/* Menu system */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include "elinks.h" #include "bfu/dialog.h" #include "bfu/leds.h" #include "bfu/menu.h" #include "config/options.h" #include "config/urlhist.h" #include "document/document.h" #include "document/view.h" #include "dialogs/exmode.h" #include "dialogs/info.h" #include "dialogs/menu.h" #include "dialogs/options.h" #include "intl/gettext/libintl.h" #include "main/event.h" #include "main/main.h" #include "main/select.h" #include "mime/dialogs.h" #include "mime/mime.h" #include "network/connection.h" #include "osdep/osdep.h" #include "osdep/newwin.h" #include "protocol/protocol.h" #include "protocol/uri.h" #include "session/download.h" #include "session/history.h" #include "session/location.h" #include "session/session.h" #include "session/task.h" #include "terminal/tab.h" #include "terminal/terminal.h" #include "util/conv.h" #include "util/file.h" #include "util/memlist.h" #include "util/memory.h" #include "util/string.h" #include "viewer/action.h" #include "viewer/text/link.h" #include "viewer/text/view.h" /* Helper for url items in help menu. */ static void menu_url_shortcut(struct terminal *term, void *url_, void *ses_) { unsigned char *url = url_; struct session *ses = ses_; struct uri *uri = get_uri(url, 0); if (!uri) return; goto_uri(ses, uri); done_uri(uri); } static void save_url(struct session *ses, unsigned char *url) { struct document_view *doc_view; struct uri *uri; assert(ses && ses->tab && ses->tab->term && url); if_assert_failed return; if (!*url) return; uri = get_translated_uri(url, ses->tab->term->cwd); if (!uri) { print_error_dialog(ses, S_BAD_URL, uri, PRI_CANCEL); return; } if (ses->download_uri) done_uri(ses->download_uri); ses->download_uri = uri; doc_view = current_frame(ses); assert(doc_view && doc_view->document && doc_view->document->uri); if_assert_failed return; set_session_referrer(ses, doc_view->document->uri); query_file(ses, ses->download_uri, ses, start_download, NULL, 1); } void save_url_as(struct session *ses) { input_dialog(ses->tab->term, NULL, N_("Save URL"), N_("Enter URL"), ses, &goto_url_history, MAX_STR_LEN, "", 0, 0, NULL, (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *)) save_url, NULL); } static void really_exit_prog(void *ses_) { struct session *ses = ses_; register_bottom_half(destroy_terminal, ses->tab->term); } static inline void dont_exit_prog(void *ses_) { struct session *ses = ses_; ses->exit_query = 0; } void query_exit(struct session *ses) { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(query_exit)] */ ses->exit_query = 1; msg_box(ses->tab->term, NULL, 0, N_("Exit ELinks"), ALIGN_CENTER, (ses->tab->term->next == ses->tab->term->prev && are_there_downloads()) ? N_("Do you really want to exit ELinks " "(and terminate all downloads)?") : N_("Do you really want to exit ELinks?"), ses, 2, MSG_BOX_BUTTON(N_("~Yes"), really_exit_prog, B_ENTER), MSG_BOX_BUTTON(N_("~No"), dont_exit_prog, B_ESC)); } void exit_prog(struct session *ses, int query) { assert(ses); /* An exit query is in progress. */ if (ses->exit_query) return; /* Force a query if the last terminal is exiting with downloads still in * progress. */ if (query || (list_is_singleton(terminals) && are_there_downloads())) { query_exit(ses); return; } really_exit_prog(ses); } static void go_historywards(struct terminal *term, void *target_, void *ses_) { struct location *target = target_; struct session *ses = ses_; go_history(ses, target); } static struct menu_item no_hist_menu[] = { INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("No history"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, NULL, NULL, NO_SELECT), NULL_MENU_ITEM }; /* unhist == 0 => history * unhist == 1 => unhistory */ static void history_menu_common(struct terminal *term, struct session *ses, int unhist) { struct menu_item *mi = NULL; if (have_location(ses)) { struct location *loc; for (loc = unhist ? cur_loc(ses)->next : cur_loc(ses)->prev; loc != (struct location *) &ses->history.history; loc = unhist ? loc->next : loc->prev) { unsigned char *url; if (!mi) { mi = new_menu(FREE_LIST | FREE_TEXT | NO_INTL); if (!mi) return; } url = get_uri_string(loc->vs.uri, URI_PUBLIC); if (url) { add_to_menu(&mi, url, NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, go_historywards, (void *) loc, 0); } } } if (!mi) do_menu(term, no_hist_menu, ses, 0); else do_menu(term, mi, ses, 0); } static void