/* Forms viewing/manipulation handling */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE /* XXX: we want memrchr() ! */ #endif #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H #include /* OS/2 needs this after sys/types.h */ #endif #include "elinks.h" #include "bfu/listmenu.h" #include "bfu/dialog.h" #include "config/kbdbind.h" #include "dialogs/menu.h" #include "document/document.h" #include "document/forms.h" #include "document/html/parser.h" #include "document/view.h" #include "intl/gettext/libintl.h" #include "formhist/formhist.h" #include "mime/mime.h" #include "osdep/ascii.h" #include "osdep/osdep.h" #include "protocol/uri.h" #include "session/session.h" #include "session/task.h" #include "terminal/kbd.h" #include "terminal/terminal.h" #include "terminal/window.h" #include "util/conv.h" #include "util/error.h" #include "util/file.h" #include "util/memory.h" #include "util/string.h" #include "viewer/action.h" #include "viewer/text/draw.h" #include "viewer/text/form.h" #include "viewer/text/link.h" #include "viewer/text/textarea.h" #include "viewer/text/view.h" #include "viewer/text/vs.h" /* TODO: Some of these (particulary those encoding routines) would feel better * in viewer/common/. --pasky */ struct submitted_value * init_submitted_value(unsigned char *name, unsigned char *value, enum form_type type, struct form_control *fc, int position) { struct submitted_value *sv; sv = mem_alloc(sizeof(*sv)); if (!sv) return NULL; sv->value = stracpy(value); if (!sv->value) { mem_free(sv); return NULL; } sv->name = stracpy(name); if (!sv->name) { mem_free(sv->value); mem_free(sv); return NULL; } sv->type = type; sv->form_control = fc; sv->position = position; return sv; } void done_submitted_value(struct submitted_value *sv) { if (!sv) return; mem_free_if(sv->value); mem_free_if(sv->name); mem_free(sv); } static void fixup_select_state(struct form_control *fc, struct form_state *fs) { int i; assert(fc && fs); if_assert_failed return; if (fs->state >= 0 && fs->state < fc->nvalues && !strcmp(fc->values[fs->state], fs->value)) return; for (i = 0; i < fc->nvalues; i++) if (!strcmp(fc->values[i], fs->value)) { fs->state = i; return; } fs->state = 0; mem_free_set(&fs->value, stracpy(fc->nvalues ? fc->values[0] : (unsigned char *) "")); } /* menu_func_T */ void selected_item(struct terminal *term, void *item_, void *ses_) { struct session *ses = ses_; int item = (long) item_; struct document_view *doc_view; struct link *link; struct form_state *fs; struct form_control *fc; assert(term && ses); if_assert_failed return; doc_view = current_frame(ses); assert(doc_view && doc_view->vs && doc_view->document); if_assert_failed return; link = get_current_link(doc_view); if (!link || link->type != LINK_SELECT) return; fc = get_link_form_control(link); fs = find_form_state(doc_view, fc); if (fs) { if (item >= 0 && item < fc->nvalues) { fs->state = item; mem_free_set(&fs->value, stracpy(fc->values[item])); } fixup_select_state(fc, fs); } refresh_view(ses, doc_view, 0); } static void init_form_state(struct form_control *fc, struct form_state *fs) { assert(fc && fs); if_assert_failed return; mem_free_set(&fs->value, NULL); switch (fc->type) { case FC_TEXT: case FC_PASSWORD: case FC_TEXTAREA: fs->value = stracpy(fc->default_value); fs->state = strlen(fc->default_value); fs->vpos = 0; break; case FC_FILE: fs->value = stracpy(""); fs->state = 0; fs->vpos = 0; break; case FC_SELECT: fs->value = stracpy(fc->default_value); fs->state = fc->default_state; fixup_select_state(fc, fs); break; case FC_CHECKBOX: case FC_RADIO: fs->state = fc->default_state; /* Fall-through */ case FC_SUBMIT: case FC_IMAGE: case FC_RESET: case FC_BUTTON: case FC_HIDDEN: fs->value = stracpy(fc->default_value); break; } } struct form_state * find_form_state(struct document_view *doc_view, struct form_control *fc) { struct view_state *vs; struct form_state *fs; int n; assert(doc_view && doc_view->vs && fc); if_assert_failed return NULL; vs = doc_view->vs; n = fc->g_ctrl_num; if (n >= vs->form_info_len) { int nn = n + 1; fs = mem_realloc(vs->form_info, nn * sizeof(*fs)); if (!fs) return NULL; memset(fs + vs->form_info_len, 0, (nn - vs->form_info_len) * sizeof(*fs)); vs->form_info = fs; vs->form_info_len = nn; } fs = &vs->form_info[n]; if (fs->form_view && fs->form_view->form_num == fc->form->form_num && fs->g_ctrl_num == fc->g_ctrl_num && fs->position == fc->position && fs->type == fc->type) return fs; mem_free_if(fs->value); memset(fs, 0, sizeof(*fs)); fs->form_view = find_form_view(doc_view, fc->form); fs->g_ctrl_num = fc->g_ctrl_num; fs->position = fc->position; fs->type = fc->type; init_form_state(fc, fs); return fs; } struct form_control * find_form_control(struct document *document, struct form_state *fs) { struct form *form = find_form_by_form_view(document, fs->form_view); struct form_control *fc; foreach (fc, form->items) { if (fs->g_ctrl_num == fc->g_ctrl_num && fs->position == fc->position && fs->type == fc->type) return fc; } return NULL; } struct form_view * find_form_view_in_vs(struct view_state *vs, int form_num) { struct form_view *fv; assert(vs); foreach (fv, vs->forms) if (fv->form_num == form_num) return fv; fv = mem_calloc(1, sizeof(*fv)); fv->form_num = form_num; add_to_list(vs->forms, fv); return fv; } struct form_view * find_form_view(struct document_view *doc_view, struct form *form) { return find_form_view_in_vs(doc_view->vs, form->form_num); } struct form * find_form_by_form_view(struct document *document, struct form_view *fv) { struct form *form; foreach (form, document->forms) { if (form->form_num == fv->form_num) return form; } return NULL; } int get_current_state(struct session *ses) { struct document_view *doc_view; struct link *link; struct form_state *fs; assert(ses); if_assert_failed return -1; doc_view = current_frame(ses); assert(doc_view && doc_view->vs && doc_view->document); if_assert_failed return -1; link = get_current_link(doc_view); if (!link || link->type != LINK_SELECT) return -1; fs = find_form_state(doc_view, get_link_form_control(link)); if (fs) return fs->state; return -1; } void draw_form_entry(struct terminal *term, struct document_view *doc_view, struct link *link) { struct form_state *fs; struct form_control *fc; struct view_state *vs; struct box *box; int dx, dy; assert(term && doc_view && doc_view->document && doc_view->vs && link); if_assert_failed return; fc = get_link_form_control(link); assertm(fc, "link %d has no form control", (int) (link - doc_view->document->links)); if_assert_failed return; fs = find_form_state(doc_view, fc); if (!fs) return; box = &doc_view->box; vs = doc_view->vs; dx = box->x - vs->x; dy = box->y - vs->y; switch (fc->type) { unsigned char *s; int len; int i, x, y; case FC_TEXT: case FC_PASSWORD: case FC_FILE: int_bounds(&fs->vpos, fs->state - fc->size + 1, fs->state); if (!link->npoints) break; y = link->points[0].y + dy; if (!row_is_in_box(box, y)) break; len = strlen(fs->value) - fs->vpos; x = link->points[0].x + dx; for (i = 0; i < fc->size; i++, x++) { unsigned char data; if (!col_is_in_box(box, x)) continue; if (fs->value && i >= -fs->vpos && i < len) data = fc->type != FC_PASSWORD ? fs->value[i + fs->vpos] : '*'; else data = '_'; draw_char_data(term, x, y, data); } break; case FC_TEXTAREA: draw_textarea(term, fs, doc_view, link); break; case FC_CHECKBOX: case FC_RADIO: if (link->npoints < 2) break; x = link->points[1].x + dx; y = link->points[1].y + dy; if (is_in_box(box, x, y)) draw_char_data(term, x, y, fs->state ? 