mirror of https://gitlab.xiph.org/xiph/icecast-server.git synced 2024-09-22 04:15:54 -04:00
Philipp Schafft b42378abc4 Feature: Generate errors based on IDs.
This generates error pages based on IDs. This allows to reuse errors
and add more advanced information to them.

This patch also makes Icecast send in plain text OR HTML based
on the clients Accept:-string.
2018-05-07 16:28:46 +00:00

794 lines
23 KiB

/* Icecast
* This program is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.
* A copy of this license is included with this source.
* Copyright 2000-2004, Jack Moffitt <jack@xiph.org,
* Michael Smith <msmith@xiph.org>,
* oddsock <oddsock@xiph.org>,
* Karl Heyes <karl@xiph.org>
* and others (see AUTHORS for details).
* Copyright 2011-2018, Philipp "ph3-der-loewe" Schafft <lion@lion.leolix.org>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifdef HAVE_POLL
#include <sys/poll.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define SCN_OFF_T "ld"
#define PRI_OFF_T "ld"
#ifndef S_ISREG
#define S_ISREG(mode) ((mode) & _S_IFREG)
#include "common/thread/thread.h"
#include "common/avl/avl.h"
#include "common/httpp/httpp.h"
#include "common/net/sock.h"
#include "connection.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "refbuf.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include "format.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "cfgfile.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "admin.h"
#include "compat.h"
#include "fserve.h"
#define CATMODULE "fserve"
#define BUFSIZE 4096
static volatile int __inited = 0;
static fserve_t *active_list = NULL;
static fserve_t *pending_list = NULL;
static spin_t pending_lock;
static avl_tree *mimetypes = NULL;
static volatile int run_fserv = 0;
static unsigned int fserve_clients;
static int client_tree_changed = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_POLL
static struct pollfd *ufds = NULL;
static fd_set fds;
static sock_t fd_max = SOCK_ERROR;
typedef struct {
char *ext;
char *type;
} mime_type;
static void fserve_client_destroy(fserve_t *fclient);
static int _delete_mapping(void *mapping);
static void *fserv_thread_function(void *arg);
void fserve_initialize(void)
ice_config_t *config = config_get_config();
mimetypes = NULL;
active_list = NULL;
pending_list = NULL;
thread_spin_create (&pending_lock);
fserve_recheck_mime_types (config);
__inited = 1;
stats_event (NULL, "file_connections", "0");
ICECAST_LOG_INFO("file serving started");
void fserve_shutdown(void)
if (!__inited)
thread_spin_lock (&pending_lock);
run_fserv = 0;
while (pending_list)
fserve_t *to_go = (fserve_t *)pending_list;
pending_list = to_go->next;
fserve_client_destroy (to_go);
while (active_list)
fserve_t *to_go = active_list;
active_list = to_go->next;
fserve_client_destroy (to_go);
if (mimetypes)
avl_tree_free (mimetypes, _delete_mapping);
thread_spin_unlock (&pending_lock);
thread_spin_destroy (&pending_lock);
ICECAST_LOG_INFO("file serving stopped");
#ifdef HAVE_POLL
int fserve_client_waiting (void)
fserve_t *fclient;
unsigned int i = 0;
/* only rebuild ufds if there are clients added/removed */
if (client_tree_changed) {
struct pollfd *ufds_new = realloc(ufds, fserve_clients * sizeof(struct pollfd));
/* REVIEW: If we can not allocate new ufds, keep old ones for now. */
if (ufds_new || fserve_clients == 0) {
ufds = ufds_new;
client_tree_changed = 0;
fclient = active_list;
while (fclient)
ufds[i].fd = fclient->client->con->sock;
