.\" Title: elinks .\" Author: .\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.73.2 .\" Date: 07/11/2009 .\" Manual: The Elinks text-browser .\" Source: ELinks 0.13.GIT .\" .TH "ELINKS" "1" "07/11/2009" "ELinks 0\&.17\&.GIT" "The Elinks text\-browser" .\" disable hyphenation .nh .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only) .ad l .SH "NAME" elinks \- lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fIelinks\fR [OPTION]\&... [URL]\&... .sp .SH "DESCRIPTION" \fIELinks\fR is a text mode WWW browser, supporting colors, table rendering, background downloading, menu driven configuration interface, tabbed browsing and slim code\&. .sp Frames are supported\&. You can have different file formats associated with external viewers\&. mailto: and telnet: are supported via external clients\&. .sp ELinks can handle both local files and remote URLs\&. The main supported remote URL protocols are \fIHTTP\fR, \fIHTTPS\fR (with SSL support compiled in) and \fIFTP\fR\&. Additional protocol support exists for \fIBitTorrent\fR \fIfinger\fR, \fIGopher\fR, \fISMB\fR and \fINNTP\fR\&. .sp The homepage of \fIELinks\fR can be found at , where the ELinks manual is also hosted\&. .sp .SH "OPTIONS" Most options can be set in the user interface or config file, so usually you do not need to care about them\&. Note that this list is roughly equivalent to the output of running ELinks with the option \-\-long\-help\&. .PP \fB\-anonymous\fR \fI[0|1]\fR (default: 0) .RS 4 Restricts ELinks so it can run on an anonymous account\&. Local file browsing, downloads, and modification of options will be disabled\&. Execution of viewers is allowed, but entries in the association table can\'t be added or modified\&. .RE .PP \fB\-auto\-submit\fR \fI[0|1]\fR (default: 0) .RS 4 Automatically submit the first form in the given URLs\&. .RE .PP \fB\-base\-session\fR \fI\fR (default: 0) .RS 4 Used internally when opening ELinks instances in new windows\&. The ID maps to information that will be used when creating the new instance\&. You don\'t want to use it\&. .RE .PP \fB\-config\-dir\fR \fI\fR (default: "") .RS 4 Path of the directory ELinks will read and write its config and runtime state files to instead of \fI~/\&.config/elinks\fR\&. If the path does not begin with a \'/\' it is assumed to be relative to your \fBHOME\fR directory\&. .RE .PP \fB\-config\-dump\fR .RS 4 Print a configuration file with options set to the built\-in defaults to stdout\&. .RE .PP \fB\-config\-file\fR \fI\fR (default: "elinks\&.conf") .RS 4 Name of the configuration file that all configuration options will be read from and written to\&. It should be relative to config\-dir\&. .RE .PP \fB\-config\-help\fR .RS 4 Print help for configuration options and exit\&. .RE .PP \fB\-default\-mime\-type\fR (alias for mime\&.default_type) .RS 4 The default MIME type used for documents of unknown type\&. .RE .PP \fB\-default\-keys\fR \fI[0|1]\fR (default: 0) .RS 4 When set, all keybindings from configuration files will be ignored\&. It forces use of default keybindings and will reset user\-defined ones on save\&. .RE .PP \fB\-dump\fR \fI[0|1]\fR (default: 0) .RS 4 Print formatted plain\-text versions of given URLs to stdout\&. .RE .PP \fB\-dump\-charset\fR (alias for document\&.dump\&.codepage) .RS 4 Codepage used when formatting dump output\&. .RE .PP \fB\-dump\-color\-mode\fR (alias for document\&.dump\&.color_mode) .RS 4 Color mode used with \-dump\&. .RE .PP \fB\-dump\-width\fR (alias for document\&.dump\&.width) .RS 4 Width of the dump output\&. .RE .PP \fB\-eval\fR .RS 4 Specify configuration file directives on the command\-line which will be evaluated after all configuration files has been read\&. Example usage: \fB\-eval \'set protocol\&.file\&.allow_special_files = 1\'\fR .RE .PP \fB\-force\-html\fR .RS 4 Makes ELinks assume documents of unknown types are HTML\&. Useful when using ELinks as an external viewer from MUAs\&. This is equivalent to \fB\-default\-mime\-type\fR\fB text/html\fR\&. .RE .PP \fB\-?\fR, \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-help\fR .RS 4 Print usage help and exit\&. .RE .PP \fB\-localhost\fR \fI[0|1]\fR (default: 0) .RS 4 Restricts ELinks to work offline and only connect to servers with local addresses (ie\&. 