mirror of https://github.com/irssi/irssi.git synced 2024-09-29 04:45:57 -04:00

Getting ready for 0.7.97..

git-svn-id: http://svn.irssi.org/repos/irssi/trunk@941 dbcabf3a-b0e7-0310-adc4-f8d773084564
This commit is contained in:
Timo Sirainen 2000-12-03 05:34:41 +00:00 committed by cras
parent e70ca21648
commit f1580a6744
9 changed files with 347 additions and 167 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,76 @@
v0.7.97 2000-12-03 Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi>
* Added templates for themes - this allowed separation of the
actual texts and styling/coloring. See default.theme file for
more information. You should remove your old ~/.irssi/default.theme
or at least merge it with the defaul.theme.
* If GLIB sources are found unpacked from some subdirectory, always
compile it and use it even if GLIB is already installed somewhere
+ /SCROLLBACK REDRAW - redraw contents of current window according
to active formats, ie. changing theme updates the scrollback.
This requires /SET scrollback_save_formats ON.
+ /SET log_theme <theme> - you can specify what theme to use for
writing texts to log file.
+ /WAIT [-<server tag>] <milliseconds> - wait for <milliseconds>
before sending anything else to server
+ /EXEC <command> - execute command and print it's output (stdout
only) to screen. (by Tinuk)
+ Don't indent the next line when long word is split, this should
help a bit when copying long URLs.
+ Remember who set the topic and when, display the info when using
+ /SET emphasis - convert _underlined_ and *bold* words (and phrases)
to use real underlines/bolds. (by tommik)
+ While waiting for more netsplits/netjoins, if anything else is
printed to screen, print the current netsplit/netjoin messages
before that text.
+ Print multiple identical mode changes in one line
(mode +o nick by nick1, nick2, nick3)
+ /WINDOW ITEM GOTO <name> - sets <name> active in current window
+ /WINDOW ITEM MOVE <window#>|<name> - moves window item to another
+ /SET autocreate_windows - should we create new windows for new
window items or just place everything to one window
+ /JOIN #already_joined_channel, /QUERY already_queried_nick - same
+ /SET activity_level, /SET hilight_level - specifies which message
levels should be treated as msg/hilight activity. (by tommik)
+ DCC queries are now created automatically only if /SET
autocreate_query_level has DCCMSGS level
+ If other side replies to our DCC CHAT request with DCC CHAT
request of their own (maybe we were inside firewall and other
side noticed it), connect to it immediately.
+ Don't allow more than one identical DCC request, if more is
received just update the port of the previous request.
+ Added KILL handling - user/server kills are now printed formatted.
+ If server KILLs you, connect back (almost) immediately (don't wait
for the default 5 minutes)
+ Nick completion now completes nicks from all channels in active
window, except when completing the first word in line only nicks
in active channel are completed.
+ /SET show_nickmode_empty - when nick has no mode, should we
display " " or ""
+ /SET part_message - default message with /PART
+ Added -current, -window and -level options to /ECHO
+ Ctrl-T = transpose_characters
+ Perl scripting supports now printformat(), ie. user can change
the text format with /FORMAT just like any other formats.
+ Proxy plugin now supports multiple servers, blocks CTCPs from
clients behind it and if one client sends message to channel,
other clients + proxy itself also receives the message.
- Netsplit/netjoin printing fixes. Sometimes netsplits were hidden
completely and some netjoins were forgotten and printed as normal
joins instead.
- Lag checking broke sometimes when nick was changed
- Don't close non-autolog logs when leaving channel / closing query.
- Time formats didn't work in directory name of autologs.
- Sometimes join to channel didn't ever get synced.
- IPv6 support didn't work correctly with all non-Linux OSes.
- Lots of minor fixes and changes to make your life easier.
v0.7.96 2000-10-19 Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi>
* new configure option: --disable-curses-windows. Use this if curses

View File

@ -1,3 +1,110 @@
*** sorry for the finnish items, they're just too many to translate and
*** I've kept writing them in finnish usually... They also don't always
*** tell very well about the problem, just some note to myself that I'd
*** remember myself..
- /sb redraw doesn't do anything to non-format lines (should redraw
timestamp, etc.)
