%9Syntax:%9 @SYNTAX:dcc@ %9Parameters:%9 CHAT: Initiates or accept a chat request. GET: Accepts a file transfer request. RESUME: Resumes a file transfer. SERVER: Starts a DCC server. CLOSE: Closes a DCC connection. LIST: Displays all the open DCC connections. -passive: Uses the passive DCC protocol. -scf: Use any combination of the flags to indicate: 's' - send 'c' - chat 'f' - fserver The nickname of the person to chat with, or the name of the file to transfer. %9Description:%9 The DCC protocol is used to initiate client-to-client chat connections and file transfers. If you are behind NAT, or if the firewall is too restrictive, you might want to try if using the passive parameter resolved your conneciton problem. You can send files which contain special character or spaces by enclosing the filename within quotes. For example: "my file with spaces.txt". %9Examples:%9 /DCC CHAT mike /DCC GET bob "summer vacation.mkv" /DCC SEND sarah documents/resume.pdf /DCC CLOSE mike /DCC CLOSE bob "summer vacation.mkv" %9See also:%9 CD