#include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #include #else #include #define snprintf _snprintf #define strcasecmp stricmp #define strncasecmp strnicmp #endif #include "os.h" #include "thread.h" #include "avl.h" #include "sock.h" #include "log.h" #include "httpp.h" #include "config.h" #include "global.h" #include "util.h" #include "connection.h" #include "refbuf.h" #include "client.h" #include "stats.h" #include "format.h" #include "logging.h" #include "xslt.h" #include "fserve.h" #include "source.h" #define CATMODULE "connection" typedef struct con_queue_tag { connection_t *con; struct con_queue_tag *next; } con_queue_t; typedef struct _thread_queue_tag { thread_t *thread_id; struct _thread_queue_tag *next; } thread_queue_t; static mutex_t _connection_mutex; static unsigned long _current_id = 0; static int _initialized = 0; static cond_t _pool_cond; static con_queue_t *_queue = NULL; static mutex_t _queue_mutex; static thread_queue_t *_conhands = NULL; rwlock_t _source_shutdown_rwlock; static void *_handle_connection(void *arg); void connection_initialize(void) { if (_initialized) return; thread_mutex_create(&_connection_mutex); thread_mutex_create(&_queue_mutex); thread_rwlock_create(&_source_shutdown_rwlock); thread_cond_create(&_pool_cond); thread_cond_create(&global.shutdown_cond); _initialized = 1; } void connection_shutdown(void) { if (!_initialized) return; thread_cond_destroy(&global.shutdown_cond); thread_cond_destroy(&_pool_cond); thread_rwlock_destroy(&_source_shutdown_rwlock); thread_mutex_destroy(&_queue_mutex); thread_mutex_destroy(&_connection_mutex); _initialized = 0; } static unsigned long _next_connection_id(void) { unsigned long id; thread_mutex_lock(&_connection_mutex); id = _current_id++; thread_mutex_unlock(&_connection_mutex); return id; } connection_t *create_connection(sock_t sock, char *ip) { connection_t *con; con = (connection_t *)malloc(sizeof(connection_t)); memset(con, 0, sizeof(connection_t)); con->sock = sock; con->con_time = time(NULL); con->id = _next_connection_id(); con->ip = ip; return con; } static connection_t *_accept_connection(void) { int sock; connection_t *con; char *ip; if (util_timed_wait_for_fd(global.serversock, 100) <= 0) { return NULL; } /* malloc enough room for\0 (TODO: ipv6?)*/ ip = (char *)malloc(16); sock = sock_accept(global.serversock, ip, 16); if (sock >= 0) { con = create_connection(sock, ip); return con; } if (!sock_recoverable(sock_error())) WARN2("accept() failed with error %d: %s", sock_error(), strerror(sock_error())); free(ip); return NULL; } static void _add_connection(connection_t *con) { con_queue_t *node; node = (con_queue_t *)malloc(sizeof(con_queue_t)); thread_mutex_lock(&_queue_mutex); node->con = con; node->next = _queue; _queue = node; thread_mutex_unlock(&_queue_mutex); } static void _signal_pool(void) { thread_cond_signal(&_pool_cond); } static void _push_thread(thread_queue_t **queue, thread_t *thread_id) { /* create item */ thread_queue_t *item = (thread_queue_t *)malloc(sizeof(thread_queue_t)); item->thread_id = thread_id; item->next = NULL; thread_mutex_lock(&_queue_mutex); if (*queue == NULL) { *queue = item; } else { item->next = *queue; *queue = item; } thread_mutex_unlock(&_queue_mutex); } static thread_t *_pop_thread(thread_queue_t **queue) { thread_t *id; thread_queue_t *item; thread_mutex_lock(&_queue_mutex); item = *queue; if (item == NULL) { thread_mutex_unlock(&_queue_mutex); return NULL; } *queue = item->next; item->next = NULL; id = item->thread_id; free(item); thread_mutex_unlock(&_queue_mutex); return id; } static void _build_pool(void) { ice_config_t *config; int i; thread_t *tid; char buff[64]; config = config_get_config(); for (i = 0; i < config->threadpool_size; i++) { snprintf(buff, 64, "Connection Thread #%d", i); tid = thread_create(buff, _handle_connection, NULL, THREAD_ATTACHED); _push_thread(&_conhands, tid); } } static void _destroy_pool(void) { thread_t *id; int i; i = 0; thread_cond_broadcast(&_pool_cond); id = _pop_thread(&_conhands); while (id != NULL) { thread_join(id); _signal_pool(); id = _pop_thread(&_conhands); } } void