'X' : ' '); break; case FC_SELECT: fixup_select_state(fc, fs); if (fs->state < fc->nvalues) s = fc->labels[fs->state]; else /* XXX: when can this happen? --pasky */ s = ""; len = s ? strlen(s) : 0; for (i = 0; i < link->npoints; i++) { x = link->points[i].x + dx; y = link->points[i].y + dy; if (is_in_box(box, x, y)) draw_char_data(term, x, y, i < len ? s[i] : '_'); } break; case FC_SUBMIT: case FC_IMAGE: case FC_RESET: case FC_BUTTON: case FC_HIDDEN: break; } } void draw_forms(struct terminal *term, struct document_view *doc_view) { struct link *l1, *l2; assert(term && doc_view); if_assert_failed return; l1 = get_first_link(doc_view); l2 = get_last_link(doc_view); if (!l1 || !l2) { assertm(!l1 && !l2, "get_first_link == %p, get_last_link == %p", l1, l2); /* Return path :-). */ return; } do { struct form_control *fc = get_link_form_control(l1); if (!fc) continue; #ifdef CONFIG_FORMHIST if (fc->type == FC_TEXT || fc->type == FC_PASSWORD) { unsigned char *value; assert(fc->form); value = get_form_history_value(fc->form->action, fc->name); if (value) mem_free_set(&fc->default_value, stracpy(value)); } #endif /* CONFIG_FORMHIST */ draw_form_entry(term, doc_view, l1); } while (l1++ < l2); } void done_submitted_value_list(struct list_head *list) { struct submitted_value *sv, *svtmp; assert(list); if_assert_failed return; foreach (sv, *list) { svtmp = sv; sv = sv->prev; del_from_list(svtmp); done_submitted_value(svtmp); } } static void add_submitted_value_to_list(struct form_control *fc, struct form_state *fs, struct list_head *list) { struct submitted_value *sub; unsigned char *name; enum form_type type; int position; assert(fc && fs && list); name = fc->name; position = fc->position; type = fc->type; switch (fc->type) { case FC_TEXT: case FC_PASSWORD: case FC_FILE: case FC_TEXTAREA: sub = init_submitted_value(name, fs->value, type, fc, position); if (sub) add_to_list(*list, sub); break; case FC_CHECKBOX: case FC_RADIO: if (!fs->state) break; /* fall through */ case FC_SUBMIT: case FC_HIDDEN: case FC_RESET: case FC_BUTTON: sub = init_submitted_value(name, fs->value, type, fc, position); if (sub) add_to_list(*list, sub); break; case FC_SELECT: if (!fc->nvalues) break; fixup_select_state(fc, fs); sub = init_submitted_value(name, fs->value, type, fc, position); if (sub) add_to_list(*list, sub); break; case FC_IMAGE: name = straconcat(fc->name, ".x", NULL); if (!name) break; sub = init_submitted_value(name, "0", type, fc, position); mem_free(name); if (sub) add_to_list(*list, sub); name = straconcat(fc->name, ".y", NULL); if (!name) break; sub = init_submitted_value(name, "0", type, fc, position); mem_free(name); if (sub) add_to_list(*list, sub); break; } } static void sort_submitted_values(struct list_head *list) { while (1) { struct submitted_value *sub; int changed = 0; foreach (sub, *list) if (list_has_next(*list, sub)) if (sub->next->position < sub->position) { struct submitted_value *next = sub->next; del_from_list(sub); add_at_pos(next, sub); sub = next; changed = 1; } foreachback (sub, *list) if (list_has_next(*list, sub)) if (sub->next->position < sub->position) { struct submitted_value *next = sub->next; del_from_list(sub); add_at_pos(next, sub); sub = next; changed = 1; } if (!changed) break; }; } static void get_successful_controls(struct document_view *doc_view, struct form_control *fc, struct list_head *list) { struct form_control *fc2; assert(doc_view && fc && fc->form && list); if_assert_failed return; foreach (fc2, fc->form->items) { if (((fc2->type != FC_SUBMIT && fc2->type != FC_IMAGE && fc2->type != FC_RESET && fc2->type != FC_BUTTON) || fc2 == fc) && fc2->name && fc2->name[0]) { struct form_state *fs = find_form_state(doc_view, fc2); if (!fs) continue; add_submitted_value_to_list(fc2, fs, list); } } sort_submitted_values(list); } static void encode_controls(struct list_head *l, struct string *data, int cp_from, int cp_to) { struct submitted_value *sv; struct conv_table *convert_table = NULL; int lst = 0; assert(l && data); if_assert_failed return; foreach (sv, *l) { unsigned char *p2 = NULL; if (lst) add_char_to_string(data, '&'); else lst = 1; encode_uri_string(data, sv->name, strlen(sv->name), 1); add_char_to_string(data, '='); /* Convert back to original encoding (see html_form_control() * for the original recoding). */ if (sv->type == FC_TEXTAREA) { unsigned char *p; p = encode_textarea(sv); if (p) { if (!convert_table) convert_table = get_translation_table(cp_from, cp_to); p2 = convert_string(convert_table, p, strlen(p), -1, CSM_FORM, NULL, NULL, NULL); mem_free(p); } } else if (sv->type == FC_TEXT || sv->type == FC_PASSWORD) { if (!convert_table) convert_table = get_translation_table(cp_from, cp_to); p2 = convert_string(convert_table, sv->value, strlen(sv->value), -1, CSM_FORM, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { p2 = stracpy(sv->value); } if (p2) { encode_uri_string(data, p2, strlen(p2), 1); mem_free(p2); } } } #define BOUNDARY_LENGTH 32 #define realloc_bound_ptrs(bptrs, bptrs_size) \ mem_align_alloc(bptrs, bptrs_size, bptrs_size + 1, int, 0xFF) struct boundary_info { int count; int *offsets; unsigned char string[BOUNDARY_LENGTH]; }; static inline void init_boundary(struct boundary_info *boundary) { memset(boundary, 0, sizeof(*boundary)); memset(boundary->string, '0', BOUNDARY_LENGTH); } /* Add boundary to string and save the offset */ static inline void add_boundary(struct string *data, struct boundary_info *boundary) { add_to_string(data, "--"); if (realloc_bound_ptrs(&boundary->offsets, boundary->count)) boundary->offsets[boundary->count++] = data->length; add_bytes_to_string(data, boundary->string, BOUNDARY_LENGTH); } static inline unsigned char * increment_boundary_counter(struct boundary_info *boundary) { int j; /* This is just a decimal string incrementation */ for (j = BOUNDARY_LENGTH - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (boundary->string[j]++ < '9') return boundary->string; boundary->string[j] = '0'; } INTERNAL("Form data boundary counter overflow"); return NULL; } static inline void check_boundary(struct string *data, struct boundary_info *boundary) { unsigned char *bound = boundary->string; int i; /* Search between all boundaries. There is a starting and an ending * boundary so only check the range of chars after the current offset * and before the next offset. If some string in the form data matches * the boundary string it is changed. */ for (i = 0; i < boundary->count - 1; i++) { /* Start after the boundary string and also jump past the * "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" string added * before any form data. */ int start_offset = boundary->offsets[i] + BOUNDARY_LENGTH + 40; /* End so that there is atleast BOUNDARY_LENGTH chars to * compare. Subtract 2 char because there is no need to also * compare the '--' prefix that is part of the boundary. */ int end_offset = boundary->offsets[i + 1] - BOUNDARY_LENGTH - 2; unsigned char *pos = data->source + start_offset; unsigned char *end = data->source + end_offset; for (; pos <= end; pos++) { if (memcmp(pos, bound, BOUNDARY_LENGTH)) continue; /* If incrementing causes overflow bail out. There is * no need to reset the boundary string with '0' since * that is already done when incrementing. */ if (!increment_boundary_counter(boundary)) return; /* Else start checking all boundaries using the new * boundary string */ i = 0; break; } } /* Now update all the boundaries with the unique boundary string */ for (i = 0; i < boundary->count; i++) memcpy(data->source + boundary->offsets[i], bound, BOUNDARY_LENGTH); } /* FIXME: shouldn't we encode data at send time (in http.c) ? --Zas */ static void encode_multipart(struct session *ses, struct list_head *l, struct string *data, struct boundary_info *boundary, int cp_from, int cp_to) { struct conv_table *convert_table = NULL; struct submitted_value *sv; assert(ses && l && data && boundary); if_assert_failed return; init_boundary(boundary); foreach (sv, *l) { add_boundary(data, boundary); add_crlf_to_string(data); /* FIXME: name is not encoded. * from RFC 1867: * multipart/form-data contains a series of parts. * Each part is expected to contain a content-disposition * header where the value is "form-data" and a name attribute * specifies the field name within the form, * e.g., 'content-disposition: form-data; name="xxxxx"', * where xxxxx is the field name corresponding to that field. * Field names originally in non-ASCII character sets may be * encoded using the