-- Example hooks.lua file, put in ~/.elinks/ as hooks.lua. -- TODO: Bookmarks stuff should be completely moved to bm.lua. --pasky -- Take care about @SOMETHING@, we're processed with autoconf! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Compatibility routines for Lua 4 code. -- Taken from Lua's compat.lua. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _INPUT = io.stdin _OUTPUT = io.stdout function writeto (name) if name == nil then local f, err, cod = io.close(_OUTPUT) _OUTPUT = io.stdout return f, err, cod else local f, err, cod = io.open(name, "w") _OUTPUT = f or _OUTPUT return f, err, cod end end function write (...) local f = _OUTPUT if type(arg[1]) == 'userdata' then f = table.remove(arg, 1) end return f:write(unpack(arg)) end function read (...) local f = _INPUT if type(arg[1]) == 'userdata' then f = table.remove(arg, 1) end return f:read(unpack(arg)) end function do_ (f, err) if not f then _ALERT(err); return end local a,b = pcall(f) if not a then _ALERT(b); return nil else return b or true end end function dostring(s) return do_(loadstring(s)) end function dofile(s) return do_(loadfile(s)) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Load configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function file_exists(filename) local f = io.open(filename, "r") if f then io.close(f) return 1 end return nil end function dofile_if_fileexists(filename) if file_exists(filename) then dofile(filename) end end dofile_if_fileexists ("@sysconfdir@/config.lua") home_dir = (os.getenv ("HOME") or "/home/"..os.getenv("USER")) or "." hooks_file = elinks_home.."/hooks.lua" -- for reload() dofile_if_fileexists (elinks_home.."/config.lua") ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- hooks ---------------------------------------------------------------------- pre_format_html_hooks = {n=0} function pre_format_html_hook (url, html) local changed = nil table.foreachi(pre_format_html_hooks, function (i, fn) local new,stop = fn(url,html) if new then html=new changed=1 end return stop end) return changed and html end goto_url_hooks = {n=0} function goto_url_hook (url, current_url) table.foreachi(goto_url_hooks, function (i, fn) local new,stop = fn(url, current_url) url = new return stop end) return url end follow_url_hooks = {n=0} function follow_url_hook (url) table.foreachi(follow_url_hooks, function (i, fn) local new,stop = fn(url) url = new return stop end) return url end quit_hooks = {n=0} function quit_hook (url, html) table.foreachi(quit_hooks, function (i, fn) return fn() end) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- case-insensitive string.gsub ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Please note that this is not completely correct yet. -- It will not handle pattern classes like %a properly. -- FIXME: Handle pattern classes. function gisub (s, pat, repl, n) pat = string.gsub (pat, '(%a)', function (v) return '['..string.upper(v)..string.lower(v)..']' end) if n then return string.gsub (s, pat, repl, n) else return string.gsub (s, pat, repl) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- goto_url_hook ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function match (prefix, url) return string.sub (url, 1, string.len (prefix)) == prefix end function hx (c) return string.char((c >= 10 and (c - 10) + string.byte ('A')) or c + string.byte ('0')) end function char2hex (c) return '%'..hx (string.byte (c) / 16)..hx (math.mod(string.byte (c), 16)) end function escape (str) return string.gsub (str, "(%W)", char2hex) end -- You can write smt like "gg" to goto URL dialog and it'll go to google.com. -- Note that this is obsoleted by the URI rewrite plugin. dumbprefixes = { arc = "http://web.archive.org/web/*/%c", b = "http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/tr", bz = "http://bugzilla.elinks.cz", bug = "http://bugzilla.elinks.cz", d = "http://www.dict.org", g = "http://www.google.com/", gg = "http://www.google.com/", go = "http://www.google.com/", fm = "http://www.freshmeat.net/", sf = "http://www.sourceforge.net/", dbug = "http://bugs.debian.org/", dpkg = "http://packages.debian.org/", -- Hm, is this Debian-centric? -- Miciah lua = "file:///usr/share/doc/lua40-doc/manual/idx.html", pycur = "http://www.python.org/doc/current/", pydev = "http://www.python.org/dev/doc/devel/", pyhelp = "http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/pyhelp.cgi", pyvault = "http://www.vex.net/parnassus/", e2 = "http://www.everything2.org/", sd = "http://www.slashdot.org/", vhtml = "http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=%c", vcss = "http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=%c", } function debian_package (url, t) url = string.gsub(url, '(%w+):(%w+)', function (key, val) t[key] = val end) return 'http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=' ..escape(string.gsub(url, '%s*([^%s]+)%s*', '%1')) ..'