#include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include "thread/thread.h" #include "avl/avl.h" #include "log/log.h" #include "global.h" #include "httpp/httpp.h" #include "net/sock.h" #include "connection.h" #include "refbuf.h" #include "client.h" #include "stats.h" } SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus; SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE hStatus; void ServiceMain(int argc, char** argv); void ControlHandler(DWORD request); int InitService(); extern "C" int mainService(int argc, char **argv); int InitService() { int result = 0; return(result); } void installService(char *path) { if (path) { char fullPath[8096*2] = ""; _snprintf(fullPath, sizeof (fullPath), "\"%s\\icecastService.exe\" \"%s\"", path, path); SC_HANDLE handle = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); if (handle == NULL) { LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); printf ("OpenSCManager: %s\n", (LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf); LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); return; } SC_HANDLE service = CreateService( handle, "Icecast", "Icecast Media Server", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_EXECUTE, SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, SERVICE_AUTO_START, SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE, fullPath, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if (handle == NULL) { LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); printf ("CreateService: %s\n", (LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf); LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); CloseServiceHandle (handle); return; } printf("Service Installed\n"); CloseServiceHandle (service); CloseServiceHandle (handle); } } void removeService() { SC_HANDLE handle = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); if (handle == NULL) { LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); printf ("OpenSCManager: %s\n", (LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf); LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); return; } SC_HANDLE service = OpenService(handle, "Icecast", DELETE); if (service) { DeleteService(service); printf("Service Removed\n"); } else printf("Service not found\n"); } void ControlHandler(DWORD request) { switch(request) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: global.running = ICE_HALTING; ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; SetServiceStatus (hStatus, &ServiceStatus); return; case SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN: global.running = ICE_HALTING; ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; SetServiceStatus (hStatus, &ServiceStatus); return; default: break; } // Report current status SetServiceStatus (hStatus, &ServiceStatus); return; } void ServiceMain(int argc, char** argv) { int error; ServiceStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32; ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; ServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN; ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; ServiceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0; hStatus = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler("Icecast", (LPHANDLER_FUNCTION)ControlHandler); if (hStatus == (SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE)0) { // Registering Control Handler failed return; } // Initialize Service error = InitService(); if (error) { // Initialization failed ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = -1; SetServiceStatus(hStatus, &ServiceStatus); return; } // We report the running status to SCM. ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING; SetServiceStatus (hStatus, &ServiceStatus); /* Here we do the work */ int argc2 = 3; char* argv2[3]; argv2[0] = "icecastService.exe"; argv2[1] = "-c"; argv2[2] = "icecast.xml"; int ret = mainService(argc2, (char **)argv2); ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = -1; SetServiceStatus(hStatus, &ServiceStatus); return; } void main(int argc, char **argv) { bool matched = false; if (argv[0]) { if (argv[1]) { if (!strcmp(argv[1], "install")) { installService(argv[2]); matched = true; } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "remove")) { removeService(); matched = true; } } } if (matched) { return; } _chdir(argv[1]); SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY ServiceTable[2]; ServiceTable[0].lpServiceName = "Icecast Server"; ServiceTable[0].lpServiceProc = (LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTION)ServiceMain; ServiceTable[1].lpServiceName = NULL; ServiceTable[1].lpServiceProc = NULL; // Start the control dispatcher thread for our service StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(ServiceTable); }