/* Icecast * * This program is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2. * A copy of this license is included with this source. * * Copyright 2000-2004, Jack Moffitt , * oddsock , * Karl Heyes * and others (see AUTHORS for details). */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_POLL #include #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #include #else #include #include #endif #include "thread/thread.h" #include "avl/avl.h" #include "httpp/httpp.h" #include "net/sock.h" #include "connection.h" #include "global.h" #include "refbuf.h" #include "client.h" #include "stats.h" #include "format.h" #include "logging.h" #include "cfgfile.h" #include "util.h" #include "fserve.h" #undef CATMODULE #define CATMODULE "fserve" #define BUFSIZE 4096 #ifdef _WIN32 #define MIMETYPESFILE ".\\mime.types" #else #define MIMETYPESFILE "/etc/mime.types" #endif static avl_tree *client_tree; static avl_tree *pending_tree; static avl_tree *mimetypes = NULL; static cond_t fserv_cond; static thread_type *fserv_thread; static int run_fserv; static int fserve_clients; static int client_tree_changed=0; #ifdef HAVE_POLL static struct pollfd *ufds = NULL; static int ufdssize = 0; #else static fd_set fds; static int fd_max = 0; #endif typedef struct { char *ext; char *type; } mime_type; /* avl tree helper */ static int _compare_clients(void *compare_arg, void *a, void *b); static int _remove_client(void *key); static int _free_client(void *key); static int _delete_mapping(void *mapping); static void *fserv_thread_function(void *arg); static void create_mime_mappings(char *fn); void fserve_initialize(void) { ice_config_t *config = config_get_config(); int serve = config->fileserve; config_release_config(); if(!serve) return; create_mime_mappings(MIMETYPESFILE); client_tree = avl_tree_new(_compare_clients, NULL); pending_tree = avl_tree_new(_compare_clients, NULL); thread_cond_create(&fserv_cond); run_fserv = 1; fserv_thread = thread_create("File Serving Thread", fserv_thread_function, NULL, THREAD_ATTACHED); } void fserve_shutdown(void) { ice_config_t *config = config_get_config(); int serve = config->fileserve; config_release_config(); if(!serve) return; if(!run_fserv) return; avl_tree_free(mimetypes, _delete_mapping); run_fserv = 0; thread_cond_signal(&fserv_cond); thread_join(fserv_thread); thread_cond_destroy(&fserv_cond); avl_tree_free(client_tree, _free_client); avl_tree_free(pending_tree, _free_client); } static void wait_for_fds() { avl_node *client_node; fserve_t *client; int i; while(run_fserv) { #ifdef HAVE_POLL if(client_tree_changed) { client_tree_changed = 0; i = 0; ufdssize = fserve_clients; ufds = realloc(ufds, ufdssize * sizeof(struct pollfd)); avl_tree_rlock(client_tree); client_node = avl_get_first(client_tree); while(client_node) { client = client_node->key; ufds[i].fd = client->client->con->sock; ufds[i].events = POLLOUT; client_node = avl_get_next(client_node); } avl_tree_unlock(client_tree); } if(poll(ufds, ufdssize, 200) > 0) return; #else struct timeval tv; fd_set realfds; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 200000; if(client_tree_changed) { client_tree_changed = 0; i=0; FD_ZERO(&fds); fd_max = 0; avl_tree_rlock(client_tree); client_node = avl_get_first(client_tree); while(client_node) { client = client_node->key; FD_SET(client->client->con->sock, &fds); if(client->client->con->sock > fd_max) fd_max = client->client->con->sock; client_node = avl_get_next(client_node); } avl_tree_unlock(client_tree); } memcpy(&realfds, &fds, sizeof(fd_set)); if(select(fd_max+1, NULL, &realfds, NULL, &tv) > 0) return; #endif else { avl_tree_rlock(pending_tree); client_node = avl_get_first(pending_tree); avl_tree_unlock(pending_tree); if(client_node) return; } } } static void *fserv_thread_function(void *arg) { avl_node *client_node, *pending_node; fserve_t *client; int sbytes, bytes; while (run_fserv) { avl_tree_rlock(client_tree); client_node = avl_get_first(client_tree); if(!client_node) { avl_tree_rlock(pending_tree); pending_node = avl_get_first(pending_tree); if(!pending_node) { /* There are no current clients. Wait until there are... */ avl_tree_unlock(pending_tree); avl_tree_unlock(client_tree); thread_cond_wait(&fserv_cond); continue; } avl_tree_unlock(pending_tree); } /* This isn't hugely efficient, but it'll do for now */ avl_tree_unlock(client_tree); wait_for_fds(); avl_tree_rlock(client_tree); client_node = avl_get_first(client_tree); while(client_node) { avl_node_wlock(client_node); client = (fserve_t *)client_node->key; if(client->offset >= client->datasize) { /* Grab a new chunk */ bytes = fread(client->buf, 1, BUFSIZE, client->file); if(bytes <= 0) { client->client->con->error = 1; avl_node_unlock(client_node); client_node = avl_get_next(client_node); continue; } client->offset = 0; client->datasize = bytes; } /* Now try and send current chunk. */ sbytes = client_send_bytes (client->client, &client->buf[client->offset], client->datasize - client->offset); /* TODO: remove clients if they take too long. */ if(sbytes >= 0) { client->offset += sbytes; } avl_node_unlock(client_node); client_node = avl_get_next(client_node); } avl_tree_unlock(client_tree); /* Now we need a write lock instead, to delete done clients. */ avl_tree_wlock(client_tree); client_node = avl_get_first(client_tree); while(client_node) { client = (fserve_t *)client_node->key; if(client->client->con->error) { fserve_clients--; client_node = avl_get_next(client_node); avl_delete(client_tree, (void *)client, _free_client); client_tree_changed = 1; continue; } client_node = avl_get_next(client_node); } avl_tree_wlock(pending_tree); /* And now insert new clients. */ client_node = avl_get_first(pending_tree); while(client_node) { client = (fserve_t *)client_node->key; avl_insert(client_tree, client); client_tree_changed = 1; fserve_clients++; stats_event_inc(NULL, "clients"); client_node = avl_get_next(client_node); } /* clear pending */ while(avl_get_first(pending_tree)) { avl_delete(pending_tree, avl_get_first(pending_tree)->key, _remove_client); } avl_tree_unlock(pending_tree); avl_tree_unlock(client_tree); } /* Shutdown path */ avl_tree_wlock(pending_tree); while(avl_get_first(pending_tree)) avl_delete(pending_tree, avl_get_first(pending_tree)->key, _free_client); avl_tree_unlock(pending_tree); avl_tree_wlock(client_tree); while(avl_get_first(client_tree)) avl_delete(client_tree, avl_get_first(client_tree)->key, _free_client); avl_tree_unlock(client_tree); thread_exit(0); return NULL; } static char *fserve_content_type(char *path) { char *ext = util_get_extension(path); mime_type exttype = {ext, NULL}; void *result; if (!avl_get_by_key (mimetypes, &exttype, &result)) { mime_type *mime = result; return mime->type; } else { /* Fallbacks for a few basic ones */ if(!strcmp(ext, "ogg")) return "application/ogg"; else if(!strcmp(ext, "mp3")) return "audio/mpeg"; else if(!strcmp(ext, "html")) return "text/html"; else if(!strcmp(ext, "txt")) return "text/plain"; else return "application/octet-stream"; } } static void fserve_client_destroy(fserve_t *client) { if(client) { if(client->buf) free(client->buf); if(client->file) fclose(client->file); if(client->client) client_destroy(client->client); free(client); } } int fserve_client_create(client_t *httpclient, char *path) { fserve_t *client = calloc(1, sizeof(fserve_t)); int bytes; int client_limit; ice_config_t *config = config_get_config(); client_limit = config->client_limit; config_release_config(); client->file = fopen(path, "rb"); if(!client->file) { client_send_404(httpclient, "File not readable"); return -1; } client->client = httpclient; client->offset = 0; client->datasize = 0; client->buf = malloc(BUFSIZE); global_lock(); if(global.clients >= client_limit) { httpclient->respcode = 504; bytes = sock_write(httpclient->con->sock, "HTTP/1.0 504 Server Full\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n" "Server is full, try again later.\r\n"); if(bytes > 0) httpclient->con->sent_bytes = bytes; fserve_client_destroy(client); global_unlock(); return -1; } global.clients++; global_unlock(); httpclient->respcode = 200; bytes = sock_write(httpclient->con->sock, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: %s\r\n\r\n", fserve_content_type(path)); if(bytes > 0) httpclient->con->sent_bytes = bytes; sock_set_blocking(client->client->con->sock, SOCK_NONBLOCK); sock_set_nodelay(client->client->con->sock); avl_tree_wlock(pending_tree); avl_insert(pending_tree, client); avl_tree_unlock(pending_tree); thread_cond_signal(&fserv_cond); return 0; } static int _compare_clients(void *compare_arg, void *a, void *b) { fserve_t *clienta = (fserve_t *)a; fserve_t *clientb = (fserve_t *)b; connection_t *cona = clienta->client->con; connection_t *conb = clientb->client->con; if (cona->id < conb->id) return -1; if (cona->id > conb->id) return 1; return 0; } static int _remove_client(void *key) { return 1; } static int _free_client(void *key) { fserve_t *client = (fserve_t *)key; fserve_client_destroy(client); global_lock(); global.clients--; global_unlock(); stats_event_dec(NULL, "clients"); return 1; } static int _delete_mapping(void *mapping) { mime_type *map = mapping; free(map->ext); free(map->type); free(map); return 1; } static int _compare_mappings(void *arg, void *a, void *b) { return strcmp( ((mime_type *)a)->ext, ((mime_type *)b)->ext); } static void create_mime_mappings(char *fn) { FILE *mimefile = fopen(fn, "r"); char line[4096]; char *type, *ext, *cur; mime_type *mapping; mimetypes = avl_tree_new(_compare_mappings, NULL); if(!mimefile) return; while(fgets(line, 4096, mimefile)) { line[4095] = 0; if(*line == 0 || *line == '#') continue; type = line; cur = line; while(*cur != ' ' && *cur != '\t' && *cur) cur++; if(*cur == 0) continue; *cur++ = 0; while(1) { while(*cur == ' ' || *cur == '\t') cur++; if(*cur == 0) break; ext = cur; while(*cur != ' ' && *cur != '\t' && *cur != '\n' && *cur) cur++; *cur++ = 0; if(*ext) { void *tmp; /* Add a new extension->type mapping */ mapping = malloc(sizeof(mime_type)); mapping->ext = strdup(ext); mapping->type = strdup(type); if(!avl_get_by_key(mimetypes, mapping, &tmp)) avl_delete(mimetypes, mapping, _delete_mapping); avl_insert(mimetypes, mapping); } } } fclose(mimefile); }