method outlined in RFC 1522. */ add_to_string(data, "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\""); add_to_string(data, sv->name); add_char_to_string(data, '"'); if (sv->type == FC_FILE) { #define F_BUFLEN 1024 int fh; unsigned char buffer[F_BUFLEN]; unsigned char *extension; add_to_string(data, "; filename=\""); add_to_string(data, get_filename_position(sv->value)); /* It sends bad data if the file name contains ", but Netscape does the same */ /* FIXME: We should follow RFCs 1522, 1867, * 2047 (updated by rfc 2231), to provide correct support * for non-ASCII and special characters in values. --Zas */ add_char_to_string(data, '"'); /* Add a Content-Type header if the type is configured */ extension = strrchr(sv->value, '.'); if (extension) { unsigned char *type = get_extension_content_type(extension); if (type) { add_crlf_to_string(data); add_to_string(data, "Content-Type: "); add_to_string(data, type); mem_free(type); } } add_crlf_to_string(data); add_crlf_to_string(data); if (*sv->value) { unsigned char *filename; ssize_t rd; if (get_cmd_opt_bool("anonymous")) { errno = EPERM; goto encode_error; } /* FIXME: DO NOT COPY FILE IN MEMORY !! --Zas */ filename = expand_tilde(sv->value); if (!filename) goto encode_error; fh = open(filename, O_RDONLY); mem_free(filename); if (fh == -1) goto encode_error; set_bin(fh); do { rd = safe_read(fh, buffer, F_BUFLEN); if (rd == -1) { close(fh); goto encode_error; } if (rd) add_bytes_to_string(data, buffer, rd); } while (rd); close(fh); } #undef F_BUFLEN } else { add_crlf_to_string(data); add_crlf_to_string(data); /* Convert back to original encoding (see * html_form_control() for the original recoding). */ if (sv->type == FC_TEXT || sv->type == FC_PASSWORD || sv->type == FC_TEXTAREA) { unsigned char *p; if (!convert_table) convert_table = get_translation_table(cp_from, cp_to); p = convert_string(convert_table, sv->value, strlen(sv->value), -1, CSM_FORM, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (p) { add_to_string(data, p); mem_free(p); } } else { add_to_string(data, sv->value); } } add_crlf_to_string(data); } /* End-boundary */ add_boundary(data, boundary); add_to_string(data, "--\r\n"); check_boundary(data, boundary); mem_free_if(boundary->offsets); return; encode_error: mem_free_if(boundary->offsets); done_string(data); /* XXX: This error message should move elsewhere. --Zas */ info_box(ses->tab->term, MSGBOX_FREE_TEXT, N_("Error while posting form"), ALIGN_CENTER, msg_text(ses->tab->term, N_("Could not load file %s: %s"), sv->value, strerror(errno))); } static void encode_newlines(struct string *string, unsigned char *data) { for (; *data; data++) { if (*data == '\n' || *data == '\r') { unsigned char buffer[3]; /* Hex it. */ buffer[0] = '%'; buffer[1] = hx((((int) *data) & 0xF0) >> 4); buffer[2] = hx(((int) *data) & 0xF); add_bytes_to_string(string, buffer, 3); } else { add_char_to_string(string, *data); } } } static void encode_text_plain(struct list_head *l, struct string *data, int cp_from, int cp_to) { struct submitted_value *sv; struct conv_table *convert_table = get_translation_table(cp_from, cp_to); assert(l && data); if_assert_failed return; foreach (sv, *l) { unsigned char *area51 = NULL; unsigned char *value = sv->value; add_to_string(data, sv->name); add_char_to_string(data, '='); switch (sv->type) { case FC_TEXTAREA: value = area51 = encode_textarea(sv); if (!area51) break; /* Fall through */ case FC_TEXT: case FC_PASSWORD: /* Convert back to original encoding (see * html_form_control() for the original recoding). */ value = convert_string(convert_table, value, strlen(value), -1, CSM_FORM, NULL, NULL, NULL); default: /* Falling right through to free that textarea stuff */ mem_free_if(area51); /* Did the conversion fail? */ if (!value) break; encode_newlines(data, value); /* Free if we did convert something */ if (value != sv->value) mem_free(value); } add_crlf_to_string(data); } } void do_reset_form(struct document_view *doc_view, struct form *form) { struct