- autorename query when msg is received from another nick in same host
- /formatabstract & /formatreplace to update abstracts & replaces in themes
- queries don't work properly in waiting channels .. because the server tag
verifying fails, we should just create the query and give the server tag
to it without checking if the server tag is really found at that time.
- autologissa tulee ongelmia jos printataan targettiin ilman serveriä ..
tapahtuu esim. "starting query with xxx" kun restoretaan ikkunoita
jos query oli savetettu. sitten huono kun se ei katoa koskaan itsekseen..
- perl:
- joku tapa että perlilläkin voisi muuttaa kokonaan inputtiriviä
"complete word" signaali, haluaa GSList **:n .. tuon muuttaminen,
listan alkuun tai loppuun kaman lisäys..
- joku printnickmsg() jolla voisi printata nuo nickin vaihdot ja quitit
..ja killit skriptissä..
- /bind -delete?
- <tommik> hmm, I just did /notify nick, /unnotify nick, /notify nick OPN...
and now /notify shows the nick in all networks I'm connected to -
/notify -idle and you make /whois nick nick ei toimi
- redirectiot sotkee jotenkin jos on notify idlessä xmunkki ja tekee
/wii xmunkki .. kun se laittaa "event empty"yn channelit ja muut, ei
- jos serveri ei löydä mun dns:ää niin voi tulla i-linen puute.. irssi ei
saisi lopettaa tossa kohtaa serveriin yhdistämistä... voisi jotenkin
säätää että bannin tullessa jos on ircnet asetettu niin ei lopettaisi
- serveri jos asettaa +r:n niin siitä ei sen jälkeen pääse eroon millään
muulla kuin /disconnectilla.. voisi pitää muistissa vaan itse annettuja
modeja eikä niitä mitä serverillä oli disconnectin aikana.
- se komentojuttu.. vois tehdä command_bind()iin suoraan parametrit ja optiot
optioistakin vois pitää sen historyn jos core ja fe-common tms. on eri
niin sitten fe-comon unloadattaessa tulis se coren takaisin voimaan.
mutta kuitenkin se merge juttu olis kokoajan että olis nopea..
- <fuchs> when i am called _` or just ] or { or something like that
every incomming msg is hilighted :/
- proxyyn tuki sille että kirjoittaa proxyssä msg:n niin clientitkin saa sen
- moduuleilta vois ottaa automaagisesti pois unloadissa niiden settingsit
myös. ja otetaanko niiltä commandeja/signeeleja edes vielä?
- valita jos yritetään käyttää disable-staticcia configuressa.
- /mark .. ja automarkki että näkyy joku ------------ uuden tekstin kohdassa.
- /server -ircnet EFNet -next to cycle to the next server (or /reconnect
ircnet actually..).
- laita se splittaamaan automaagisesti msg:t ja noticet
- kommentit configgifilessä blockeissa bugaa. tee kunnon tarkistukset
kaikkialle noita ja virheellisiä juttuja varten.
is_node_list() uppercaseksi ja tee IS_NODE_BLOCK
- silc käskyt gruuppiin
- irc-nicklist.c: move nick change to core.
- irc-queries.c: - '' -
- logausta vois tutkia vähän.. manuaalisesti ei voi nyt esim. logittaa
joko efnetin tai ircnetin #irssiä.
- --more-- tulee jotenkin splitikkunoihin vaikkei pitäisi.
window show, window hiden jälkeen ehkä ..eivaan ton jälkeen rivit ei
vaihdu enää vaan pitää itse pgdownia painaa ja shown jälkeen tuli
joku outo tyhjiä rivejä vaan jotain corruptiota.. 2 ikkunaa oli vaan.
- hilightit + window activityt koodi on ihan sekasotkua. privamsg hilightit
vois tehdä pubmsg hilightien tyyliin
- /notify -away ja -idlessä olis kiva jos nickissä voisi olla wildcardeja
- completio vois hyppiä niiden -optioiden ohi. vois myös täydennellä
erikseen option parametrejä? ja se conffattava completio.. alias completio
- ignore -pattern:n arvo pitäisi näyttää
- näytä /hilight:n ulostuksessa värit
- autoignore korjaa.
- /save -all, tallentais kaikki configin asetukset ja teeman koko teeman
- haluis et teksti alkais ruudun alhaalta eikä ylhäältä
- autoresume dcc autogetissä
- dcc time left
- dcc chatissa ei vaihdu nickki vaikka muualla vaihtuu.. oma ja toisen.
