@SYNTAX:accept@ MODE <+|->g Works only in some IRC networks. ACCEPT allows you to specify who you want to receive private messages and notices from while you are in callerid (+g) mode. When you have user mode +g enabled, messages from other users are blocked and the sender is notified; you are also notified but at most once per minute. IRC operators and services can usually send through +g. The accept list is lost when you disconnect. Users are automatically removed from the accept list if they quit, split or change nick. The argument is a comma-separated list of nicks to add or (when prefixed with a '-') to remove. No output is returned for users successfully added or removed. If no arguments are given, your accept list is displayed (ACCEPT * on the protocol level). Example: /ACCEPT user1,user2,-user3,-user4 - Adds user1 and user2 and removes user3 and user4. See also: IGNORE, SILENCE