/* Button widget handlers. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "elinks.h" #include "bfu/button.h" #include "bfu/dialog.h" #include "intl/libintl.h" #include "terminal/draw.h" #include "terminal/mouse.h" #include "terminal/terminal.h" #include "util/align.h" /* Height of a button. */ #define BUTTON_HEIGHT 1 /* Vertical spacing between buttons. */ #define BUTTON_VSPACING 1 /* Horizontal spacing between buttons. */ #define BUTTON_HSPACING 2 /* Left and right text appearing around label of button. * Currently a dialog button is displayed as [ LABEL ] */ #define BUTTON_LEFT "[ " #define BUTTON_RIGHT " ]" #define BUTTON_LEFT_LEN (sizeof(BUTTON_LEFT) - 1) #define BUTTON_RIGHT_LEN (sizeof(BUTTON_RIGHT) - 1) #define BUTTON_LR_LEN (BUTTON_LEFT_LEN + BUTTON_RIGHT_LEN) #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTON_HOTKEY void add_dlg_button_do(const char *file, int line, struct dialog *dlg, char *text, int flags, widget_handler_T *handler, void *data, done_handler_T *done, void *done_data) #else void add_dlg_button_do(struct dialog *dlg, char *text, int flags, widget_handler_T *handler, void *data, done_handler_T *done, void *done_data) #endif { int textlen = strlen(text); struct widget *widget = &dlg->widgets[dlg->number_of_widgets++]; widget->type = WIDGET_BUTTON; widget->handler = handler; widget->text = text; widget->data = data; widget->info.button.flags = flags; widget->info.button.done = done; widget->info.button.done_data = done_data; widget->info.button.hotkey_pos = -1; widget->info.button.textlen = textlen; widget->info.button.truetextlen = textlen; if (textlen > 1) { char *pos = memchr(text, '~', textlen - 1); if (pos) { widget->info.button.hotkey_pos = pos - text; widget->info.button.textlen--; } #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTON_HOTKEY else { DBG("%s:%d missing keyboard accelerator in \"%s\".", file, line, text); } #endif } } #ifdef CONFIG_UTF8 static void buttons_width(struct widget_data *widget_data, int n, int *minwidth, int *maxwidth, int utf8) #else static void buttons_width(struct widget_data *widget_data, int n, int *minwidth, int *maxwidth) #endif /* CONFIG_UTF8 */ { int maxw = -BUTTON_HSPACING; #ifdef CONFIG_UTF8 int button_lr_len = utf8_ptr2cells(BUTTON_LEFT, NULL) + utf8_ptr2cells(BUTTON_RIGHT, NULL); #endif /* CONFIG_UTF8 */ assert(n > 0); if_assert_failed return; while (n--) { int minw; #ifdef CONFIG_UTF8 if (utf8) minw = utf8_ptr2cells((widget_data++)->widget->text, NULL) + BUTTON_HSPACING + button_lr_len; else #endif /* CONFIG_UTF8 */ minw = (widget_data++)->widget->info.button.textlen + BUTTON_HSPACING + BUTTON_LR_LEN; maxw += minw; if (minwidth) int_lower_bound(minwidth, minw); } if (maxwidth) int_lower_bound(maxwidth, maxw); } void dlg_format_buttons(struct dialog_data *dlg_data, struct widget_data *widget_data, int n, int x, int *y, int w, int *rw, enum format_align align, int format_only) { #ifdef CONFIG_UTF8 struct terminal *term = dlg_data->win->term; #endif int i1 = 0; while (i1 < n) { struct widget_data *widget_data1 = widget_data + i1; int i2 = i1 + 1; int mw; while (i2 < n) { mw = 0; #ifdef CONFIG_UTF8 buttons_width(widget_data1, i2 - i1 + 1, NULL, &mw, term->utf8_cp); #else buttons_width(widget_data1, i2 - i1 + 1, NULL, &mw); #endif /* CONFIG_UTF8 */ if (mw <= w) i2++; else break; } mw = 0; #ifdef CONFIG_UTF8 buttons_width(widget_data1, i2 - i1, NULL, &mw, term->utf8_cp); #else buttons_width(widget_data1, i2 - i1, NULL, &mw); #endif /* CONFIG_UTF8 */ if (rw) int_bounds(rw, mw, w); if (!format_only) { int i; int p = x + (align == ALIGN_CENTER ? (w - mw) / 2 : 0); #ifdef CONFIG_UTF8 int button_lr_len = utf8_ptr2cells(BUTTON_LEFT, NULL) + utf8_ptr2cells(BUTTON_RIGHT, NULL); #endif /* CONFIG_UTF8 */ for (i = i1; i < i2; i++) { #ifdef CONFIG_UTF8 if (term->utf8_cp) set_box(&widget_data[i].box, p, *y, utf8_ptr2cells(widget_data[i].widget->text, NULL) + button_lr_len, BUTTON_HEIGHT); else #endif /* CONFIG_UTF8 */ set_box(&widget_data[i].box, p, *y, widget_data[i].widget->info.button.textlen + BUTTON_LR_LEN, BUTTON_HEIGHT); p += widget_data[i].box.width + BUTTON_HSPACING; } } *y += BUTTON_VSPACING + BUTTON_HEIGHT; i1 = i2; } } static widget_handler_status_T display_button(struct dialog_data *dlg_data, struct widget_data *widget_data) { struct terminal *term = dlg_data->win->term; struct color_pair *color, *shortcut_color; struct el_box *pos = &widget_data->box; int len, x; int sel = is_selected_widget(dlg_data, widget_data); if (sel) { shortcut_color = get_bfu_color(term, "dialog.button-shortcut-selected"); color = get_bfu_color(term, "dialog.button-selected"); } else { shortcut_color = get_bfu_color(term, "dialog.button-shortcut"); color = get_bfu_color(term, "dialog.button"); } if (!color || !shortcut_color) return EVENT_PROCESSED; #ifdef CONFIG_UTF8 if (term->utf8_cp) { int button_left_len = utf8_ptr2cells(BUTTON_LEFT, NULL); int button_right_len = utf8_ptr2cells(BUTTON_RIGHT, NULL); x = pos->x + button_left_len; len = widget_data->box.width - (button_left_len + button_right_len); } else #endif /* CONFIG_UTF8 */ { x = pos->x + BUTTON_LEFT_LEN; len = widget_data->box.width - BUTTON_LR_LEN; } draw_dlg_text(dlg_data, pos->x, pos->y, BUTTON_LEFT, BUTTON_LEFT_LEN, 0, color); if (len > 0) { char *text = widget_data->widget->text; int hk_pos = widget_data->widget->info.button.hotkey_pos; int attr; attr = get_opt_bool("ui.dialogs.underline_button_shortcuts", NULL) ? SCREEN_ATTR_UNDERLINE : 0; #ifdef CONFIG_UTF8 if (term->utf8_cp) { if (hk_pos >= 0) { int hk_bytes = utf8charlen(&text[hk_pos+1]); int cells_to_hk = utf8_ptr2cells(text, &text[hk_pos]); int right = widget_data->widget->info.button.truetextlen - hk_pos - hk_bytes; int hk_cells = utf8_char2cells(&text[hk_pos + 1], NULL); if (hk_pos) draw_dlg_text(dlg_data, x, pos->y, text, hk_pos, 0, color); draw_dlg_text(dlg_data, x + cells_to_hk, pos->y, &text[hk_pos + 1], hk_bytes, attr, shortcut_color); if (right > 1) draw_dlg_text(dlg_data, x+cells_to_hk+hk_cells, pos->y, &text[hk_pos + hk_bytes + 1], right - 1, 0, color); } else { int hk_width = utf8_char2cells(text, NULL); int hk_len = utf8charlen(text); int len_to_display = utf8_cells2bytes(&text[hk_len], len - hk_width, NULL); draw_dlg_text(dlg_data, x, pos->y, text, hk_len, attr, shortcut_color); draw_dlg_text(dlg_data, x + hk_width, pos->y, &text[hk_len], len_to_display, 0, color); } } else #endif /* CONFIG_UTF8 */ if (hk_pos >= 0) { int right = widget_data->widget->info.button.truetextlen - hk_pos - 1; if (hk_pos) { draw_dlg_text(dlg_data, x, pos->y, text, hk_pos, 0, color); } draw_dlg_text(dlg_data, x + hk_pos, pos->y, &text[hk_pos + 1], 1, attr, shortcut_color); if (right > 1) { draw_dlg_text(dlg_data, x + hk_pos + 1, pos->y, &text[hk_pos + 2], right - 1, 0, color); } } else { draw_dlg_text(dlg_data, x, pos->y, text, 1, attr, shortcut_color); draw_dlg_text(dlg_data, x + 1, pos->y, &text[1], len - 1, 0, color); } } #ifdef CONFIG_UTF8 if (term->utf8_cp) { int text_cells = utf8_ptr2cells(widget_data->widget->text, NULL); int hk = (widget_data->widget->info.button.hotkey_pos >= 0); draw_dlg_text(dlg_data, x + text_cells - hk, pos->y, BUTTON_RIGHT, BUTTON_RIGHT_LEN, 0, color); } else #endif /* CONFIG_UTF8 */ draw_dlg_text(dlg_data, x + len, pos->y, BUTTON_RIGHT, BUTTON_RIGHT_LEN, 0, color); if (sel) { set_dlg_cursor(term, dlg_data, x, pos->y, 1); set_dlg_window_ptr(dlg_data, dlg_data->win, pos->x, pos->y); } return EVENT_PROCESSED; } static widget_handler_status_T mouse_button(struct dialog_data *dlg_data, struct widget_data *widget_data) { struct terminal *term = dlg_data->win->term; struct term_event *ev = dlg_data->term_event; if (check_mouse_wheel(ev)) return EVENT_NOT_PROCESSED; if (!check_mouse_position(ev, &widget_data->box)) return EVENT_NOT_PROCESSED; select_widget(dlg_data, widget_data); do_not_ignore_next_mouse_event(term); if (check_mouse_action(ev, B_UP) && widget_data->widget->ops->select) return widget_data->widget->ops->select(dlg_data, widget_data); return EVENT_PROCESSED; } static widget_handler_status_T select_button(struct dialog_data *dlg_data, struct widget_data *widget_data) { return widget_data->widget->handler(dlg_data, widget_data); } const struct widget_ops button_ops = { display_button, NULL, mouse_button, NULL, select_button, NULL, };