%9Syntax:%9 @SYNTAX:scrollback@ %9Parameters:%9 CLEAR: Clears the screen and the buffer of all text. LEVELCLEAR: Clears the screen and the buffer of text matching the given levels. GOTO: Go to the given position. HOME: Go to the start of the buffer. END: Go to the end of the buffer. -all: Applies to all windows instead of only the active one. -level: The levels, separated by a comma, to match. The line number, timestamp to jump to or the window reference number to clear. %9Description:%9 Manipulate the text in the window to go to the given line number, or clear the buffers. The timestamp format is '[dd[.mm] | -] hh:mi[:ss]'. %9Examples:%9 /SCROLLBACK CLEAR /SCROLLBACK LEVELCLEAR -level NOTICES /SCROLLBACK GOTO 100 /SCROLLBACK HOME /SCROLLBACK END %9See also:%9 CLEAR, WINDOW