connection_accept_loop(void) { connection_t *con; _build_pool(); while (global.running == ICE_RUNNING) { con = _accept_connection(); if (con) { _add_connection(con); _signal_pool(); } } /* Give all the other threads notification to shut down */ thread_cond_broadcast(&global.shutdown_cond); _destroy_pool(); /* wait for all the sources to shutdown */ thread_rwlock_wlock(&_source_shutdown_rwlock); thread_rwlock_unlock(&_source_shutdown_rwlock); } static connection_t *_get_connection(void) { con_queue_t *node = NULL; con_queue_t *oldnode = NULL; connection_t *con = NULL; thread_mutex_lock(&_queue_mutex); if (_queue) { node = _queue; while (node->next) { oldnode = node; node = node->next; } /* node is now the last node ** and oldnode is the previous one, or NULL */ if (oldnode) oldnode->next = NULL; else (_queue) = NULL; } thread_mutex_unlock(&_queue_mutex); if (node) { con = node->con; free(node); } return con; } int connection_create_source(client_t *client, connection_t *con, http_parser_t *parser, char *mount) { source_t *source; char *contenttype; int bytes; /* check to make sure this source wouldn't ** be over the limit */ global_lock(); if (global.sources >= config_get_config()->source_limit) { INFO1("Source (%s) logged in, but there are too many sources", mount); global_unlock(); return 0; } global.sources++; global_unlock(); stats_event_inc(NULL, "sources"); contenttype = httpp_getvar(parser, "content-type"); if (contenttype != NULL) { format_type_t format = format_get_type(contenttype); if (format < 0) { WARN1("Content-type \"%s\" not supported, dropping source", contenttype); goto fail; } else { source = source_create(client, con, parser, mount, format); } } else { WARN0("No content-type header, cannot handle source"); goto fail; } client->respcode = 200; bytes = sock_write(client->con->sock, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n"); if(bytes > 0) client->con->sent_bytes = bytes; source->shutdown_rwlock = &_source_shutdown_rwlock; sock_set_blocking(con->sock, SOCK_NONBLOCK); thread_create("Source Thread", source_main, (void *)source, THREAD_DETACHED); return 1; fail: global_lock(); global.sources--; global_unlock(); stats_event_dec(NULL, "sources"); return 0; } static int _check_pass_http(http_parser_t *parser, char *correctuser, char *correctpass) { /* This will look something like "Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==" */ char *header = httpp_getvar(parser, "authorization"); char *userpass, *tmp; char *username, *password; if(header == NULL) return 0; if(strncmp(header, "Basic ", 6)) return 0; userpass = util_base64_decode(header+6); if(userpass == NULL) { WARN1("Base64 decode of Authorization header \"%s\" failed", header+6); return 0; } tmp = strchr(userpass, ':'); if(!tmp) { free(userpass); return 0; } *tmp = 0; username = userpass; password = tmp+1; if(strcmp(username, correctuser) || strcmp(password, correctpass)) { free(userpass); return 0; } free(userpass); return 1; } static int _check_pass_ice(http_parser_t *parser, char *correctpass) { char *password; password = httpp_getvar(parser, "ice-password"); if(!password) password = ""; if (strcmp(password, correctpass)) return 0; else return 1; } static int _check_relay_pass(http_parser_t *parser) { char *pass = config_get_config()->relay_password; if(!pass) pass = config_get_config()->source_password; return _check_pass_http(parser, "relay", pass); } static int _check_source_pass(http_parser_t *parser) { char *pass = config_get_config()->source_password; int ret; if(!pass) pass = ""; ret = _check_pass_http(parser, "source", pass); if(!ret && config_get_config()->ice_login) { ret = _check_pass_ice(parser, pass); if(ret) WARN0("Source is using deprecated icecast login"); } return ret; } static void _handle_source_request(connection_t *con, http_parser_t *parser, char *uri) { client_t *client; client = client_create(con, parser); INFO1("Source logging in at mountpoint \"%s\"", uri); stats_event_inc(NULL, "source_connections"); if (!