- dcc filet välilyönneillä vois pelata
- plugin.h API
- fserver
- settingssit moduuleittain omiin blokkeihin niin sitten vois valittaa
tuntemattomista jos on typoja ja sellasta
- pitäis pakottaa ircnet asettamaan setupserverissä .. ja jos poistaa
ircnetin? "chat network xxx not found, assuming standard IRC network"..
- editorimainen rivin editointimahdollisuus pitkille riveille :)
- /window scroll off
- vertically split windows
- /set prompt $N etc.
- try profiling the code with /cat filewith10000lines
- when pasting text, irssi could notice it and ask
"pasting 30 lines of text, ok?"
- wait 1 sec before sending the text, if arrow up key is pressed abort
sending the text. also really remove the line from screen and maybe
put some notice?
- ircnetin nimen voisi napata sieltä /ircnet:stä .. että se case menee
oikein. /server, /server list, /channel list, status ikkuna, [ircnet] ..
- optio käyttää sitä VALKOISTA tai määrättyä väriä eikä "default" väriä
- skriptejä:
- nappula status window/takaisin hyppimiseen
- xtermin titlen asettelija
*** New stuff in TODO, try to get rid of these :)
@ -7,7 +114,6 @@
- autoignoring:
- it shouldn't save them to config file
- it could be merged with /ignore -time
- fix the proxy plugin to work again..
- /server <number> would connect to n'th server in list. show the numbers
with /server list
- when dcc chat is accepted and query exists from the same nick, replace
@ -51,7 +157,6 @@
- add user counts (ops/voices/normal/total)
- themes:
- document the different formats briefly :)
- logging messages could be printed with a different theme
- /CAT should pause on every screenful of text, this should be some kind of
printtext_multiline_paused() function which would use some callback to
@ -63,13 +168,15 @@
- /NOTIFY -comment xxx - add a comment to notify. print the comment when
user comes to irc.
- "Should we check people in notify list when you're away" option
- Implement /EXEC, /ON and /TIMER commands
- Implement /EXEC (steal all options from epic, make shell window somehow
with query), /ON and /TIMER commands
- All those options to /WHO and /LIST commands that EPIC has
- nick/channel lists at right side of the text version of irssi. Ctrl-N
for example could hide/show them. add mouse support for it.
- /password command that asks you to type the password to entry line and
would hide it with asterisks, good if people spy on you :)
- CTCP #channel HISTORY # - give # last lines of history from channel
*** Bugs

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(irssi, 0.7.96)
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(irssi, 0.7.97)

View File

@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ modes.c:
"netsplit server new", SERVER_REC, NETSPLIT_SERVER_REC
"netsplit server remove", SERVER_REC, NETSPLIT_SERVER_REC
"netsplit add", NETSPLIT_REC
"netsplit new", NETSPLIT_REC
"netsplit remove", NETSPLIT_REC
IRC modules

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Irssi 0.7.23\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2000-10-19 21:57+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2000-12-03 07:31+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 1999-12-01 10:35-0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Thomas Heinen <cochi@uni-paderborn.de>\n"
"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <ldp-br@bazar.conectiva.com.br>\n"
@ -25,130 +25,130 @@ msgstr ""
#. Display the text when we have already waited
#. for a while
#: src/core/net-disconnect.c:144
#: src/core/net-disconnect.c:145
msgid "Please wait, waiting for servers to close connections..\n"
msgstr "Bitte warten, schliesse Serververbindungen..\n"
#: src/core/network.c:475
#: src/core/network.c:499
msgid "Host not found"
msgstr "Host nicht gefunden"
#: src/core/network.c:477
#: src/core/network.c:501
msgid "No IP address found for name"
msgstr "Keine IP Adresse zum Namen gefunden"
#: src/core/network.c:479
#: src/core/network.c:503
msgid "A non-recovable name server error occurred"
msgstr "Ein nicht behebbarer Nameserverfehler ist aufgetreten"
#: src/core/network.c:481
#: src/core/network.c:505
msgid "A temporary error on an authoritative name server"
msgstr "Temporaerer Fehler des authoritativen Nameservers"
#: src/core/settings.c:314
#: src/core/settings.c:317
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Couldn't create %s/.irssi directory"
msgstr ""
"Datei kann nicht erzeugt werden:\n"
#: src/core/settings.c:318
#: src/core/settings.c:321
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s/.irssi is not a directory.\n"
"You should remove it with command: rm ~/.irssi"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/settings.c:329
#: src/core/settings.c:333
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Ignored errors in configuration file:\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/settings.c:356
#: src/core/settings.c:360
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Errors in configuration file:\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/settings.c:384
#: src/core/settings.c:390
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Couldn't save configuration file: %s"
msgstr ""
"Datei kann nicht erzeugt werden:\n"
#: src/core/settings.c:404
#: src/core/settings.c:411
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Configuration file was modified while irssi was running. Saving "
"configuration to file '%s' instead"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/core/fe-settings.c:278
msgid "Overwrite config (y/N)?"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:957
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:382
msgid "%_Warning:%_ %s"
msgstr "%_Warnung:%_ %s"
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:959
