Compiling and installing Gophernicus ==================================== Gophernicus requires a C compiler but no extra libraries aside from standard LIBC ones. Care has been taken to use only standard POSIX syscalls so that it should work pretty much on any *nix system. Compiling has only been tested with GCC, but it will most likely work with others too. To compile and install run: $ gzip -cd gophernicus-*.tar.gz | tar xvf - $ cd gophernicus-* $ make $ sudo make install Then add the below line to your /etc/inetd.conf and restart inetd. If your system comes with something else than standard inetd "make install" should have done the right thing already. gopher stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/sbin/in.gophernicus in.gophernicus -h The -h parameter is mandatory for a properly working Gophernicus. Other parameters can also be added, see the full list by running "/usr/sbin/in.gophernicus -?" By default Gophernicus serves gopher documents from /var/gopher although that can be changed by using the -r parameter. To enable virtual hosting create hostname directories under the gopher root and make sure you have at least the primary hostname (the one set with -h ) directory available (mkdir /var/gopher/$HOSTNAME). Compiling on Debian Linux (and Ubuntu) ====================================== The above commands work on Debian just fine, but if you prefer having everything installed as packages run "make deb" instead of plain "make". If all the dependencies were in place you'll end up with an offical-looking deb package in the parent directory (don't ask - that's just how it works). And instead of "sudo make install" you should just install the deb with "dpkg -i ../gophernicus_*.deb" after which It Should Just Work(tm). Compiling on Mac OS X ===================== When you run "make install" on OSX-like system with launchd the install routine also installs a plist file and tells launchd to start the server up. In other words, It Just Works(tm). Cross-compiling =============== Cross-compiling to a different target architecture can be done by defining HOSTCC and CC to be different compilers. HOSTCC must point to a local arch compiler, and CC to the target arch one. $ make HOSTCC=gcc CC=target-arch-gcc Shared memory issues ==================== Gophernicus uses SYSV shared memory for session tracking and statistics. It creates the shared memory block using mode 600 and a predefined key which means that a shared memory block created with one user cannot be used by another user. Simply said, running in.gophernicus as yourself will allocate that memory, and then running the binary through inetd as another user (nobody) will be denied access to that memory. If that happens you can simply delete the memory block and let Gophernicus recreate it - no harm done. $ su - # ipcs -m | grep beeb # ipcrm -M Porting to different platforms ============================== If you need to port Gophernicus to a new platform, please take a look at gophernicus.h which has a bunch of HAVE_* #defines. Fiddling with those usually makes it possible to compile a working server. If you succeed in compiling Gophernicus to a new platform please send the patches to so I can include them into the next release. Tested (and semi-supported) platforms include: OS Arch Compiler +-------------+-------------+-------------+ AIX 5 POWER3 gcc 4 AIX 6 POWER4 gcc 4 AIX 7 POWER5 gcc 4 CentOS 5 x86_64 gcc 4 Debian Linux i386 gcc 4 Debian Linux armv5tel gcc 4 Maemo 5 armv7l gcc 4 MacOSX 10.5 i386 gcc 4 MacOSX 10.7 x86_64 llvm-gcc 4 MacOSX 10.8 x86_64 clang 3 NetBSD 5 x86_64 gcc 4 Haiku R1 i386 gcc 2