_check_source_pass(parser)) { INFO1("Source (%s) attempted to login with invalid or missing password", uri); client_send_401(client); return; } /* check to make sure this source has ** a unique mountpoint */ avl_tree_rlock(global.source_tree); if (source_find_mount(uri) != NULL) { INFO1("Source tried to log in as %s, but mountpoint is already used", uri); client_send_404(client, "Mountpoint in use"); avl_tree_unlock(global.source_tree); return; } avl_tree_unlock(global.source_tree); if (!connection_create_source(client, con, parser, uri)) { client_destroy(client); } } static void _handle_stats_request(connection_t *con, http_parser_t *parser, char *uri) { stats_connection_t *stats; stats_event_inc(NULL, "stats_connections"); if (!_check_source_pass(parser)) { ERROR0("Bad password for stats connection"); connection_close(con); httpp_destroy(parser); return; } stats_event_inc(NULL, "stats"); /* create stats connection and create stats handler thread */ stats = (stats_connection_t *)malloc(sizeof(stats_connection_t)); stats->parser = parser; stats->con = con; thread_create("Stats Connection", stats_connection, (void *)stats, THREAD_DETACHED); } static void _handle_get_request(connection_t *con, http_parser_t *parser, char *uri) { char *fullpath; client_t *client; avl_node *node; http_var_t *var; int bytes; struct stat statbuf; source_t *source; DEBUG0("Client connected"); /* make a client */ client = client_create(con, parser); stats_event_inc(NULL, "client_connections"); /* there are several types of HTTP GET clients ** media clients, which are looking for a source (eg, URI = /stream.ogg) ** stats clients, which are looking for /stats.xml ** and director server authorizers, which are looking for /GUID-xxxxxxxx ** (where xxxxxx is the GUID in question) - this isn't implemented yet. ** we need to handle the latter two before the former, as the latter two ** aren't subject to the limits. */ /* TODO: add GUID-xxxxxx */ if (strcmp(uri, "/stats.xml") == 0) { if (!_check_source_pass(parser)) { INFO0("Request for stats.xml with incorrect or no password"); client_send_401(client); return; } DEBUG0("Stats request, sending xml stats"); stats_sendxml(client); client_destroy(client); return; } /* Here we are parsing the URI request to see ** if the extension is .xsl, if so, then process ** this request as an XSLT request */ fullpath = util_get_path_from_normalised_uri(uri); if (util_check_valid_extension(fullpath) == XSLT_CONTENT) { /* If the file exists, then transform it, otherwise, write a 404 */ if (stat(fullpath, &statbuf) == 0) { DEBUG0("Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats"); client->respcode = 200; bytes = sock_write(client->con->sock, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); if(bytes > 0) client->con->sent_bytes = bytes; stats_transform_xslt(client, fullpath); client_destroy(client); } else { client_send_404(client, "The file you requested could not be found"); } free(fullpath); return; } else if(config_get_config()->fileserve && stat(fullpath, &statbuf) == 0) { fserve_client_create(client, fullpath); free(fullpath); return; } free(fullpath); if(strcmp(util_get_extension(uri), "m3u") == 0) { char *sourceuri = strdup(uri); char *dot = strrchr(sourceuri, '.'); *dot = 0; avl_tree_rlock(global.source_tree); source = source_find_mount(sourceuri); if (source) { client->respcode = 200; bytes = sock_write(client->con->sock, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: audio/x-mpegurl\r\n\r\n" "http://%s:%d%s", config_get_config()->hostname, config_get_config()->port, sourceuri ); if(bytes > 0) client->con->sent_bytes = bytes; client_destroy(client); } else { client_send_404(client, "The file you requested could not be found"); } avl_tree_unlock(global.source_tree); free(sourceuri); return; } if (strcmp(uri, "/allstreams.txt") == 0) { if (!_check_relay_pass(parser)) { INFO0("Client attempted to fetch allstreams.txt with bad password"); client_send_401(client); } else { client->respcode = 200; bytes = sock_write(client->con->sock, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n"); if(bytes > 0) client->con->sent_bytes = bytes; avl_node *node; source_t *s; avl_tree_rlock(global.source_tree); node = avl_get_first(global.source_tree); while (node) { s = (source_t *)node->key; bytes = sock_write(client->con->sock, "%s\r\n", s->mount); if(bytes > 0) client->con->sent_bytes += bytes; else break; node = avl_get_next(node); } avl_tree_unlock(global.source_tree); client_destroy(client); } return; } global_lock(); if (global.clients >= config_get_config()->client_limit) { client->respcode = 504; bytes = sock_write(client->con->sock, "HTTP/1.0 504 Server Full\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n" "The server is already full. Try again later.