#! /usr/bin/perl # The copyright notice and license are in the POD at the bottom. use strict; use warnings; use Locale::PO qw(); use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions :config bundling gnu_compat); use autouse 'Pod::Usage' => qw(pod2usage); my $VERSION = "1.5"; sub show_version { print "check-accelerator-conflicts.pl $VERSION\n"; pod2usage({-verbose => 99, -sections => "COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE", -exitval => 0}); } # The character that precedes accelerators in strings. # Set with the --accelerator-tag=CHARACTER option. my $Opt_accelerator_tag; # True if, for missing or fuzzy translations, the msgid string should # be checked instead of msgstr. Set with the --msgid-fallback and # --no-msgid-fallback options. my $Opt_msgid_fallback = 1; sub acceleration_arrays_eq ($$) { my($left, $right) = @_; ref($left) eq "ARRAY" or return 0; ref($right) eq "ARRAY" or return 0; @$left == @$right or return 0; $left->[$_] eq $right->[$_] or return 0 foreach (0 .. $#$right); return 1; } sub check_po_file ($) { # The name of the PO file to be checked. my($po_file_name) = @_; # A nested hash that lists the accelerators and their uses. # $accelerators{$accelerator}{$ctxname}{ACCELERATIONS}[$i]{LINENO} # 1. In %accelerators, the keys are one-character strings, # and the values are hash references. # 2. In %{$accelerators{$accelerator}}, the keys are names # of contexts in which the accelerator is used, and the # values are references to "crossing" hashes. # 3. %{$accelerators{$accelerator}{$ctxname}} is a "crossing" hash, # so named because it describes how an accelerator and a context # cross each other. It has the following elements: # (ACCELERATIONS => [see point 4 below], # REPORTED => (1 if this is a conflict and has been reported), # AVOID => (1 if this accelerator should not be suggested in this # context)) # 4. @{$accelerators{$accelerator}{$ctxname}{ACCELERATIONS}} is a list of # references to "acceleration" hashes. If the same acceleration occurs # in multiple contexts, then the references are to the same hash. # 5. %{$accelerators{$accelerator}{ctxname}{ACCELERATIONS}[$i]} is an # "acceleration" hash. It has the following structure: # (PO => (the Locale::PO object), # CTXNAMES => [read-only list of names of contexts in which the # accelerator is used], # ACCELERATOR => (a one-character string), # LINENO => (line number in the PO file), # STRING => (the msgid or msgstr string that defines the accelerator; # unquoted as much as possible), # EXPLAIN => (a string to be displayed if a conflict is found)) my %accelerators; # How many entries had checkable accelerators. my $checkable_count = 0; # How many conflicts have been found so far. my $conflict_count = 0; { my $pos = Locale::PO->load_file_asarray($po_file_name) or warn "$po_file_name: $!\n", return 2; foreach my $po (@$pos) { my $automatic = $po->automatic() or next; my($ctxnames) = ($automatic =~ /^accelerator_context\(([^\)]*)\)/) or next; my @ctxnames = split(/\s*,\s*/, $ctxnames); my @accelerations; my $msgid = $po->msgid(); my $msgstr = $po->msgstr(); if ($po->dequote($msgstr) ne "" && !$po->fuzzy()) { if (my($accelerator) = ($msgstr =~ /\Q$Opt_accelerator_tag\E(.)/s)) { push @accelerations, { PO => $po, CTXNAMES => \@ctxnames, ACCELERATOR => $accelerator, LINENO => $po->msgstr_begin_lineno(), STRING => $msgstr, EXPLAIN => "msgstr $msgstr" }; } # TODO: look for accelerators in plural forms? } elsif ($Opt_msgid_fallback && $po->dequote($msgid) ne "") { if (my($accelerator) = ($msgid =~ /\Q$Opt_accelerator_tag\E(.)/s)) { push @accelerations, { PO => $po, CTXNAMES => \@ctxnames, ACCELERATOR => $accelerator, LINENO => $po->msgid_begin_lineno(), STRING => $msgid, EXPLAIN => "msgid $msgid" }; } } $checkable_count++ if @accelerations; foreach my $acceleration (@accelerations) { my $accelerator = uc($acceleration->{ACCELERATOR}); foreach my $crossing (@{$accelerators{$accelerator}}{@ctxnames}) { push @{$crossing->{ACCELERATIONS}}, $acceleration; $crossing->{AVOID} = 1 if $acceleration->{EXPLAIN} =~ /^msgstr/; } } } } foreach my $accelerator (sort keys %accelerators) { my $ctxhash = $accelerators{$accelerator}; foreach my $crossing (@{$ctxhash}{sort keys %$ctxhash}) { my $accelerations = $crossing->{ACCELERATIONS}; if ($accelerations && @$accelerations > 1 && !$crossing->{REPORTED}) { my @ctxnames_in_conflict; foreach my $inner_ctxname (keys %$ctxhash) { my $inner_crossing = $ctxhash->{$inner_ctxname}; if (acceleration_arrays_eq($inner_crossing->{ACCELERATIONS}, $accelerations)) { push @ctxnames_in_conflict, $inner_ctxname; $inner_crossing->{REPORTED} = 1; } } my $ctxnames_in_conflict = join(", ", map(qq("$_"), @ctxnames_in_conflict)); warn "$po_file_name: Accelerator conflict for \"$accelerator\" in $ctxnames_in_conflict:\n"; foreach my $acceleration (@$accelerations) { my $lineno = $acceleration->{LINENO}; my $explain = $acceleration->{EXPLAIN}; # Get a string of unique characters in the string, # preferring characters that start a word. # FIXME: should remove quotes and resolve \n etc. my $displaystr = $acceleration->{STRING}; $displaystr =~ s/\Q$Opt_accelerator_tag\E//g; my $suggestions = ""; foreach my $char ($displaystr =~ /\b(\w)/g, $displaystr =~ /(\w)/g) { $suggestions .