&searchmode='..(t.searchmode or 'searchfilesanddirs') ..'&case='..(t.case or 'insensitive') ..'&version='..(t.version or pipe_read('test -r /etc/debian_version && cut -d/ -f1 /etc/debian_version | tr -d \\\\n || echo stable') or 'stable') ..'&arch='..(t.arch or pipe_read('test -x /usr/bin/dpkg-architecture && dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH | tr -d \\\\n || echo i386')) end function debian_contents (url) return debian_package (url, { searchmode = "filelist" }) end function debian_file (url) return debian_package (url, { searchmode = "searchfilesanddirs" }) end function cvsweb (base, project, url) local t = {n=0} local file, old, new local replacements -- allow <file>:<revision>[-><revision>] url,replacements = string.gsub(url, "^(.*):(.*)->(.*)$", "%1 %2 %3") if replacements == 0 then url = string.gsub(url, "^(.*):(.*)$", "%1 %2") end -- split into words string.gsub(url, "([^%s]+)", function (w) table.insert(t, w) end) file, old, new = t[1], t[2], t[3] if t[4] then error('this smartprefix takes only one to three arguments') return nil end if not file then error('no file given') return nil end if new then return base..project.."/"..file..".diff?r1="..old.."&r2="..new.."&f=u" elseif old then return base.."~checkout~/"..project.."/"..file..(old ~= "latest" and "?rev="..old or "") else return base..project.."/"..file end end function gmane (url) local group, words _,_,group,words = string.find(url, "([^%s]+)%s%s*(.*)$") if not words then return nil end return "http://search.gmane.org/search.php?query="..words.."&group="..group end -- You can write "gg:foo" or "gg foo" to goto URL dialog and it'll ask google -- for it automagically. -- Note that this is _mostly_ obsoleted by the URI rewrite plugin. (It can't do the -- metas, though.) function bugzilla (base_url, arguments) if not arguments or arguments == '' then return base_url end if string.find(arguments, '^[%d]+$') then return base_url..'show_bug.cgi?id='..arguments end return base_url..'buglist.cgi?short_desc_type=allwordssubstr' ..'&short_desc='..escape(arguments) end smartprefixes = { arc = "http://web.archive.org/web/*/%s", bug = function (url) return bugzilla('http://bugzilla.elinks.cz/', url) end, cambridge = "http://dictionary.cambridge.org/results.asp?searchword=%s", cliki = "http://www.cliki.net/admin/search?words=%s", -- If you want to add a smartprefix for another project's CVSweb, -- just create a lambda like this. Aren't high-level languages fun? cvs = function (x) return cvsweb ("http://cvsweb.elinks.cz/cvsweb.cgi/", "elinks", x) end, d = "http://www.dict.org/bin/Dict?Query=%s&Form=Dict1&Strategy=*&Database=*&submit=Submit+query", debcontents = debian_contents, debfile = debian_file, dmoz = "http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=%s", foldoc = "http://wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?%s", g = "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&btnG=Google+Search", gd = "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&cat=gwd/Top", gg = "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&btnG=Google+Search", -- Whose idea was it to use 'gg' for websearches? -- Miciah --gg = "http://groups.google.com/groups?q=%s", gi = "http://images.google.com/images?q=%s", gmane = gmane, gn = "http://news.google.com/news?q=%s", go = "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&btnG=Google+Search", gwho = "http://www.googlism.com/?ism=%s&name=1", gwhat = "http://www.googlism.com/?ism=%s&name=2", gwhere = "http://www.googlism.com/?ism=%s&name=3", gwhen = "http://www.googlism.com/?ism=%s&name=4", fm = "http://www.freshmeat.net/search/?q=%s", savannah = "http://savannah.nongnu.org/search/?words=%s&type_of_search=soft&exact=1", sf = "http://sourceforge.net/search/?q=%s", sfp = "http://sourceforge.net/projects/%s", sd = "http://www.slashdot.org/search.pl?query=%s", sdc = "http://www.slashdot.org/search.pl?query=%s&op=comments", sdu = "http://www.slashdot.org/search.pl?query=%s&op=users", sdp = "http://www.slashdot.org/search.pl?query=%s&op=polls", sdj = "http://www.slashdot.org/search.pl?query=%s&op=journals", dbug = "http://bugs.debian.org/%s", dpkg = "http://packages.debian.org/%s", emacs = "http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?search=%s", lyrics = "http://music.lycos.com/lyrics/results.asp?QT=L&QW=%s", lxr = "http://lxr.linux.no/ident?i=%s", leo = "http://dict.leo.org/?search=%s", onelook = "http://onelook.com/?w=%s&ls=a", py = "http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/pyhelp.cgi?keyword=%s&version=current", pydev = "http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/pyhelp.cgi?keyword=%s&version=devel", pyvault = "http://py.vaults.ca/apyllo.py?find=%s", e2 = "http://www.everything2.org/?node=%s", encz = "http://www.slovnik.cz/bin/ecd?ecd_il=1&ecd_vcb=%s&ecd_trn=translate&ecd_trn_dir=0&ecd_lines=15&ecd_hptxt=0", czen = "http://www.slovnik.cz/bin/ecd?ecd_il=1&ecd_vcb=%s&ecd_trn=translate&ecd_trn_dir=1&ecd_lines=15&ecd_hptxt=0", dict = "http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=%s", thes = "http://thesaurus.reference.com/search?q=%s", a = "http://acronymfinder.com/af-query.asp?String=exact&Acronym=%s", imdb = "http://imdb.com/Find?%s", mw = "http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=%s", mwt = "http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/thesaurus?book=Thesaurus&va=%s", whatis = "http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/graph/?host=%s", wiki = "http://www.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?search=%s", wn = "http://www.cogsci.princeton.edu/cgi-bin/webwn1.7.1?stage=1&word=%s", -- rfc by number rfc = "http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc%s.txt", -- rfc search rfcs = "http://www.rfc-editor.org/cgi-bin/rfcsearch.pl?searchwords=%s&format=http&abstract=abson&keywords=keyon&num=25", cr = "http://www.rfc-editor.org/cgi-bin/rfcsearch.pl?searchwords=%s&format=http&abstract=abson&keywords=keyon&num=25", -- Internet Draft search rfcid = "http://www.rfc-editor.org/cgi-bin/idsearch.pl?searchwords=%s&format=http&abstract=abson&keywords=keyon&num=25", urbandict = "http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=%s", id = "http://www.rfc-editor.org/cgi-bin/idsearch.pl?searchwords=%s&format=http&abstract=abson&keywords=keyon&num=25", draft = "http://www.rfc-editor.org/cgi-bin/idsearch.pl?searchwords=%s&format=http&abstract=abson&keywords=keyon&num=25", } -- Expand ~ to home directories. function expand_tilde (url, current_url) if not match ("~", url) then return url,nil end if string.sub(url, 2, 2) == "/" or string.len(url) == 1 then -- ~/foo return home_dir..string.sub(url, 2),true else -- ~foo/bar return "/home/"..string.sub(url, 2),true end end table.insert(goto_url_hooks, expand_tilde) -- Don't take localhost as directory name function expand_localhost (url) if not match("localhost", url) then return url,nil end return "http://"..url,nil end table.insert(goto_url_hooks, expand_localhost) function complete_uri_prefix (url, current_url) if dumbprefixes[url] then return string.gsub(dumbprefixes[url], "%%c", current_url or ""),true end if string.find(url,'%s') or string.find(url, ':') then local _,_,nick,val = string.find(url, "^([^%s:]+)[:%s]%s*(.-)%s*$") if nick and smartprefixes[nick] then if type(smartprefixes[nick]) == 'function' then return smartprefixes[nick](val),true elseif type(smartprefixes[nick]) == 'string' then return string.format(smartprefixes[nick], escape(val)),true else error('smartprefix "'..nick..'" has unsupported type "' ..type(smartprefixes[nick])..'".') return url,nil end end end -- Unmatched. return url,nil end table.insert(goto_url_hooks, complete_uri_prefix) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- pre_format_html_hook ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Plain string.find (no metacharacters). function sstrfind (s, pattern) return string.find (s, pattern, 1, 1) end -- Mangle ALT="" in IMG tags. function mangle_blank_alt (url, html) local n if not mangle_blank_alt then return nil,nil end html, n = gisub (html, '(<img[^>]-) alt=""', '%1 alt=" "') return ((n > 0) and html), nil end table.insert(pre_format_html_hooks, mangle_blank_alt) -- Fix unclosed INPUT tags. function mangle_unclosed_input_tags (url, html) local n html, n = gisub (html, '(<input[^>]-[^=]")<', '%1><') return ((n > 0) and html), nil end table.insert(pre_format_html_hooks, mangle_unclosed_input_tags) -- Fix unclosed A tags. function mangle_unclosed_a_tags (url, html) local n html, n = gisub (html, '(<a[^>]-[^=]")<', '%1><') return ((n > 0) and html), nil end table.insert(pre_format_html_hooks, mangle_unclosed_a_tags) function mangle_linuxtoday (url, html) if not sstrfind (url, "linuxtoday.com") then return nil,nil end if sstrfind (url, "news_story") then html = string.gsub (html, '<TABLE CELLSPACING="0".