#! /usr/bin/perl # The copyright notice and license are in the POD at the bottom. use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions :config bundling gnu_compat); use autouse 'Pod::Usage' => qw(pod2usage); sub show_version { # This program has no version number, because it is only useful # as part of the ELinks source tree. print "help2xml (ELinks)\n"; pod2usage({-verbose => 99, -sections => "COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE", -exitval => 0}); } # This script internally stores XML as nested arrays. Example: # # ['element', ['@id', "foo"], ['@dir', "ltr"], "text", ['subelement'], "more"] # textmore # # A node is one of: # - A string. This is just text and will be properly escaped when output. # - A reference to an array where the first array element is a string that # does not begin with '@'. This array represents an XML element. The # other array elements are the attributes and content of the XML element. # The current implementation does not require attributes to be listed # before content. # - A reference to an array where the first array element is a string that # begins with '@'. This array represents an attribute of the parent XML # element. The second array element is the value of the attribute; it # must be a string. There should be no other array elements. # # So there is no way to represent XML declarations, processing instructions, # comments, doctypes, or general entity references. # # The names of attributes in these nodes should be written in 'single quotes' # because "@foo" would make Perl interpolate the value of the @foo array. # The names of elements are also written in single quotes, by convention. # xml_output($outfh, $node): Write an XML node to a filehandle. # # $outfh: A reference to the output filehandle. # # $node: An XML node represented as described above. # # return: Unspecified. sub xml_output { no locale; my ($outfh, $node) = @_; if (ref($node) eq "ARRAY") { my $gi = $node->[0]; print $outfh "<$gi"; my @content; foreach my $child (@{$node}[1..$#$node]) { if (ref($child) eq "ARRAY" and $child->[0] =~ /^@(.*)/) { my $attrname = $1; my $attrval = $child->[1]; $attrval =~ s/([&"]|[^\0-~])/"&#".ord($1).";"/ge; print $outfh " $attrname=\"$attrval\""; } else { push @content, $child; } } if (@content) { print $outfh ">"; foreach my $child (@content) { xml_output($outfh, $child); } print $outfh ""; } else { print $outfh "/>"; } } else { $node =~ s/([&<>]|[^\0-~])/"&#".ord($1).";"/ge; print $outfh $node; } } # xml_node_is_element($node, $gi): Check whether $node is an element # that has the general identifier $gi. sub xml_node_is_element { my ($node, $gi) = @_; return ref($node) eq "ARRAY" && $node->[0] eq $gi; } # xml_element_attrs($node): Return the attributes of an XML element as # a list. In scalar context, return the number of attributes instead. sub xml_element_attrs { no locale; my ($node) = @_; # $node->[0] is the general identifier of the element, a # string, thus it won't match in the grep. return grep { ref($_) eq "ARRAY" && $_->[0] =~ /^@/ } @$node; } # xml_element_content($node): Return the content of an XML element as # a list. Not recommended for use in scalar context. sub xml_element_content { no locale; my ($node) = @_; return grep { ref($_) ne "ARRAY" || $_->[0] !~ /^@/ } @$node[1..