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:384
msgid "%_Error:%_ %s"
msgstr "%_Fehler:%_ %s"
#: src/fe-common/core/themes.c:147
#: src/fe-common/core/themes.c:545
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Ignored errors in theme:\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:73
#: src/fe-common/core/fe-settings.c:279
msgid "Overwrite config (y/N)?"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:76
msgid "Automatically connect to server/ircnet"
msgstr "Automatisch verbinden mit Server/IRCNet"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:73 src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:74
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:76 src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:77
msgid "SERVER"
msgstr "SERVER"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:74
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:77
msgid "Autoconnect password"
msgstr "Autoconnect Passwort"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:75
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:78
msgid "Autoconnect port"
msgstr "Autoconnect Port"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:75
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:78
msgid "PORT"
msgstr "PORT"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:76
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:79
msgid "Disable autoconnecting"
msgstr "Autoconnect deaktivieren"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:77
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:80
msgid "Specify nick to use"
msgstr "Bitte Nickname angeben"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:78
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:81
#, fuzzy
msgid "Specify host name to use"
msgstr "Bitte Nickname angeben"
#: src/fe-text/irssi.c:165
#: src/fe-text/irssi.c:235
msgid "Can't initialize screen handling, quitting.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:28
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:24
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show this help message"
msgstr "Keine externen Nachrichten"
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:29
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:25
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display brief usage message"
msgstr "private Nachrichten"

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: irssi-0.7.23\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2000-10-19 21:57+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2000-12-03 07:31+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-01-26 16:33+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Julien Boulnois <jboulnois@free.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@ -25,130 +25,130 @@ msgstr ""
#. Display the text when we have already waited
#. for a while
#: src/core/net-disconnect.c:144
#: src/core/net-disconnect.c:145
msgid "Please wait, waiting for servers to close connections..\n"
msgstr "Veillez patienter, d<>éconnexion en cours ...\n"
#: src/core/network.c:475
#: src/core/network.c:499
msgid "Host not found"
msgstr "H<>ôte introuvable"
#: src/core/network.c:477
#: src/core/network.c:501
msgid "No IP address found for name"
msgstr "Aucune adresse IP trouv<75>ée pour ce domaine"
#: src/core/network.c:479
#: src/core/network.c:503
msgid "A non-recovable name server error occurred"
msgstr "Erreur du serveur"
#: src/core/network.c:481
#: src/core/network.c:505
msgid "A temporary error on an authoritative name server"
msgstr "Erreur temporaire sur un nom de serveur autoris<69>é"
#: src/core/settings.c:314
#: src/core/settings.c:317
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Couldn't create %s/.irssi directory"
msgstr ""
"Impossible de cr<63>éer le fichier:\n"
#: src/core/settings.c:318
#: src/core/settings.c:321
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s/.irssi is not a directory.\n"
"You should remove it with command: rm ~/.irssi"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/settings.c:329
#: src/core/settings.c:333
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Ignored errors in configuration file:\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/settings.c:356
#: src/core/settings.c:360
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Errors in configuration file:\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/settings.c:384
#: src/core/settings.c:390
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Couldn't save configuration file: %s"
msgstr ""
"Impossible de cr<63>éer le fichier:\n"
#: src/core/settings.c:404
#: src/core/settings.c:411
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Configuration file was modified while irssi was running. Saving "
"configuration to file '%s' instead"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/core/fe-settings.c:278
msgid "Overwrite config (y/N)?"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:957
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:382
msgid "%_Warning:%_ %s"
msgstr "%_Attention:%_ %s"
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:959
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:384
msgid "%_Error:%_ %s"
msgstr "%_Erreur:%_ %s"
#: src/fe-common/core/themes.c:147
#: src/fe-common/core/themes.c:545
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Ignored errors in theme:\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:73
msgid "Automatically connect to server/ircnet"
msgstr "Connexion automatique au server/ircnet"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:73 src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:74
msgid "SERVER"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:74
msgid "Autoconnect password"
