-- Bookmark system for Links-Lua. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- User options --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Default location to save and load bookmarks from. bm_bookmark_file = elinks_home.."/bookmark.lst" -- Set to non-`nil' to see URLs in the generated page. bm_display_urls = nil -- Set to non-`nil' to show links to category headers. -- Only useful while sorting categories, otherwise just annoying. bm_display_category_links = 1 -- Set to non-`nil' to automatically sort bookmarks alphabetically. -- Do not set this if you care about the sorting of your bookmarks! bm_auto_sort_bookmarks = nil ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Implementation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- We use a special syntax that looks like -- user:bookmark/1 (for categories) -- user:bookmark/1,2/http://some.phony.url/ (for bookmarks) bm_marker = 'user:bookmark' if not bm_bookmarks then -- If the user reloads this script, we don't want to -- lose all the bookmarks! :-) bm_bookmarks = {} end function bm_is_category (str) local _,n = string.gsub (str, bm_marker..'/%d+$', '') return n ~= 0 end function bm_is_bookmark (str) local _,n = string.gsub (str, bm_marker..'/%d+,%d+/', '') return n ~= 0 end function bm_decode_info (str) if bm_is_category (str) then str = string.gsub (str, '.-/(%d+)', 'return %1') else str = string.gsub (str, '.-/(%d+),(%d+)/(.*)', 'return %1,%2,"%3"') end return dostring (str) end function bm_find_category (cat) for i = 1, table.getn (bm_bookmarks) do local table = bm_bookmarks[i] if table.category == cat then return table end end end function bm_sort_bookmarks () if not bm_auto_sort_bookmarks then return end table.sort (bm_bookmarks, function (a, b) return a.category < b.category end) for i,v in ipairs(bm_bookmarks) do table.sort (v, function (a, b) return a.name < b. name end) end end function bm_generate_html () local s = '<html><head><title>Bookmarks</title></head>' ..'<body link=blue>\n' for i = 1, table.getn (bm_bookmarks) do local table = bm_bookmarks[i] s = s..'<h3>' if bm_display_category_links then s = s..'<a href="'..bm_marker..'/'..i..'">' end s = s..'<font color=gray>'..table.category..'</font>' if bm_display_category_links then s = s..'</a>' end s = s..'</h3>\n<ul>\n' for j = 1, table.getn (table) do local bm = table[j] s = s..'<li><a href="'..bm_marker..'/'..i..','..j..'/' ..bm.url..'">'..bm.name..'</a>\n' if bm_display_urls then s = s..'<br>'..bm.url..'\n' end end s = s..'</ul>\n' end s = s..'<hr>'..os.date ()..'\n' return s..'</body></html>\n' end -- Write bookmarks to disk. function bm_save_bookmarks (filename) if bm_dont_save then return end function esc (str) return string.gsub (str, "([^-%w \t_@#:/'().])", function (s) return string.format ("\\%03d", string.byte (s)) end) end if not filename then filename = bm_bookmark_file end local tab = ' ' writeto (filename) write ('return {\n') for i = 1, table.getn (bm_bookmarks) do local table = bm_bookmarks[i] write (tab..'{\n'..tab..tab..'category = "' ..esc (table.category)..'";\n') for i = 1, table.getn (table) do local bm = table[i] write (tab..tab..'{ name = "'..esc (bm.name)..'", url = "' ..esc (bm.url)..'" },\n') end write (tab..'},\n') end write ('}\n') writeto () end -- Load bookmarks from disk. function bm_load_bookmarks (filename) if not filename then filename = bm_bookmark_file end local tmp = dofile (filename) if type (tmp) == 'table' then bm_bookmarks = tmp bm_sort_bookmarks () bm_dont_save = nil else _ALERT ("Error loading "..filename) bm_dont_save = 1 end end -- Return the URL of a bookmark. function bm_get_bookmark_url (bm) if bm_is_bookmark (bm) then local _,_,url = bm_decode_info (bm) return url end end -- Bind this to a key to display bookmarks. function bm_view_bookmarks () local tmp = tmpname()..'