/* Icecast * * This program is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2. * A copy of this license is included with this source. * * Copyright 2018, Philipp "ph3-der-loewe" Schafft , */ /** * Special fast event functions */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include "common/thread/thread.h" #include "common/avl/avl.h" #include "reportxml.h" #include "refobject.h" /* For XMLSTR() */ #include "cfgfile.h" #include "logging.h" #define CATMODULE "reportxml" struct reportxml_tag { refobject_base_t __base; reportxml_node_t *root; }; struct reportxml_node_tag { refobject_base_t __base; xmlNodePtr xmlnode; reportxml_node_type_t type; reportxml_node_t **childs; size_t childs_len; xmlNodePtr *xml_childs; size_t xml_childs_len; char *content; }; struct reportxml_database_tag { refobject_base_t __base; mutex_t lock; avl_tree *definitions; }; struct nodeattr; struct nodeattr { const char *name; const char *type; const char *def; int required; int (*checker)(const struct nodeattr *attr, const char *str); const char *values[32]; }; enum nodecontent { NC_NONE, NC_CHILDS, NC_CONTENT, NC_XML }; struct nodedef { reportxml_node_type_t type; const char *name; enum nodecontent content; const struct nodeattr *attr[12]; const reportxml_node_type_t childs[12]; }; static int __attach_copy_of_node_or_definition(reportxml_node_t *parent, reportxml_node_t *node, reportxml_database_t *db, ssize_t depth); static reportxml_node_t * __reportxml_database_build_node_ext(reportxml_database_t *db, const char *id, ssize_t depth, reportxml_node_type_t *acst_type_ret); static const struct nodeattr __attr__eol[1] = {{NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_version[1] = {{"version", "CDATA", "0.0.1", 1, NULL, {"0.0.1", NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_xmlns[1] = {{"xmlns", "URI", "http://icecast.org/specs/reportxml-0.0.1", 1, NULL, {"http://icecast.org/specs/reportxml-0.0.1", NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_id[1] = {{"id", "ID", NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_definition[1] = {{"definition", "UUID", NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr__definition[1] = {{"_definition", "UUID", NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; /* for internal use only */ static const struct nodeattr __attr_akindof[1] = {{"akindof", "UUIDs", NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_lang[1] = {{"lang", "LanguageCode", NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_dir[1] = {{"dir", NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, {"ltr", "rtl", NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_template[1] = {{"template", "UUID", NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_defines[1] = {{"defines", "UUID", NULL, 1, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_function[1] = {{"function", "CDATA", NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_filename[1] = {{"filename", "CDATA", NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_line[1] = {{"line", "CDATA", NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_binary[1] = {{"binary", "CDATA", NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_offset[1] = {{"offset", "CDATA", NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_absolute[1] = {{"absolute", "iso8601", NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_relative[1] = {{"relative", "iso8601", NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_name[1] = {{"name", "CDATA", NULL, 1, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_member[1] = {{"member", "CDATA", NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_value[1] = {{"value", "CDATA", NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_state[1] = {{"state", NULL, "set", 1, NULL, {"declared", "set", "uninitialized", "missing", NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_href[1] = {{"href", "URI", NULL, 0, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr_application[1] = {{"application", "URI", NULL, 1, NULL, {NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr__action_type[1] = {{"type", NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, {"retry", "choice", "see-other", "authenticate", "pay", "change-protocol", "slow-down", "ask-user", "ask-admin", "bug", NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr__resource_type[1] = {{"type", NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, {"actor", "manipulation-target", "helper", "related", "result", "parameter", NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr__value_type[1] = {{"type", NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, {"null", "int", "float", "uuid", "string", "structure", "uri", "pointer", "version", "protocol", "username", "password", NULL}}}; static