#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "gemini.h" #include "log.h" #include "mime.h" #include "server.h" #include "url.h" void client_submit_response(struct gmnisrv_client *client, enum gemini_status status, const char *meta, FILE *body) { client->state = CLIENT_STATE_HEADER; client->status = status; client->meta = strdup(meta); client->body = body; client->pollfd->events = POLLOUT; } void client_oom(struct gmnisrv_client *client) { const char *error = "Out of memory"; client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_TEMPORARY_FAILURE, error, NULL); } static int namecmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) { return strcmp(*(char *const *)p1, *(char *const *)p2); } void serve_autoindex(struct gmnisrv_client *client, const char *path) { size_t bufsz = 0; size_t nameln = 0, namesz = 1024; char **names = calloc(namesz, sizeof(char *)); DIR *dirp = opendir(path); if (!dirp) { goto internal_error; } bufsz += snprintf(NULL, 0, "# Index of %s\n\n", client->path); struct dirent *ent; errno = 0; while ((ent = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { char fpath[PATH_MAX + 1]; snprintf(fpath, sizeof(fpath), "%s/%s", path, ent->d_name); struct stat st; if (stat(fpath, &st) != 0) { goto internal_error; } if ((S_ISREG(st.st_mode) || S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) || S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) && ent->d_name[0] != '.') { if (nameln >= namesz) { char **new = realloc(names, namesz * 2); if (!new) { goto internal_error; } namesz *= 2; names = new; } names[nameln++] = strdup(ent->d_name); bufsz += snprintf(NULL, 0, "=> %s\n", ent->d_name); } errno = 0; } if (errno != 0) { goto internal_error; } qsort(names, nameln, sizeof(names[0]), namecmp); FILE *buf = fmemopen(NULL, bufsz, "w+"); if (!buf) { goto internal_error; } int r; r = fprintf(buf, "# Index of %s\n\n", client->path); assert(r > 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < nameln; ++i) { r = fprintf(buf, "=> %s\n", names[i]); assert(r > 0); } r = fseek(buf, 0, SEEK_SET); assert(r == 0); client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_SUCCESS, "text/gemini", buf); exit: closedir(dirp); for (size_t i = 0; i < nameln; ++i) { free(names[i]); } free(names); return; internal_error: server_error("Error reading %s: %s", path, strerror(errno)); client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_PERMANENT_FAILURE, "Internal server error", NULL); goto exit; } static void serve_cgi(struct gmnisrv_client *client, const char *path, const char *script_name, const char *pathinfo) { int pfd[2]; if (pipe(pfd) == -1) { server_error("pipe: %s", strerror(errno)); client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_PERMANENT_FAILURE, "Internal server error", NULL); return; } pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { server_error("fork: %s", strerror(errno)); client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_PERMANENT_FAILURE, "Internal server error", NULL); close(pfd[0]); close(pfd[1]); return; } else if (pid == 0) { close(pfd[0]); dup2(pfd[1], STDOUT_FILENO); close(pfd[1]); // I don't feel like freeing this stuff and this process is // going to die soon anyway so let's just be hip and call it an // arena allocator :^) struct Curl_URL *url = curl_url(); assert(url); CURLUcode uc = curl_url_set(url, CURLUPART_URL, client->buf, 0); assert(uc == CURLUE_OK); char *query; uc = curl_url_get(url, CURLUPART_QUERY, &query, CURLU_URLDECODE); if (uc != CURLUE_OK) { assert(uc == CURLUE_NO_QUERY); } else { setenv("QUERY_STRING", query, 1); } char abuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1]; const char *addrs = inet_ntop(client->addr.sa_family, client->addr.sa_data, abuf, sizeof(abuf)); assert(addrs); // Compatible with Jetforce setenv("GATEWAY_INTERFACE", "CGI/1.1", 1); setenv("SERVER_PROTOCOL", "GEMINI", 1); setenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE", "gmnisrv/0.0.0", 1); setenv("GEMINI_URL", client->buf, 1); setenv("SCRIPT_NAME", script_name, 1); setenv("PATH_INFO", pathinfo, 1); setenv("SERVER_NAME", client->host->hostname, 1); setenv("HOSTNAME", client->host->hostname, 1); //setenv("SERVER_PORT", "", 1); // TODO setenv("REMOTE_HOST", addrs, 1); setenv("REMOTE_ADDR", addrs, 1); const SSL_CIPHER *cipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(client->ssl); setenv("TLS_CIPHER", SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher), 1); setenv("TLS_VERSION", SSL_CIPHER_get_version(cipher), 1); // TODO: Client certificate details execlp(path, path, NULL); server_error("execlp: %s", strerror(errno)); _exit(1); } else { close(pfd[1]); FILE *f = fdopen(pfd[0], "r"); client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_SUCCESS, "(cgi)", f); client->state = CLIENT_STATE_BODY; // The CGI script sends meta client->bufix = client->bufln = 0; } } static char * ensure_buf(char *buf, size_t *sz, size_t desired) { while (*sz < desired) { *sz = *sz * 2; char *new = realloc(buf, *sz); assert(new); buf = new; } return buf; } static int get_group(struct gmnisrv_route *route, const char *name, int ncapture) { const char *groupname = lre_get_groupnames(route->regex); for (int i = 0; i < ncapture; groupname += strlen(groupname) + 1, ++i) { if (strcmp(groupname, name) == 0) { return i; } } return -1; } static char * process_rewrites(struct gmnisrv_route *route, const char *path, uint8_t **capture, int ncapture) { if (!route->rewrite) { return strdup(path); } size_t new_sz = strlen(path) * 2; size_t new_ln = 0; char *new = malloc(new_sz); *new = '\0'; char *temp = strdup(route->rewrite); char *rewrite = temp; char *next; do { next = strchr(rewrite, '\\'); size_t len; if (next) { len = next - rewrite; *next = '\0'; } else { len = strlen(rewrite); } ensure_buf(new, &new_sz, new_ln + len); strcat(new, rewrite); new_ln += len; if (!next) { break; } int group; char *endptr; switch (next[1]) { case '\0': server_error("Misconfigured rewrite rule for route %s: expected capture group identifier", route->spec); return strdup(path); case '{':; char *rbrace = strchr(&next[1], '}'); if (!rbrace) { server_error("Misconfigured rewrite rule for route %s: expected capture group terminator '}'", route->spec); return strdup(path); } *rbrace = '\0'; group = get_group(route, &next[2], ncapture); if (group == -1) { server_error("Misconfigured rewrite rule for route %s: unknown capture group '%s'", route->spec, &next[2]); return strdup(path); } ++group; endptr = &rbrace[1]; goto subgroup; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':; group = (int)strtoul(&next[1], &endptr, 10); if (group >= ncapture) { server_error("Misconfigured rewrite rule for route %s: unknown capture group %d\n", group); return strdup(path); } subgroup:; fprintf(stderr, "replace group %d\n", group); char *start = (char *)capture[group * 2], *end = (char *)capture[group * 2 + 1]; char c = *end; *end = '\0'; len = strlen(start); ensure_buf(new, &new_sz, new_ln + len); strcat(new, start); new_ln += len; fprintf(stderr, "+%s = %s\n", start, new); rewrite = endptr; *end = c; break; } } while (next); free(temp); fprintf(stderr, "rewritten: %s\n", new); return new; } static bool route_match(struct gmnisrv_route *route, const char *path, char **revised) { free(*revised); switch (route->routing) { case ROUTE_PATH:; size_t l = strlen(route->path); if (strncmp(path, route->path, l) != 0) { return false; } if (route->path[l-1] != '/' && path[l] != '\0' && path[l] != '/') { // Prevents path == "/foobar" from matching // route == "/foo": return false; } *revised = strdup(path); return true; case ROUTE_REGEX:; int ncapture = lre_get_capture_count(route->regex); uint8_t **capture = NULL; if (ncapture > 0) { capture = malloc(sizeof(capture[0]) * ncapture * 2); assert(capture); } int r = lre_exec(capture, route->regex, (const uint8_t *)path, 0, strlen(path), 0, NULL); if (r != 1) { free(capture); return false; } *revised = process_rewrites(route, path, capture, ncapture); free(capture); return true; } assert(0); // Invariant } void serve_request(struct gmnisrv_client *client) { struct gmnisrv_host *host = client->host; assert(host); struct gmnisrv_route *route = host->routes; assert(route); char *url_path = NULL; while (route) { if (route_match(route, client->path, &url_path)) { break; } route = route->next; } if (!route) { client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_NOT_FOUND, "Not found", NULL); free(url_path); return; } assert(route->root); // TODO: reverse proxy support // Paths on paths on paths on paths // My apologies to the stack char client_path[PATH_MAX + 1] = ""; char real_path[PATH_MAX + 1] = ""; char pathinfo[PATH_MAX + 1] = ""; char temp_path[PATH_MAX + 