msgstr "Autoconnexion du Mot de passe"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:75
msgid "Autoconnect port"
msgstr "Autoconnexion du port"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:75
msgid "PORT"
#: src/fe-common/core/fe-settings.c:279
msgid "Overwrite config (y/N)?"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:76
msgid "Automatically connect to server/ircnet"
msgstr "Connexion automatique au server/ircnet"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:76 src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:77
msgid "SERVER"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:77
msgid "Autoconnect password"
msgstr "Autoconnexion du Mot de passe"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:78
msgid "Autoconnect port"
msgstr "Autoconnexion du port"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:78
msgid "PORT"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:79
msgid "Disable autoconnecting"
msgstr "Ne pas se connecter automatiquement"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:77
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:80
msgid "Specify nick to use"
msgstr "Sp<53>écifiez un nick <20>à utiliser"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:78
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:81
#, fuzzy
msgid "Specify host name to use"
msgstr "Sp<53>écifiez un nick <20>à utiliser"
#: src/fe-text/irssi.c:165
#: src/fe-text/irssi.c:235
msgid "Can't initialize screen handling, quitting.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:28
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:24
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show this help message"
msgstr "Pas de messages externes"
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:29
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:25
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display brief usage message"
msgstr "derniers messages priv<69>és"

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2000-10-19 21:57+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2000-12-03 07:31+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@ -23,124 +23,124 @@ msgstr ""
#. Display the text when we have already waited
#. for a while
#: src/core/net-disconnect.c:144
#: src/core/net-disconnect.c:145
msgid "Please wait, waiting for servers to close connections..\n"
msgstr "Prosze czekaæ, trwa zamykanie po³±czeñ do serwerów..\n"
#: src/core/network.c:475
#: src/core/network.c:499
msgid "Host not found"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/network.c:477
#: src/core/network.c:501
msgid "No IP address found for name"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/network.c:479
#: src/core/network.c:503
msgid "A non-recovable name server error occurred"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/network.c:481
#: src/core/network.c:505
msgid "A temporary error on an authoritative name server"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/settings.c:314
#: src/core/settings.c:317
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't create %s/.irssi directory"
msgstr "Nie mo¿na utworzyæ katalogu %s/.irssi"
#: src/core/settings.c:318
#: src/core/settings.c:321
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s/.irssi is not a directory.\n"
"You should remove it with command: rm ~/.irssi"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/settings.c:329
#: src/core/settings.c:333
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Ignored errors in configuration file:\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/settings.c:356
#: src/core/settings.c:360
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Errors in configuration file:\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/settings.c:384
#: src/core/settings.c:390
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't save configuration file: %s"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/settings.c:404
#: src/core/settings.c:411
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Configuration file was modified while irssi was running. Saving "
"configuration to file '%s' instead"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/core/fe-settings.c:278
msgid "Overwrite config (y/N)?"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:957
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:382
msgid "%_Warning:%_ %s"
msgstr "%_Ostrze¿enie:%_ %s"
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:959
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:384
msgid "%_Error:%_ %s"
msgstr "%_B³±d:%_ %s"
#: src/fe-common/core/themes.c:147
#: src/fe-common/core/themes.c:545
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Ignored errors in theme:\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:73
#: src/fe-common/core/fe-settings.c:279
msgid "Overwrite config (y/N)?"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:76
msgid "Automatically connect to server/ircnet"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:73 src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:74
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:76 src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:77
msgid "SERVER"
msgstr "SERWER"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:74
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:77
msgid "Autoconnect password"
msgstr "Has³o autopo³±czenia"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:75
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:78
msgid "Autoconnect port"
msgstr "Port autopo³±czenia"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:75
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:78
msgid "PORT"
msgstr "PORT"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:76
