/* Information about current document and current link */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_TIME_H #include #endif #include "elinks.h" #include "bfu/dialog.h" #include "cache/cache.h" #include "dialogs/document.h" #include "document/document.h" #include "document/view.h" #include "globhist/globhist.h" #include "intl/gettext/libintl.h" #include "protocol/header.h" #include "protocol/uri.h" #include "session/location.h" #include "session/session.h" #include "terminal/terminal.h" #include "terminal/window.h" #include "util/conv.h" #include "util/memory.h" #include "util/string.h" #include "viewer/text/link.h" #include "viewer/text/view.h" void nowhere_box(struct terminal *term, unsigned char *title) { assert(term); if_assert_failed return; if (!title || !*title) title = N_("Info"); info_box(term, 0, title, ALIGN_CENTER, N_("You are nowhere!")); } static void add_link_info_to_string(struct string *msg, struct session *ses) { struct document_view *doc_view = current_frame(ses); struct terminal *term = ses->tab->term; unsigned char *a; struct link *link; if (!doc_view) return; add_char_to_string(msg, '\n'); a = get_current_link_info(ses, doc_view); if (a) { add_format_to_string(msg, "\n%s: %s", _("Link", term), a); mem_free(a); } a = get_current_link_title(doc_view); if (a) { add_format_to_string(msg, "\n%s: %s", _("Link title", term), a); mem_free(a); } link = get_current_link_in_view(doc_view); if (link) { struct string img; #ifdef CONFIG_GLOBHIST struct global_history_item *historyitem; #endif if (link->where_img && init_string(&img)) { add_string_uri_to_string(&img, link->where_img, URI_PUBLIC); decode_uri_string_for_display(&img); add_format_to_string(msg, "\n%s: %s", _("Link image", term), img.source); done_string(&img); } #ifdef CONFIG_GLOBHIST historyitem = get_global_history_item(link->where); if (historyitem) { unsigned char *last_visit; last_visit = ctime(&historyitem->last_visit); if (last_visit) add_format_to_string(msg, "\n%s: %.24s", _("Link last visit time", term), last_visit); if (*historyitem->title) add_format_to_string(msg, "\n%s: %s", _("Link title (from history)", term), historyitem->title); } #endif } } /* Location info. message box. */ void document_info_dialog(struct session *ses) { struct terminal *term = ses->tab->term; struct location *location = cur_loc(ses); struct document_view *doc_view; struct cache_entry *cached; struct string msg; if (!location) { nowhere_box(term, NULL); return; } doc_view = current_frame(ses); if (!init_string(&msg)) return; add_to_string(&msg, _("URL", term)); add_to_string(&msg, ": "); /* Add the uri with password and post info stripped */ add_uri_to_string(&msg, location->vs.uri, URI_PUBLIC); add_char_to_string(&msg, '\n'); if (doc_view && doc_view->document->title) { add_format_to_string(&msg, "%s: %s", _("Title", term), doc_view->document->title); } add_char_to_string(&msg, '\n'); cached = doc_view->document->cached; if (cached) { unsigned char *a; add_format_to_string(&msg, "\n%s: %" OFF_T_FORMAT, _("Size", term), cached->length); if (cached->incomplete) { add_format_to_string(&msg, " (%s)", _("incomplete", term)); } if (doc_view) { add_format_to_string(&msg, "\n%s: %s", _("Codepage", term), get_cp_name(doc_view->document->cp)); if (doc_view->document->cp_status == CP_STATUS_ASSUMED) { add_format_to_string(&msg, " (%s)", _("assumed", term)); } else if (doc_view->document->cp_status == CP_STATUS_IGNORED) { add_format_to_string(&msg, " (%s)", _("ignoring server setting", term)); } } a = parse_header(cached->head, "Server", NULL); if (a) { add_format_to_string(&msg, "\n%s: %s", _("Server", term), a); mem_free(a); } if (cached->ssl_info) { add_format_to_string(&msg, "\n%s: %s", _("SSL Cipher", term), cached->ssl_info); } if (cached->encoding_info) { add_format_to_string(&msg, "\n%s: %s", _("Encoding", term), cached->encoding_info); } a = parse_header(cached->head, "Date", NULL); if (a) { add_format_to_string(&msg, "\n%s: %s", _("Date", term), a); mem_free(a); } if (cached->last_modified) { add_format_to_string(&msg, "\n%s: %s", _("Last modified", term), cached->last_modified); } if (!cached->incomplete) { add_format_to_string(&msg, "\n%s: ", _("Time since loading", term)); add_duration_to_string(&msg, time(NULL) - cached->seconds); } } #ifdef CONFIG_GLOBHIST { unsigned char *last_visit = NULL; struct global_history_item *historyitem; add_format_to_string(&msg, "\n%s: ", _("Last visit time", term)); historyitem = get_global_history_item(struri(location->vs.uri)); if (historyitem) last_visit = ctime(&historyitem->last_visit); /* GNU's documentation says that ctime() can return NULL. * The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6 implies * otherwise, but is ambiguous. Let's be safe. -- Miciah */ if (last_visit) { /* The string returned by ctime() includes a newline, * and we don't want that, so we use add_bytes_to_str. * The string always has exactly 25 characters, so add * 24 bytes: The length of the string, minus one for * the newline. -- Miciah */ add_bytes_to_string(&msg, last_visit, 24); } else { add_to_string(&msg, _("Unknown", term)); } } #endif add_link_info_to_string(&msg, ses); info_box(term, MSGBOX_FREE_TEXT | MSGBOX_SCROLLABLE, N_("Info"), ALIGN_LEFT, msg.source); } void cached_header_dialog(struct session *ses, struct cache_entry *cached) { int msgbox_flags = 0; unsigned char *title = N_("Header info"); unsigned char *headers = NULL; int i = 0, j = 0; if (!cached || !cached->head || !*cached->head) goto display_headers; #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG /* If |cached->head| starts with a newline, it has been * internally generated, usually to give ELinks-generated * documents (e.g., file:// directory listings) a MIME type * of text/html. */ if (*cached->head == '\r') title = N_("Internal header info"); #endif headers = mem_alloc(strlen(cached->head) + 1); if (!headers) return; /* Sanitize headers string. */ /* XXX: Do we need to check length and limit * it to something reasonable? */ while (cached->head[i]) { /* Check for control chars. */ if (cached->head[i] < ' ' && cached->head[i] != '\n') { /* Ignore '\r' but replace * other control chars with * a visible char. */ if (cached->head[i] != '\r') { headers[j] = '*'; j++; } } else { headers[j] = cached->head[i]; j++; } i++; } /* Ensure null termination. */ headers[j] = '\0'; /* Remove any trailing newlines. */ while (j && headers[--j] == '\n') headers[j] = '\0'; if (!*headers) mem_free_set(&headers, NULL); display_headers: if (!headers) { headers = N_("No header info."); } else { msgbox_flags = MSGBOX_FREE_TEXT | MSGBOX_SCROLLABLE; } /* Headers info message box. */ info_box(ses->tab->term, msgbox_flags, title, ALIGN_LEFT, headers); } /* Headers info. message box. */ void protocol_header_dialog(struct session *ses) { if (!have_location(ses)) { nowhere_box(ses->tab->term, N_("Header info")); return; } if (ses->doc_view && ses->doc_view->document) cached_header_dialog(ses, ses->doc_view->document->cached); }