1] = ""; int n = snprintf(real_path, sizeof(real_path), "%s%s", route->root, url_path); if ((size_t)n >= sizeof(real_path)) { client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_PERMANENT_FAILURE, "Request path exceeds PATH_MAX", NULL); free(url_path); return; } strcpy(client_path, client->path); int nlinks = 0; struct stat st; while (true) { if ((n = stat(real_path, &st)) != 0) { if (route->cgi) { const char *new; strcpy(temp_path, client_path); new = basename((char *)temp_path); size_t l = strlen(new), q = strlen(pathinfo); memmove(&pathinfo[l + 1], pathinfo, q); pathinfo[0] = '/'; memcpy(&pathinfo[1], new, l); strcpy(temp_path, client_path); new = dirname((char *)temp_path); strcpy(client_path, new); strcpy(temp_path, real_path); new = dirname((char *)temp_path); strcpy(real_path, new); if (route_match(route, client_path, &url_path)) { n = snprintf(real_path, sizeof(real_path), "%s%s", route->root, url_path); assert((size_t)n < sizeof(real_path)); continue; } } client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_NOT_FOUND, "Not found", NULL); free(url_path); return; } if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { if (route->autoindex) { serve_autoindex(client, real_path); free(url_path); return; } else { strncat(real_path, route->index ? route->index : "index.gmi", sizeof(real_path) - 1); } } else if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) { ++nlinks; if (nlinks > 3) { server_error("Maximum redirects exceeded for %s", client->path); client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_NOT_FOUND, "Not found", NULL); free(url_path); return; } ssize_t s = readlink(real_path, temp_path, sizeof(temp_path)); assert(s != -1); strcpy(real_path, temp_path); } else if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { break; } else { // Don't serve special files client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_NOT_FOUND, "Not found", NULL); free(url_path); return; } } free(url_path); if (route->cgi) { serve_cgi(client, real_path, (const char *)client_path, (const char *)pathinfo); return; } FILE *body = fopen(real_path, "r"); if (!body) { if (errno == ENOENT) { client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_NOT_FOUND, "Not found", NULL); return; } else { client_error(&client->addr, "error opening %s: %s", real_path, strerror(errno)); client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_PERMANENT_FAILURE, "Internal server error", NULL); return; } } const char *meta = mimetype_for_path(real_path); client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_SUCCESS, meta, body); } bool request_validate(struct gmnisrv_client *client, char **path) { struct Curl_URL *url = curl_url(); if (!url) { client_oom(client); return false; } if (curl_url_set(url, CURLUPART_URL, client->buf, 0) != CURLUE_OK) { const char *error = "Protocol error: invalid URL"; client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, error, NULL); goto exit; } char *part; if (curl_url_get(url, CURLUPART_SCHEME, &part, 0) != CURLUE_OK) { const char *error = "Protocol error: invalid URL (expected scheme)"; client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, error, NULL); goto exit; } else if (strcmp(part, "gemini") != 0) { free(part); const char *error = "Refusing proxy to non-gemini URL"; client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_PROXY_REQUEST_REFUSED, error, NULL); goto exit; } free(part); if (curl_url_get(url, CURLUPART_HOST, &part, 0) != CURLUE_OK) { const char *error = "Protocol error: invalid URL (expected host)"; client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, error, NULL); goto exit; } else if (strcmp(part, client->host->hostname) != 0) { free(part); const char *error = "Protocol error: hostname does not match SNI"; client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, error, NULL); goto exit; } free(part); if (curl_url_get(url, CURLUPART_PATH, &part, 0) != CURLUE_OK) { const char *error = "Protocol error: invalid URL (expected path)"; client_submit_response(client, GEMINI_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, error, NULL); goto exit; } // NOTE: curl_url_set(..., CURLUPART_URL, ..., 0) will consoldate .. and // . to prevent directory traversal without additional code. *path = part; curl_url_cleanup(url); return true; exit: curl_url_cleanup(url); return false; }