/* Python scripting engine */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "elinks.h" #include "config/home.h" #include "main/module.h" #include "scripting/python/core.h" #include "scripting/python/dialogs.h" #include "scripting/python/document.h" #include "scripting/python/keybinding.h" #include "scripting/python/load.h" #include "scripting/python/menu.h" #include "scripting/python/open.h" #include "scripting/python/python.h" #include "scripting/scripting.h" #include "session/session.h" #include "util/env.h" #include "util/string.h" struct session *python_ses = NULL; PyObject *python_elinks_err = NULL; PyObject *python_hooks = NULL; /* Error reporting. */ void alert_python_error(void) { unsigned char *msg = "(no traceback available)"; PyObject *err_type = NULL, *err_value = NULL, *err_traceback = NULL; PyObject *tb_module = NULL; PyObject *msg_list = NULL; PyObject *empty_string = NULL; PyObject *msg_string = NULL; unsigned char *temp; /* * Retrieve the current error indicator and use the format_exception() * function in Python's traceback module to produce an informative * error message. It returns a list of Python string objects. */ PyErr_Fetch(&err_type, &err_value, &err_traceback); PyErr_NormalizeException(&err_type, &err_value, &err_traceback); if (!err_type) goto end; tb_module = PyImport_ImportModule("traceback"); if (!tb_module) goto end; msg_list = PyObject_CallMethod(tb_module, "format_exception", "OOO", err_type, err_value ? err_value : Py_None, err_traceback ? err_traceback : Py_None); if (!msg_list) goto end; /* * Use the join() method of an empty Python string to join the list * of strings into one Python string containing the entire error * message. Then get the contents of the Python string. */ empty_string = PyString_FromString(""); if (!empty_string) goto end; msg_string = PyObject_CallMethod(empty_string, "join", "O", msg_list); if (!msg_string) goto end; temp = (unsigned char *) PyString_AsString(msg_string); if (temp) msg = temp; end: report_scripting_error(&python_scripting_module, python_ses, msg); Py_XDECREF(err_type); Py_XDECREF(err_value); Py_XDECREF(err_traceback); Py_XDECREF(tb_module); Py_XDECREF(msg_list); Py_XDECREF(empty_string); Py_XDECREF(msg_string); /* In case another error occurred while reporting the original error: */ PyErr_Clear(); } /* Prepend ELinks directories to Python's search path. */ static int set_python_search_path(void) { struct string new_python_path; unsigned char *old_python_path; int result = -1; if (!init_string(&new_python_path)) return result; if (elinks_home && !add_format_to_string(&new_python_path, "%s%c", elinks_home, DELIM)) goto end; if (!add_to_string(&new_python_path, CONFDIR)) goto end; old_python_path = (unsigned char *) getenv("PYTHONPATH"); if (old_python_path && !add_format_to_string(&new_python_path, "%c%s", DELIM, old_python_path)) goto end; result = env_set("PYTHONPATH", new_python_path.source, -1); end: done_string(&new_python_path); return result; } /* Module-level documentation for the Python interpreter's elinks module. */ static char module_doc[] = PYTHON_DOCSTRING("Interface to the ELinks web browser.\n\ \n\ Functions:\n\ \n\ bind_key() -- Bind a keystroke to a callable object.\n\ current_document() -- Return the body of the document being viewed.\n\ current_header() -- Return the header of the document being viewed.\n\ current_link_url() -- Return the URL of the currently selected link.\n\ current_title() -- Return the title of the document being viewed.\n\ current_url() -- Return the URL of the document being viewed.\n\ info_box() -- Display information to the user.\n\ input_box() -- Prompt for user input.\n\ load() -- Load a document into the ELinks cache.\n\ menu() -- Display a menu.\n\ open() -- View a document.\n\ \n\ Exception classes:\n\ \n\ error -- Errors internal to ELinks.\n\ \n\ Other public objects:\n\ \n\ home -- A string containing the pathname of the ~/.elinks directory, or\n\ None if ELinks has no configuration directory.\n"); void init_python(struct module *module) { PyObject *elinks_module, *module_dict, *module_name; if (set_python_search_path() != 0) return; /* Treat warnings as errors so they can be caught and handled; * otherwise they would be printed to stderr. * * NOTE: PySys_ResetWarnOptions() and PySys_AddWarnOption() have been * available and stable for many years but they're not officially * documented as part of Python's public API, so in theory these two * functions might no longer be available in some hypothetical future * version of Python. */ PySys_ResetWarnOptions(); PySys_AddWarnOption("error"); Py_Initialize(); elinks_module = Py_InitModule3("elinks", NULL, module_doc); if (!elinks_module) goto python_error; /* If @elinks_home is NULL, Py_BuildValue() returns a None reference. */ if (PyModule_AddObject(elinks_module, "home", Py_BuildValue("s", elinks_home)) != 0) goto python_error; python_elinks_err = PyErr_NewException("elinks.error", NULL, NULL); if (!python_elinks_err) goto python_error; if (PyModule_AddObject(elinks_module, "error", python_elinks_err) != 0) goto python_error; module_dict = PyModule_GetDict(elinks_module); if (!module_dict) goto python_error; module_name = PyString_FromString("elinks"); if (!module_name) goto python_error; if (python_init_dialogs_interface(module_dict, module_name) != 0 || python_init_document_interface(module_dict, module_name) != 0 || python_init_keybinding_interface(module_dict, module_name) != 0 || python_init_load_interface(module_dict, module_name) != 0 || python_init_menu_interface(module_dict, module_name) != 0 || python_init_open_interface(module_dict, module_name) != 0) goto python_error; python_hooks = PyImport_ImportModule("hooks"); if (!python_hooks) goto python_error; return; python_error: alert_python_error(); } void cleanup_python(struct module *module) { if (Py_IsInitialized()) { python_done_keybinding_interface(); Py_XDECREF(python_hooks); Py_Finalize(); } } /* Add methods to a Python extension module. */ int add_python_methods(PyObject *dict, PyObject *name, PyMethodDef *methods) { PyMethodDef *method; for (method = methods; method && method->ml_name; method++) { PyObject *function = PyCFunction_NewEx(method, NULL, name); int result; if (!function) return -1; result = PyDict_SetItemString(dict, method->ml_name, function); Py_DECREF(function); if (result != 0) return -1; } return 0; }