/* Icecast * * This program is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2. * A copy of this license is included with this source. * * Copyright 2000-2004, Jack Moffitt , * Michael Smith , * oddsock , * Karl Heyes * and others (see AUTHORS for details). * Copyright 2011, Dave 'justdave' Miller . * Copyright 2011-2018, Philipp "ph3-der-loewe" Schafft , */ #ifndef __CFGFILE_H__ #define __CFGFILE_H__ #define CONFIG_EINSANE -1 #define CONFIG_ENOROOT -2 #define CONFIG_EBADROOT -3 #define CONFIG_EPARSE -4 #define MAX_YP_DIRECTORIES 25 #include #include "common/thread/thread.h" #include "common/avl/avl.h" #include "icecasttypes.h" #include "compat.h" #define XMLSTR(str) ((xmlChar *)(str)) typedef enum _http_header_type { /* static: headers are passed as is to the client. */ HTTP_HEADER_TYPE_STATIC, /* CORS: headers are only sent to the client if it's a CORS request. */ HTTP_HEADER_TYPE_CORS } http_header_type; typedef struct ice_config_http_header_tag { /* type of this header. See http_header_type */ http_header_type type; /* name and value of the header */ char *name; char *value; /* filters */ int status; /* link to the next list element */ struct ice_config_http_header_tag *next; } ice_config_http_header_t; typedef struct ice_config_dir_tag { char *host; int touch_interval; struct ice_config_dir_tag *next; } ice_config_dir_t; struct _config_options { char *type; char *name; char *value; config_options_t *next; }; typedef enum _mount_type { MOUNT_TYPE_NORMAL, MOUNT_TYPE_DEFAULT } mount_type; typedef struct _mount_proxy { /* The mountpoint this proxy is used for */ char *mountname; /* The type of the mount point */ mount_type mounttype; /* Filename to dump this stream to (will be appended). * NULL to not dump. */ char *dumpfile; /* Send contents of file to client before the stream */ char *intro_filename; /* Switch new listener to fallback source when max listeners reached */ int fallback_when_full; /* Max listeners for this mountpoint only. * -1 to not limit here (i.e. only use the global limit) */ int max_listeners; /* Fallback mountname */ char *fallback_mount; /* When this source arrives, do we steal back * clients from the fallback? */ int fallback_override; /* Do we permit direct requests of this mountpoint? * (or only indirect, through fallbacks) */ int no_mount; /* amount to send to a new client if possible, -1 take * from global setting */ int burst_size; unsigned int queue_size_limit; /* Do we list this on the xsl pages */ int hidden; /* source timeout in seconds */ unsigned int source_timeout; /* character set if not utf8 */ char *charset; /* outgoing per-stream metadata interval */ int mp3_meta_interval; /* additional HTTP headers */ ice_config_http_header_t *http_headers; /* maximum history size of played songs */ ssize_t max_history; struct event_registration_tag *event; char *cluster_password; auth_stack_t *authstack; unsigned int max_listener_duration; char *stream_name; char *stream_description; char *stream_url; char *stream_genre; char *bitrate; char *type; char *subtype; int yp_public; struct _mount_proxy *next; } mount_proxy; #define ALIAS_FLAG_PREFIXMATCH 0x0001 typedef struct _resource { char *source; char *destination; int port; char *bind_address; char *listen_socket; char *vhost; char *module; char *handler; operation_mode omode; unsigned int flags; struct _resource *next; } resource_t; typedef enum _listener_type_tag { LISTENER_TYPE_ERROR, LISTENER_TYPE_NORMAL, LISTENER_TYPE_VIRTUAL } listener_type_t; typedef struct _listener_t { struct _listener_t *next; char *id; char *on_behalf_of; listener_type_t type; int port; int so_sndbuf; int listen_backlog; char *bind_address; int shoutcast_compat; char *shoutcast_mount; tlsmode_t tls; auth_stack_t *authstack; } listener_t; typedef struct _config_tls_context { char *cert_file; char *key_file; char *cipher_list; } config_tls_context_t; typedef struct { char *server; int port; char *mount; char *username; char *password; char *bind; int mp3metadata; } relay_config_upstream_t; typedef struct { char *localmount; int on_demand; size_t upstreams; relay_config_upstream_t *upstream; relay_config_upstream_t upstream_default; } relay_config_t; struct ice_config_tag { char *config_filename; char *location; char *admin; int client_limit; int source_limit; int body_size_limit; unsigned int queue_size_limit; unsigned int burst_size; int client_timeout; int header_timeout; int source_timeout; int body_timeout; int fileserve; int on_demand; /* global setting for all relays */ char *shoutcast_mount; char *shoutcast_user; auth_stack_t *authstack; struct event_registration_tag *event; int touch_interval; ice_config_dir_t *dir_list; char *hostname; int sane_hostname; int port; char *mimetypes_fn; listener_t *listen_sock; unsigned int listen_sock_count; char *master_server; int master_server_port; int master_update_interval; char *master_username; char *master_password; ice_config_http_header_t *http_headers; /* is TLS supported by the server? */ int tls_ok; size_t relay_length; relay_config_t **relay; mount_proxy *mounts; char *server_id; char *base_dir; char *log_dir; char *pidfile; char *null_device; char *banfile; char *allowfile; char *webroot_dir; char *adminroot_dir; resource_t *resources; reportxml_database_t *reportxml_db; char *access_log; char *error_log; char *playlist_log; int loglevel; int logsize; int logarchive; config_tls_context_t tls_context; int chroot; int chuid; char *user; char *group; char *yp_url[MAX_YP_DIRECTORIES]; int yp_url_timeout[MAX_YP_DIRECTORIES]; int yp_touch_interval[MAX_YP_DIRECTORIES]; size_t num_yp_directories; }; typedef struct { rwlock_t config_lock; mutex_t relay_lock; } ice_config_locks; void config_initialize(void); void config_shutdown(void); operation_mode config_str_to_omode(const char *str); void config_reread_config(void); int config_parse_file(const char *filename, ice_config_t *configuration); int config_initial_parse_file(const char *filename); int config_parse_cmdline(int arg, char **argv); void config_set_config(ice_config_t *config); listener_t *config_clear_listener (listener_t *listener); void config_clear(ice_config_t *config); mount_proxy *config_find_mount(ice_config_t *config, const char *mount, mount_type type); listener_t *config_copy_listener_one(const listener_t *listener); config_options_t *config_parse_options(xmlNodePtr node); void config_clear_options(config_options_t *options); void config_parse_http_headers(xmlNodePtr node, ice_config_http_header_t **http_headers); void config_clear_http_header(ice_config_http_header_t *header); int config_rehash(void); ice_config_locks *config_locks(void); ice_config_t *config_get_config(void); ice_config_t *config_grab_config(void); void config_release_config(void); /* To be used ONLY in one-time startup code */ ice_config_t *config_get_config_unlocked(void); #endif /* __CFGFILE_H__ */