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:79
msgid "Disable autoconnecting"
msgstr "Wy³±czenie autopo³±czenia"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:77
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:80
msgid "Specify nick to use"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:78
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:81
msgid "Specify host name to use"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-text/irssi.c:165
#: src/fe-text/irssi.c:235
msgid "Can't initialize screen handling, quitting.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:28
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:24
msgid "Show this help message"
msgstr ""
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:29
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:25
msgid "Display brief usage message"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: irssi 0.7.23\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2000-10-19 21:57+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2000-12-03 07:31+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-02-10 09:50-0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Frédéric L. W. Meunier <fredlwm@olympiquedemarseille.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <ldp-br@bazar.conectiva.com.br>\n"
@ -26,130 +26,130 @@ msgstr ""
#. Display the text when we have already waited
#. for a while
#: src/core/net-disconnect.c:144
#: src/core/net-disconnect.c:145
msgid "Please wait, waiting for servers to close connections..\n"
msgstr "Por favor espere, esperando por servidores fecharem conexões..\n"
#: src/core/network.c:475
#: src/core/network.c:499
msgid "Host not found"
msgstr "Host não encontrado"
#: src/core/network.c:477
#: src/core/network.c:501
msgid "No IP address found for name"
msgstr "Nenhum endereço IP encontrado para nome"
#: src/core/network.c:479
#: src/core/network.c:503
msgid "A non-recovable name server error occurred"
msgstr "Um erro não ??? servidor de nomes ocorreu"
#: src/core/network.c:481
#: src/core/network.c:505
msgid "A temporary error on an authoritative name server"
msgstr "Um erro temporário em um servidor de nomes autoritativo"
#: src/core/settings.c:314
#: src/core/settings.c:317
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Couldn't create %s/.irssi directory"
msgstr ""
"Não consigo criar arquivo:\n"
#: src/core/settings.c:318
#: src/core/settings.c:321
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s/.irssi is not a directory.\n"
"You should remove it with command: rm ~/.irssi"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/settings.c:329
#: src/core/settings.c:333
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Ignored errors in configuration file:\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/settings.c:356
#: src/core/settings.c:360
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Errors in configuration file:\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/settings.c:384
#: src/core/settings.c:390
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Couldn't save configuration file: %s"
msgstr ""
"Não consigo criar arquivo:\n"
#: src/core/settings.c:404
#: src/core/settings.c:411
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Configuration file was modified while irssi was running. Saving "
"configuration to file '%s' instead"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/core/fe-settings.c:278
msgid "Overwrite config (y/N)?"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:957
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:382
msgid "%_Warning:%_ %s"
msgstr "%_Atenção:%_ %s"
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:959
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:384
msgid "%_Error:%_ %s"
msgstr "%_Erro:%_ %s"
#: src/fe-common/core/themes.c:147
#: src/fe-common/core/themes.c:545
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Ignored errors in theme:\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:73
#: src/fe-common/core/fe-settings.c:279
msgid "Overwrite config (y/N)?"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:76
msgid "Automatically connect to server/ircnet"
msgstr "Automaticamente conectar em servidor/ircnet"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:73 src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:74
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:76 src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:77
msgid "SERVER"
msgstr "SERVIDOR"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:74
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:77
msgid "Autoconnect password"
msgstr "Senha para autoconecção"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:75
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:78
msgid "Autoconnect port"
msgstr "Porta para autoconecção"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:75
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:78
msgid "PORT"
msgstr "PORTA"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:76
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:79
msgid "Disable autoconnecting"
msgstr "Disabilitar autoconecção"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:77
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:80
msgid "Specify nick to use"
msgstr "Espeficar nick para usar"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:78
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:81
#, fuzzy
msgid "Specify host name to use"
msgstr "Espeficar nick para usar"
#: src/fe-text/irssi.c:165
#: src/fe-text/irssi.c:235
msgid "Can't initialize screen handling, quitting.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:28
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:24