= $char unless $suggestions =~ /\Q$char\E/i; } # But don't suggest unavailable characters. SUGGESTION: foreach my $char (split(//, $suggestions)) { foreach my $ctxname (@{$acceleration->{CTXNAMES}}) { $suggestions =~ s/\Q$char\E//, next SUGGESTION if $accelerators{uc($char)}{$ctxname}{AVOID}; } } warn "$po_file_name:$lineno: $explain\n"; if ($suggestions eq "") { warn "$po_file_name:$lineno: no suggestions :-(\n"; } else { warn "$po_file_name:$lineno: suggestions: $suggestions\n"; } } # foreach $acceleration in conflict $conflict_count++; } # if found a conflict } # foreach context known for $accelerator } # foreach $accelerator print "$po_file_name: " . ($checkable_count == 1 ? "Checked 1 entry" : "Checked $checkable_count entries") . ", " . ($conflict_count == 1 ? "found 1 accelerator conflict" : "found $conflict_count accelerator conflicts") . ".\n"; return $conflict_count ? 1 : 0; } GetOptions("accelerator-tag=s" => sub { my($option, $value) = @_; die "Cannot use multiple --accelerator-tag options\n" if defined($Opt_accelerator_tag); die "--accelerator-tag requires a single-character argument\n" if length($value) != 1; $Opt_accelerator_tag = $value; }, "msgid-fallback!" => \$Opt_msgid_fallback, "help" => sub { pod2usage({-verbose => 1, -exitval => 0}) }, "version" => \&show_version) or exit 2; $Opt_accelerator_tag = "~" unless defined $Opt_accelerator_tag; print(STDERR "$0: missing file operand\n"), exit 2 unless @ARGV; my $max_error = 0; foreach my $po_file_name (@ARGV) { my $error = check_po_file($po_file_name); $max_error = $error if $error > $max_error; } exit $max_error; __END__ =head1 NAME check-accelerator-conflicts.pl - Scan a PO file for conflicting accelerator keys. =head1 SYNOPSIS B<check-accelerator-conflicts.pl> [I<option> ...] F<I<language>.po> [...] =head1 DESCRIPTION B<check-accelerator-conflicts.pl> is part of a framework that detects conflicting accelerator keys in Gettext PO files. A conflict is when two items in the same menu or two buttons in the same dialog box use the same accelerator key. The PO file format does not normally include any information on which strings will be used in the same menu or dialog box. B<check-accelerator-conflicts.pl> can only be used on PO files to which this information has been added with B<gather-accelerator-contexts.pl> or merged with B<msgmerge>. B<check-accelerator-conflicts.pl> reads the F<I<language>.po> file named on the command line and reports any conflicts to standard error. It also tries to suggest replacements for the conflicting accelerators. B<check-accelerator-conflicts.pl> does not access the source files to which F<I<language>.po> refers. Thus, it does not matter if the line numbers in "#:" lines are out of date. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<--accelerator-tag=>I<character> Specify the character that marks accelerators in C<msgstr> strings. Whenever this character occurs in a C<msgstr>, B<check-accelerator-conflicts.pl> treats the next character as an accelerator and checks that it is unique in each of the contexts in which the C<msgstr> is used. Omitting the B<--accelerator-tag> option implies B<--accelerator-tag="~">. The option must be given to each program separately because there is no standard way to save this information in the PO file. =item B<--msgid-fallback> =item B<--no-msgid-fallback> Select how to check entries where the C<msgstr> is missing or fuzzy. The default is B<--msgid-fallback>, which makes B<check-accelerator-conflicts.pl> use the C<msgid> instead, and report any conflicts between C<msgid> and C<msgstr> strings. The alternative is B<--no-msgid-fallback>, which makes B<check-accelerator-conflicts.pl> completely ignore such entries. Regardless of these options, B<check-accelerator-conflicts.pl> will suggest accelerators that would conflict with ones defined in C<msgid> strings. Those strings will be eventually shadowed by C<msgstr> strings, so their accelerators should not affect which accelerators the translator chooses for C<msgstr> strings. =back =head1 ARGUMENTS =over =item F<I<language>.po> [...] The PO files to be scanned for conflicts. These files must include the "accelerator_context" comments added by B<gather-accelerator-contexts.pl>. If the special comments are missing, no conflicts will be found. =back =head1 EXIT CODE 0 if no conflicts were found. 1 if some conflicts were found. 2 if the command line is invalid or a file cannot be read. =head1 BUGS =head2 Waiting for Locale::PO fixes When B<check-accelerator-conflicts.pl> includes C<msgstr> strings in warnings, it should transcode them from the charset of the PO file to the one specified by the user's locale. =head1 AUTHOR Kalle Olavi Niemitalo <kon@iki.fi> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Kalle Olavi Niemitalo. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. In addition: =over Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<gather-accelerator-contexts.pl>, C<xgettext(1)>, C<msgmerge(1)>