const struct nodeattr __attr__reference_type[1] = {{"type", NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, {"documentation", "log", "report", "related", NULL}}}; /* Helper: * grep '^ *REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_' reportxml.h | sed 's/^\( *REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_\([^,]*\)\),*$/\1 \2/;' | while read l s; do c=$(tr A-Z a-z <<<"$s"); printf " {%-32s \"%-16s 0, {__attr__eol}},\n" "$l," "$c\","; done */ #define __BASIC_ELEMENT __attr_id, __attr_definition, __attr_akindof, __attr__definition static const struct nodedef __nodedef[] = { {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_REPORT, "report", NC_CHILDS, {__attr_id, __attr_version, __attr_xmlns, __attr__eol}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_INCIDENT, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_DEFINITION, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_REFERENCE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR}}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_DEFINITION, "definition", NC_CHILDS, {__BASIC_ELEMENT, __attr_template, __attr_defines, __attr__eol}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_INCIDENT, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_STATE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_RESOURCE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_REFERENCE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_FIX, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_RESOURCE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_REASON, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_TEXT, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR}}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_INCIDENT, "incident", NC_CHILDS, {__BASIC_ELEMENT, __attr__eol}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_STATE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_RESOURCE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_REFERENCE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_FIX, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_REASON, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR}}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_STATE, "state", NC_CHILDS, {__BASIC_ELEMENT, __attr__eol}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_TEXT, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_BACKTRACE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR}}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_BACKTRACE, "backtrace", NC_CHILDS, {__BASIC_ELEMENT, __attr__eol}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_POSITION, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_MORE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_TEXT, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_REFERENCE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR}}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_POSITION, "position", NC_CHILDS, {__BASIC_ELEMENT, __attr_function, __attr_filename, __attr_line, __attr_binary, __attr_offset, __attr__eol}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_TEXT, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_REFERENCE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR}}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_MORE, "more", NC_CHILDS, {__BASIC_ELEMENT, __attr__eol}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_TEXT, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR}}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_FIX, "fix", NC_CHILDS, {__BASIC_ELEMENT, __attr__eol}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_ACTION, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR}}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_ACTION, "action", NC_CHILDS, {__BASIC_ELEMENT, __attr__action_type, __attr__eol}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_TEXT, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_VALUE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR}}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_REASON, "reason", NC_CHILDS, {__BASIC_ELEMENT, __attr__eol}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_TEXT, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