\r\n"); if (bytes > 0) client->con->sent_bytes = bytes; client_destroy(client); global_unlock(); return; } global_unlock(); avl_tree_rlock(global.source_tree); source = source_find_mount(uri); if (source) { DEBUG0("Source found for client"); global_lock(); if (global.clients >= config_get_config()->client_limit) { client->respcode = 504; bytes = sock_write(client->con->sock, "HTTP/1.0 504 Server Full\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n" "The server is already full. Try again later.\r\n"); if (bytes > 0) client->con->sent_bytes = bytes; client_destroy(client); global_unlock(); avl_tree_unlock(global.source_tree); return; } global.clients++; global_unlock(); client->respcode = 200; bytes = sock_write(client->con->sock, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: %s\r\n", format_get_mimetype(source->format->type)); if(bytes > 0) client->con->sent_bytes += bytes; /* iterate through source http headers and send to client */ avl_tree_rlock(source->parser->vars); node = avl_get_first(source->parser->vars); while (node) { var = (http_var_t *)node->key; if (strcasecmp(var->name, "ice-password") && !strncasecmp("ice-", var->name, 4)) { bytes = sock_write(client->con->sock, "%s: %s\r\n", var->name, var->value); if(bytes > 0) client->con->sent_bytes += bytes; } node = avl_get_next(node); } avl_tree_unlock(source->parser->vars); bytes = sock_write(client->con->sock, "\r\n"); if(bytes > 0) client->con->sent_bytes += bytes; sock_set_blocking(client->con->sock, SOCK_NONBLOCK); avl_tree_wlock(source->pending_tree); avl_insert(source->pending_tree, (void *)client); avl_tree_unlock(source->pending_tree); } avl_tree_unlock(global.source_tree); if (!source) { DEBUG0("Source not found for client"); client_send_404(client, "The source you requested could not be found."); } } static void *_handle_connection(void *arg) { char header[4096]; connection_t *con; http_parser_t *parser; char *rawuri, *uri; client_t *client; while (global.running == ICE_RUNNING) { memset(header, 0, 4096); thread_cond_wait(&_pool_cond); if (global.running != ICE_RUNNING) break; /* grab a connection and set the socket to blocking */ while ((con = _get_connection())) { stats_event_inc(NULL, "connections"); sock_set_blocking(con->sock, SOCK_BLOCK); /* fill header with the http header */ if (util_read_header(con->sock, header, 4096) == 0) { /* either we didn't get a complete header, or we timed out */ connection_close(con); continue; } parser = httpp_create_parser(); httpp_initialize(parser, NULL); if (httpp_parse(parser, header, strlen(header))) { /* handle the connection or something */ if (strcmp("ICE", httpp_getvar(parser, HTTPP_VAR_PROTOCOL)) && strcmp("HTTP", httpp_getvar(parser, HTTPP_VAR_PROTOCOL))) { ERROR0("Bad HTTP protocol detected"); connection_close(con); httpp_destroy(parser); continue; } rawuri = httpp_getvar(parser, HTTPP_VAR_URI); uri = util_normalise_uri(rawuri); if(!uri) { client = client_create(con, parser); client_send_404(client, "The path you requested was invalid"); continue; } if (parser->req_type == httpp_req_source) { _handle_source_request(con, parser, uri); } else if (parser->req_type == httpp_req_stats) { _handle_stats_request(con, parser, uri); } else if (parser->req_type == httpp_req_get) { _handle_get_request(con, parser, uri); } else { ERROR0("Wrong request type from client"); connection_close(con); httpp_destroy(parser); } free(uri); } else { ERROR0("HTTP request parsing failed"); connection_close(con); httpp_destroy(parser); continue; } } } thread_exit(0); return NULL; } void connection_close(connection_t *con) { sock_close(con->sock); if (con->ip) free(con->ip); if (con->host) free(con->host); free(con); }