"""Additional Python code for ELinks maintainers. This module is intended for ELinks maintainers. If you modify or add to the Python APIs in src/scripting/python/*.c and/or contrib/python/hooks.py, you should update the accompanying docstrings to reflect your changes and then generate a new version of the file doc/python.txt (which serves as a reference manual for the browser's Python APIs). The embedded interpreter can use introspection to regenerate the python.txt document for you; just copy this file into your ~/.elinks directory and add something like the following to ~/.elinks/hooks.py: import elinks_maint elinks.bind_key('F2', elinks_maint.generate_python_txt) """ import inspect import tempfile import types preface = """\ Python programmers can customize the behavior of ELinks by creating a Python hooks module. The embedded Python interpreter provides an internal module called elinks that can be used by the hooks module to create keystroke bindings for Python code, obtain information about the document being viewed, display simple dialog boxes and menus, load documents into the ELinks cache, or display documents to the user. These two modules are described below. """ module_template = """ MODULE %s - %s DESCRIPTION %s FUNCTIONS %s """ separator = '-' * 78 + '\n' def document_modules(*modules): """Format the internal documentation found in one or more Python modules.""" output = [] for module in modules: name, doc, namespace = module.__name__, module.__doc__, module.__dict__ if not name or not namespace: continue try: summary, junk, description = doc.rstrip().split('\n', 2) except: summary, description = '?', '(no description available)' functions = document_functions(namespace) output.append(module_template % (name, summary, indent(description), indent(functions))) return separator.join(output) def document_functions(namespace): """Format the internal documentation for all functions in a namespace.""" objects = namespace.items() objects.sort() output = [] for name, object in objects: if name.startswith('_'): continue species = type(object) if species == types.BuiltinFunctionType: args = '(...)' elif species == types.FunctionType: args = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(object)) else: continue description = inspect.getdoc(object) output.append('%s%s\n%s\n' % (name, args, indent(description))) return '\n'.join(output) def generate_python_txt(): """Generate documentation for the hooks and elinks modules.""" import elinks import hooks # Remove anything that doesn't belong in the API documentation. # hooks_api_functions = ( 'follow_url_hook', 'goto_url_hook', 'pre_format_html_hook', 'proxy_for_hook', 'quit_hook', ) for key in hooks.__dict__.keys(): if key not in hooks_api_functions and not key.startswith('_'): del hooks.__dict__[key] hooks.__doc__ = hooks.__doc__.replace('Example Python', 'Python') # Generate the documentation. # try: output = separator.join((preface, document_modules(hooks, elinks))) finally: # Restore the hooks module to a sane state. reload(hooks) # View the documentation. # path = write_tempfile(output) elinks.open(path) def indent(text): """Return indented text.""" indent = ' ' * 4 return '\n'.join([indent + line for line in text.split('\n')]) def write_tempfile(text): """Write a string to a temporary file and return the file's name.""" output = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='elinks_maint', suffix='.txt') output.write(text) output.flush() _tempfiles[text] = output return output.name # Temp files are stashed in this dictionary to prevent them from being closed # before ELinks has a chance to read them; they will be automatically deleted # when the dictionary is garbage-collected at exit time. # _tempfiles = {}