/* Icecast * * This program is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2. * A copy of this license is included with this source. * * Copyright 2000-2004, Jack Moffitt , * oddsock , * Karl Heyes * and others (see AUTHORS for details). */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cfgfile.h" #include "connection.h" #include "refbuf.h" #include "client.h" #include "source.h" #include "global.h" #include "event.h" #include "stats.h" #include "os.h" #include "xslt.h" #include "format.h" #include "format_mp3.h" #include "logging.h" #include "auth.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #define snprintf _snprintf #endif #define CATMODULE "admin" #define COMMAND_ERROR (-1) /* Mount-specific commands */ #define COMMAND_RAW_FALLBACK 1 #define COMMAND_METADATA_UPDATE 2 #define COMMAND_RAW_SHOW_LISTENERS 3 #define COMMAND_RAW_MOVE_CLIENTS 4 #define COMMAND_RAW_MANAGEAUTH 5 #define COMMAND_SHOUTCAST_METADATA_UPDATE 6 #define COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_FALLBACK 50 #define COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_SHOW_LISTENERS 53 #define COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_MOVE_CLIENTS 54 #define COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_MANAGEAUTH 55 /* Global commands */ #define COMMAND_RAW_LIST_MOUNTS 101 #define COMMAND_RAW_STATS 102 #define COMMAND_RAW_LISTSTREAM 103 #define COMMAND_PLAINTEXT_LISTSTREAM 104 #define COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_LIST_MOUNTS 201 #define COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_STATS 202 #define COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_LISTSTREAM 203 /* Client management commands */ #define COMMAND_RAW_KILL_CLIENT 301 #define COMMAND_RAW_KILL_SOURCE 302 #define COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_KILL_CLIENT 401 #define COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_KILL_SOURCE 402 /* Admin commands requiring no auth */ #define COMMAND_BUILDM3U 501 #define FALLBACK_RAW_REQUEST "fallbacks" #define FALLBACK_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST "fallbacks.xsl" #define SHOUTCAST_METADATA_REQUEST "admin.cgi" #define METADATA_REQUEST "metadata" #define LISTCLIENTS_RAW_REQUEST "listclients" #define LISTCLIENTS_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST "listclients.xsl" #define STATS_RAW_REQUEST "stats" #define STATS_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST "stats.xsl" #define LISTMOUNTS_RAW_REQUEST "listmounts" #define LISTMOUNTS_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST "listmounts.xsl" #define STREAMLIST_RAW_REQUEST "streamlist" #define STREAMLIST_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST "streamlist.xsl" #define STREAMLIST_PLAINTEXT_REQUEST "streamlist.txt" #define MOVECLIENTS_RAW_REQUEST "moveclients" #define MOVECLIENTS_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST "moveclients.xsl" #define KILLCLIENT_RAW_REQUEST "killclient" #define KILLCLIENT_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST "killclient.xsl" #define KILLSOURCE_RAW_REQUEST "killsource" #define KILLSOURCE_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST "killsource.xsl" #define ADMIN_XSL_RESPONSE "response.xsl" #define MANAGEAUTH_RAW_REQUEST "manageauth" #define MANAGEAUTH_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST "manageauth.xsl" #define DEFAULT_RAW_REQUEST "" #define DEFAULT_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST "" #define BUILDM3U_RAW_REQUEST "buildm3u" #define RAW 1 #define TRANSFORMED 2 #define PLAINTEXT 3 int admin_get_command(char *command) { if(!strcmp(command, FALLBACK_RAW_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_RAW_FALLBACK; else if(!strcmp(command, FALLBACK_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_FALLBACK; else if(!strcmp(command, METADATA_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_METADATA_UPDATE; else if(!strcmp(command, SHOUTCAST_METADATA_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_SHOUTCAST_METADATA_UPDATE; else if(!strcmp(command, LISTCLIENTS_RAW_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_RAW_SHOW_LISTENERS; else if(!strcmp(command, LISTCLIENTS_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_SHOW_LISTENERS; else if(!strcmp(command, STATS_RAW_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_RAW_STATS; else if(!strcmp(command, STATS_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_STATS; else if(!strcmp(command, "stats.xml")) /* The old way */ return