_RESOURCE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_REFERENCE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR}}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_TEXT, "text", NC_CONTENT, {__BASIC_ELEMENT, __attr_lang, __attr_dir, __attr__eol}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR}}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, "timestamp", NC_NONE, {__BASIC_ELEMENT, __attr_absolute, __attr_relative, __attr__eol}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR}}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_RESOURCE, "resource", NC_CHILDS, {__BASIC_ELEMENT, __attr__resource_type, __attr_name, __attr__eol}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_VALUE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_REFERENCE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR}}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_VALUE, "value", NC_CHILDS, {__BASIC_ELEMENT, __attr_member, __attr_value, __attr_state, __attr__value_type, __attr__eol}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_TEXT, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_REFERENCE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_VALUE, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_POSITION, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR}}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_REFERENCE, "reference", NC_CHILDS, {__BASIC_ELEMENT, __attr__reference_type, __attr_href, __attr__eol}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_TEXT, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION, REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR}}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_EXTENSION, "extension", NC_XML, {__BASIC_ELEMENT, __attr_application, __attr__eol}, {REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR}} }; static const struct nodedef * __get_nodedef(reportxml_node_type_t type) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(__nodedef)/sizeof(*__nodedef)); i++) { if (__nodedef[i].type == type) { return &(__nodedef[i]); } } return NULL; } static const struct nodedef * __get_nodedef_by_name(const char *name) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(__nodedef)/sizeof(*__nodedef)); i++) { if (strcmp(__nodedef[i].name, name) == 0) { return &(__nodedef[i]); } } return NULL; } static const struct nodeattr * __get_nodeattr(const struct nodedef * nodedef, const char *key) { size_t i; if (!nodedef || !key) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(nodedef->attr)/sizeof(*nodedef->attr)); i++) { if (nodedef->attr[i]->name == NULL) { /* we reached the end of the list */ return NULL; } if (strcmp(nodedef->attr[i]->name, key) == 0) { return nodedef->attr[i]; } } return NULL; } static void __report_free(refobject_t self, void **userdata) { reportxml_t *report = REFOBJECT_TO_TYPE(self, reportxml_t *); refobject_unref(report->root); } static reportxml_t * reportxml_new_with_root(reportxml_node_t *root) { reportxml_t *ret; if (!root) return NULL; ret = REFOBJECT_TO_TYPE(refobject_new(sizeof(reportxml_t), __report_free, NULL, NULL, NULL), reportxml_t *); ret->root = root; return ret; } reportxml_t * reportxml_new(void) { reportxml_node_t *root = reportxml_node_new(REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_REPORT, NULL, NULL, NULL); reportxml_t *ret; if (!root) return NULL; ret = reportxml_new_with_root(root); if (!ret) { refobject_unref(root); return NULL; } return ret; } reportxml_node_t * reportxml_get_root_node(reportxml_t *report) { if (!report) return NULL; if (refobject_ref(report->root) != 0) return NULL; return report->root; } reportxml_node_t * reportxml_get_node_by_attribute(reportxml_t *report, const char *key, const char *value, int include_definitions) { if (!report || !key || !value) return NULL; return reportxml_node_get_child_by_attribute(report->root, key, value, include_definitions); } reportxml_t * reportxml_parse_xmldoc(xmlDocPtr doc) { reportxml_node_t *root; reportxml_t *ret; xmlNodePtr xmlroot; if (!doc) return NULL; xmlroot = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (!xmlroot) return NULL; root = reportxml_node_parse_xmlnode(xmlroot); if (!root) return NULL; if (reportxml_node_get_type(root) != REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_REPORT) { refobject_unref(root); return NULL; } ret = reportxml_new_with_root(root); if (!ret) { refobject_unref(root); return NULL; } return ret; } xmlDocPtr reportxml_render_xmldoc(reportxml_t *report) { xmlDocPtr ret; xmlNodePtr node; if (!report) return NULL; node = reportxml_node_render_xmlnode(report->root); if (!node) return NULL; ret = xmlNewDoc(XMLSTR("1.0")); if (!ret) { xmlFreeNode(node); return NULL; } xmlDocSetRootElement(ret, node); return ret; } static void __report_node_free(refobject_t self, void **userdata) { size_t i; reportxml_node_t *node = REFOBJECT_TO_TYPE(self, reportxml_node_t *); xmlFreeNode(node->xmlnode); for (i = 0; i < node->childs_len; i++) { refobject_unref(node->childs[i]); } for (i = 0; i < node->xml_childs_len; i++) { xmlFreeNode(node->xml_childs[i]); } free(node->content); free(node->childs); free(node->xml_childs); } reportxml_node_t * reportxml_node_new(reportxml_node_type_t type, const char *id, const char *definition, const char *akindof) { reportxml_node_t *ret; const struct nodedef *nodedef = __get_nodedef(type); size_t i; if (!nodedef) return NULL; ret = REFOBJECT_TO_TYPE(refobject_new(sizeof(reportxml_node_t), __report_node_free, NULL, NULL, NULL), reportxml_node_t *); if (ret == NULL) return NULL; ret->type = type; ret->xmlnode = xmlNewNode(NULL, XMLSTR(nodedef->name)); if (!ret->xmlnode) { refobject_unref(ret); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(nodedef->attr)/sizeof(*nodedef->attr)); i++) { const struct nodeattr *nodeattr = nodedef->attr[i]; if (nodeattr->name == NULL) break; if (nodeattr->def) { if (reportxml_node_set_attribute(ret, nodeattr->name, nodeattr->def) != 0) { refobject_unref(ret); return NULL; } } } #define _set_attr(x) \ if ((x)) { \ if (reportxml_node_set_attribute(ret, # x , (x)) != 0) { \ refobject_unref(ret); \ return NULL; \ } \ } _set_attr(id) _set_attr(definition) _set_attr(akindof) return ret; } reportxml_node_t * reportxml_node_parse_xmlnode(xmlNodePtr xmlnode) { reportxml_node_t *node; const struct nodedef *nodedef; if (!xmlnode) return NULL; nodedef = __get_nodedef_by_name((const char *)xmlnode->name); if (!nodedef) { ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Can not parse XML node: Unknown name <%s>", xmlnode->name); return NULL; } node = reportxml_node_new(nodedef->type, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!node) return NULL; if (xmlnode->properties) { xmlAttrPtr cur = xmlnode->properties; do { xmlChar *value = xmlNodeListGetString(xmlnode->doc, cur->children, 1); if (!value) { refobject_unref(node); return NULL; } if (reportxml_node_set_attribute(node, (const char*)cur->name, (const char*)value) != 0) { refobject_unref(node); ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("Can not parse XML node: attribute \"%H\" value \"%H\" is invalid on node of type <%s>", cur->name, value, nodedef->name); return NULL; } xmlFree(value); } while ((cur = cur->next)); } if (xmlnode->xmlChildrenNode) { xmlNodePtr cur = xmlnode->xmlChildrenNode; do { if (nodedef->content == NC_XML) { if (reportxml_node_add_xml_child(node, cur) != 0) { refobject_unref(node); return NULL; } } else { reportxml_node_t *child; if (xmlIsBlankNode(cur)) continue; if (cur->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE) continue; if (cur->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) { xmlChar *value = xmlNodeListGetString(xmlnode->doc, cur, 1); if (!value) { refobject_unref(node); return NULL; } if (reportxml_node_set_content(node, (const char *)value) != 0) { refobject_unref(node); return NULL; } xmlFree(value); continue; } child = reportxml_node_parse_xmlnode(cur); if (!child) { refobject_unref(node); return NULL; } if (reportxml_node_add_child(node, child) != 0) { refobject_unref(child); refobject_unref(node); return NULL; } refobject_unref(child); } } while ((cur = cur->next)); } return node; } static reportxml_node_t * __reportxml_node_copy_with_db(reportxml_node_t *node, reportxml_database_t *db, ssize_t depth) { reportxml_node_t *ret; ssize_t child_count; ssize_t xml_child_count; size_t i; if (!node) return NULL; child_count = reportxml_node_count_child(node); if (child_count < 0) return NULL; xml_child_count = reportxml_node_count_xml_child(node); if (xml_child_count < 0) return NULL; ret = reportxml_node_parse_xmlnode(node->xmlnode); if (!ret) return NULL; if (node->content) { if (reportxml_node_set_content(ret, node->content) != 0) { refobject_unref(ret); return NULL; } } for (i = 0; i < (size_t)child_count; i++) { reportxml_node_t *child = reportxml_node_get_child(node, i); if (db && depth > 0) { if (__attach_copy_of_node_or_definition(ret, child, db, depth) != 