history_menu(struct terminal *term, void *xxx, void *ses_) { struct session *ses = ses_; history_menu_common(term, ses, 0); } static void unhistory_menu(struct terminal *term, void *xxx, void *ses_) { struct session *ses = ses_; history_menu_common(term, ses, 1); } void tab_menu(struct session *ses, int x, int y, int place_above_cursor) { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(tab_menu)] */ struct menu_item *menu; int tabs_count; #ifdef CONFIG_BOOKMARKS int anonymous = get_cmd_opt_bool("anonymous"); #endif assert(ses && ses->tab); if_assert_failed return; tabs_count = number_of_tabs(ses->tab->term); menu = new_menu(FREE_LIST); if (!menu) return; add_menu_action(&menu, N_("Go ~back"), ACT_MAIN_HISTORY_MOVE_BACK); add_menu_action(&menu, N_("Go for~ward"), ACT_MAIN_HISTORY_MOVE_FORWARD); if (have_location(ses)) { add_menu_separator(&menu); #ifdef CONFIG_BOOKMARKS if (!anonymous) { add_menu_action(&menu, N_("Bookm~ark document"), ACT_MAIN_ADD_BOOKMARK); } #endif add_menu_action(&menu, N_("Toggle ~html/plain"), ACT_MAIN_TOGGLE_HTML_PLAIN); add_menu_action(&menu, N_("~Reload"), ACT_MAIN_RELOAD); if (ses->doc_view && document_has_frames(ses->doc_view->document)) { add_menu_action(&menu, N_("Frame at ~full-screen"), ACT_MAIN_FRAME_MAXIMIZE); add_uri_command_to_menu(&menu, PASS_URI_FRAME, N_("~Pass frame URI to external command")); } } /* Keep tab related operations below this separator */ add_menu_separator(&menu); if (tabs_count > 1) { add_menu_action(&menu, N_("Nex~t tab"), ACT_MAIN_TAB_NEXT); add_menu_action(&menu, N_("Pre~v tab"), ACT_MAIN_TAB_PREV); } add_menu_action(&menu, N_("~Close tab"), ACT_MAIN_TAB_CLOSE); if (tabs_count > 1) { add_menu_action(&menu, N_("C~lose all tabs but the current"), ACT_MAIN_TAB_CLOSE_ALL_BUT_CURRENT); #ifdef CONFIG_BOOKMARKS if (!anonymous) { add_menu_action(&menu, N_("B~ookmark all tabs"), ACT_MAIN_ADD_BOOKMARK_TABS); } #endif } if (have_location(ses)) { add_uri_command_to_menu(&menu, PASS_URI_TAB, N_("Pass tab URI to e~xternal command")); } /* Adjust the menu position taking the menu frame into account */ if (place_above_cursor) { int i = 0; while (menu[i].text) i++; y = int_max(y - i - 1, 0); } set_window_ptr(ses->tab, x, y); do_menu(ses->tab->term, menu, ses, 1); } static void do_submenu(struct terminal *term, void *menu_, void *ses_) { struct menu_item *menu = menu_; do_menu(term, menu, ses_, 1); } static struct menu_item file_menu11[] = { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(.file_menu)] */ INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Open new ~tab"), ACT_MAIN_OPEN_NEW_TAB), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Open new tab in backgroun~d"), ACT_MAIN_OPEN_NEW_TAB_IN_BACKGROUND), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Go to URL"), ACT_MAIN_GOTO_URL), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Go ~back"), ACT_MAIN_HISTORY_MOVE_BACK), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Go ~forward"), ACT_MAIN_HISTORY_MOVE_FORWARD), INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~History"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, history_menu, NULL, SUBMENU), INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~Unhistory"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, unhistory_menu, NULL, SUBMENU), }; static struct menu_item file_menu21[] = { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(.file_menu)] */ BAR_MENU_ITEM, INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Save as"), ACT_MAIN_SAVE_AS), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Save UR~L as"), ACT_MAIN_SAVE_URL_AS), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Sa~ve formatted document"), ACT_MAIN_SAVE_FORMATTED), #ifdef CONFIG_BOOKMARKS INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Bookm~ark document"), ACT_MAIN_ADD_BOOKMARK), #endif }; static struct menu_item file_menu22[] = { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(.file_menu)] */ BAR_MENU_ITEM, INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Kill background connections"), ACT_MAIN_KILL_BACKGROUNDED_CONNECTIONS), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Flush all ~caches"), ACT_MAIN_CACHE_MINIMIZE), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Resource ~info"), ACT_MAIN_RESOURCE_INFO), BAR_MENU_ITEM, }; static struct menu_item file_menu3[] = { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(.file_menu)] */ BAR_MENU_ITEM, INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("E~xit"), ACT_MAIN_QUIT), NULL_MENU_ITEM, }; static void do_file_menu(struct terminal *term, void *xxx, void *ses_) { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(.file_menu)] */ struct menu_item *file_menu, *e, *f; int anonymous = get_cmd_opt_bool("anonymous"); int x, o; file_menu = mem_alloc(sizeof(file_menu11) + sizeof(file_menu21) + sizeof(file_menu22) + sizeof(file_menu3) + 3 * sizeof(struct menu_item)); if (!file_menu) return; e = file_menu; if (!anonymous && !get_cmd_opt_bool("no-connect") && !get_cmd_opt_bool("no-home")) o = can_open_in_new(term); else o = 0; if (o) { SET_MENU_ITEM(e, N_("Open ~new window"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_OPEN_NEW_WINDOW, open_in_new_window, send_open_new_window, (o - 1) ? SUBMENU : 0, HKS_SHOW, 0); e++; } memcpy(e, file_menu11, sizeof(file_menu11)); e += sizeof_array(file_menu11); if (!anonymous) { memcpy(e, file_menu21, sizeof(file_menu21)); e += sizeof_array(file_menu21); } memcpy(e, file_menu22, sizeof(file_menu22)); e += sizeof_array(file_menu22); x = 1; if (!anonymous && can_open_os_shell(term->environment)) { SET_MENU_ITEM(e, N_("~OS shell"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_OPEN_OS_SHELL, NULL, NULL, 0, HKS_SHOW, 0); e++; x = 0; } if (can_resize_window(term->environment)) { SET_MENU_ITEM(e, N_("Resize t~erminal"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_TERMINAL_RESIZE, NULL, NULL, 0, HKS_SHOW, 0); e++; x = 0; } memcpy(e, file_menu3 + x, sizeof(file_menu3) - x * sizeof(struct menu_item)); e += sizeof_array(file_menu3); for (f = file_menu; f < e; f++) f->flags |= FREE_LIST; do_menu(term, file_menu, ses_, 1); } static struct menu_item view_menu[] = { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(.view_menu)] */ INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Search"), ACT_MAIN_SEARCH), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Search ~backward"), ACT_MAIN_SEARCH_BACK), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Find ~next"), ACT_MAIN_FIND_NEXT), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Find ~previous"), ACT_MAIN_FIND_NEXT_BACK), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("T~ypeahead search"), ACT_MAIN_SEARCH_TYPEAHEAD), BAR_MENU_ITEM, INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Toggle ~html/plain"), ACT_MAIN_TOGGLE_HTML_PLAIN), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Toggle i~mages"), ACT_MAIN_TOGGLE_DISPLAY_IMAGES), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Toggle ~link numbering"), ACT_MAIN_TOGGLE_NUMBERED_LINKS), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Toggle ~document colors"), ACT_MAIN_TOGGLE_DOCUMENT_COLORS), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Wrap text on/off"), ACT_MAIN_TOGGLE_WRAP_TEXT), BAR_MENU_ITEM, INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Document ~info"), ACT_MAIN_DOCUMENT_INFO), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("H~eader info"), ACT_MAIN_HEADER_INFO), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Rel~oad document"), ACT_MAIN_RELOAD), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Rerender document"), ACT_MAIN_RERENDER), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Frame at ~full-screen"), ACT_MAIN_FRAME_MAXIMIZE), BAR_MENU_ITEM, INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Nex~t tab"), ACT_MAIN_TAB_NEXT), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Pre~v tab"), ACT_MAIN_TAB_PREV), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Close tab"), ACT_MAIN_TAB_CLOSE), NULL_MENU_ITEM }; static struct menu_item help_menu[] = { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(.help_menu)] */ INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~ELinks homepage"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, menu_url_shortcut, ELINKS_HOMEPAGE, 0), INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~Documentation"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, menu_url_shortcut, ELINKS_DOC_URL, 0), INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~Keys"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, menu_keys, NULL, 0), #ifdef CONFIG_LEDS INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("LED ~indicators"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, menu_leds_info, NULL, 0), #endif BAR_MENU_ITEM, INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~Bugs