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show this help message"
msgstr "Sem mensagens externas"
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:29
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:25
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display brief usage message"
msgstr "mensagens privadas"

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: irssi 0.7.95\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2000-10-19 21:57+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2000-12-03 07:31+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-08-14 01:51+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Per von Zweigbergk <pvz@iname.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Per von Zweigbergh <pvz@iname.com>\n"
@ -26,32 +26,32 @@ msgstr ""
#. Display the text when we have already waited
#. for a while
#: src/core/net-disconnect.c:144
#: src/core/net-disconnect.c:145
msgid "Please wait, waiting for servers to close connections..\n"
msgstr "Var god dröj, väntar på att servrarna ska avsluta uppkopplingarna...\n"
#: src/core/network.c:475
#: src/core/network.c:499
msgid "Host not found"
msgstr "Värdnamnet hittades inte"
#: src/core/network.c:477
#: src/core/network.c:501
msgid "No IP address found for name"
msgstr "Ingen IP-address fanns för värdnamnet"
#: src/core/network.c:479
#: src/core/network.c:503
msgid "A non-recovable name server error occurred"
msgstr "Ett allvarligt namnserverfel uppstod"
#: src/core/network.c:481
#: src/core/network.c:505
msgid "A temporary error on an authoritative name server"
msgstr "Ett tillfälligt fel på en autorativ namnserver uppstod"
#: src/core/settings.c:314
#: src/core/settings.c:317
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't create %s/.irssi directory"
msgstr "Kunde inte skapa katalogen %s/.irssi"
#: src/core/settings.c:318
#: src/core/settings.c:321
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s/.irssi is not a directory.\n"
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ msgstr ""
"%s/.irssi är inte en katalog.\n"
"Du borde ta bort den med kommandot: rm ~/.irssi"
#: src/core/settings.c:329
#: src/core/settings.c:333
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Ignored errors in configuration file:\n"
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Ignorerade felaktigheter i konfigurationsfilen:\n"
#: src/core/settings.c:356
#: src/core/settings.c:360
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Errors in configuration file:\n"
@ -78,31 +78,27 @@ msgstr ""
"Felaktigheter i konfigurationsfilen:\n"
#: src/core/settings.c:384
#: src/core/settings.c:390
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't save configuration file: %s"
msgstr "Kunde inte spara konfigurationen till konfigurationsfilen: %s"
#: src/core/settings.c:404
#: src/core/settings.c:411
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Configuration file was modified while irssi was running. Saving "
"configuration to file '%s' instead"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/core/fe-settings.c:278
msgid "Overwrite config (y/N)?"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:957
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:382
msgid "%_Warning:%_ %s"
msgstr "%_Varning:%_ %s"
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:959
#: src/fe-common/core/printtext.c:384
msgid "%_Error:%_ %s"
msgstr "%_Fel:%_ %s"
#: src/fe-common/core/themes.c:147
#: src/fe-common/core/themes.c:545
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Ignored errors in theme:\n"
@ -111,46 +107,50 @@ msgstr ""
"Ignorerade felaktigheter i tema:\n"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:73
#: src/fe-common/core/fe-settings.c:279
msgid "Overwrite config (y/N)?"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:76
msgid "Automatically connect to server/ircnet"
msgstr "Koppla automatiskt upp mot server/irc-nätverk"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:73 src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:74
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:76 src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:77
msgid "SERVER"
msgstr "SERVER"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:74
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:77
msgid "Autoconnect password"
msgstr "Lösenord för automatisk uppkoppling"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:75
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:78
msgid "Autoconnect port"
msgstr "Portnummer för automatisk uppkoppling"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:75
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:78
msgid "PORT"
msgstr "PORT"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:76
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:79
msgid "Disable autoconnecting"
msgstr "Avaktivera automatisk uppkoppling"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:77
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:80
msgid "Specify nick to use"
msgstr "Välj vilket nicknamn du vill använda"
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:78
#: src/fe-common/irc/fe-common-irc.c:81
msgid "Specify host name to use"
msgstr "Välj vilket värdnamn du vill använda"
#: src/fe-text/irssi.c:165
#: src/fe-text/irssi.c:235
msgid "Can't initialize screen handling, quitting.\n"
msgstr "Ett skärmhanteringsinitieringsfel uppstod, avslutar.\n"
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:28
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:24
msgid "Show this help message"
msgstr "Visa det här hjälpmeddelandet"
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:29
#: src/lib-popt/popthelp.c:25
msgid "Display brief usage message"
msgstr "Visa ett kortfattat hjälpmeddelande."