0) { refobject_unref(child); refobject_unref(ret); return NULL; } refobject_unref(child); } else { reportxml_node_t *copy = __reportxml_node_copy_with_db(child, NULL, -1); refobject_unref(child); if (!copy) { refobject_unref(ret); return NULL; } if (reportxml_node_add_child(ret, copy) != 0) { refobject_unref(copy); refobject_unref(ret); return NULL; } refobject_unref(copy); } } for (i = 0; i < (size_t)xml_child_count; i++) { xmlNodePtr child = reportxml_node_get_xml_child(node, i); if (reportxml_node_add_xml_child(ret, child) != 0) { xmlFreeNode(child); refobject_unref(ret); return NULL; } xmlFreeNode(child); } return ret; } reportxml_node_t * reportxml_node_copy(reportxml_node_t *node) { return __reportxml_node_copy_with_db(node, NULL, -1); } xmlNodePtr reportxml_node_render_xmlnode(reportxml_node_t *node) { xmlNodePtr ret; ssize_t child_count; ssize_t xml_child_count; size_t i; xmlChar *definition; if (!node) return NULL; child_count = reportxml_node_count_child(node); if (child_count < 0) return NULL; xml_child_count = reportxml_node_count_xml_child(node); if (xml_child_count < 0) return NULL; ret = xmlCopyNode(node->xmlnode, 2); if (!ret) return NULL; definition = xmlGetProp(ret, XMLSTR("_definition")); if (definition) { xmlSetProp(ret, XMLSTR("definition"), definition); xmlUnsetProp(ret, XMLSTR("_definition")); xmlFree(definition); } for (i = 0; i < (size_t)child_count; i++) { reportxml_node_t *child = reportxml_node_get_child(node, i); xmlNodePtr xmlchild; if (!child) { xmlFreeNode(ret); return NULL; } xmlchild = reportxml_node_render_xmlnode(child); refobject_unref(child); if (!xmlchild) { xmlFreeNode(ret); return NULL; } xmlAddChild(ret, xmlchild); } if (node->content) { xmlNodePtr xmlchild = xmlNewText(XMLSTR(node->content)); if (!xmlchild) { xmlFreeNode(ret); return NULL; } xmlAddChild(ret, xmlchild); } for (i = 0; i < (size_t)xml_child_count; i++) { xmlNodePtr xmlchild = reportxml_node_get_xml_child(node, i); if (!xmlchild) { xmlFreeNode(ret); return NULL; } xmlAddChild(ret, xmlchild); } return ret; } reportxml_node_type_t reportxml_node_get_type(reportxml_node_t *node) { if (!node) return REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR; return node->type; } int reportxml_node_set_attribute(reportxml_node_t *node, const char *key, const char *value) { const struct nodedef *nodedef; const struct nodeattr *nodeattr; size_t i; if (!node || !key || !value) return -1; nodedef = __get_nodedef(node->type); nodeattr = __get_nodeattr(nodedef, key); if (!nodeattr) return -1; if (nodeattr->values[0] != NULL) { int found = 0; for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(nodeattr->values)/sizeof(*nodeattr->values)); i++) { if (nodeattr->values[i] == NULL) break; if (strcmp(nodeattr->values[i], value) == 0) { found = 1; break; } } if (!found) return -1; } if (nodeattr->checker) { if (nodeattr->checker(nodeattr, value) != 0) { return -1; } } xmlSetProp(node->xmlnode, XMLSTR(key), XMLSTR(value)); return 0; } char * reportxml_node_get_attribute(reportxml_node_t *node, const char *key) { xmlChar *k; char *n; if (!node || !key) return NULL; /* We do this super complicated thing as we do not know if we can use free() to free a xmlChar* object. */ k = xmlGetProp(node->xmlnode, XMLSTR(key)); if (!k) return NULL; n = strdup((char*)k); xmlFree(k); return n; } int reportxml_node_add_child(reportxml_node_t *node, reportxml_node_t *child) { const struct nodedef *nodedef; reportxml_node_t **n; size_t i; int found; if (!node || !child) return -1; nodedef = __get_nodedef(node->type); if (nodedef->content != NC_CHILDS) return -1; found = 0; for (i = 0; nodedef->childs[i] != REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR; i++) { if (nodedef->childs[i] == child->type) { found = 1; break; } } if (!found) return -1; n = realloc(node->childs, sizeof(*n)*(node->childs_len + 1)); if (!n) return -1; node->childs = n; if (refobject_ref(child) != 0) return -1; node->childs[node->childs_len++] = child; // ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("Child %p added to Node %p", child, node); return 0; } ssize_t reportxml_node_count_child(reportxml_node_t *node) { if (!node) return -1; return node->childs_len; } reportxml_node_t * reportxml_node_get_child(reportxml_node_t *node, size_t idx) { if (!node) return NULL; if (idx >= node->childs_len) return NULL; if (refobject_ref(node->childs[idx]) != 0) return NULL; return node->childs[idx]; } reportxml_node_t * reportxml_node_get_child_by_attribute(reportxml_node_t *node, const char *key, const char *value, int include_definitions) { reportxml_node_t *ret; xmlChar *k; size_t i; if (!node || !key ||!value) return NULL; k = xmlGetProp(node->xmlnode, XMLSTR(key)); if (k != NULL) { if (strcmp((const char*)k, value) == 0) { xmlFree(k); if (refobject_ref(node) != 0) return NULL; return node; } xmlFree(k); } if (node->type == REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_DEFINITION && !include_definitions) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < node->childs_len; i++) { ret = reportxml_node_get_child_by_attribute(node->childs[i], key, value, include_definitions); if (ret != NULL) return ret; } return NULL; } int reportxml_node_set_content(reportxml_node_t *node, const char *value) { const struct nodedef *nodedef; char *n = NULL; if (!node) return -1; nodedef = __get_nodedef(node->type); if (nodedef->content != NC_CONTENT) return -1; if (value) { n = strdup(value); if (!n) return -1; } free(node->content); node->content = n; return 0; } char * reportxml_node_get_content(reportxml_node_t *node) { if (!node) return NULL; if (node->content) { return strdup(node->content); } else { return NULL; } } int reportxml_node_add_xml_child(reportxml_node_t *node, xmlNodePtr child) { const struct nodedef *nodedef; xmlNodePtr *n; if (!node || !child) return -1; nodedef = __get_nodedef(node->type); if (nodedef->content != NC_XML) return -1; n = realloc(node->xml_childs, sizeof(*n)*(node->xml_childs_len + 1)); if (!n) return -1; node->xml_childs = n; node->xml_childs[node->xml_childs_len] = xmlCopyNode(child, 1); if (node->xml_childs[node->xml_childs_len] == NULL) return -1; node->xml_childs_len++; return 0; } ssize_t reportxml_node_count_xml_child(reportxml_node_t *node) { if (!node) return -1; return node->xml_childs_len; } xmlNodePtr reportxml_node_get_xml_child(reportxml_node_t *node, size_t idx) { xmlNodePtr ret; if (!node) return NULL; if (idx >= node->xml_childs_len) return NULL; ret = xmlCopyNode(node->xml_childs[idx], 1); return ret; } static void __database_free(refobject_t self, void **userdata) { reportxml_database_t *db = REFOBJECT_TO_TYPE(self, reportxml_database_t *); if (db->definitions) avl_tree_free(db->definitions, (avl_free_key_fun_type)refobject_unref); thread_mutex_destroy(&(db->lock)); } static int __compare_definitions(void *arg, void *a, void *b) { char *id_a, *id_b; int ret = 0; id_a = reportxml_node_get_attribute(a, "defines"); id_b = reportxml_node_get_attribute(b, "defines"); if (!id_a || !id_b || id_a == id_b) { ret = 0; } else { ret = strcmp(id_a, id_b); } free(id_a); free(id_b); return ret; } reportxml_database_t * reportxml_database_new(void) { reportxml_database_t *ret = REFOBJECT_TO_TYPE(refobject_new(sizeof(reportxml_database_t), __database_free, NULL, NULL, NULL), reportxml_database_t *); if (!ret) return NULL; ret->definitions = avl_tree_new(__compare_definitions, NULL); if (!ret->definitions) { refobject_unref(ret); return NULL; } thread_mutex_create(&(ret->lock)); return ret; } int reportxml_database_add_report(reportxml_database_t *db, reportxml_t *report) { reportxml_node_t *root; ssize_t count; size_t i; if (!db || !report) return -1; root = reportxml_get_root_node(report); if (!root) return -1; count = reportxml_node_count_child(root); if (count < 0) return -1; thread_mutex_lock(&(db->lock)); for (i = 0; i < (size_t)count; i++) { reportxml_node_t *node = reportxml_node_get_child(root, i); reportxml_node_t *copy; if (reportxml_node_get_type(node) != REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_DEFINITION) { refobject_unref(node); continue; } copy = reportxml_node_copy(node); refobject_unref(node); if (!copy) continue; avl_insert(db->definitions, copy); } thread_mutex_unlock(&(db->lock)); refobject_unref(root); return 0; } static int __attach_copy_of_node_or_definition(reportxml_node_t *parent, reportxml_node_t *node, reportxml_database_t *db, ssize_t depth) { reportxml_node_t *copy; reportxml_node_t *def = NULL; char *definition; if (!parent || !node || !db) return -1; if (depth >= 2) { definition = reportxml_node_get_attribute(node, "definition"); if (definition) { ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("parent=%p, node=%p, depth=%zi, definition=\"%H\"", parent, node, depth, definition); def = reportxml_database_build_node(db, definition, depth - 1); ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("parent=%p, node=%p, depth=%zi, Definition for \"%H\" at %p", parent, node, depth, definition, def); free(definition); } } if (def) { ssize_t count = reportxml_node_count_child(def); size_t i; ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("parent=%p, node=%p, depth=%zi, Found definition.", parent, node, depth); if (count < 0) { refobject_unref(def); ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("parent=%p, node=%p, depth=%zi <- -1", parent, node, depth); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < (size_t)count; i++) { reportxml_node_t *child = reportxml_node_get_child(def, i); ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("parent=%p, node=%p, depth=%zi, Itering, child #%zu (%p)", parent, node, depth, i, child); if (__attach_copy_of_node_or_definition(parent, child, db, depth - 1) != 0) { refobject_unref(child); refobject_unref(def); ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("parent=%p, node=%p, depth=%zi <- -1", parent, node, depth); return -1; } refobject_unref(child); } refobject_unref(def); ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("parent=%p, node=%p, depth=%zi <- 0", parent, node, depth); return 0; } else { int ret; ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("parent=%p, node=%p, depth=%zi, Found no definition.", parent, node, depth); copy = __reportxml_node_copy_with_db(node, db, depth - 1); if (!copy) { ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("parent=%p, node=%p, depth=%zi <- -1", parent, node, depth); return -1; } ret = reportxml_node_add_child(parent, copy); refobject_unref(copy); ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("parent=%p, node=%p, depth=%zi <- %i", parent, node, depth, ret); return ret; } } static reportxml_node_t * __reportxml_database_build_node_ext(reportxml_database_t *db, const char *id, ssize_t depth, reportxml_node_type_t *acst_type_ret) { reportxml_node_t *search; reportxml_node_t *found; reportxml_node_t *ret; enum { ACST_FIRST, ACST_YES, ACST_NO, } all_childs_same_type = ACST_FIRST; reportxml_node_type_t acst_type = REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR; char *template; ssize_t count; size_t i; if (!db || !id) return NULL; /* Assign default depth in case it's set to -1 */ if (depth < 0) depth = 8; ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("Looking up \"%H\" in database %p with depth %zu", id, db, depth); if (!depth) return NULL; search = reportxml_node_new(REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_DEFINITION, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!search) return NULL; if (reportxml_node_set_attribute(search, "defines", id) != 0) { refobject_unref(search); return NULL; } thread_mutex_lock(&(db->lock)); if (avl_get_by_key(db->definitions, REFOBJECT_TO_TYPE(search, void *), (void**)&found) != 0) { thread_mutex_unlock(&(db->lock)); refobject_unref(search); return NULL; } refobject_unref(search); if (refobject_ref(found) != 0) { thread_mutex_unlock(&(db->lock)); return NULL; } thread_mutex_unlock(&(db->lock)); count = reportxml_node_count_child(found); if (count < 0) { refobject_unref(found); return NULL; } template = reportxml_node_get_attribute(found, "template"); if (template) { reportxml_node_t *tpl = reportxml_database_build_node(db, template, depth - 1); free(template); if (tpl) { ret = reportxml_node_copy(tpl); refobject_unref(tpl); } else { ret = NULL; } } else { ret = reportxml_node_new(REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_DEFINITION, NULL, NULL, NULL); } if (!ret) { refobject_unref(found); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < (size_t)count; i++) { /* TODO: Look up definitions of our childs and childs' childs. */ reportxml_node_t *node = reportxml_node_get_child(found, i); reportxml_node_type_t type = reportxml_node_get_type(node); switch (all_childs_same_type) { case ACST_FIRST: acst_type = type; all_childs_same_type = ACST_YES; break; case ACST_YES: if (acst_type != type) all_childs_same_type = ACST_NO; break; case ACST_NO: /* noop */ break; } /* We want depth, not depth - 1 here. __attach_copy_of_node_or_definition() takes care of this for us. */ if (__attach_copy_of_node_or_definition(ret, node, db, depth) != 0) { refobject_unref(node); refobject_unref(found); refobject_unref(ret); ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Can not attach child #%zu (%p) to attachment point (%p) in report. BAD.", i, node, ret); return NULL; } refobject_unref(node); } refobject_unref(found); if (all_childs_same_type == ACST_YES) { count = reportxml_node_count_child(ret); if (count < 