information"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, menu_url_shortcut, ELINKS_BUGS_URL, 0), #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("ELinks ~GITWeb"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, menu_url_shortcut, ELINKS_GITWEB_URL, 0), #endif BAR_MENU_ITEM, INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~Copying"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, menu_copying, NULL, 0), INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~About"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, menu_about, NULL, 0), NULL_MENU_ITEM }; static struct menu_item ext_menu[] = { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(.ext_menu)] */ INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~Add"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, menu_add_ext, NULL, 0), INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~Modify"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, menu_list_ext, menu_add_ext, SUBMENU), INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~Delete"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, menu_list_ext, menu_del_ext, SUBMENU), NULL_MENU_ITEM }; static struct menu_item setup_menu[] = { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(.setup_menu)] */ #ifdef CONFIG_NLS INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~Language"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, menu_language_list, NULL, SUBMENU), #endif INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("C~haracter set"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, charset_list, NULL, SUBMENU), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Terminal options"), ACT_MAIN_SHOW_TERM_OPTIONS), INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("File ~extensions"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, do_submenu, ext_menu, SUBMENU), BAR_MENU_ITEM, INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Options manager"), ACT_MAIN_OPTIONS_MANAGER), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Keybinding manager"), ACT_MAIN_KEYBINDING_MANAGER), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Save options"), ACT_MAIN_SAVE_OPTIONS), NULL_MENU_ITEM }; static struct menu_item setup_menu_anon[] = { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(.setup_menu)] */ INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~Language"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, menu_language_list, NULL, SUBMENU), INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("C~haracter set"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, charset_list, NULL, SUBMENU), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Terminal options"), ACT_MAIN_SHOW_TERM_OPTIONS), NULL_MENU_ITEM }; static struct menu_item tools_menu[] = { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(.tools_menu)] */ #ifdef CONFIG_GLOBHIST INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Global ~history"), ACT_MAIN_HISTORY_MANAGER), #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BOOKMARKS INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Bookmarks"), ACT_MAIN_BOOKMARK_MANAGER), #endif INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Cache"), ACT_MAIN_CACHE_MANAGER), INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Downloads"), ACT_MAIN_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER), #ifdef CONFIG_COOKIES INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("Coo~kies"), ACT_MAIN_COOKIE_MANAGER), #endif #ifdef CONFIG_FORMHIST INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Form history"), ACT_MAIN_FORMHIST_MANAGER), #endif INIT_MENU_ACTION(N_("~Authentication"), ACT_MAIN_AUTH_MANAGER), NULL_MENU_ITEM }; static void do_setup_menu(struct terminal *term, void *xxx, void *ses_) { struct session *ses = ses_; if (!get_cmd_opt_bool("anonymous")) do_menu(term, setup_menu, ses, 1); else do_menu(term, setup_menu_anon, ses, 1); } static struct menu_item main_menu[] = { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(.main_menu)] */ INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~File"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, do_file_menu, NULL, FREE_LIST | SUBMENU), INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~View"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, do_submenu, view_menu, FREE_LIST | SUBMENU), INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~Link"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, link_menu, NULL, FREE_LIST | SUBMENU), INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~Tools"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, do_submenu, tools_menu, FREE_LIST | SUBMENU), INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~Setup"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, do_setup_menu, NULL, FREE_LIST | SUBMENU), INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("~Help"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, do_submenu, help_menu, FREE_LIST | SUBMENU), NULL_MENU_ITEM }; void activate_bfu_technology(struct session *ses, int item) { do_mainmenu(ses->tab->term, main_menu, ses, item); } void dialog_goto_url(struct session *ses, unsigned char *url) { input_dialog(ses->tab->term, NULL, N_("Go to URL"), N_("Enter URL"), ses, &goto_url_history, MAX_STR_LEN, url, 0, 0, NULL, (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *)) goto_url_with_hook, NULL); } static INIT_INPUT_HISTORY(file_history); void query_file(struct session *ses, struct uri *uri, void *data, void (*std)(void *, unsigned char *), void (*cancel)(void *), int interactive) { struct string def; assert(ses && uri); if_assert_failed return; /* FIXME: This ``sanity'' checking is mostly for the download code * using this function. They pass ses->download_uri and we have to make * sure that the connection code can download the URI. The reason we do * it before is that then users won't waste time typing a filename and * then discover that the URI can not be downloaded. However it might * be better to introduce a set_session_download_uri() which will do * the checking? --jonas */ if (uri->protocol == PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN) { print_error_dialog(ses, S_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL, uri, PRI_CANCEL); return; } if (get_protocol_external_handler(ses->tab->term, uri)) { print_error_dialog(ses, S_EXTERNAL_PROTOCOL, uri, PRI_CANCEL); return; } if (!init_string(&def)) return; add_to_string(&def, get_opt_str("document.download.directory")); if (def.length && !dir_sep(def.source[def.length - 1])) add_char_to_string(&def, '/'); add_mime_filename_to_string(&def, uri); /* Remove the %-ugliness for display */ #ifdef CONFIG_UTF8 if (ses->tab->term->utf8_cp) decode_uri_string(&def); else #endif /* CONFIG_UTF8 */ decode_uri_string_for_display(&def); if (interactive) { input_dialog(ses->tab->term, NULL, N_("Download"), N_("Save to file"), data, &file_history, MAX_STR_LEN, def.source, 0, 0, check_nonempty, (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *)) std, (void (*)(void *)) cancel); } else { std(data, def.source); } done_string(&def); } void free_history_lists(void) { free_list(file_history.entries); #ifdef CONFIG_SCRIPTING trigger_event_name("free-history"); #endif } static void add_cmdline_bool_option(struct string *string, unsigned char *name) { if (!get_cmd_opt_bool(name)) return; add_to_string(string, " -"); add_to_string(string, name); } void open_uri_in_new_window(struct session *ses, struct uri *uri, struct uri *referrer, enum term_env_type env, enum cache_mode cache_mode, enum task_type task) { int ring = get_cmd_opt_int("session-ring"); struct string parameters; int id; assert(env && ses); if_assert_failed return; id = add_session_info(ses, uri, referrer, cache_mode, task); if (id < 1) return; if (!init_string(¶meters)) return; add_format_to_string(¶meters, "-base-session %d", id); if (ring) add_format_to_string(¶meters, " -session-ring %d", ring); /* No URI means open new (clean) window possibly without connecting to * the current master so add command line options to properly clone the * current master */ if (!uri) { /* Adding -touch-files will only lead to problems */ add_cmdline_bool_option(¶meters, "localhost"); add_cmdline_bool_option(¶meters, "no-home"); add_cmdline_bool_option(¶meters, "no-connect"); } open_new_window(ses->tab->term, program.path, env, parameters.source); done_string(¶meters); } /* Open a link in a new xterm. */ void send_open_in_new_window(struct terminal *term, const struct open_in_new *open, struct session *ses) { struct document_view *doc_view; struct link *link; struct uri *uri; assert(term && open && ses); if_assert_failed return; doc_view = current_frame(ses); assert(doc_view && doc_view->vs && doc_view->document); if_assert_failed return; link = get_current_link(doc_view); if (!link) return; uri = get_link_uri(ses, doc_view, link); if (!uri) return; open_uri_in_new_window(ses, uri, NULL, open->env, CACHE_MODE_NORMAL, TASK_NONE); done_uri(uri); } void send_open_new_window(struct terminal *term, const struct open_in_new *open, struct session *ses) { open_uri_in_new_window(ses, NULL, NULL, open->env, CACHE_MODE_NORMAL, TASK_NONE); } void open_in_new_window(struct terminal *term, void *func_, void *ses_) { menu_func_T func = func_; struct session *ses = ses_; struct menu_item *mi; int posibilities; assert(term && ses && func); if_assert_failed return; switch (can_open_in_new(term)) { case 0: return; case 1: mi = NULL; break; default: mi = new_menu(FREE_LIST); if (!mi) return; } foreach_open_in_new (posibilities, term->environment) { const struct open_in_new *oi = &open_in_new[posibilities]; if (mi == NULL) { func(term, (void *) oi, ses); return; } add_to_menu(&mi, oi->text, NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, func, (void *) oi, 0); } do_menu(term, mi, ses, 1); } void add_new_win_to_menu(struct menu_item **mi, unsigned char *text, struct terminal *term) { int c = can_open_in_new(term); if (!c) return; /* The URI is saved as session info in the master and not sent to the * instance in the new window so with -no-connect or -no-home enabled * it is not possible to open links URIs. For -anonymous one window * should be enough. */ if (get_cmd_opt_bool("no-connect") || get_cmd_opt_bool("no-home") || get_cmd_opt_bool("anonymous")) return; add_to_menu(mi, text, NULL, ACT_MAIN_OPEN_LINK_IN_NEW_WINDOW, open_in_new_window, send_open_in_new_window, c - 1 ? SUBMENU : 0); } static void do_pass_uri_to_command(struct terminal *term, void *command_, void *xxx) { unsigned char *command = command_; exec_on_terminal(term, command, "", TERM_EXEC_BG); mem_free(command); } /* TODO: * - Support for passing MIME type * - Merge this function with rewrite_uri(), subst_cmd(), subst_file() * and subst_url(). */ static unsigned char * format_command(unsigned char *format, struct uri *uri) { struct string string; if (!init_string(&string)) return NULL; while (*format) { int pos = 0; while (format[pos] && format[pos] != '%') pos++; add_bytes_to_string(&string, format, pos); format += pos; if (*format != '%') continue; format++; switch (*format) { case 'c': { unsigned char *str = struri(uri); int length = get_real_uri_length(uri); add_shell_quoted_to_string(&string, str, length); break; } case '%': add_char_to_string(&string, '%'); break; default: add_bytes_to_string(&string, format - 1, 2); break; } if (*format) format++; } return string.source; } enum frame_event_status pass_uri_to_command(struct session *ses, struct document_view *doc_view, int which_type) { struct list_head *tree = get_opt_tree("document.uri_passing"); enum pass_uri_type type = which_type; struct menu_item *items; struct option *option; struct uri *uri; int commands = 0; switch (type) { case PASS_URI_FRAME: uri = get_uri_reference(doc_view->document->uri); break; case PASS_URI_LINK: { struct link *link = get_current_link(doc_view); if (!link) return FRAME_EVENT_OK; uri = get_link_uri(ses, doc_view, link); if (!uri) return FRAME_EVENT_OK; break; } default: case PASS_URI_TAB: uri = get_uri_reference(ses->doc_view->document->uri); }; items = new_menu(FREE_LIST | FREE_TEXT | FREE_DATA | NO_INTL); if (!items) { done_uri(uri); return FRAME_EVENT_OK; } foreach (option, *tree) { unsigned char *text, *data; if (!strcmp(option->name, "_template_")) continue; text = stracpy(option->name); if (!text) continue; data = format_command(option->value.string, uri); if (!data) { mem_free(text); continue; } add_to_menu(&items, text, NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, do_pass_uri_to_command, data, 0); commands++; } done_uri(uri); if (commands > 1) { do_menu(ses->tab->term, items, ses, 1); } else { if (commands == 1) do_pass_uri_to_command(ses->tab->term, items->data, ses); else mem_free(items->data); mem_free(items->text); mem_free(items); } return FRAME_EVENT_OK; } /* The caller provides the text of the menu item, so that it can * choose an available accelerator key. */ void add_uri_command_to_menu(struct menu_item **mi, enum pass_uri_type type, unsigned char *text) { struct list_head *tree = get_opt_tree("document.uri_passing"); struct option *option; int commands = 0; enum menu_item_flags flags = NO_FLAG; action_id_T action_id; switch (type) { case PASS_URI_FRAME: action_id = ACT_MAIN_FRAME_EXTERNAL_COMMAND; break; case