The g_strcmp0 fallback in particular was broken since it was used in a
few places as a GCompareFunc, and macros don't work that way.
Yes, that one was my fault, but nobody complained :D
This drops support for rhel/centos 5 (18 months left of its 10 year
support cycle)
Keeps support for debian 5.0 (lenny) and ubuntu 8.04 LTS, both of
which are unsupported, so bumping up to glib 2.24 wouldn't be a problem,
but it's not needed atm.
Turns out event_names_list() in irc-nicklist.c already handles this.
event_who() just ignores it, which is probably a good idea since some of
the irc servers I tested this with have a bug that results in sending
multiple prefixes in the NAMES reply but not in the WHO one (they were
forks of ircd-hybrid before 7.3.0)
And NAMES always happens, anyway. WHO is omitted sometimes for huge
The return value is a char*, and here it was false which is 0 which is
more or less the same as null.
That could have been a crash somewhere, the functions that call this
don't expect null ever.
Just passing the full target to the "message irc op_public" signal
handler and letting it do the cleanup.
The fe_channel_skip_prefix() call in event_privmsg() is kept because
recode_in() needs a real channel name, but
There was similar code in sig_message_own_wall(), but that one is
correct - the /wall command always sends NOTICE @#chan, so I added a
comment down there to make it clear.
Fixes FS#817 - "SegFault when executing bind command", which provides
the test case "/bind cleft key meta", which is stupid but now it doesn't
break things.
The limit of 100 is arbitrary, it means roughly 140 stack frames total.
The flyspray ticket mentions it crashes at 512, in my system it goes all
the way to 149677 stack frames.
Not using the patch from that ticket, the issue turned out to be that
(dest - last_lf_pos) returned number of unichr, not bytes, so that's 4
times less than what the size parameter of memmove() should be.
We disable the ICRNL flag to make Enter independent from ^J from the
keybinding point of view since the former will now send ^M, leaving the
user free to remap ^J without trapping itself into the irssi session
because of a broken Enter key.
Also disable the software flow control because we don't expect anyone to
run irssi over a serial console; we gain some more freedom by having ^Q
and ^S freely mappable by the user.
Replace G_SOURCE_REMOVE with FALSE for the compatibility sake.
Zero the timeout id after g_source_remove and when exipred.
Save the sasl_* options in sig_chatnet_saved().