$#$node]; } # apply_rules($node, $rules): Apply a list of transformations to an # XML node. # # $node: An XML node represented as described above. # # $rules: A reference to an array of rules. The function applies the # rules in order: the output of a rule can be further transformed with # later rules but not with the same rule or earlier rules. Each rule # in the array is a reference to a hash that has at least these keys: # # - FIND: A regular expression. The function recursively searches for # matches in the content of $node, but not in names of elements, # names of attributes, or contents of attributes. # - REPLACE: A reference to a subroutine that returns a replacement for # the match, as a list of nodes. This subroutine is called with # no arguments, but it can use the $1 etc. variables that are set # according to the regular expression. # # return: A list of nodes. sub apply_rules { my ($node, $rules) = @_; my @output; if (ref($node) eq "ARRAY") { if ($node->[0] =~ /^@/) { return $node; } else { return [$node->[0], map({ apply_rules($_, $rules) } @{$node}[1..$#$node])]; } } else { my @rules = @$rules; while (@rules) { my $rule = shift @rules; if ($node =~ $rule->{FIND}) { # Using $` or $' anywhere in the program slows down all # regexp matches. So get the values via substr instead. my $pre = substr($node, 0, $-[0]); my $post = substr($node, $+[0]); my @replacement = $rule->{REPLACE}->(); # uses $1 etc. return grep({ $_ ne "" } map({ apply_rules($_, [@rules]) } $pre, @replacement), apply_rules($post, [$rule, @rules])); } } return $node; } } # html_splice_p(@nodes): If the first node in @nodes is a paragraph, # replace it with its content. The idea is to avoid extraneous # vertical space in 'dd' and 'li' elements. # # return: The new list of nodes. sub html_splice_p { my @nodes = @_; if (@nodes >= 1 && xml_node_is_element($nodes[0], 'p') && !xml_element_attrs($nodes[0])) { splice(@nodes, 0, 1, xml_element_content($nodes[0])); } return @nodes; } my %TemplatesDocBook = ( # named DocBook elements APPLICATION => sub { ['application', @_] }, COMMAND => sub { ['command', @_] }, ENVAR => sub { ['envar', @_] }, FILENAME => sub { ['filename', @_] }, GUIBUTTON => sub { ['guibutton', @_] }, GUILABEL => sub { ['guilabel', @_] }, LINK => sub { my $linkend = shift; ['link', ['@linkend', $linkend], @_] }, LITERAL => sub { ['literal', @_] }, PARAMETER => sub { ['parameter', @_] }, SIMPARA => sub { ['simpara', @_] }, ULINK => sub { my $url = shift; ['ulink', ['@url', $url], @_] }, USERINPUT => sub { ['userinput', @_] }, VARIABLELIST => sub { ['variablelist', @_] }, # not named after DocBook elements, but pretty simple anyway CMDOPTTYPE => sub { ['replaceable', @_] }, MANLINK => sub { my ($title, $volnum) = @_; ['citerefentry', ['refentrytitle', $title], ['manvolnum', $volnum]] }, SGMLATTR => sub { ['sgmltag', ['@class', "attribute"], @_] }, SGMLELEMENT => sub { ['sgmltag', ['@class', "element"], @_] }, STRONG => sub { ['emphasis', ['@role', "strong"], @_] }, # not so simple CFGOPTENTRY => sub { my ($name, $type, $default, @children) = @_; ['varlistentry', ['@id', $name], ['term', ['literal', $name], " ", ['type', $type], " $default"], ['listitem', @children]] }, CMDOPTINFO => sub { my ($info) = @_; " $info" }, CMDOPTNAME => sub { my $id = shift; ['option', ['@id', $id], @_] }, CFGOPTTREE => sub { my ($name, $info, @children) = @_; ['refsect2', ['@id', $name], ['title', ['literal', $name], " ($info)"], "\n", @children] }, GUIMENUCHOICE => sub { my $item = pop; ['menuchoice', map(['guimenu', $_], @_), ['guimenuitem', $item]] }, ITEMIZELIST => sub { ['itemizedlist', ['@spacing', "compact"], map { ['listitem', $_], "\n" } @_] }, USEREXAMPLE => sub { ['informalexample', ['simpara', ['userinput', @_]]], "\n" }, VARLISTENTRY => sub { my ($termchildren, @itemchildren) = @_; ['varlistentry', ['term', @$termchildren], ['listitem', @itemchildren]] }, ); my %TemplatesHTML = ( # named DocBook elements APPLICATION => sub { ['em', @_] }, COMMAND => sub { ['kbd', @_] }, ENVAR => sub { ['tt', @_] }, FILENAME => sub { ['tt', @_] }, GUIBUTTON => sub { "[ ", @_, " ]" }, GUILABEL => sub { @_ }, LINK => sub { my $linkend = shift; ['a', ['@href', "#$linkend"], @_] }, LITERAL => sub { @_ }, PARAMETER => sub { ['var', @_] }, SIMPARA => sub { ['p', @_] }, ULINK => sub { my $url = shift; ['a', ['@href', $url], @_] }, USERINPUT => sub { ['kbd', @_] }, VARIABLELIST => sub { ['dl', @_] }, # not named after DocBook elements, but pretty simple anyway CMDOPTTYPE => sub { @_ }, MANLINK => sub { my ($title, $volnum) = @_; ['b', "$title($volnum)"] }, SGMLATTR => sub { ['code', @_] }, SGMLELEMENT => sub { ['code', @_] }, STRONG => sub { ['strong', @_] }, # not so simple CFGOPTENTRY => sub { my ($name, $type, $default, @children) = @_; ['dt', ['@id', $name], "$name $type $default"], ['dd', html_splice_p(@children)] }, CMDOPTINFO => sub { my ($info) = @_; if ($info =~ /^(\(alias for )([\w.]+)(\))$/) { return " $1", ['a', ['@href', "elinks.conf.5.html#$2"], $2], $3; } else { return " $info"; } }, CMDOPTNAME => sub { my $id = shift; ['span', ['@id', $id], @_] }, CFGOPTTREE => sub { my ($name, $info, @children) = @_; ['h3', ['@id', $name], "$name ($info)"], "\n", @children }, GUIMENUCHOICE => sub { ['em', join(" \x{2192} ", @_)] }, ITEMIZELIST => sub { ['ul', map { ['li', html_splice_p($_)], "\n" } @_] }, USEREXAMPLE => sub { ['blockquote', ['p', ['kbd', @_]]], "\n" }, VARLISTENTRY => sub { my ($termchildren, @itemchildren) = @_; ['dt', @$termchildren], ['dd', html_splice_p(@itemchildren)] }, ); sub optiondesc { my ($pipe, $rules, $templates) = @_; my @ret; my $paragraph_text; my $end_paragraph = sub { if (defined $paragraph_text) { push @ret, $templates->{SIMPARA}($paragraph_text); undef $paragraph_text; } }; while (defined($_) and /^ {12}/) { # ' Cookie maximum age (in days):' # ' -1 is use cookie's expiration date if any' # ' 0 is force expiration at the end of session, ignoring cookie's' # ' expiration date' # ' 1+ is use cookie's expiration date, but limit age to the given' # ' number of days' if (/^ {12}((?:%|[+-]?\d).*)$/) { $end_paragraph->(); my @list_paragraphs; do { my $paragraph_text = ""; do { $paragraph_text .= "$1\n"; $_ = <$pipe>; } while (defined($_) and /^ {12}(\s+\S.*)$/); chomp $paragraph_text; push @list_paragraphs, $templates->{SIMPARA}($paragraph_text); } while (defined($_) and /^ {12}((?:%|[+-]?\d).*)$/); push @ret, $templates->{ITEMIZELIST}(@list_paragraphs); } elsif (/^ {12}\t(\d.*)$/) { $end_paragraph->(); my @list_paragraphs; do { push @list_paragraphs, $templates->{SIMPARA}($1); $_ = <$pipe>; } while (defined($_) and /^ {12}\t(\d.*)$/); push @ret, $templates->{ITEMIZELIST}(@list_paragraphs); } elsif (/^ {12}\t(-.*)$/) { $end_paragraph->(); push @ret, $templates->{USEREXAMPLE}($1); $_ = <$pipe>; } elsif (/^ {12}\t(\w+)(\(.*\))\s+:\s+(\S.*)$/) { $end_paragraph->(); my @list_paragraphs; my @remote_param_rules = ( { FIND => qr(\b(URL|text)\b), REPLACE => sub { $templates->{PARAMETER}($1) } }, { FIND => qr(\b(new-tab|new-window|openBrowser)\b), REPLACE => sub { $templates->{LITERAL}($1) } }, ); do { push @list_paragraphs, $templates->{SIMPARA}( $templates->{COMMAND}($1, apply_rules($2, \@remote_param_rules)), ": $3"); $_ = <$pipe>; } while (defined($_) and /^ {12}\t(\w+)(\(.*\))\s+:\s+(\S.*)$/); push @ret, $templates->{ITEMIZELIST}(@list_paragraphs); } elsif (/^ {12}(.*\S.*)$/) { $paragraph_text .= "$1\n"; $_ = <$pipe>; } else { $end_paragraph->(); $_ = <$pipe>; } } $end_paragraph->(); return map { apply_rules($_, $rules) } @ret; } sub cmdopt_id { no locale; my ($option) = @_; $option =~ s/^-+//; $option =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9-.])/sprintf('_%u', ord($1))/ge; return "cmdopt:$option"; } sub convert_config { my ($outfh, $elinks, $option, $templates) = @_; local $_; # The rules that apply to most of the output. # See &apply_rules for the format. my @shared_rules = ( # files, commands, environment variables { FIND => qr!"vi"!