#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; print "Usage: $0 [FILE]\n\tParses [FILE], outputing the result to stdout.\n" and exit if not @ARGV; my ($input) = @ARGV; my ($found, $start, $first, $gotone); print "CopyleftŠ 2006, Russ Rowan (See `COPYING')\n" and exit if $input eq '-v'; open FILEIN, "<$input" or print "File `$input' was not found.\n" and exit; while () { if ($found) { if ($_ =~ /^\s+\*\s$/) { next if $first; $_ =~ s/\s\*// if not $first; } if ($_ =~ /^\s\*+\/$/ or $_ !~ /^\s/) { $found = undef; next; } $_ =~ s/^(\s*)\s\*\s/$1/; $found = 'sorta' if $_ =~ s/\s*\*\/$/\n/; $first = undef; } elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*\/\*\*\s(.*)/) { $_ = $1; $first = 1; print STDOUT "\n\n" if $start; if ($_ =~ s/\s*\*\/$//) { $found = 'sorta'; } else { $found = $.; } if ($_ =~ /::/) { $_ = "$_\n\n"; } else { my $dash; for (my $x = 0; $x < length($_); $x++) { $dash .= '-'; } $_ = "$_\n$dash\n\n"; } } elsif ($_ =~ /\s*([A-Z0-9_]+)(\s+=\s+[0-9]+)?,\s*\/\*::\s*(.*)\s+\*\/$/) { print STDOUT "\n" if $gotone; $_ =~ s/\s*([A-Z0-9_]+)(\s+=\s+[0-9]+|),\s*\/\*::\s*(.*)\s+\*\/$/id:[$1]::\n\t$3/; $found = 'sorta'; $gotone = $.; } print STDOUT "\n" and $gotone = undef if $gotone and $gotone < $.; next if not $found; $found = undef if $found eq 'sorta'; print STDOUT $_ and $start = 1; } close FILEIN;