlink "irssi_syntax";