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{COMMAND}("vi") } }, { FIND => qr!\b(xterm)\b!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{COMMAND}($1) } }, { FIND => qr!((?:\$|\b)(?:EDITOR|FTP_PROXY|HOME|HTTP_PROXY|HTTPS_PROXY|MAILCAP|NNTPSERVER|NO_PROXY|TERM|WWW_HOME|X509_CLIENT_CERT))\b!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{ENVAR}($1) } }, { FIND => qr!(~/\.elinks|/dev/urandom|/dev/zero|\bsetup\.h|\bmime\.types)\b!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{FILENAME}($1) } }, { FIND => qr!\b(rename|fsync|strftime)\((\d+)\)!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{MANLINK}($1, $2) } }, # the rest { FIND => qr!\b(http[46]?://[\w./+-]+?)(\.?)$!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{ULINK}($1, $1), $2 } }, { FIND => qr!(ELinks bug (\d+))!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{ULINK}("http://bugzilla.elinks.cz/show_bug.cgi?id=$2", $1) } }, { FIND => qr!\b(ELinks)\b!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{APPLICATION}($1) } }, ); my @command_rules = ( { FIND => qr!(-default-mime-type text/html)!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{USERINPUT}($1) } }, # This rule cannot be shared because the configuration option # documentation does not have the anchors for the links. { FIND => qr!(-?config-dir|-dump|-default-mime-type|-touch-files|-no-connect|-session-ring)!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{LINK}(cmdopt_id($1), $1) } }, @shared_rules); my @config_rules = ( # non-ASCII characters { FIND => qr!<->!, REPLACE => sub { "\x{2194}" } }, { FIND => qr!(\s)-(\s)!, REPLACE => sub { "$1\x{2013}$2" } }, { FIND => qr!(\s)---?(\s)!, REPLACE => sub { "$1\x{2014}$2" } }, # user interface { FIND => qr!(Setup) -> (Terminal options)!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{GUIMENUCHOICE}($1, $2) } }, { FIND => qr!\[ (Save) \]!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{GUIBUTTON}($1) } }, { FIND => qr!\b(Goto URL)\b!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{GUILABEL}($1) } }, # SGML { FIND => qr!\b(ACCESSKEY|TABINDEX)\b!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{SGMLATTR}($1) } }, { FIND => qr!\b(IMG)\b!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{SGMLELEMENT}($1) } }, { FIND => qr!\b(alt)/(title)\b!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{SGMLATTR}($1), "/", $templates->{SGMLATTR}($2) } }, { FIND => qr!\b(alt)( attribute)!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{SGMLATTR}($1), $2 } }, # typography { FIND => qr!\b_(not)_\b!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{STRONG}($1) } }, # This rule cannot be shared because the command-line option # documentation does not have the anchors for the links. { FIND => qr!\b(connection\.try_ipv6|cookies\.save|document\.browse\.minimum_refresh_time|document\.browse\.links\.color_dirs)\b!, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{LINK}($1, $1) } }, @shared_rules); open my $pipe, "-|", $elinks, $option or die; my $version = <$pipe>; chomp $version; $version =~ s/^ELinks ([-.\w]+).*$/$1/ or die "unusual version: $version"; my @nodes; $_ = <$pipe>; while (defined($_)) { if (/^$/) { $_ = <$pipe>; } elsif (/^Configuration options:$/) { # The "Generated using" line is here at the top, because # DocBook XML does not allow anything else to follow a # refsect2 within a refsect1. push @nodes, $templates->{SIMPARA}( "Generated using output from ELinks version $version."); $_ = <$pipe>; while (defined($_)) { if (/^$/) { $_ = <$pipe>; } elsif (/^ {2}(\S.*): \(([\w.-]+)\)$/) { # ' Browsing: (document.browse)' my ($tree_info, $tree_name) = ($1, $2); my @tree_nodes; $_ = <$pipe>; push @tree_nodes, optiondesc($pipe, \@config_rules, $templates); my @varlistentries; while (defined($_)) { if (/^$/) { $_ = <$pipe>; } elsif (/^ {4}(\S+) (\S+) (\(.