-</TABLE>', '', 1) html = string.gsub (html, '<TR BGCOLOR="#FFF.-</TR></TABLE>', '', 1) else html = string.gsub (html, 'WIDTH="120">\n<TR.+</TABLE></TD>', '>', 1) end html = string.gsub (html, '<A HREF="http://www.internet.com.-</A>', '') html = string.gsub (html, "<IFRAME.-</IFRAME>", "") -- emphasis in text is lost html = string.gsub (html, 'text="#002244"', 'text="#001133"', 1) return html,true end table.insert(pre_format_html_hooks, mangle_linuxtoday) function mangle_dictionary_dot_com (url, html) local t = { t = "" } local n if not sstrfind (url, "dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl") then return nil,nil end _,n = string.gsub (html, "resultItemStart %-%-%>(.-)%<%!%-%- resultItemEnd", function (x) t.t = t.t.."<tr><td>"..x.."</td></tr>" end) if n == 0 then -- we've already mangled this page before return nil,true end html = "<html><head><title>Dictionary.com lookup</title></head>".. "<body><table border=0 cellpadding=5>"..t.t.."</table>".. "</body></html>" return html,true end table.insert(pre_format_html_hooks, mangle_dictionary_dot_com) function mangle_allmusic_dot_com (url, html) if not sstrfind (url, "allmusic.com") then return nil,nil end html = string.gsub(html, "javascript:z%('(.-)'%)", "/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=%1") return html,true end table.insert(pre_format_html_hooks, mangle_allmusic_dot_com) -- Handle gzip'd files within reasonable size. -- Note that this is not needed anymore since we have a support for this -- in core ELinks. I still keep it here for a reference (as an example), -- though. If you will add something similiar using pipe_read(), feel free -- to remove this. --pasky function decompress_html (url, html) local tmp if not string.find (url, "%.gz$") or string.len (html) >= 65536 then return nil,nil end tmp = tmpname () writeto (tmp) write (html) writeto () html = pipe_read ("(gzip -dc "..tmp.." || cat "..tmp..") 2>/dev/null") os.remove (tmp) return html,nil end --table.insert(pre_format_html_hooks, decompress_html) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Miscellaneous functions, accessed with the Lua Console. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reload this file (hooks.lua) from within Links. function reload () dofile (hooks_file) end -- Helper function. function catto (output) local doc = current_document_formatted (79) if doc then writeto (output) write (doc) writeto () end end -- Email the current document, using Mutt (http://www.mutt.org). -- This only works when called from lua_console_hook, below. function mutt () local tmp = tmpname () writeto (tmp) write (current_document ()) writeto () table.insert (tmp_files, tmp) return "run", "mutt -a "..tmp end -- Table of expressions which are recognised by our lua_console_hook. console_hook_functions = { reload = "reload ()", mutt = mutt, } function lua_console_hook (expr) local x = console_hook_functions[expr] if type (x) == "function" then return x () else return "eval", x or expr end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- quit_hook ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- We need to delete the temporary files that we create. if not tmp_files then tmp_files = {} end function delete_tmp_files () if tmp_files and os.remove then tmp_files.n = nil for i,v in tmp_files do os.remove (v) end end end table.insert(quit_hooks, delete_tmp_files) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Examples of keybinding ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Bind Ctrl-H to a "Home" page. -- bind_key ("main", "Ctrl-H", -- function () return "goto_url", "http://www.google.com/" end) -- Bind Alt-p to print. -- bind_key ("main", "Alt-p", lpr) -- Bind Alt-m to toggle ALT="" mangling. bind_key ("main", "Alt-m", function () mangle_blank_alt = not mangle_blank_alt end) -- vim: shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4