# # docbook.conf # # Asciidoc configuration file. # Default docbook backend. # [miscellaneous] outfilesuffix=.xml # Printable page width in pts. pagewidth=380 pageunits=pt [attributes] basebackend=docbook basebackend-docbook= [replacements] # Line break markup is dropped (there is no DocBook line break tag). (?m)^(.*)\s\+$=\1 # Superscripts. \^(.+?)\^=\1 # Subscripts. ~(.+?)~=\1 [ruler-blockmacro] # Only applies to HTML so don't output anything. [image-inlinemacro] {1={target}} [image-blockmacro] {title} {title%} {1={target}} {title#} {title%} [indexterm-inlinemacro] # Inline index term. # Generate separate index entries for primary, secondary and tertiary # descriptions. # Primary only. {2%} {2%} {1} {2%} # Primary and secondary. {2#}{3%} {2#}{3%} {1}{2} {2#}{3%} {2#}{3%} {2#}{3%} {2} {2#}{3%} # Primary, secondary and tertiary. {3#} {1}{2}{3} {3#} {3#} {2}{3} {3#} {3#} {3} {3#} [indexterm2-inlinemacro] # Inline index term. # Single entry index term that is visible in the primary text flow. {1} {1} [footnote-inlinemacro] # Inline footnote. {0} [callout-inlinemacro] # Inline callout. [tags] # Bulleted, numbered and labeled list tags. ilist={title?{title}}| ilistitem=| ilisttext=| olist={title?{title}}| olist2=| olistitem=| olisttext=| vlist={title?{title}}| vlistentry=| vlistterm=| vlisttext=| vlistitem=| # Horizontal labeled list (implemented with two column table). # Hardwired column widths to 30%,70% because the current crop of PDF # generators do not auto calculate column widths. hlist=<{title?table}{title!informaltable}{id? id="{id}"} tabstyle="{style=hlabeledlist}" pgwide="0" frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">{title?{title}}|<{title?/table}{title!/informaltable}> hlistentry=| hlisttext=| hlistterm=| hlistitem=| # Question and Answer list. qlist={title?{title}}| qlistentry=| qlistterm=| qlistitem=| qlisttext=| # Bibliography list. blist=| blistitem=| blisttext=| # Glossary list. glist=| glistentry=| glistterm=| glistitem=| glisttext=| # Callout list. colist={title?{title}}| colistitem=| colisttext=| # Quoted text emphasis=| strong=| monospaced=| quoted={amp}#8220;|{amp}#8221; unquoted=| # $$ inline passthrough. passthrough=| # Inline macros [http-inlinemacro] {0={name}:{target}} [https-inlinemacro] {0={name}:{target}} [ftp-inlinemacro] {0={name}:{target}} [file-inlinemacro] {0={name}:{target}} [mailto-inlinemacro] {0={target}} #{target} [link-inlinemacro] {0={target}} # anchor:id[text] [anchor-inlinemacro] # [[id,text]] [anchor2-inlinemacro] # [[[id]]] [anchor3-inlinemacro] [{1}] # xref:id[text] [xref-inlinemacro] {0} {2%} # <> [xref2-inlinemacro] {2} {2%} # Special word macros [emphasizedwords] {words} [monospacedwords] {words} [strongwords] {words} # Paragraph substitution. [paragraph] {title} {title%} | {title%} {title#} {empty} [admonitionparagraph] <{name}{id? id="{id}"}>| [literalparagraph] # The literal block employs the same markup. template::[literalblock] [verseparagraph] template::[verseblock] # Delimited blocks. [literalblock] {title} | {title#} [listingblock] {title} | {title#} [verseblock] {title} {title%} {title#} | {title#} [sidebarblock] {title} | [passthroughblock] | [quoteblock] # The epigraph element may be more appropriate than blockquote. {title} {attribution} {citetitle} | [exampleblock] <{title?example}{title!informalexample}{id? id="{id}"}> {title} | [admonitionblock] <{name}{id? id="{id}"}> {title} | # Tables. [tabledef-default] template=table colspec= bodyrow=| bodydata=| [table] <{title?table}{title!informaltable}{id? id="{id}"} pgwide="0" frame="{frame=topbot}" {grid%rowsep="0" colsep="0"} rowsep="{grid@none|cols:0:1}" colsep="{grid@none|rows:0:1}" > {title} {colspecs} {headrows#} {headrows} {headrows#} {footrows#} {footrows} {footrows#} {bodyrows} [specialsections] ifdef::doctype-article[] ^Abstract$=sect-abstract endif::doctype-article[] ifdef::doctype-book[] ^Colophon$=sect-colophon ^Dedication$=sect-dedication ^Preface$=sect-preface endif::doctype-book[] ^Index$=sect-index ^(Bibliography|References)$=sect-bibliography ^Glossary$=sect-glossary ^Appendix [A-Z][:.](?P.*)$=sect-appendix # Special sections. [sect-preface] <preface{id? id="{id}"}> <title>{title} | [sect-index] {title} | [sect-bibliography] {title} | [sect-glossary] {title} | [sect-appendix] {title} | [header-declarations] #------------------------- # article document type #------------------------- ifdef::doctype-article[] [header] template::[header-declarations]
{doctitle#} {doctitle} {date} {authored#} {firstname} {middlename} {lastname}
{authorinitials} # If file named like source document with -revhistory.xml suffix exists # include it as the document history, otherwise use current revision. {revisionhistory#}{include:{docdir}/{docname}-revhistory.xml} {revisionhistory%}{revision}{date}{authorinitials?{authorinitials}}{revremark?{revremark}} {companyname} {doctitle#}
[preamble] # Untitled elements between header and first section title. | [sect-abstract] | [sect1] {title} | [sect2] {title} | [sect3] {title} | [sect4] {title} | endif::doctype-article[] #------------------------- # manpage document type #------------------------- ifdef::doctype-manpage[] [replacements] # The roff format does not substitute special characters so just print them as # text. \(C\)=(C) \(TM\)=(TM) [header] template::[header-declarations] {mantitle} {manvolnum} {manname} {manpurpose} [footer] # Section macros [sect-synopsis] | [sect1] {title} | [sect2] {title} | [sect3] {title} | endif::doctype-manpage[] #------------------------- # book document type #------------------------- ifdef::doctype-book[] [header] template::[header-declarations] {doctitle#} {doctitle} {date} {authored#} {firstname} {middlename} {lastname}
{authorinitials} # If file named like source document with -revhistory.xml suffix exists # include it as the document history, otherwise use current revision. {revisionhistory#}{include:{docdir}/{docname}-revhistory.xml} {revisionhistory%}{revision}{date}{authorinitials?{authorinitials}}{revremark?{revremark}} {companyname} {doctitle#}
[preamble] # Preamble is not allowed in DocBook book so wrap it in a preface. Preface | [sect-dedication] | [sect-colophon] | [sect0] {title} | [sect1] {title} | [sect2] {title} | [sect3] {title} | [sect4] {title} | endif::doctype-book[] ifdef::sgml[] # # Optional DocBook SGML. # # Most of the differences between DocBook XML and DocBook SGML boils # down to the empty element syntax: SGML does not like the XML empty # element <.../> syntax, use <...> instead. # [miscellaneous] outfilesuffix=.sgml [header-declarations] [tabledef-default] colspec= [image-inlinemacro] {1={target}} [image-blockmacro]
{title} {title%} {1={target}} {title#}
{title%} # Inline macros [xref-inlinemacro] {0} {2%} [xref2-inlinemacro] # <> {2} {2%} [anchor-inlinemacro] [anchor2-inlinemacro] # [[id,text]] endif::sgml[]