127\&.0\&.0\&.1)\&. No connections to remote servers will be permitted\&. .RE .PP \fB\-long\-help\fR .RS 4 Print detailed usage help and exit\&. .RE .PP \fB\-lookup\fR .RS 4 Look up specified host and print all DNS resolved IP addresses\&. .RE .PP \fB\-no\-connect\fR \fI[0|1]\fR (default: 0) .RS 4 Run ELinks as a separate instance instead of connecting to an existing instance\&. Note that normally no runtime state files (bookmarks, history, etc\&.) are written to the disk when this option is used\&. See also \-touch\-files\&. .RE .PP \fB\-no\-home\fR \fI[0|1]\fR (default: 0) .RS 4 Disables creation and use of files in the user specific home configuration directory (\fI~/\&.config/elinks\fR)\&. It forces default configuration values to be used and disables saving of runtime state files\&. .RE .PP \fB\-no\-numbering\fR (alias for document\&.dump\&.numbering) .RS 4 Prevents printing of link number in dump output\&. .sp Note that this really affects only \-dump, nothing else\&. .RE .PP \fB\-no\-references\fR (alias for document\&.dump\&.references) .RS 4 Prevents printing of references (URIs) of document links in dump output\&. .sp Note that this really affects only \-dump, nothing else\&. .RE .PP \fB\-remote\fR .RS 4 Control a remote ELinks instance by passing commands to it\&. The option takes an additional argument containing the method which should be invoked and any parameters that should be passed to it\&. For ease of use, the additional method argument can be omitted in which case any URL arguments will be opened in new tabs in the remote instance\&. .sp Following is a list of the supported methods: .sp .RS 4 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\fBping()\fR: look for a remote instance .RE .sp .RS 4 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\fBopenURL()\fR: prompt URL in current tab .RE .sp .RS 4 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\fBopenURL(\fR\fB\fIURL\fR\fR\fB)\fR: open URL in current tab .RE .sp .RS 4 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\fBopenURL(\fR\fB\fIURL\fR\fR\fB, \fR\fBnew\-tab\fR\fB)\fR: open URL in new tab .RE .sp .RS 4 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\fBopenURL(\fR\fB\fIURL\fR\fR\fB, \fR\fBnew\-window\fR\fB)\fR: open URL in new window .RE .sp .RS 4 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\fBaddBookmark(\fR\fB\fIURL\fR\fR\fB)\fR: bookmark URL .RE .sp .RS 4 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\fBinfoBox(\fR\fB\fItext\fR\fR\fB)\fR: show text in a message box .RE .sp .RS 4 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\fBreload()\fR: reload the document in the current tab .RE .sp .RS 4 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\fBsearch(\fR\fBstring\fR\fB)\fR: search in the current tab .RE .sp .RS 4 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\fBxfeDoCommand(\fR\fBopenBrowser\fR\fB)\fR: open new window .RE .RE .PP \fB\-session\-ring\fR \fI\fR (default: 0) .RS 4 ID of session ring this ELinks session should connect to\&. ELinks works in so\-called session rings, whereby all instances of ELinks are interconnected and share state (cache, bookmarks, cookies, and so on)\&. By default, all ELinks instances connect to session ring 0\&. You can change that behaviour with this switch and form as many session rings as you want\&. Obviously, if the session\-ring with this number doesn\'t exist yet, it\'s created and this ELinks instance will become the master instance (that usually doesn\'t matter for you as a user much)\&. .sp Note that you usually don\'t want to use this unless you\'re a developer and you want to do some testing \- if you want the ELinks instances each running standalone, rather use the \-no\-connect command\-line option\&. Also note that normally no runtime state files are written to the disk when this option is used\&. See also \-touch\-files\&. .RE .PP \fB\-source\fR \fI[0|1]\fR (default: 0) .RS 4 Print given URLs in source form to stdout\&. .RE .PP \fB\-touch\-files\fR \fI[0|1]\fR (default: 0) .RS 4 When enabled, runtime state files (bookmarks, history, etc\&.) are written to disk, even when \-no\-connect or \-session\-ring is used\&. The option has no effect if