--| |-- --[ HOWTO CROSS-COMPILE ELINKS ]-- --| |-- --[ FOR LIN64, WIN64 AND ARM32 ]-- --| |-- --= 2022 04 22 =-- --| |-- Hello All, so it could be annoying to get elinks compiled on Windows. Or Arm or just different architecture than Linux. if You'd like to do that there is a solution. And that's mingw. You can cross-compile on Linux for Windows or Arm CPU. Now I'll assume You'd want to compile Windows x64 binary on Linux. There is a script I provide. it's build.sh. It would create static binary for arm, win or lin. On Debian You'd use x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc or rather the mingw toolchain. It's usage it's quite straight forward just use it as environment variable: CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc and to prepare the compilation configuration add: --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 parameter to configure. And that's it. With the script You'll get the very basic binary for Windows. It could be run, it would open simple http pages. The support for the terminal is not very good. So I would advise You to use environment variable TERM and set it to dumb. Like this: set TERM=dumb Some note on the testing environment. You of course obtain several machines and test it. But Linux handles all the emulation by itself. As I said here we assume You have Debian 10 at hand. And it can provide several machines at once as testing environment. [*] Windows For Windows You can run it in qemu. There is plenty of tutorials on the Net on HOWTO run Windows on it. Once You have the Windows x64 system it's not really necessary to open the graphical user interface. In the time of the writting there is possibility to run openssh server on it. To prepare the OpenSSH server just execute in admin powershell: Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client~~~~ Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~ Start-Service sshd Set-Service -Name sshd -StartupType 'Automatic' You have to tune the firewall. And forward the port to the localhost of the host machine from gues. After that You get the command prompt. I'm using sshfs to mount the host directory with the elinks sources so there is nothing necessary to copy and You can compile on the Linux host and execute binary on the Windows guest. Using GNU screen enables me to have 0-9 console screens. Some of it are dedicated to the binaries building on the Linux host and some one is ssh to the Windows guest and it's prepared in the mounted sources directory via sshfs to execute when compilation succeed. Other option is to use Wine but currently that doesn't provide the natural feeling of dumb terminal (see above). [*] ARM CPU The other architecture is from different category. In time of writting there is Raspberry Pi, Mobile Phones, NAS etc. Shortly You can get ARM processor in many devices. And sometimes it's handy to browse without much stress for the CPU that makes the common Graphical Interface unusable. To compile the binary for ARM You can use MinGW analogically to the Win architecture. I'd suggest following: CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc LD=arm-linux-gnueabihf-ld --build=arm-linux-gnu There are differences in the processors and currently the 64-bit ARM CPU's are out [ aarch64 ]. To test the binary You can emulate the raspberry pi in qemu in the same manner as windows. In my case I've got qemu running with the Raspbery Pi 2B emulation. I'm using sshfs in the same manner and have it open on one of the GNU screens. That makes the same efficiency in the terms of not needing to have any other device at hand and still make the basic tests of binaries correctness. There is one more option to run the arm binary. And that's qemu's command qemu-arm-static: qemu-arm-static ./src/elinks Finally the qemu provides runtime emulation for static binary without any need for additional disk space etc. Till Next Time