form_control *fc; assert(doc_view && doc_view->document); if_assert_failed return; foreach (fc, form->items) { struct form_state *fs = find_form_state(doc_view, fc); if (fs) init_form_state(fc, fs); } } enum frame_event_status reset_form(struct session *ses, struct document_view *doc_view, int a) { struct link *link = get_current_link(doc_view); if (!link) return FRAME_EVENT_OK; do_reset_form(doc_view, get_link_form_control(link)->form); draw_forms(ses->tab->term, doc_view); /* Could be the refresh return value and then ditch the draw_forms() * call. */ return FRAME_EVENT_OK; } struct uri * get_form_uri(struct session *ses, struct document_view *doc_view, struct form_control *fc) { struct boundary_info boundary; INIT_LIST_HEAD(submit); struct string data; struct string go; int cp_from, cp_to; struct uri *uri; struct form *form; assert(ses && ses->tab && ses->tab->term); if_assert_failed return NULL; assert(doc_view && doc_view->document && fc && fc->form); if_assert_failed return NULL; form = fc->form; if (fc->type == FC_RESET) { do_reset_form(doc_view, form); return NULL; } else if (fc->type == FC_BUTTON) { return NULL; } if (!form->action || !init_string(&data)) return NULL; get_successful_controls(doc_view, fc, &submit); cp_from = get_opt_codepage_tree(ses->tab->term->spec, "charset"); cp_to = doc_view->document->cp; switch (form->method) { case FORM_METHOD_GET: case FORM_METHOD_POST: encode_controls(&submit, &data, cp_from, cp_to); break; case FORM_METHOD_POST_MP: encode_multipart(ses, &submit, &data, &boundary, cp_from, cp_to); break; case FORM_METHOD_POST_TEXT_PLAIN: encode_text_plain(&submit, &data, cp_from, cp_to); } #ifdef CONFIG_FORMHIST /* XXX: We check data.source here because a NULL value can indicate * not only a memory allocation failure, but also an error reading * a file that is to be uploaded. TODO: Distinguish between * these two classes of errors (is it worth it?). -- Miciah */ if (data.source && get_opt_bool("document.browse.forms.show_formhist")) memorize_form(ses, &submit, form); #endif done_submitted_value_list(&submit); if (!data.source || !init_string(&go)) { done_string(&data); return NULL; } switch (form->method) { case FORM_METHOD_GET: { unsigned char *pos = strchr(form->action, '#'); if (pos) { add_bytes_to_string(&go, form->action, pos - form->action); } else { add_to_string(&go, form->action); } if (strchr(go.source, '?')) add_char_to_string(&go, '&'); else add_char_to_string(&go, '?'); add_string_to_string(&go, &data); if (pos) add_to_string(&go, pos); break; } case FORM_METHOD_POST: case FORM_METHOD_POST_MP: case FORM_METHOD_POST_TEXT_PLAIN: { /* Note that we end content type here by a simple '\n', * replaced later by correct '\r\n' in http_send_header(). */ int i; add_to_string(&go, form->action); add_char_to_string(&go, POST_CHAR); if (form->method == FORM_METHOD_POST) { add_to_string(&go, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n"); } else if (form->method == FORM_METHOD_POST_TEXT_PLAIN) { /* Dunno about this one but we don't want the full * hextcat thingy. --jonas */ add_to_string(&go, "text/plain\n"); add_to_string(&go, data.source); break; } else { add_to_string(&go, "multipart/form-data; boundary="); add_bytes_to_string(&go, boundary.string, BOUNDARY_LENGTH); add_char_to_string(&go, '\n'); } for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { unsigned char p[3]; ulonghexcat(p, NULL, (int) data.source[i], 2, '0', 0); add_to_string(&go, p); } } } done_string(&data); uri = get_uri(go.source, 0); done_string(&go); if (uri) uri->form = 1; return uri; } #undef BOUNDARY_LENGTH enum frame_event_status submit_form(struct session *ses, struct document_view *doc_view, int do_reload) { goto_current_link(ses, doc_view, do_reload); return FRAME_EVENT_OK; } void submit_given_form(struct session *ses, struct document_view *doc_view, struct form *form) { /* Added support for submitting forms in hidden * links in 1.285, commented code can safely be removed once we have made sure