#!/bin/bash -xe BETA_VERSION=${1:?Missing Beta Version, Use 2}; shift SHORT_VERSION=${1:?Missing Short Version, Use}; shift STRANGE_VERSION=${1:?Missing Strange Version, Use '2.5 beta2'}; shift HTML_VERSION=${1:?Missing HTML Version, Use '25-beta-2'}; shift WIN32_VERSION=${1:?Missing Win32 Version, Use '2.5-beta2'}; shift ARCHIVE_VERSION=${1:?Missing Archive Version, Use '' for ci or _VERSION_ARCHIVE_ for release}; shift CI_VERSION=${1:?Missing CI Version - Use}; shift DATE=`date --date=${1:?ISO DATE or now} --iso-8601=seconds`; shift AUTHOR=${1:?Mail Address}; shift TEXT=${1:?Release Text}; shift ICECAST_PROJECT=${1:?Icecast OSC Project Name}; shift W32_ICECAST_PROJECT=${1:?Icecast W32 OSC Project Name}; shift W32_ICECAST_INSTALLER_PROJECT=${1:?Icecast W32 Installer OSC Project Name}; shift OSC_BASE_DIR=osc_tmp # upon release we modify the templates - in ci we modiy temporary files if [ "$ARCHIVE_VERSION" = "_VERSION_ARCHIVE_" ]; then OSC_BASE_DIR=ci/osc fi pushd $OSC_BASE_DIR sed -i "1s#^#icecast2 ($CI_VERSION-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium\n\n * $TEXT\n\n -- $AUTHOR `date --date=$DATE +"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"`\n\n#" $ICECAST_PROJECT/debian/changelog for i in "$ICECAST_PROJECT/$ICECAST_PROJECT.spec" "$W32_ICECAST_INSTALLER_PROJECT/$W32_ICECAST_INSTALLER_PROJECT.spec" "$W32_ICECAST_PROJECT/$W32_ICECAST_PROJECT.spec"; do sed -i "s/_VERSION_ARCHIVE_/$ARCHIVE_VERSION/; s/^Version:\(\s*\)[^\s]*$/Version:\1$CI_VERSION/; s#^%changelog.*\$#\0\n* `date --date=$DATE +"%a %b %d %Y"` $AUTHOR - $CI_VERSION-1\n- $TEXT\n\n#" "$i"; done sed -i "s/\(icecast_win32_\).*\(.exe\)/\1$WIN32_VERSION\2/" $W32_ICECAST_INSTALLER_PROJECT/$W32_ICECAST_INSTALLER_PROJECT.spec popd # we only update the changelog for releases - until i figure out if we want to run the magic script pre CI if [ "$ARCHIVE_VERSION" = "_VERSION_ARCHIVE_" ]; then sed -i "1s#^#`date --date=$DATE +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` $AUTHOR\n\n * $TEXT\n\n#" ChangeLog fi sed -i "1s#\[[.0-9]*\]#[$SHORT_VERSION]#" configure.ac sed -i "s/Icecast .* Documentation/Icecast $STRANGE_VERSION Documentation/; s/icecast-.*-documentation/icecast-$HTML_VERSION-documentation/" doc/index.html sed -i "s/\(\"DisplayVersion\" \"\).*\(\"\)$/\1$STRANGE_VERSION\2/" win32/icecast.nsis sed -i "s/\(OutFile \"icecast_win32_\).*\(.exe\"\)$/\1$WIN32_VERSION\2/" win32/icecast.nsis sed -i "s/^\(export ICECAST_VERSION=\).*$/\1$SHORT_VERSION/; s/\(export ICECAST_BETA_VERSION=\).*$/\1$BETA_VERSION/" ci/osc/*-config.sh # we only do this for release builds if [ "$ARCHIVE_VERSION" = "_VERSION_ARCHIVE_" ]; then sed -i "s/^\(export RELEASE_AUTHOR=\"\).*\(\"\)$/\1$AUTHOR\2/; s/\(export RELEASE_DATETIME=\).*$/\1$DATE/" ci/osc/release-config.sh fi if [ "$ARCHIVE_VERSION" != "_VERSION_ARCHIVE_" ]; then if ! git diff --quiet; then echo "git detected differences after ci driven create changelog run, this should not happen - please check"; git status git --no-pager diff exit 1; else echo "no repo diffs detected, this is good as CI should not change the repo(only temp files)!" fi else echo "applied changes to versions, please verify and commit them for a new release" git status git --no-pager diff fi