@SYNTAX:bind@ Bind some action to specified keystroke. Keystroke can have modifiers: ctrl-x alt-x alt-shift-x Where x being either a single character, or one of the special keys: Backspace Delete Home End Prior Next Up Down Left Right Insert Return Tab (these key specifications will some day change to be more epic-like when I have time to implement it) Command can be one of: command - Run any IRC command (you could use /command directly without specifying this) (Cursor movement) backward_character forward_character backward_word forward_word beginning_of_line end_of_line (Scrollback movement) scroll_backward - Previous page scroll_forward - Next page scroll_start - Beginning of the window scroll_end - End of the window (Switching windows) change_window previous_window next_window upper_window lower_window active_window - Go to next window with the highest activity next_window_item - Next channel/query. In empty windows change to next server previous_window_item - Previous channel/query. In empty windows change to previous server (History) backward_history forward_history (Deleting text) backspace delete_character delete_character delete_next_word delete_previous_word delete_to_previous_space erase_line erase_to_beg_of_line erase_to_end_of_line (Word completion) word_completion check_replaces - Check word replaces (Misc) refresh_screen yank_from_cutbuffer - "Undelete" line transpose_characters - Swap current and previous character special_char - Insert special character, data specifies the character. This is used mostly for setting bold, underline, color, etc. Examples: Clear screen: /BIND Alt-C /CLEAR People with qwertz layout probably want to swap Alt-Y and Alt-Z: /BIND Alt-Z change_window 16 /BIND -delete Alt-Y