*)$/) { # ' cookies.save [0|1] (default: 1)' my ($optname, $opttype, $optdefault) = ($1, $2, $3); while ($optdefault =~ /^\([^"()]*"[^"]*$/s) { # a special hack for document.dump.separator, # which has newlines in the default value my $contline = <$pipe>; last unless defined($contline); chomp $contline; $optdefault .= "\n$contline"; } $_ = <$pipe>; push @varlistentries, $templates->{CFGOPTENTRY}( $optname, $opttype, $optdefault, optiondesc($pipe, \@config_rules, $templates)); } else { last; } } push @tree_nodes, $templates->{VARIABLELIST}(@varlistentries) if @varlistentries; push @nodes, $templates->{CFGOPTTREE}( $tree_name, $tree_info, @tree_nodes); } else { last; } } } elsif (/^Usage:/) { $_ = <$pipe>; } elsif (/^Options:$/) { $_ = <$pipe>; my @varlistentries; my $name_rules = [ { FIND => qr/([^,\s]+)/, REPLACE => sub { $templates->{CMDOPTNAME}(cmdopt_id($1), $1) } }, ]; while (defined($_)) { if (/^$/) { $_ = <$pipe>; } elsif (/^ {4}(\S+(?:,\s+\S+)*)(?:\s+([\[<]\S*))?(?:\s+(\(.*\)))?\s*$/) { my @optnames = apply_rules($1, $name_rules); my (@opttype, @optinfo); @opttype = (" ", $templates->{CMDOPTTYPE}($2)) if defined($2); @optinfo = $templates->{CMDOPTINFO}($3) if defined($3); $_ = <$pipe>; push @varlistentries, $templates->{VARLISTENTRY}( [@optnames, @opttype, @optinfo], optiondesc($pipe, \@command_rules, $templates)); } else { last; } } push @nodes, $templates->{VARIABLELIST}(@varlistentries) if @varlistentries; push @nodes, $templates->{SIMPARA}( "Generated using output from ELinks version $version."); } else { last; } } die "parsing stopped at $.: $_" if defined($_); xml_output($outfh, $_) foreach @nodes; } GetOptions("help" => sub { pod2usage({-verbose => 1, -exitval => 0}) }, "version" => \&show_version) or exit 2; print(STDERR "$0: wrong number of operands\n"), exit 2 if @ARGV != 2; my ($ELinks, $Outfname) = @ARGV; my ($Option, $Templates); $Option = "--config-help" if $Outfname =~ m(config[^/]*$); $Option = "--long-help" if $Outfname =~ m(command[^/]*$); $Templates = \%TemplatesDocBook if $Outfname =~ m(xml[^/]*$); $Templates = \%TemplatesHTML if $Outfname =~ m(html[^/]*$); unless ($Option and $Templates) { print(STDERR "$0: name of output file does not indicate its content: $Outfname\n"); exit 2; } open my $outfh, ">", $Outfname or die "$Outfname: $!\n"; convert_config $outfh, $ELinks, $Option, $Templates; close $outfh or die "$Outfname: $!\n"; __END__ =head1 NAME help2xml - Convert help output from ELinks to DocBook XML or XHTML. =head1 SYNOPSIS B F<.../src/elinks> F<.../option-command.frag.xml> B F<.../src/elinks> F<.../option-config.frag.xml> B F<.../src/elinks> F<.../option-command.frag.xhtml> B F<.../src/elinks> F<.../option-config.frag.xhtml> =head1 DESCRIPTION B runs B or B to get the documentation of command-line or configuration options from the elinks executable, and converts it to a fragment of DocBook XML or XHTML. In the build system, these fragments are then included in the DocBook and XHTML versions of the L and L manual pages. =head1 ARGUMENTS =over =item F<.../src/elinks> The B executable file that B runs in order to get the documentation. =item F<.../option-command.frag.xml> =item F<.../option-config.frag.xml> =item F<.../option-command.frag.xhtml> =item F<.../option-config.frag.xhtml> The output file to which B writes the DocBook XML or XHTML fragment. The basename of this file must include the word "command" for command-line options, or "config" for configuration options. It must also include "xml" for Docbook XML, or "html" for XHTML. =back =head1 AUTHOR Kalle Olavi Niemitalo =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2008 Kalle Olavi Niemitalo. Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.