not used in conjunction with any of these options\&. .RE .PP \fB\-verbose\fR \fI\fR (default: 1) .RS 4 The verbose level controls what messages are shown at start up and while running: .sp .RS 4 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'0 means only show serious errors .RE .sp .RS 4 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'1 means show serious errors and warnings .RE .sp .RS 4 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'2 means show all messages .RE .RE .PP \fB\-version\fR .RS 4 Print ELinks version information and exit\&. .RE Generated using output from ELinks version 0\&.13\&.GIT\&. .sp .SH "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" .PP COMSPEC, SHELL .RS 4 The shell used for File \-> OS Shell on DOS/Windows and UNIX, respectively\&. .RE .PP EDITOR .RS 4 The program to use for external editor (when editing textareas)\&. .RE .PP ELINKS_TWTERM, LINKS_TWTERM .RS 4 The command to run when selecting File \-> New window and if TWDISPLAY is defined (default twterm \-e)\&. .RE .PP ELINKS_XTERM, LINKS_XTERM .RS 4 The command to run when selecting File \-> New window and if DISPLAY is defined (default xterm \-e)\&. .RE .PP FTP_PROXY, HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY .RS 4 The host to proxy the various protocol traffic through\&. .RE .PP NO_PROXY .RS 4 A comma separated list of URLs which should not be proxied\&. .RE .PP HOME .RS 4 The path to the users home directory\&. Used when expanding ~/\&. .RE .PP XDG_CONFIG_HOME .RS 4 If set the location of the directory containing configuration files is \fI$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/elinks/\fR instead of \fI~/.config/elinks/\fR. .RE .PP WWW_HOME .RS 4 Homepage location (as in \fBlynx\fR(1))\&. .RE .SH "FILES" Configuration files controlled by ELinks are located in the user configuration directory, defaulting to \fI~/\&.config/elinks/\fR\&. In addition to the files listed below, a user defined CSS stylesheet can be defined using the \fIdocument\&.css\&.stylesheet\fR option\&. .PP @sysconfdir@/elinks\&.conf .RS 4 Site\-wide configuration file\&. .RE .PP ~/\&.config/elinks/elinks\&.conf .RS 4 Per\-user config file, loaded after site\-wide configuration\&. .RE .PP ~/\&.config/elinks/bookmarks .RS 4 Bookmarks file\&. .RE .PP ~/\&.config/elinks/cookies .RS 4 Cookies file\&. .RE .PP ~/\&.config/elinks/exmodehist .RS 4 Exmode history file\&. .RE .PP ~/\&.config/elinks/formhist .RS 4 Form history file\&. .RE .PP ~/\&.config/elinks/globhist .RS 4 History file containing most recently visited URLs\&. .RE .PP ~/\&.config/elinks/gotohist .RS 4 GoTo URL dialog history file\&. .RE .PP ~/\&.config/elinks/hooks\&.{js,lua,pl,py,rb,scm} .RS 4 Browser scripting hooks\&. .RE .PP ~/\&.config/elinks/searchhist .RS 4 Search history file\&. .RE .PP ~/\&.config/elinks/socket .RS 4 Internal \fIELinks\fR socket for communication between its instances\&. .RE .PP ~/\&.mailcap, /etc/mailcap .RS 4 Mappings of MIME types to external handlers\&. .RE .PP ~/\&.mime\&.types, /etc/mime\&.types .RS 4 Mappings of file extensions to MIME types\&. .RE .SH "BUGS" Please report any other bugs you find to the either the ELinks mailing list at or if you prefer enter them into the bug tracking system \&. More information about how to get in contact with developers and getting help can be found on the community page \&. .sp .SH "LICENSE" \fIELinks\fR is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License\&. .sp .SH "AUTHORS" The \fILinks\fR browser \- on which \fIELinks\fR is based \- was written by Mikulas Patocka \&. \fIELinks\fR was written by Petr Baudis \&. See file AUTHORS in the source tree for a list of people contributing to this project\&. .sp This manual page was written by Peter Gervai , using excerpts from a (yet?) unknown \fILinks\fR fan for the \fIDebian GNU/Linux system\fR (but may be used by others)\&. Contributions from Francis A\&. Holop\&. Extended, clarified and made more up\-to\-date by Petr Baudis \&. Updated by Zas \&. The conversion to Asciidoc and trimming was done by Jonas Fonseca \&. .sp .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBelinkskeys\fR(5), \fBelinks.conf\fR(5), \fBlinks\fR(1), \fBlynx\fR(1), \fBw3m\fR(1), \fBwget\fR(1) .sp