COMMAND_RAW_STATS; else if(!strcmp(command, LISTMOUNTS_RAW_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_RAW_LIST_MOUNTS; else if(!strcmp(command, LISTMOUNTS_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_LIST_MOUNTS; else if(!strcmp(command, STREAMLIST_RAW_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_RAW_LISTSTREAM; else if(!strcmp(command, STREAMLIST_PLAINTEXT_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_PLAINTEXT_LISTSTREAM; else if(!strcmp(command, MOVECLIENTS_RAW_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_RAW_MOVE_CLIENTS; else if(!strcmp(command, MOVECLIENTS_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_MOVE_CLIENTS; else if(!strcmp(command, KILLCLIENT_RAW_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_RAW_KILL_CLIENT; else if(!strcmp(command, KILLCLIENT_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_KILL_CLIENT; else if(!strcmp(command, KILLSOURCE_RAW_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_RAW_KILL_SOURCE; else if(!strcmp(command, KILLSOURCE_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_KILL_SOURCE; else if(!strcmp(command, MANAGEAUTH_RAW_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_RAW_MANAGEAUTH; else if(!strcmp(command, MANAGEAUTH_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_MANAGEAUTH; else if(!strcmp(command, BUILDM3U_RAW_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_BUILDM3U; else if(!strcmp(command, DEFAULT_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_STATS; else if(!strcmp(command, DEFAULT_RAW_REQUEST)) return COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_STATS; else return COMMAND_ERROR; } static void command_fallback(client_t *client, source_t *source, int response); static void command_metadata(client_t *client, source_t *source); static void command_shoutcast_metadata(client_t *client, source_t *source); static void command_show_listeners(client_t *client, source_t *source, int response); static void command_move_clients(client_t *client, source_t *source, int response); static void command_stats(client_t *client, int response); static void command_list_mounts(client_t *client, int response); static void command_kill_client(client_t *client, source_t *source, int response); static void command_manageauth(client_t *client, source_t *source, int response); static void command_buildm3u(client_t *client, source_t *source, int response); static void command_kill_source(client_t *client, source_t *source, int response); static void admin_handle_mount_request(client_t *client, source_t *source, int command); static void admin_handle_general_request(client_t *client, int command); static void admin_send_response(xmlDocPtr doc, client_t *client, int response, char *xslt_template); static void html_write(client_t *client, char *fmt, ...); xmlDocPtr admin_build_sourcelist(char *current_source) { avl_node *node; source_t *source; xmlNodePtr xmlnode, srcnode; xmlDocPtr doc; char buf[22]; time_t now = time(NULL); doc = xmlNewDoc("1.0"); xmlnode = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, "icestats", NULL); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, xmlnode); if (current_source) { xmlNewChild(xmlnode, NULL, "current_source", current_source); } node = avl_get_first(global.source_tree); while(node) { source = (source_t *)node->key; if (source->running) { srcnode = xmlNewChild(xmlnode, NULL, "source", NULL); xmlSetProp(srcnode, "mount", source->mount); xmlNewChild(srcnode, NULL, "fallback", (source->fallback_mount != NULL)? source->fallback_mount:""); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%ld", source->listeners); xmlNewChild(srcnode, NULL, "listeners", buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu", (unsigned long)(now - source->con->con_time)); xmlNewChild(srcnode, NULL, "Connected", buf); xmlNewChild(srcnode, NULL, "Format", source->format->format_description); if (source->authenticator) { xmlNewChild(srcnode, NULL, "authenticator", source->authenticator->type); } } node = avl_get_next(node); } return(doc); } void admin_send_response(xmlDocPtr doc, client_t *client, int response, char *xslt_template) { xmlChar *buff = NULL; int len = 0; ice_config_t *config; char *fullpath_xslt_template; int fullpath_xslt_template_len; char *adminwebroot; client->respcode = 200; if (response == RAW) { xmlDocDumpMemory(doc, &buff, &len); html_write(client, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n" "Content-Type: text/xml\r\n" "\r\n", len); html_write(client, "%s", buff); } if (response == TRANSFORMED) { config = config_get_config(); adminwebroot = config->adminroot_dir; fullpath_xslt_template_len = strlen(adminwebroot) + strlen(xslt_template) + 2; fullpath_xslt_template = malloc(fullpath_xslt_template_len); snprintf(fullpath_xslt_template, fullpath_xslt_template_len, "%s%s%s", adminwebroot, PATH_SEPARATOR, xslt_template); config_release_config(); html_write(client, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" "\r\n"); DEBUG1("Sending XSLT (%s)", fullpath_xslt_template); xslt_transform(doc, fullpath_xslt_template, client); free(fullpath_xslt_template); } if (buff) { xmlFree(buff); } } void admin_handle_request(client_t *client, char *uri) { char *mount, *command_string; int command; int noauth = 0; DEBUG1("Admin request (%s)", uri); if (!((strcmp(uri, "/admin.cgi") == 0) || (strncmp("/admin/", uri, 7) == 0))) { ERROR0("Internal error: admin request isn't"); client_send_401(client); return; } if (strcmp(uri, "/admin.cgi") == 0) { command_string = uri + 1; } else { command_string = uri + 7; } DEBUG1("Got command (%s)", command_string); command = admin_get_command(command_string); if(command < 0) { ERROR1("Error parsing command string or unrecognised command: %s", command_string); client_send_400(client, "Unrecognised command"); return; } if (command == COMMAND_SHOUTCAST_METADATA_UPDATE) { ice_config_t *config = config_get_config (); httpp_set_query_param (client->parser, "mount", config->shoutcast_mount); config_release_config (); noauth = 1; } mount = httpp_get_query_param(client->parser, "mount"); if(mount != NULL) { source_t *source; if (command == COMMAND_BUILDM3U) { noauth = 1; } /* This is a mount request, handle it as such */ if (!noauth) { if(!connection_check_admin_pass(client->parser)) { if(!connection_check_source_pass(client->parser, mount)) { INFO1("Bad or missing password on mount modification admin " "request (command: %s)", command_string); client_send_401(client); return; } } } avl_tree_rlock(global.source_tree); source = source_find_mount_raw(mount); if (source == NULL) { WARN2("Admin command %s on non-existent source %s", command_string, mount); avl_tree_unlock(global.source_tree); client_send_400(client, "Source does not exist"); } else { if (!source->shoutcast_compat) { if (source->running == 0) { INFO2("Received admin command %s on unavailable mount \"%s\"", command_string, mount); avl_tree_unlock (global.source_tree); client_send_400 (client, "Source is not available"); return; } } INFO2("Received admin command %s on mount \"%s\"", command_string, mount); admin_handle_mount_request(client, source, command); avl_tree_unlock(global.source_tree); } } else { if (command == COMMAND_PLAINTEXT_LISTSTREAM) { /* this request is used by a slave relay to retrieve mounts from the master, so handle this request validating against the relay password */ if(!connection_check_relay_pass(client->parser)) { INFO1("Bad or missing password on admin command " "request (command: %s)", command_string); client_send_401(client); return; } } else { if(!connection_check_admin_pass(client->parser)) { INFO1("Bad or missing password on admin command " "request (command: %s)", command_string); client_send_401(client); return; } } admin_handle_general_request(client, command); } } static void admin_handle_general_request(client_t *client, int command) { switch(command) { case COMMAND_RAW_STATS: command_stats(client, RAW); break; case COMMAND_RAW_LIST_MOUNTS: command_list_mounts(client, RAW); break; case COMMAND_RAW_LISTSTREAM: command_list_mounts(client, RAW); break; case COMMAND_PLAINTEXT_LISTSTREAM: command_list_mounts(client, PLAINTEXT); break; case COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_STATS: command_stats(client, TRANSFORMED); break; case COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_LIST_MOUNTS: command_list_mounts(client, TRANSFORMED); break; case COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_LISTSTREAM: command_list_mounts(client, TRANSFORMED); break; case COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_MOVE_CLIENTS: command_list_mounts(client, TRANSFORMED); break; default: WARN0("General admin request not recognised"); client_send_400(client, "Unknown admin request"); return; } } static void admin_handle_mount_request(client_t *client, source_t *source, int command) { switch(command) { case COMMAND_RAW_FALLBACK: command_fallback(client, source, RAW); break; case COMMAND_METADATA_UPDATE: command_metadata(client, source); break; case COMMAND_SHOUTCAST_METADATA_UPDATE: command_shoutcast_metadata(client, source); break; case COMMAND_RAW_SHOW_LISTENERS: command_show_listeners(client, source, RAW); break; case COMMAND_RAW_MOVE_CLIENTS: command_move_clients(client, source, RAW); break; case COMMAND_RAW_KILL_CLIENT: command_kill_client(client, source, RAW); break; case COMMAND_RAW_KILL_SOURCE: command_kill_source(client, source, RAW); break; case COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_FALLBACK: command_fallback(client, source, RAW); break; case COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_SHOW_LISTENERS: command_show_listeners(client, source, TRANSFORMED); break; case COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_MOVE_CLIENTS: command_move_clients(client, source, TRANSFORMED); break; case COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_KILL_CLIENT: command_kill_client(client, source, TRANSFORMED); break; case COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_KILL_SOURCE: command_kill_source(client, source, TRANSFORMED); break; case COMMAND_TRANSFORMED_MANAGEAUTH: command_manageauth(client, source, TRANSFORMED); break; case COMMAND_RAW_MANAGEAUTH: command_manageauth(client, source, RAW); break; case COMMAND_BUILDM3U: command_buildm3u(client, source, RAW); break; default: WARN0("Mount request not recognised"); client_send_400(client, "Mount request unknown"); break; } } #define COMMAND_REQUIRE(client,name,var) \ do { \ (var) = httpp_get_query_param((client)->parser, (name)); \ if((var) == NULL) { \ client_send_400((client), "Missing parameter"); \ return; \ } \ } while(0); #define COMMAND_OPTIONAL(client,name,var) \ (var) = httpp_get_query_param((client)->parser, (name)) static void html_success(client_t *client, char *message) { int bytes; client->respcode = 200; bytes = sock_write(client->con->sock, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n" "Admin request successful" "


", message); if(bytes > 0) client->con->sent_bytes = bytes; client_destroy(client); } static void html_write(client_t *client, char *fmt, ...) { int bytes; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); bytes = sock_write_fmt(client->con->sock, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if(bytes > 0) client->con->sent_bytes = bytes; } static void command_move_clients(client_t *client, source_t *source, int response) { char *dest_source; source_t *dest; xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr node; char buf[255]; int parameters_passed = 0; DEBUG0("Doing optional check"); if((COMMAND_OPTIONAL(client, "destination", dest_source))) { parameters_passed = 1; } DEBUG1("Done optional check (%d)", parameters_passed); if (!parameters_passed) { doc = admin_build_sourcelist(source->mount); admin_send_response(doc, client, response, MOVECLIENTS_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST); xmlFreeDoc(doc); client_destroy(client); return; } dest = source_find_mount (dest_source); if (dest == NULL) { client_send_400 (client, "No such destination"); return; } if (strcmp (dest->mount, source->mount) == 0) { client_send_400 (client, "supplied mountpoints are identical"); return; } if (dest->running == 0) { client_send_400 (client, "Destination not running"); return; } doc = xmlNewDoc("1.0"); node = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, "iceresponse", NULL); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node); source_move_clients (source, dest); memset(buf, '\000', sizeof(buf)); snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "Clients moved from %s to %s", source->mount, dest_source); xmlNewChild(node, NULL, "message", buf); xmlNewChild(node, NULL, "return", "1"); admin_send_response(doc, client, response, ADMIN_XSL_RESPONSE); xmlFreeDoc(doc); client_destroy(client); } static void command_show_listeners(client_t *client, source_t *source, int response) { xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr node, srcnode, listenernode; avl_node *client_node; client_t *current; char buf[22]; char *userAgent = NULL; time_t now = time(NULL); doc = xmlNewDoc("1.0"); node = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, "icestats", NULL); srcnode = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, "source", NULL); xmlSetProp(srcnode, "mount", source->mount); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node); memset(buf, '\000', sizeof(buf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%ld", source->listeners); xmlNewChild(srcnode, NULL, "Listeners", buf); avl_tree_rlock(source->client_tree); client_node = avl_get_first(source->client_tree); while(client_node) { current = (client_t *)client_node->key; listenernode = xmlNewChild(srcnode, NULL, "listener", NULL); xmlNewChild(listenernode, NULL, "IP", current->con->ip); userAgent = httpp_getvar(current->parser, "user-agent"); if (userAgent) { xmlNewChild(listenernode, NULL, "UserAgent", userAgent); } else { xmlNewChild(listenernode, NULL, "UserAgent", "Unknown"); } memset(buf, '\000', sizeof(buf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%ld", now - current->con->con_time); xmlNewChild(listenernode, NULL, "Connected", buf); memset(buf, '\000', sizeof(buf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%lu", current->con->id); xmlNewChild(listenernode, NULL, "ID", buf); if (current->username) { xmlNewChild(listenernode, NULL, "username", current->username); } client_node = avl_get_next(client_node); } avl_tree_unlock(source->client_tree); admin_send_response(doc, client, response, LISTCLIENTS_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST); xmlFreeDoc(doc); client_destroy(client); } static void command_buildm3u(client_t *client, source_t *source, int response) { char *username = NULL; char *password = NULL; char *host = NULL; int port = 0; ice_config_t *config; COMMAND_REQUIRE(client, "username", username); COMMAND_REQUIRE(client, "password", password); config = config_get_config(); host = strdup(config->hostname); port = config->port; config_release_config(); client->respcode = 200; sock_write(client->con->sock, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: audio/x-mpegurl\r\n" "Content-Disposition = attachment; filename=listen.m3u\r\n\r\n" "http://%s:%s@%s:%d%s\r\n", username, password, host, port, source->mount ); free(host); client_destroy(client); } static void command_manageauth(client_t *client, source_t *source, int response) { xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr node, srcnode, msgnode; char *action = NULL; char *username = NULL; char *password = NULL; char *message = NULL; int ret = AUTH_OK; if((COMMAND_OPTIONAL(client, "action", action))) { if (!strcmp(action, "add")) { COMMAND_REQUIRE(client, "username", username); COMMAND_REQUIRE(client, "password", password); ret = auth_adduser(source, username, password); if (ret == AUTH_FAILED) { message = strdup("User add failed - check the icecast error log"); } if (ret == AUTH_USERADDED) { message = strdup("User added"); } if (ret == AUTH_USEREXISTS) { message = strdup("User already exists - not added"); } } if (!strcmp(action, "delete")) { COMMAND_REQUIRE(client, "username", username); ret = auth_deleteuser(source, username); if (ret == AUTH_FAILED) { message = strdup("User delete failed - check the icecast error log"); } if (ret == AUTH_USERDELETED) { message = strdup("User deleted"); } } } doc = xmlNewDoc("1.0"); node = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, "icestats", NULL); srcnode = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, "source", NULL); xmlSetProp(srcnode, "mount", source->mount); if (message) { msgnode = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, "iceresponse", NULL); xmlNewChild(msgnode, NULL, "message", message); } xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node); auth_get_userlist(source, srcnode); admin_send_response(doc, client, response, MANAGEAUTH_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST); if (message) { free(message); } xmlFreeDoc(doc); client_destroy(client); } static void command_kill_source(client_t *client, source_t *source, int response) { xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr node; doc = xmlNewDoc("1.0"); node = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, "iceresponse", NULL); xmlNewChild(node, NULL, "message", "Source Removed"); xmlNewChild(node, NULL, "return", "1"); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node); source->running = 0; admin_send_response(doc, client, response, ADMIN_XSL_RESPONSE); xmlFreeDoc(doc); client_destroy(client); } static void command_kill_client(client_t *client, source_t *source, int response) { char *idtext; int id; client_t *listener; xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr node; char buf[50] = ""; COMMAND_REQUIRE(client, "id", idtext); id = atoi(idtext); listener = source_find_client(source, id); doc = xmlNewDoc("1.0"); node = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, "iceresponse", NULL); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node); DEBUG1("Response is %d", response); if(listener != NULL) { INFO1("Admin request: client %d removed", id); /* This tags it for removal on the next iteration of the main source * loop */ listener->con->error = 1; memset(buf, '\000', sizeof(buf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "Client %d removed", id); xmlNewChild(node, NULL, "message", buf); xmlNewChild(node, NULL, "return", "1"); } else { memset(buf, '\000', sizeof(buf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "Client %d not found", id); xmlNewChild(node, NULL, "message", buf); xmlNewChild(node, NULL, "return", "0"); } admin_send_response(doc, client, response, ADMIN_XSL_RESPONSE); xmlFreeDoc(doc); client_destroy(client); } static void command_fallback(client_t *client, source_t *source, int response) { char *fallback; char *old; DEBUG0("Got fallback request"); COMMAND_REQUIRE(client, "fallback", fallback); old = source->fallback_mount; source->fallback_mount = strdup(fallback); free(old); html_success(client, "Fallback configured"); } static void command_metadata(client_t *client, source_t *source) { char *action; char *value; mp3_state *state; DEBUG0("Got metadata update request"); COMMAND_REQUIRE(client, "mode", action); COMMAND_REQUIRE(client, "song", value); if ((source->format->type != FORMAT_TYPE_MP3) && (source->format->type != FORMAT_TYPE_NSV)) { client_send_400 (client, "Not mp3, cannot update metadata"); return; } if (strcmp (action, "updinfo") != 0) { client_send_400 (client, "No such action"); return; } state = source->format->_state; mp3_set_tag (source->format, "title", value); DEBUG2("Metadata on mountpoint %s changed to \"%s\"", source->mount, value); stats_event(source->mount, "title", value); /* At this point, we assume that the metadata passed in is encoded in UTF-8 */ logging_playlist(source->mount, value, source->listeners); /* If we get an update on the mountpoint, force a yp touch */ yp_touch (source->mount); html_success(client, "Metadata update successful"); } static void command_shoutcast_metadata(client_t *client, source_t *source) { char *action; char *value; char *source_pass; char *config_source_pass; ice_config_t *config; mp3_state *state; DEBUG0("Got shoutcast metadata update request"); COMMAND_REQUIRE(client, "mode", action); COMMAND_REQUIRE(client, "song", value); COMMAND_REQUIRE(client, "pass", source_pass); config = config_get_config(); config_source_pass = strdup(config->source_password); config_release_config(); if ((source->format->type != FORMAT_TYPE_MP3) && (source->format->type != FORMAT_TYPE_NSV)) { client_send_400 (client, "Not mp3 or NSV, cannot update metadata"); return; } if (strcmp (action, "updinfo") != 0) { client_send_400 (client, "No such action"); return; } if (strcmp(source_pass, config_source_pass) != 0) { ERROR0("Invalid source password specified, metadata not updated"); client_send_400 (client, "Invalid source password"); return; } if (config_source_pass) { free(config_source_pass); } state = source->format->_state; mp3_set_tag (source->format, "title", value); DEBUG2("Metadata on mountpoint %s changed to \"%s\"", source->mount, value); stats_event(source->mount, "title", value); /* If we get an update on the mountpoint, force a yp touch */ yp_touch (source->mount); html_success(client, "Metadata update successful"); } static void command_stats(client_t *client, int response) { xmlDocPtr doc; DEBUG0("Stats request, sending xml stats"); stats_get_xml(&doc); admin_send_response(doc, client, response, STATS_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST); xmlFreeDoc(doc); client_destroy(client); return; } static void command_list_mounts(client_t *client, int response) { avl_node *node; source_t *source; DEBUG0("List mounts request"); avl_tree_rlock (global.source_tree); if (response == PLAINTEXT) { char buffer [4096], *buf = buffer; unsigned remaining = sizeof (buffer); int ret = sprintf (buffer, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); node = avl_get_first(global.source_tree); while (node && ret > 0 && ret < remaining) { remaining -= ret; buf += ret; source = (source_t *)node->key; ret = snprintf (buf, remaining, "%s\n", source->mount); node = avl_get_next(node); } avl_tree_unlock (global.source_tree); /* handle last line */ if (ret > 0 && ret < remaining) { remaining -= ret; buf += ret; } sock_write_bytes (client->con->sock, buffer, sizeof (buffer)-remaining); } else { xmlDocPtr doc = admin_build_sourcelist(NULL); avl_tree_unlock (global.source_tree); admin_send_response(doc, client, response, LISTMOUNTS_TRANSFORMED_REQUEST); xmlFreeDoc(doc); } client_destroy(client); return; }