
    -clear: remove all lastlog lines from window

    -: don't print the "Lastlog:" and "End of Lastlog" messages.
    -file: write lastlog to file instead of screen
    -window: which window's lastlog to check (output is always to active)
    -case: Case-sensitive matching
    -force: Force displaying lastlog even if it's longer than 1000 lines
    -new: show only lines since last /LASTLOG
    -regexp: `text' is a regular expression
    -word: `text' must match to full words
    -level: what levels to check, like -public -msgs (default is all)
    <pattern>: text to search for, or all if empty
    <count>: maximum number of lines to show
    <start>: skip the last `start' lines

Shows the given number of lines of log from the current window.

See also: