/* Icecast * * This program is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2. * A copy of this license is included with this source. * * Copyright 2018-2020, Philipp "ph3-der-loewe" Schafft , */ /** * Listen socket operations. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_POLL #include #elif HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H #include #endif #include #include "common/net/sock.h" #include "common/thread/thread.h" #include "listensocket.h" #include "global.h" #include "connection.h" #include "refobject.h" #include "logging.h" #define CATMODULE "listensocket" struct listensocket_container_tag { refobject_base_t __base; rwlock_t rwlock; bool prefer_inet6; listensocket_t **sock; int *sockref; size_t sock_len; void (*sockcount_cb)(size_t count, void *userdata); void *sockcount_userdata; }; struct listensocket_tag { refobject_base_t __base; size_t sockrefc; mutex_t lock; rwlock_t listener_rwlock; listener_t *listener; listener_t *listener_update; sock_t sock; }; static int listensocket_container_configure__unlocked(listensocket_container_t *self, const ice_config_t *config); static int listensocket_container_setup__unlocked(listensocket_container_t *self); static ssize_t listensocket_container_sockcount__unlocked(listensocket_container_t *self); static listensocket_t * listensocket_new(const listener_t *listener); static int listensocket_apply_config(listensocket_t *self); static int listensocket_apply_config__unlocked(listensocket_t *self); static int listensocket_set_update(listensocket_t *self, const listener_t *listener); static int listensocket_refsock(listensocket_t *self, bool prefer_inet6); static int listensocket_unrefsock(listensocket_t *self); #ifdef HAVE_POLL static inline int listensocket__poll_fill(listensocket_t *self, struct pollfd *p); #else static inline int listensocket__select_set(listensocket_t *self, fd_set *set, int *max); static inline int listensocket__select_isset(listensocket_t *self, fd_set *set); #endif static inline const char * __string_default(const char *str, const char *def) { return str != NULL ? str : def; } static inline int __socket_listen(sock_t serversock, const listener_t *listener) { int listen_backlog = listener->listen_backlog; if (listen_backlog < 1) listen_backlog = ICECAST_LISTEN_QUEUE; if (listen_backlog > 128) { listen_backlog = 128; ICECAST_LOG_WARN("Listen backlog for listen socket on %s port %i is set insanely high. Limiting to sane range.", __string_default(listener->bind_address, ""), listener->port); } return sock_listen(serversock, listen_backlog); } static inline int __listener_cmp(const listener_t *a, const listener_t *b) { if (a == b) return 1; if (a->port != b->port) return 0; if ((a->bind_address == NULL && b->bind_address != NULL) || (a->bind_address != NULL && b->bind_address == NULL)) return 0; if (a->bind_address != NULL && b->bind_address != NULL && strcmp(a->bind_address, b->bind_address) != 0) return 0; return 1; } static inline void __call_sockcount_cb(listensocket_container_t *self) { if (self->sockcount_cb == NULL) return; self->sockcount_cb(listensocket_container_sockcount__unlocked(self), self->sockcount_userdata); } static void __listensocket_container_clear_sockets(listensocket_container_t *self) { size_t i; if (self->sock == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < self->sock_len; i++) { if (self->sock[i] != NULL) { if (self->sockref[i]) { listensocket_unrefsock(self->sock[i]); } refobject_unref(self->sock[i]); self->sock[i] = NULL; } } self->sock_len = 0; free(self->sock); free(self->sockref); self->sock = NULL; self->sockref = NULL; __call_sockcount_cb(self); } static void __listensocket_container_free(refobject_t self, void **userdata) { listensocket_container_t *container = REFOBJECT_TO_TYPE(self, listensocket_container_t *); thread_rwlock_wlock(&container->rwlock); __listensocket_container_clear_sockets(container); thread_rwlock_unlock(&container->rwlock); thread_rwlock_destroy(&container->rwlock); } int __listensocket_container_new(refobject_t self, const refobject_type_t *type, va_list ap) { listensocket_container_t *ret = REFOBJECT_TO_TYPE(self, listensocket_container_t*); ret->sock = NULL; ret->sock_len = 0; ret->sockcount_cb = NULL; ret->sockcount_userdata = NULL; thread_rwlock_create(&ret->rwlock); return 0; } REFOBJECT_DEFINE_TYPE(listensocket_container_t, REFOBJECT_DEFINE_TYPE_FREE(__listensocket_container_free), REFOBJECT_DEFINE_TYPE_NEW(__listensocket_container_new) ); static inline void __find_matching_entry(listensocket_container_t *self, const listener_t *listener, listensocket_t ***found, int **ref) { const listener_t *b; int test; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < self->sock_len; i++) { if (self->sock[i] != NULL) { if (self->sockref[i]) { b = listensocket_get_listener(self->sock[i]); test = __listener_cmp(listener, b); listensocket_release_listener(self->sock[i]); if (test == 1) { *found = &(self->sock[i]); *ref = &(self->sockref[i]); return; } } } } *found = NULL; *ref = NULL; } int listensocket_container_configure(listensocket_container_t *self, const ice_config_t *config) { int ret; if (!self) return -1; thread_rwlock_wlock(&self->rwlock); ret = listensocket_container_configure__unlocked(self, config); thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->rwlock); return ret; } static int listensocket_container_configure__unlocked(listensocket_container_t *self, const ice_config_t *config) { listensocket_t **n; listensocket_t **match; listener_t *cur; int *r; int *m; size_t i; if (!self || !config) return -1; if (!config->listen_sock_count) { __listensocket_container_clear_sockets(self); return 0; } n = calloc(config->listen_sock_count, sizeof(listensocket_t *)); r = calloc(config->listen_sock_count, sizeof(int)); if (!n || !r) { free(n); free(r); return -1; } cur = config->listen_sock; for (i = 0; i < config->listen_sock_count; i++) { if (cur) { __find_matching_entry(self, cur, &match, &m); if (match) { n[i] = *match; r[i] = 1; *match = NULL; *m = 0; listensocket_set_update(n[i], cur); } else { n[i] = listensocket_new(cur); } } else { n[i] = NULL; } if (n[i] == NULL) { for (; i; i--) { refobject_unref(n[i - 1]); } return -1; } cur = cur->next; } __listensocket_container_clear_sockets(self); self->sock = n; self->sockref = r; self->sock_len = config->listen_sock_count; return 0; } int listensocket_container_configure_and_setup(listensocket_container_t *self, const ice_config_t *config) { void (*cb)(size_t count, void *userdata); int ret; bool prefer_inet6; if (!self) return -1; prefer_inet6 = sock_is_ipv4_mapped_supported(); /* test before we enter lock to minimise locked time */ thread_rwlock_wlock(&self->rwlock); self->prefer_inet6 = prefer_inet6; cb = self->sockcount_cb; self->sockcount_cb = NULL; if (listensocket_container_configure__unlocked(self, config) == 0) { ret = listensocket_container_setup__unlocked(self); } else { ret = -1; } self->sockcount_cb = cb; __call_sockcount_cb(self); thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->rwlock); return ret; } int listensocket_container_setup(listensocket_container_t *self) { int ret; bool prefer_inet6; if (!self) return -1; prefer_inet6 = sock_is_ipv4_mapped_supported(); /* test before we enter lock to minimise locked time */ thread_rwlock_wlock(&self->rwlock); self->prefer_inet6 = prefer_inet6; ret = listensocket_container_setup__unlocked(self); thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->rwlock); return ret; } static int listensocket_container_setup__unlocked(listensocket_container_t *self) { listener_type_t type; size_t i; int ret = 0; for (i = 0; i < self->sock_len; i++) { listensocket_apply_config(self->sock[i]); type = listensocket_get_type(self->sock[i]); if (self->sockref[i] && type == LISTENER_TYPE_VIRTUAL) { if (listensocket_unrefsock(self->sock[i]) == 0) { self->sockref[i] = 0; } } else if (!self->sockref[i] && type != LISTENER_TYPE_VIRTUAL) { if (listensocket_refsock(self->sock[i], self->prefer_inet6) == 0) { self->sockref[i] = 1; } else { ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("Can not ref socket."); ret = 1; } } } __call_sockcount_cb(self); return ret; } static listensocket_t * listensocket_container_accept__inner(listensocket_container_t *self, int timeout) { #ifdef HAVE_POLL struct pollfd ufds[self->sock_len]; listensocket_t *socks[self->sock_len]; size_t i, found, p; int ok; int ret; for (i = 0, found = 0; i < self->sock_len; i++) { ok = self->sockref[i]; if (ok && listensocket__poll_fill(self->sock[i], &(ufds[found])) == -1) { ICECAST_LOG_WARN("Can not poll on closed socket."); ok = 0; } if (ok) { socks[found] = self->sock[i]; found++; } } if (!found) { ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("No sockets found to poll on."); return NULL; } ret = poll(ufds, found, timeout); if (ret <= 0) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < found; i++) { if (ufds[i].revents & POLLIN) { return socks[i]; } if (!(ufds[i].revents & (POLLHUP|POLLERR|POLLNVAL))) continue; for (p = 0; p < self->sock_len; p++) { if (self->sock[p] == socks[i]) { if (self->sockref[p]) { ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Closing listen socket in error state."); listensocket_unrefsock(socks[i]); self->sockref[p] = 0; __call_sockcount_cb(self); } } } } return NULL; #else fd_set rfds; size_t i; struct timeval tv, *p=NULL; int ret; int max = -1; FD_ZERO(&rfds); if (timeout >= 0) { tv.tv_sec = timeout/1000; tv.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000; p = &tv; } for (i = 0; i < self->sock_len; i++) { if (self->sockref[i]) { listensocket__select_set(self->sock[i], &rfds, &max); } } ret = select(max+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, p); if (ret <= 0) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < self->sock_len; i++) { if (self->sockref[i]) { if (listensocket__select_isset(self->sock[i], &rfds)) { return self->sock[i]; } } } return NULL; #endif } connection_t * listensocket_container_accept(listensocket_container_t *self, int timeout) { listensocket_t *ls; connection_t *ret; if (!self) return NULL; thread_rwlock_rlock(&self->rwlock); ls = listensocket_container_accept__inner(self, timeout); refobject_ref(ls); thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->rwlock); ret = listensocket_accept(ls, self); refobject_unref(ls); return ret; } int listensocket_container_set_sockcount_cb(listensocket_container_t *self, void (*cb)(size_t count, void *userdata), void *userdata) { if (!self) return -1; thread_rwlock_wlock(&self->rwlock); self->sockcount_cb = cb; self->sockcount_userdata = userdata; thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->rwlock); return 0; } ssize_t listensocket_container_sockcount(listensocket_container_t *self) { ssize_t ret; if (!self) return -1; thread_rwlock_rlock(&self->rwlock); ret = listensocket_container_sockcount__unlocked(self); thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->rwlock); return ret; } static ssize_t listensocket_container_sockcount__unlocked(listensocket_container_t *self) { ssize_t count = 0; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < self->sock_len; i++) { if (self->sockref[i]) { count++; } } return count; } listensocket_t * listensocket_container_get_by_id(listensocket_container_t *self, const char *id) { size_t i; const listener_t *listener; thread_rwlock_rlock(&self->rwlock); for (i = 0; i < self->sock_len; i++) { if (self->sock[i] != NULL) { listener = listensocket_get_listener(self->sock[i]); if (listener) { if (listener->id != NULL && strcmp(listener->id, id) == 0) { if (refobject_ref(self->sock[i]) == 0) { listensocket_release_listener(self->sock[i]); thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->rwlock); return self->sock[i]; } } listensocket_release_listener(self->sock[i]); } } } thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->rwlock); return NULL; } /* may return NULL if there is no default */ listensocket_t * listensocket_container_get_default(listensocket_container_t *self) { listensocket_t *ret = NULL; thread_rwlock_rlock(&self->rwlock); if (self->sock_len == 1) { if (refobject_ref(self->sock[0]) == 0) { ret = self->sock[0]; } } thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->rwlock); return ret; } listensocket_t ** listensocket_container_list_sockets(listensocket_container_t *self) { listensocket_t **res; size_t idx = 0; size_t i; thread_rwlock_rlock(&self->rwlock); res = calloc(self->sock_len + 1, sizeof(*res)); if (!res) { thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->rwlock); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < self->sock_len; i++) { if (self->sock[i] != NULL) { refobject_ref(res[idx++] = self->sock[i]); } } thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->rwlock); return res; } bool listensocket_container_is_family_included(listensocket_container_t *self, sock_family_t family) { size_t i; thread_rwlock_rlock(&self->rwlock); for (i = 0; i < self->sock_len; i++) { if (self->sock[i] != NULL) { if (listensocket_get_family(self->sock[i]) == family) { thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->rwlock); return true; } } } thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->rwlock); return false; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void __listensocket_free(refobject_t self, void **userdata) { listensocket_t *listensocket = REFOBJECT_TO_TYPE(self, listensocket_t *); thread_mutex_lock(&listensocket->lock); if (listensocket->sockrefc) { ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("BUG: listensocket->sockrefc == 0 && listensocket->sockrefc == %zu", listensocket->sockrefc); listensocket->sockrefc = 1; listensocket_unrefsock(listensocket); } while ((listensocket->listener_update = config_clear_listener(listensocket->listener_update))); thread_rwlock_wlock(&listensocket->listener_rwlock); while ((listensocket->listener = config_clear_listener(listensocket->listener))); thread_rwlock_unlock(&listensocket->listener_rwlock); thread_rwlock_destroy(&listensocket->listener_rwlock); thread_mutex_unlock(&listensocket->lock); thread_mutex_destroy(&listensocket->lock); } REFOBJECT_DEFINE_TYPE(listensocket_t, REFOBJECT_DEFINE_TYPE_FREE(__listensocket_free) ); static listensocket_t * listensocket_new(const listener_t *listener) { listensocket_t *self; if (listener == NULL) return NULL; self = refobject_new__new(listensocket_t, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!self) return NULL; self->sock = SOCK_ERROR; thread_mutex_create(&self->lock); thread_rwlock_create(&self->listener_rwlock); self->listener = config_copy_listener_one(listener); if (self->listener == NULL) { refobject_unref(self); return NULL; } return self; } static int listensocket_apply_config(listensocket_t *self) { int ret; if (!self) return -1; thread_mutex_lock(&self->lock); ret = listensocket_apply_config__unlocked(self); thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return ret; } static int listensocket_apply_config__unlocked(listensocket_t *self) { const listener_t *listener; if (!self) return -1; thread_rwlock_wlock(&self->listener_rwlock); if (self->listener_update) { if (__listener_cmp(self->listener, self->listener_update) != 1) { ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Tried to apply incomplete configuration to listensocket: bind address mismatch: have %s:%i, got %s:%i", __string_default(self->listener->bind_address, ""), self->listener->port, __string_default(self->listener_update->bind_address, ""), self->listener_update->port ); thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->listener_rwlock); return -1; } listener = self->listener_update; } else { listener = self->listener; } if (self->sock != SOCK_ERROR) { if (listener->so_sndbuf) sock_set_send_buffer(self->sock, listener->so_sndbuf); sock_set_blocking(self->sock, 0); __socket_listen(self->sock, listener); } if (self->listener_update) { while ((self->listener = config_clear_listener(self->listener))); self->listener = self->listener_update; self->listener_update = NULL; } thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->listener_rwlock); return 0; } static int listensocket_set_update(listensocket_t *self, const listener_t *listener) { listener_t *n; if (!self || !listener) return -1; n = config_copy_listener_one(listener); if (n == NULL) return -1; thread_mutex_lock(&self->lock); while ((self->listener_update = config_clear_listener(self->listener_update))); self->listener_update = n; thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return 0; } static int listensocket_refsock(listensocket_t *self, bool prefer_inet6) { if (!self) return -1; thread_mutex_lock(&self->lock); if (self->sockrefc) { self->sockrefc++; thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return 0; } thread_rwlock_rlock(&self->listener_rwlock); self->sock = sock_get_server_socket(self->listener->port, self->listener->bind_address, self->listener->bind_address ? false : prefer_inet6); thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->listener_rwlock); if (self->sock == SOCK_ERROR) { thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return -1; } if (__socket_listen(self->sock, self->listener) == 0) { sock_close(self->sock); self->sock = SOCK_ERROR; thread_rwlock_rlock(&self->listener_rwlock); ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Can not listen on socket: %s port %i", __string_default(self->listener->bind_address, ""), self->listener->port); thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->listener_rwlock); thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return -1; } if (listensocket_apply_config__unlocked(self) == -1) { thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return -1; } self->sockrefc++; thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return 0; } static int listensocket_unrefsock(listensocket_t *self) { if (!self) return -1; thread_mutex_lock(&self->lock); self->sockrefc--; if (self->sockrefc) { thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return 0; } if (self->sock == SOCK_ERROR) { thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return 0; } sock_close(self->sock); self->sock = SOCK_ERROR; thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return 0; } connection_t * listensocket_accept(listensocket_t *self, listensocket_container_t *container) { connection_t *con; listensocket_t *effective = NULL; sock_t sock; char *ip; if (!self) return NULL; ip = calloc(MAX_ADDR_LEN, 1); if (!ip) return NULL; thread_mutex_lock(&self->lock); sock = sock_accept(self->sock, ip, MAX_ADDR_LEN); thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); if (sock == SOCK_ERROR) { free(ip); return NULL; } ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("Client (sock=%R, ip=%#H) on socket %p (%#H).", sock, ip, self, self->listener->id); if (strncmp(ip, "::ffff:", 7) == 0) { memmove(ip, ip+7, strlen(ip+7)+1); } if (self->listener->on_behalf_of) { ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("This socket is acting on behalf of %#H", self->listener->on_behalf_of); effective = listensocket_container_get_by_id(container, self->listener->on_behalf_of); if (!effective) { ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Can not find listen socket with ID %#H. Will continue on behalf of myself.", self->listener->on_behalf_of); } } if (!effective) { effective = self; refobject_ref(effective); } con = connection_create(sock, self, effective, ip); refobject_unref(effective); if (con == NULL) { sock_close(sock); free(ip); return NULL; } return con; } const listener_t * listensocket_get_listener(listensocket_t *self) { const listener_t *ret; if (!self) return NULL; thread_mutex_lock(&self->lock); thread_rwlock_rlock(&self->listener_rwlock); ret = self->listener; thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return ret; } int listensocket_release_listener(listensocket_t *self) { if (!self) return -1; /* This is safe with no self->lock holding as unref requires a wlock. * A wlock can not be acquired when someone still holds the rlock. * In fact this must be done in unlocked state as otherwise we could end up in a * dead lock with some 3rd party holding the self->lock for an unrelated operation * waiting for a wlock to be come available. * -- ph3-der-loewe, 2018-05-11 */ thread_rwlock_unlock(&self->listener_rwlock); return 0; } listener_type_t listensocket_get_type(listensocket_t *self) { listener_type_t ret; if (!self) return LISTENER_TYPE_ERROR; thread_mutex_lock(&self->lock); ret = self->listener->type; thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return ret; } sock_family_t listensocket_get_family(listensocket_t *self) { sock_family_t ret; if (!self) return SOCK_FAMILY__ERROR; thread_mutex_lock(&self->lock); ret = sock_get_family(self->sock); thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return ret; } #ifdef HAVE_POLL static inline int listensocket__poll_fill(listensocket_t *self, struct pollfd *p) { if (!self) return -1; thread_mutex_lock(&self->lock); if (self->sock == SOCK_ERROR) { thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return -1; } memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p)); p->fd = self->sock; p->events = POLLIN; p->revents = 0; thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return 0; } #else static inline int listensocket__select_set(listensocket_t *self, fd_set *set, int *max) { if (!self) return -1; thread_mutex_lock(&self->lock); if (self->sock == SOCK_ERROR) { thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return -1; } if (*max < self->sock) *max = self->sock; FD_SET(self->sock, set); thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return 0; } static inline int listensocket__select_isset(listensocket_t *self, fd_set *set) { int ret; if (!self) return -1; thread_mutex_lock(&self->lock); if (self->sock == SOCK_ERROR) { thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return -1; } ret = FD_ISSET(self->sock, set); thread_mutex_unlock(&self->lock); return ret; } #endif /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char * listensocket_type_to_string(listener_type_t type) { switch (type) { case LISTENER_TYPE_ERROR: return NULL; break; case LISTENER_TYPE_NORMAL: return "normal"; break; case LISTENER_TYPE_VIRTUAL: return "virtual"; break; } return NULL; } const char * listensocket_tlsmode_to_string(tlsmode_t mode) { switch (mode) { case ICECAST_TLSMODE_DISABLED: return "disabled"; break; case ICECAST_TLSMODE_AUTO: return "auto"; break; case ICECAST_TLSMODE_AUTO_NO_PLAIN: return "auto_no_plain"; break; case ICECAST_TLSMODE_RFC2817: return "rfc2817"; break; case ICECAST_TLSMODE_RFC2818: return "rfc2818"; break; } return NULL; }