ufds[i].events = POLLOUT;
ufds[i].revents = 0;
fclient = fclient->next;
if (!ufds) {
thread_spin_lock (&pending_lock);
run_fserv = 0;
thread_spin_unlock (&pending_lock);
return -1;
} else if (poll(ufds, fserve_clients, 200) > 0) {
/* mark any clients that are ready */
fclient = active_list;
for (i=0; i<fserve_clients; i++)
if (ufds[i].revents & (POLLOUT|POLLHUP|POLLERR))
fclient->ready = 1;
fclient = fclient->next;
return 1;
return 0;
int fserve_client_waiting(void)
fserve_t *fclient;
fd_set realfds;
/* only rebuild fds if there are clients added/removed */
if (client_tree_changed) {
client_tree_changed = 0;
fd_max = SOCK_ERROR;
fclient = active_list;
while (fclient) {
FD_SET(fclient->client->con->sock, &fds);
if (fclient->client->con->sock > fd_max || fd_max == SOCK_ERROR)
fd_max = fclient->client->con->sock;
fclient = fclient->next;
/* hack for windows, select needs at least 1 descriptor */
if (fd_max == SOCK_ERROR)
thread_spin_lock (&pending_lock);
run_fserv = 0;
thread_spin_unlock (&pending_lock);
return -1;
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 200000;
/* make a duplicate of the set so we do not have to rebuild it
* each time around */
memcpy(&realfds, &fds, sizeof(fd_set));
if(select(fd_max+1, NULL, &realfds, NULL, &tv) > 0)
/* mark any clients that are ready */
fclient = active_list;
while (fclient)
if (FD_ISSET (fclient->client->con->sock, &realfds))
fclient->ready = 1;
fclient = fclient->next;
return 1;
return 0;
static int wait_for_fds(void)
fserve_t *fclient;
int ret;
while (run_fserv)
/* add any new clients here */
if (pending_list)
thread_spin_lock (&pending_lock);
fclient = (fserve_t*)pending_list;
while (fclient)
fserve_t *to_move = fclient;
fclient = fclient->next;
to_move->next = active_list;
active_list = to_move;
client_tree_changed = 1;
pending_list = NULL;
/* drop out of here if someone is ready */
ret = fserve_client_waiting();
if (ret)
return ret;
return -1;
static void *fserv_thread_function(void *arg)
fserve_t *fclient, **trail;
size_t bytes;
while (1)
if (wait_for_fds() < 0)
fclient = active_list;
trail = &active_list;
while (fclient)
/* process this client, if it is ready */
if (fclient->ready)
client_t *client = fclient->client;
refbuf_t *refbuf = client->refbuf;
fclient->ready = 0;
if (client->pos == refbuf->len)
/* Grab a new chunk */
if (fclient->file)
bytes = fread (refbuf->data, 1, BUFSIZE, fclient->file);
bytes = 0;
if (bytes == 0)
if (refbuf->next == NULL)
fserve_t *to_go = fclient;
fclient = fclient->next;
*trail = fclient;
fserve_client_destroy (to_go);
client_tree_changed = 1;
refbuf = refbuf->next;
client->refbuf->next = NULL;
refbuf_release (client->refbuf);
client->refbuf = refbuf;
bytes = refbuf->len;
refbuf->len = (unsigned int)bytes;
client->pos = 0;
/* Now try and send current chunk. */
format_generic_write_to_client (client);
if (client->con->error)
fserve_t *to_go = fclient;
fclient = fclient->next;
*trail = fclient;
fserve_client_destroy (to_go);
client_tree_changed = 1;
trail = &fclient->next;
fclient = fclient->next;
ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("fserve handler exit");
return NULL;
/* string returned needs to be free'd */
char *fserve_content_type(const char *path)
char *ext = util_get_extension(path);
mime_type exttype = {ext, NULL};
void *result;
char *type;
thread_spin_lock (&pending_lock);
if (mimetypes && !avl_get_by_key (mimetypes, &exttype, &result))
mime_type *mime = result;
