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synced 2024-12-04 14:46:47 -05:00
The history converted from CVS is not in repo.or.cz though, so keep referring to pasky.or.cz for that. (We don't seem to use "gitweb.elinks.cz", which is a DNS alias for pasky.or.cz.) <paakku> Do you think we should maybe point people to gitweb at repo.or.cz rather than pasky.or.cz? <pasky> absolutely <pasky> actually I thought we already are pointing people at repo.or.cz <pasky> at least there was some movement to do that already, I believe :) |
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google_video.js | ||
hooks.js | ||
pornotube.js | ||
smartprefixes_bookmarks.js | ||
smartprefixes_classic.js | ||
smartprefixes_common.js | ||
youtube.js |
Methods ------- do_file(path) Load and evaluate the file with the given path (string). For example: do_file("/home/me/.elinks/hooks.js"); will reload your hooks file. elinks.alert(message) Display the given message (string) in a message box. For example: elinks.alert("Hello, world!"); will display a friendly greeting. elinks.execute(command) Execute the given command (string) on the current terminal. For example: var quoted_uri = "'" + elinks.location.replace(/'/g, "'\\''") + "'"; elinks.execute("firefox " + quoted_uri); will run Firefox with the URI of the current document. Note: one must be very careful with elinks.execute, because depending on the OS, the command may be subject to interpretation by a command shell language. When constructing the command string, be sure to quote any dubious parts (such as the URI of the current document, as above). elinks.load_uri(uri, callback) Load the given URI (string). When the URI completes loading, ELinks calls the given callback (function). The callback is passed the cache object that corresponds to the URI. For example: elinks.load_uri("http://www.eldar.org/cgi-bin/fortune.pl?text_format=yes", function (cached) { elinks.alert(cached.content); }); displays a fortune. Properties ---------- elinks.home (string) ELinks's 'home' directory, where it stores its configuration files. Read-only. For example, do_file(elinks.home + "hooks.js"); will reload your hooks file. elinks.location (string) The URI of the currently open document. This can be read to get a string with the URI or set to load a different document. For example, elinks.location = elinks.location + "/.."; will go up a directory (if the URI doesn't end in a file). elinks.bookmarks (hash) This is a hash, the elements of which correspond to the bookmarks. One can delve into the bookmarks hierarchy in a reasonably nifty fashion, just by using standard ECMAScript syntax: elinks.bookmarks.x.children.y.children.z.children.foo.title gets the title of the bookmark titled 'foo' under the folder 'z', which is a subfolder of 'y', which is a subfolder of 'x'. A bookmark object has these properties: item.title (string) This is the title of the bookmark. It can be read and set. item.url (string) This is the URI of the bookmark. It can be read and set. item.children (hash) This is a hash, the elements of which are the bookmarks that are children to the item. It is read-only. elinks.globhist (hash) This is a hash, the elements of which correspond to entries in ELinks's global history. The hash is indexed by URI. For example, elinks.globhist["file:///"] will get you the history item for your root directory. A history item has these properties: item.title (string) This is the title of the history item. It can be read and set. item.url (string) This is the URI of the history item. It can be read and set. item.last_visit (number) This is the UNIX time of the last visit time for the item. UNIX time is the number of seconds that have passed between the UNIX epoch (which is 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) and the represented time. Note that this is _seconds_ since the epoch, whereas ECMAScript likes to use _milliseconds_ since the epoch. This property can be set or read. elinks.keybinding (hash) This is a hash, the elements of which correspond to ELinks's keymaps. Currently, there are three: elinks.keybinding.main, elinks.keybinding.edit, and elinks.keybinding.menu. These elements are also hashes, the elements of which correspond to bindings. For example, elinks.keymaps.main["q"] is the binding to the 'q' key in the main map. These bindings can be red, to get the name of the action to which the key is bound, or set, either to a string with the name of the ELinks action or to a function, which will thenceforth be called when the key is pressed. For example, elinks.keymaps.main["!"] = function () { elinks.alert("Hello!"); } binds the '!' key in the main map to a function that displays a friendly alert. elinks.keymaps.main["/"] = "search-typeahead-text"; changes the '/' key to use the nice typeahead search function instead of opening that ugly old search dialogue box. Hooks ----- These are actually properties, but a special case: one assigns functions to them, which functions are called at certain events. Note that the default hooks file assigns functions that provide a mechanism to register multiple functions to each hook. When these default hooks are called, they iterate over all functions that are registered to them, calling each one in serial. If you want to register a preformat_html hook, for example, the preferred way to do so is not this: elinks.preformat_html = foo; but rather this: elinks.preformat_html_hooks.push(foo); which adds foo to an array of functions, over which the default elinks.preformat_html function will iterate. If any function in that array returns false, the default hook will stop iteration, not calling any more handlers. This applies to all of the default hooks. elinks.preformat_html(cached, vs) This function is called every time a document is loaded, before the document is actually rendered, to give scripts the opportunity to modify it. The first parameter is the cache object and the second is the view_state object (documented below). As explained above, it is preferred to add your hook to elinks.preformat_html_hooks rather than to assign it to elinks.preformat_html. elinks.goto_url_hook(url) This function is called every time the user enters something in the Go to URL box. The url (string) can be modified or not, and the returned string is substituted for what the user entered. If the value false is returned, the URL is not changed and further hooks in ELinks are not run. As explained above, it is preferred to add your hook to elinks.goto_url_hooks rather than to assign it to elinks.goto_url_hook. elinks.follow_url_hook(url) This function is called every time the user tries to load a document, whether by following a link, by entering a URI in the Go to URL box, by setting elinks.location, or whatever. It behaves the same as elinks.goto_url_hook above. As explained above, it is preferred to add your hook to elinks.follow_url_hooks rather than to assign it to elinks.follow_url_hook. Other Objects ------------- cache The cache object mentioned in the descriptions of elinks.load_uri and elinks.preformat_html is a wrapper for the internal ELinks cache object. Its properties are: cached.content (string) This is the content received from the server. It can be read and set. cached.type (string) This is the MIME type of the cache entry. It can be read and set. cached.length (number) This is the length of cached.content. It is read-only. cached.head (string) This is the header received from the server. It can be read and set. cached.uri (string) This is the URI of the cache entry. It is read-only. view_state The view_state object mentioned in the description of elinks.preformat_html is a wrapper for the internal ELinks view_state object. The view state holds information on how the current document is being displayed. vs.plain (boolean) Whether the current document is rendered as HTML or displayed as plaintext. This can be read and set. vs.uri (string) This is the URI of the current document. It is read-only.