.html' writeto (tmp) write (bm_generate_html ()) writeto () table.insert (tmp_files, tmp) return 'goto_url', tmp end function bm_do_add_bookmark (cat, name, url) if cat == "" or name == "" or url == "" then _ALERT ("Bad bookmark entry") end local table = bm_find_category (cat) if not table then table = { category = cat } table.insert (bm_bookmarks, table) end table.insert (table, { name = name, url = url }) bm_sort_bookmarks () end -- Bind this to a key to add a bookmark. function bm_add_bookmark () edit_bookmark_dialog ('', current_title () or '', current_url () or '', function (cat, name, url) bm_do_add_bookmark (cat, name, url) if current_title () == 'Bookmarks' then return bm_view_bookmarks () end end) end -- Bind this to a key to edit the currently highlighted bookmark. function bm_edit_bookmark () local bm = current_link () if not bm then elseif bm_is_category (bm) then local i = bm_decode_info (bm) edit_bookmark_dialog (bm_bookmarks[i].category, '', '', function (cat) if cat == '' then _ALERT ('Bad input') elseif bm_bookmarks[i].category ~= cat then local j = bm_find_category (cat) if not j then bm_bookmarks[i].category = cat else local tmp = bm_bookmarks[i] for i = 1, table.getn (tmp) do bm_do_add_bookmark (cat, tmp[i].name, tmp[i].url) end bm_delete_bookmark (i) end return bm_view_bookmarks () end end) elseif bm_is_bookmark (bm) then local i,j = bm_decode_info (bm) local entry = bm_bookmarks[i][j] edit_bookmark_dialog (bm_bookmarks[i].category, entry.name, entry.url, function (cat, name, url) if cat == '' or name == '' or url == '' then _ALERT ('Bad input') else if cat ~= bm_bookmarks[i].category then bm_do_delete_bookmark (i, j) bm_do_add_bookmark (cat, name, url) else entry.name = name entry.url = url end return bm_view_bookmarks () end end) end end function bm_do_delete_bookmark (i, j) if not j then table.remove (bm_bookmarks, i) else table.remove (bm_bookmarks[i], j) if table.getn (bm_bookmarks[i]) == 0 then table.remove (bm_bookmarks, i) end end end -- Bind this to a key to delete the currently highlighted bookmark. function bm_delete_bookmark () local bm = current_link () if bm and (bm_is_category (bm) or bm_is_bookmark (bm)) then local i,j = bm_decode_info (bm) bm_do_delete_bookmark (i, j) return bm_view_bookmarks () end end function bm_do_move_bookmark (dir) function tswap (t, i, j) if i > 0 and j > 0 and i <= table.getn (t) and j <= table.getn (t) then local x = t[i]; t[i] = t[j]; t[j] = x return 1 end end local bm = current_link () if not bm then elseif bm_is_category (bm) then local i = bm_decode_info (bm) if tswap (bm_bookmarks, i, i+dir) then return bm_view_bookmarks () end elseif bm_is_bookmark (bm) then local i,j = bm_decode_info (bm) if bm_bookmarks[i] and tswap (bm_bookmarks[i], j, j+dir) then return bm_view_bookmarks () end end end -- Bind this to a key to move the currently highlighted bookmark up. function bm_move_bookmark_up () if not bm_auto_sort_bookmarks then return bm_do_move_bookmark (-1) end end -- Bind this to a key to move the currently highlighted bookmark down. function bm_move_bookmark_down () if not bm_auto_sort_bookmarks then return bm_do_move_bookmark (1) end end function bookmarks_follow_url_hook (url) if bm_is_category (url) then return nil,true else url = bm_get_bookmark_url (url) if url then return url,true end end return url,nil end table.insert(follow_url_hooks, bookmarks_follow_url_hook) function bookmarks_quit_hook () bm_save_bookmarks () end table.insert(quit_hooks, bookmarks_quit_hook) -- Be careful not to load bookmarks if this script is being -- reloaded while in ELinks, or we will lose unsaved changes. if not bm_bookmarks or table.getn (bm_bookmarks) == 0 then bm_load_bookmarks () end -- My bookmark key bindings. -- bind_key ('main', 'a', bm_add_bookmark) -- bind_key ('main', 's', bm_view_bookmarks) -- bind_key ('main', 'Alt-e', bm_edit_bookmark) -- bind_key ('main', 'Alt-d', bm_delete_bookmark) -- bind_key ('main', 'Alt-k', bm_move_bookmark_up) -- bind_key ('main', 'Alt-j', bm_move_bookmark_down) -- vim: shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4