PASS_URI_LINK: action_id = ACT_MAIN_LINK_EXTERNAL_COMMAND; break; default: case PASS_URI_TAB: action_id = ACT_MAIN_TAB_EXTERNAL_COMMAND; }; foreach (option, *tree) { if (!strcmp(option->name, "_template_")) continue; commands++; if (commands > 1) { flags = SUBMENU; break; } } if (commands == 0) return; add_to_menu(mi, text, NULL, action_id, NULL, NULL, flags); } /* The file completion menu always has two non selectable menu item at the * start. First is the 'Directory:' or 'Files:' text and then a separator. */ #define FILE_COMPLETION_MENU_OFFSET 2 static struct menu_item empty_directory_menu[] = { INIT_MENU_ITEM(N_("Empty directory"), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, NULL, NULL, NO_SELECT), NULL_MENU_ITEM }; /* Builds the file completion menu. If there is only one item it is selected * else the menu is launched. */ static void complete_file_menu(struct terminal *term, int no_elevator, void *data, menu_func_T file_func, menu_func_T dir_func, unsigned char *dirname, unsigned char *filename) { struct menu_item *menu = new_menu(FREE_LIST | NO_INTL); struct directory_entry *entries, *entry; int filenamelen = strlen(filename); int direntries = 0, fileentries = 0; if (!menu) return; entries = get_directory_entries(dirname, 1); if (!entries) { mem_free(menu); return; } for (entry = entries; entry->name; entry++) { unsigned char *text; int is_dir = (*entry->attrib == 'd'); int is_file = (*entry->attrib == '-'); mem_free(entry->attrib); if ((!is_dir && !is_file) || !file_can_read(entry->name)) { mem_free(entry->name); continue; } text = get_filename_position(entry->name); if (strncmp(filename, text, filenamelen) || (no_elevator && !strcmp("..", text))) { mem_free(entry->name); continue; } if (is_dir) { if (!direntries) { add_to_menu(&menu, _("Directories:", term), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, NULL, NULL, NO_SELECT); add_menu_separator(&menu); } add_to_menu(&menu, text, NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, dir_func, entry->name, FREE_DATA | SUBMENU); direntries++; } else { if (!fileentries) { if (direntries) add_menu_separator(&menu); add_to_menu(&menu, _("Files:", term), NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, NULL, NULL, NO_SELECT); add_menu_separator(&menu); } add_to_menu(&menu, text, NULL, ACT_MAIN_NONE, file_func, entry->name, FREE_DATA); fileentries++; } } mem_free(entries); if (direntries == 0 && fileentries == 0) { mem_free(menu); return; } /* Only one entry */ if (direntries + fileentries == 1) { unsigned char *text = menu[FILE_COMPLETION_MENU_OFFSET].data; mem_free(menu); if (fileentries) { /* Complete what is already there */ file_func(term, text, data); return; } /* For single directory entries open the lonely subdir if it is * not the parent elevator. */ if (strcmp(&text[strlen(dirname)], "..")) { dir_func(term, text, data); } else { do_menu(term, empty_directory_menu, NULL, 0); \ } mem_free(text); } else { /* Start with the first directory or file entry selected */ do_menu(term, menu, data, 0); } } /* Prepares the launching of the file completion menu by expanding the @path * and splitting it in directory and file name part. */ void auto_complete_file(struct terminal *term, int no_elevator, unsigned char *path, menu_func_T file_func, menu_func_T dir_func, void *data) { struct uri *uri; unsigned char *dirname; unsigned char *filename; assert(term && data && file_func && dir_func && data); if (get_cmd_opt_bool("anonymous")) return; if (!*path) path = "./"; /* Use the URI translation to handle ./ and ../ and ~/ expansion */ uri = get_translated_uri(path, term->cwd); if (!uri) return; if (uri->protocol != PROTOCOL_FILE) { path = NULL; } else { path = get_uri_string(uri, URI_PATH); } done_uri(uri); if (!path) return; filename = get_filename_position(path); if (*filename && file_is_dir(path)) { filename = path + strlen(path); } else if (*filename && file_exists(path)) { /* Complete any tilde expansion */ file_func(term, path, data); return; } /* Split the path into @dirname and @filename */ dirname = path; path = filename; filename = stracpy(path); *path = 0; /* Make sure the dirname has an ending slash */ if (!dir_sep(path[-1])) { unsigned char separator = *dirname; int dirnamelen = path - dirname; insert_in_string(&dirname, dirnamelen, &separator, 1); } complete_file_menu(term, no_elevator, data, file_func, dir_func, dirname, filename); mem_free(dirname); mem_free(filename); }