%9Syntax:%9 @SYNTAX:bind@ %9Parameters:%9 -list: Displays a list of all the bindable commands. -delete: Removes the binding. -reset: Reset a key to its default binding. A name of the binding and the command to perform; if no parameter is given, the list of bindings will be displayed. Details: Adds or removes a binding; the binding itself is case-sensitive and may contain as many characters as you want. Key bindings are case sensitive so uppercase letters mean you also have to use the shift key, except for ctrl which does not support shift but the keys must always be typed in uppercase. %9Examples:%9 /BIND /BIND meta-c /CLEAR /BIND meta-C /CYCLE /BIND meta-q change_window 16 /BIND -delete meta-y /BIND ^W^C /WINDOW NEW HIDE /BIND ^W^K /WINDOW KILL /BIND ^[[11~ command AWAY I'm off for today :) /BIND ^[[12~ command AWAY %9See also:%9 ALIAS