type = strdup (mime->type);
else {
/* Fallbacks for a few basic ones */
if(!strcmp(ext, "ogg"))
type = strdup ("application/ogg");
else if(!strcmp(ext, "mp3"))
type = strdup ("audio/mpeg");
else if(!strcmp(ext, "html"))
type = strdup ("text/html");
else if(!strcmp(ext, "css"))
type = strdup ("text/css");
else if(!strcmp(ext, "txt"))
type = strdup ("text/plain");
else if(!strcmp(ext, "jpg"))
type = strdup ("image/jpeg");
else if(!strcmp(ext, "png"))
type = strdup ("image/png");
else if(!strcmp(ext, "m3u"))
type = strdup ("audio/x-mpegurl");
else if(!strcmp(ext, "aac"))
type = strdup ("audio/aac");
type = strdup ("application/octet-stream");
thread_spin_unlock (&pending_lock);
return type;
static void fserve_client_destroy(fserve_t *fclient)
if (fclient)
if (fclient->file)
fclose (fclient->file);
if (fclient->callback)
fclient->callback (fclient->client, fclient->arg);
if (fclient->client)
client_destroy (fclient->client);
free (fclient);
/* client has requested a file, so check for it and send the file. Do not
* refer to the client_t afterwards. return 0 for success, -1 on error.
int fserve_client_create (client_t *httpclient, const char *path)
int bytes;
struct stat file_buf;
const char *range = NULL;
off_t new_content_len = 0;
off_t rangenumber = 0, content_length;
int rangeproblem = 0;
int ret = 0;
char *fullpath;
int m3u_requested = 0, m3u_file_available = 1;
const char * xslt_playlist_requested = NULL;
int xslt_playlist_file_available = 1;
ice_config_t *config;
FILE *file;
fullpath = util_get_path_from_normalised_uri (path);
ICECAST_LOG_INFO("checking for file %H (%H)", path, fullpath);
if (strcmp (util_get_extension (fullpath), "m3u") == 0)
m3u_requested = 1;
if (strcmp (util_get_extension (fullpath), "xspf") == 0)
xslt_playlist_requested = "xspf.xsl";
if (strcmp (util_get_extension (fullpath), "vclt") == 0)
xslt_playlist_requested = "vclt.xsl";
/* check for the actual file */
if (stat (fullpath, &file_buf) != 0)
/* the m3u can be generated, but send an m3u file if available */
if (m3u_requested == 0 && xslt_playlist_requested == NULL)
ICECAST_LOG_WARN("req for file \"%H\" %s", fullpath, strerror (errno));
client_send_error_by_id(httpclient, ICECAST_ERROR_FSERV_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
free (fullpath);
return -1;
m3u_file_available = 0;
xslt_playlist_file_available = 0;
httpclient->refbuf->len = PER_CLIENT_REFBUF_SIZE;
if (m3u_requested && m3u_file_available == 0)
const char *host = httpp_getvar (httpclient->parser, "host");
char *sourceuri = strdup (path);
char *dot = strrchr(sourceuri, '.');
/* at least a couple of players (fb2k/winamp) are reported to send a
* host header but without the port number. So if we are missing the
* port then lets treat it as if no host line was sent */
if (host && strchr (host, ':') == NULL)
host = NULL;
*dot = 0;
httpclient->respcode = 200;
ret = util_http_build_header (httpclient->refbuf->data, BUFSIZE, 0,
0, 200, NULL,
"audio/x-mpegurl", NULL, "", NULL, httpclient);
if (ret == -1 || ret >= (BUFSIZE - 512)) { /* we want at least 512 bytes left for the content of the playlist */
ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Dropping client as we can not build response headers.");
client_send_error_by_id(httpclient, ICECAST_ERROR_GEN_HEADER_GEN_FAILED);
return -1;
if (host == NULL)
config = config_get_config();
snprintf (httpclient->refbuf->data + ret, BUFSIZE - ret,
config->hostname, config->port,
