%9Syntax:%9 @SYNTAX:statusbar@ %9Parameters:%9 ENABLE: Enables the statusbar. DISABLE: Disabled the statusbar. RESET: Restores the default statusbar configuration. TYPE: Identifies the type of statusbar. PLACEMENT: Identifies the placement of the statusbar. POSITION: Identifies the position of the statusbar. VISIBLE: Identifies the visibility of the statusbar. ADD: Adds a statusbar into the configuration. REMOVE: Removes a statusbar from the configuration. The name of the statusbar; if no argument is given, the list of statusbars will be displayed. %9Description:%9 Modified the attributes of the statusbar. %9Examples:%9 /STATUSBAR /STATUSBAR window /STATUSBAR window REMOVE time /STATUSBAR window ADD time /STATUSBAR window RESET /STATUSBAR topic DISABLE /STATUSBAR topic ENABLE %9See also:%9 WINDOW