0) { refobject_unref(ret); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < (size_t)count; i++) { reportxml_node_t *node = reportxml_node_get_child(ret, i); if (!node) { refobject_unref(ret); return NULL; } if (reportxml_node_set_attribute(node, "_definition", id) != 0) { refobject_unref(node); refobject_unref(ret); return NULL; } refobject_unref(node); } } if (acst_type_ret) { if (all_childs_same_type == ACST_YES) { *acst_type_ret = acst_type; } else { *acst_type_ret = REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR; } } return ret; } reportxml_node_t * reportxml_database_build_node(reportxml_database_t *db, const char *id, ssize_t depth) { return __reportxml_database_build_node_ext(db, id, depth, NULL); } /* We try to build a a report from the definition. Exat structure depends on what is defined. */ reportxml_t * reportxml_database_build_report(reportxml_database_t *db, const char *id, ssize_t depth) { reportxml_node_t *definition; reportxml_node_t *child; reportxml_node_t *root; reportxml_node_t *attach_to; reportxml_node_type_t type; reportxml_t *ret; ssize_t count; size_t i; if (!db || !id) return NULL; /* first find the definition itself. This will be some REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_DEFINITION node. */ definition = __reportxml_database_build_node_ext(db, id, depth, &type); if (!definition) { ICECAST_LOG_WARN("No matching definition for \"%H\"", id); return NULL; } /* Let's see how many children we have. */ count = reportxml_node_count_child(definition); if (count < 0) { refobject_unref(definition); ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Can not get child count from definition. BAD."); return NULL; } else if (count == 0) { /* Empty definition? Not exactly an exciting report... */ ICECAST_LOG_WARN("Empty definition for \"%H\". Returning empty report. This is likely an error.", id); refobject_unref(definition); return reportxml_new(); } if (type == REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE__ERROR) { /* Now the hard part: find out what level we are. */ child = reportxml_node_get_child(definition, 0); if (!child) { refobject_unref(definition); ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Can not get first child. BAD."); return NULL; } type = reportxml_node_get_type(child); refobject_unref(child); } /* check for supported configurations */ switch (type) { case REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_INCIDENT: case REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_STATE: break; default: refobject_unref(definition); ICECAST_LOG_WARN("Unsupported type of first child."); return NULL; break; } ret = reportxml_new(); if (!ret) { refobject_unref(definition); ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Can not allocate new report. BAD."); return NULL; } root = reportxml_get_root_node(ret); if (!ret) { refobject_unref(definition); refobject_unref(ret); ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Can not get root node from report. BAD."); return NULL; } if (type == REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_INCIDENT) { refobject_ref(attach_to = root); } else if (type == REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_STATE) { attach_to = reportxml_node_new(REPORTXML_NODE_TYPE_INCIDENT, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (attach_to) { if (reportxml_node_add_child(root, attach_to) != 0) { refobject_unref(attach_to); attach_to = NULL; } } } else { attach_to = NULL; } refobject_unref(root); if (!attach_to) { refobject_unref(definition); refobject_unref(ret); ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("No point to attach to in report. BAD."); return NULL; } /* now move nodes. */ for (i = 0; i < (size_t)count; i++) { child = reportxml_node_get_child(definition, i); if (reportxml_node_get_type(child) == type) { /* Attach definition to all childs that are the same type. * As long as we work to-the-specs all childs are of the same type. * But if we work in relaxed mode, there might be other tags. */ reportxml_node_set_attribute(child, "definition", id); } /* we can directly attach as it's a already a copy. */ if (reportxml_node_add_child(attach_to, child) != 0) { refobject_unref(definition); refobject_unref(attach_to); refobject_unref(ret); ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Can not attach child #%zu (%p) to attachment point (%p) in report. BAD.", i, child, attach_to); return NULL; } refobject_unref(child); } refobject_unref(definition); refobject_unref(attach_to); return ret; }