snprintf (httpclient->refbuf->data + ret, BUFSIZE - ret,
httpclient->refbuf->len = strlen (httpclient->refbuf->data);
fserve_add_client (httpclient, NULL);
free (sourceuri);
free (fullpath);
return 0;
if (xslt_playlist_requested && xslt_playlist_file_available == 0)
xmlDocPtr doc;
char *reference = strdup (path);
char *eol = strrchr (reference, '.');
if (eol)
*eol = '\0';
doc = stats_get_xml (0, reference, httpclient->mode);
free (reference);
admin_send_response (doc, httpclient, TRANSFORMED, xslt_playlist_requested);
free (fullpath);
return 0;
/* on demand file serving check */
config = config_get_config();
if (config->fileserve == 0)
ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("on demand file \"%H\" refused. Serving static files has been disabled in the config", fullpath);
client_send_error_by_id(httpclient, ICECAST_ERROR_FSERV_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
return -1;
if (S_ISREG (file_buf.st_mode) == 0)
client_send_error_by_id(httpclient, ICECAST_ERROR_FSERV_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
ICECAST_LOG_WARN("found requested file but there is no handler for it: %H", fullpath);
free (fullpath);
return -1;
file = fopen (fullpath, "rb");
if (file == NULL)
ICECAST_LOG_WARN("Problem accessing file \"%H\"", fullpath);
client_send_error_by_id(httpclient, ICECAST_ERROR_FSERV_FILE_NOT_READABLE);
free (fullpath);
return -1;
free (fullpath);
content_length = file_buf.st_size;
range = httpp_getvar (httpclient->parser, "range");
/* full http range handling is currently not done but we deal with the common case */
if (range != NULL) {
ret = 0;
if (strncasecmp (range, "bytes=", 6) == 0)
ret = sscanf (range+6, "%" SCN_OFF_T "-", &rangenumber);
if (ret != 1) {
/* format not correct, so lets just assume
we start from the beginning */
rangeproblem = 1;
if (rangenumber < 0) {
rangeproblem = 1;
if (!rangeproblem) {
ret = fseeko (file, rangenumber, SEEK_SET);
if (ret != -1) {
new_content_len = content_length - rangenumber;
if (new_content_len < 0) {
rangeproblem = 1;
else {
rangeproblem = 1;
if (!rangeproblem) {
off_t endpos = rangenumber+new_content_len-1;
char *type;
if (endpos < 0) {
endpos = 0;
httpclient->respcode = 206;
type = fserve_content_type (path);
bytes = util_http_build_header (httpclient->refbuf->data, BUFSIZE, 0,
0, 206, NULL,
type, NULL,
NULL, NULL, httpclient);
if (bytes == -1 || bytes >= (BUFSIZE - 512)) { /* we want at least 512 bytes left */
ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Dropping client as we can not build response headers.");
client_send_error_by_id(httpclient, ICECAST_ERROR_GEN_HEADER_GEN_FAILED);
return -1;
bytes += snprintf (httpclient->refbuf->data + bytes, BUFSIZE - bytes,
"Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n"
"Content-Length: %" PRI_OFF_T "\r\n"
"Content-Range: bytes %" PRI_OFF_T \
"-%" PRI_OFF_T "/%" PRI_OFF_T "\r\n\r\n",
free (type);
else {
goto fail;
else {
goto fail;
else {
char *type = fserve_content_type(path);
httpclient->respcode = 200;
bytes = util_http_build_header (httpclient->refbuf->data, BUFSIZE, 0,
0, 200, NULL,
type, NULL,
NULL, NULL, httpclient);
if (bytes == -1 || bytes >= (BUFSIZE - 512)) { /* we want at least 512 bytes left */
ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Dropping client as we can not build response headers.");
client_send_error_by_id(httpclient, ICECAST_ERROR_GEN_HEADER_GEN_FAILED);
return -1;
bytes += snprintf (httpclient->refbuf->data + bytes, BUFSIZE - bytes,
"Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n"
"Content-Length: %" PRI_OFF_T "\r\n\r\n",
free (type);
httpclient->refbuf->len = bytes;
httpclient->pos = 0;
stats_event_inc (NULL, "file_connections");
fserve_add_client (httpclient, file);
return 0;
fclose (file);
client_send_error_by_id(httpclient, ICECAST_ERROR_FSERV_REQUEST_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE);
return -1;
/* Routine to actually add pre-configured client structure to pending list and
* then to start off the file serving thread if it is not already running
static void fserve_add_pending (fserve_t *fclient)
thread_spin_lock (&pending_lock);
fclient->next = (fserve_t *)pending_list;
pending_list = fclient;
if (run_fserv == 0)
run_fserv = 1;
ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("fserve handler waking up");
thread_create("File Serving Thread", fserv_thread_function, NULL, THREAD_DETACHED);
thread_spin_unlock (&pending_lock);
/* Add client to fserve thread, client needs to have refbuf set and filled
* but may provide a NULL file if no data needs to be read
int fserve_add_client (client_t *client, FILE *file)
fserve_t *fclient = calloc (1, sizeof(fserve_t));
ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("Adding client %p to file serving engine", client);
if (fclient == NULL)
client_send_error_by_id(client, ICECAST_ERROR_GEN_MEMORY_EXHAUSTED);
return -1;
fclient->file = file;
fclient->client = client;
fclient->ready = 0;
fserve_add_pending (fclient);
return 0;
/* add client to file serving engine, but just write out the buffer contents,
* then pass the client to the callback with the provided arg
void fserve_add_client_callback (client_t *client, fserve_callback_t callback, void *arg)
fserve_t *fclient = calloc (1, sizeof(fserve_t));
ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("Adding client to file serving engine");
if (fclient == NULL)
client_send_error_by_id(client, ICECAST_ERROR_GEN_MEMORY_EXHAUSTED);
fclient->file = NULL;
fclient->client = client;
fclient->ready = 0;
fclient->callback = callback;
fclient->arg = arg;
static int _delete_mapping(void *mapping) {
mime_type *map = mapping;
return 1;
static int _compare_mappings(void *arg, void *a, void *b)
return strcmp(
((mime_type *)a)->ext,
((mime_type *)b)->ext);
void fserve_recheck_mime_types(ice_config_t *config)
FILE *mimefile;
char line[4096];
char *type, *ext, *cur;
mime_type *mapping;
avl_tree *new_mimetypes;
if (config->mimetypes_fn == NULL)
mimefile = fopen (config->mimetypes_fn, "r");
if (mimefile == NULL)
ICECAST_LOG_WARN("Cannot open mime types file %s", config->mimetypes_fn);
new_mimetypes = avl_tree_new(_compare_mappings, NULL);
while(fgets(line, 4096, mimefile))
line[4095] = 0;
if(*line == 0 || *line == '#')
type = line;
cur = line;
while(*cur != ' ' && *cur != '\t' && *cur)
if(*cur == 0)
*cur++ = 0;
while(1) {
while(*cur == ' ' || *cur == '\t')
if(*cur == 0)
ext = cur;
while(*cur != ' ' && *cur != '\t' && *cur != '\n' && *cur)
*cur++ = 0;
void *tmp;
/* Add a new extension->type mapping */
mapping = malloc(sizeof(mime_type));
mapping->ext = strdup(ext);
mapping->type = strdup(type);
if (!avl_get_by_key (new_mimetypes, mapping, &tmp))
avl_delete (new_mimetypes, mapping, _delete_mapping);
avl_insert (new_mimetypes, mapping);
thread_spin_lock (&pending_lock);
if (mimetypes)
avl_tree_free (mimetypes, _delete_mapping);
mimetypes = new_mimetypes;
thread_spin_unlock (&pending_lock);