The ELinks Manual Welcome! This is the entry point for the current humble ELinks manual. It is by no way complete, it is not even very homogeneous and it should be eventually superseded by a complete ELinks Book, which you can find in the book/ subdirectory in a very prenatal stage. There was a complete (or from a large part complete) manual for the Links 0.82 once, you can still find it at: While large parts of it do not apply anymore, you may still find some relevant information there. You may also refer to the manual page for a very quick reference, however little effort is done to keep it always up-to-date. On the other hand, the built-in documentation is _always_ up-to-date. Check the --long-help and --config-help ELinks command-line arguments. Table of contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Introduction and Table of Contents .......................... index.txt User's Guide The ELinks Manual (txt) ............................ manual.txt The ELinks Manual (html) .......................... manual.html Other Topics Frequently Asked Questions ................... faq.html JavaScript/ECMAScript in ELinks ........ ecmascript.txt Man pages (*) elinks(1) ................................... man/man1/elinks.1 elinks.conf(5) ......................... man/man5/elinks.conf.5 elinkskeys(5) ........................... man/man5/elinkskeys.5 Developer's Guide Internal Scripting (**) The Lua Scripting Book ................ elinks-lua.texi On the Perl Scripting Interface ........ (***) perl.pod Events Reference Sheet (****) .............. events.txt The Demented Guide to Source Hacking (*****) ...... hacking.txt The Smallest Binary Quest Spoilerbook ............... small.txt A Discursus on Color Models ................... color-model.txt Appendices Appendix A - Notes on User Feedback .............. feedback.txt (*) Man pages are best viewed with the man program. The easiest way to do this is by telling the man program to look for man pages in the doc/man directory by using the -M switch. If you are standing in the top-level directory, you can do this by invoking the man program using: man -M doc/man elinks.conf (**) By internal scripting, we mean scripting of the browser internals through embedded Lua, Guile or Perl scripts. ECMAScript scripts embedded in documents have nothing to do with that. (***) This document is written in the Plain Old Documentation format, traditional for any Perl-related documentation. You can either view it directly by the 'perldoc' tool or convert it to a more reading- -friendly format by one of the numerous 'pod2' tools, most notably 'pod2text' and 'pod2html'. All those tools should be part of your Perl distribution (some Linux distributions have a separate 'perldoc' package). (****) De iure, this is not restricted to internal scripting and should be of general interest. De facto, it is currently interesting almost exclusively to hackers in the internal scripting area - and shall it be very useful resource for internal scripting power users. (*****) While that file contains great deal about general source code structure and especially guidelines regarding coding style, submitting patches etc., thus every aspiring developer should take the pains to read through it, do not forget to also look for README and similar text files in the subdirectories containing the relevant sources for detailed notes regarding given modules/subsystems. $Id: index.txt,v 1.18 2005/05/03 17:30:02 jonas Exp $ (Note: Sometimes, I broke the lines manually earlier than gqap would, for greater aesthetical effect. --pasky) vim: textwidth=72