the new * code does the right thing. */ #if 0 struct document *document = doc_view->document; int link; for (link = 0; link < document->nlinks; link++) { struct form_control *fc = get_link_form_control(&document->links[link]); if (fc && fc->form == form) { doc_view->vs->current_link = link; submit_form(ses, doc_view, 0); return; } } #endif if (!list_empty(form->items)) { struct form_control *fc = (struct form_control *)form->items.next; struct uri *uri; if (!fc) return; uri = get_form_uri(ses, doc_view, fc); if (!uri) return; goto_uri_frame(ses, uri, form->target, CACHE_MODE_NORMAL); done_uri(uri); } } void auto_submit_form(struct session *ses) { struct document *document = ses->doc_view->document; if (!list_empty(document->forms)) submit_given_form(ses, ses->doc_view, document->forms.next); } /* menu_func_T */ static void set_file_form_state(struct terminal *term, void *filename_, void *fs_) { unsigned char *filename = filename_; struct form_state *fs = fs_; /* The menu code doesn't free the filename data */ mem_free_set(&fs->value, filename); fs->state = strlen(filename); redraw_terminal(term); } /* menu_func_T */ static void file_form_menu(struct terminal *term, void *path_, void *fs_) { unsigned char *path = path_; struct form_state *fs = fs_; /* FIXME: It doesn't work for ../../ */ #if 0 int valuelen = strlen(fs->value); int pathlen = strlen(path); int no_elevator = 0; /* Don't add elevators for subdirs menus */ /* It is not perfect at all because fs->value is not updated for each * newly opened file menu. Maybe it should be dropped. */ for (; valuelen < pathlen; valuelen++) { if (dir_sep(path[valuelen - 1])) { no_elevator = 1; break; } } #endif auto_complete_file(term, 0 /* no_elevator */, path, set_file_form_state, file_form_menu, fs); } enum frame_event_status field_op(struct session *ses, struct document_view *doc_view, struct link *link, struct term_event *ev) { struct form_control *fc; struct form_state *fs; enum edit_action action_id; unsigned char *text; int length; enum frame_event_status status = FRAME_EVENT_REFRESH; assert(ses && doc_view && link && ev); if_assert_failed return FRAME_EVENT_OK; fc = get_link_form_control(link); assertm(fc, "link has no form control"); if_assert_failed return FRAME_EVENT_OK; if (fc->mode == FORM_MODE_DISABLED || ev->ev != EVENT_KBD || ses->insert_mode == INSERT_MODE_OFF) return FRAME_EVENT_IGNORED; action_id = kbd_action(KEYMAP_EDIT, ev, NULL); fs = find_form_state(doc_view, fc); if (!fs || !fs->value) return FRAME_EVENT_OK; switch (action_id) { case ACT_EDIT_LEFT: fs->state = int_max(fs->state - 1, 0); break; case ACT_EDIT_RIGHT: fs->state = int_min(fs->state + 1, strlen(fs->value)); break; case ACT_EDIT_HOME: if (fc->type == FC_TEXTAREA) { status = textarea_op_home(fs, fc); } else { fs->state = 0; } break; case ACT_EDIT_UP: if (fc->type != FC_TEXTAREA) status = FRAME_EVENT_IGNORED; else status = textarea_op_up(fs, fc); break; case ACT_EDIT_DOWN: if (fc->type != FC_TEXTAREA) status = FRAME_EVENT_IGNORED; else status = textarea_op_down(fs, fc); break; case ACT_EDIT_END: if (fc->type == FC_TEXTAREA) { status = textarea_op_end(fs, fc); } else { fs->state = strlen(fs->value); } break; case ACT_EDIT_BEGINNING_OF_BUFFER: if (fc->type == FC_TEXTAREA) { status = textarea_op_bob(fs, fc); } else { fs->state = 0; } break; case ACT_EDIT_END_OF_BUFFER: if (fc->type == FC_TEXTAREA) { status = textarea_op_eob(fs, fc); } else { fs->state = strlen(fs->value); } break; case ACT_EDIT_OPEN_EXTERNAL: if (form_field_is_readonly(fc)) status = FRAME_EVENT_IGNORED; else if (fc->type == FC_TEXTAREA) textarea_edit(0, ses->tab->term, fs, doc_view, link); break; case ACT_EDIT_COPY_CLIPBOARD: set_clipboard_text(fs->value); status = FRAME_EVENT_OK; break; case ACT_EDIT_CUT_CLIPBOARD: set_clipboard_text(fs->value); if (!form_field_is_readonly(fc)) fs->value[0] = 0; fs->state = 0; break; case ACT_EDIT_PASTE_CLIPBOARD: if (form_field_is_readonly(fc)) break; text = get_clipboard_text(); if (!text) break; length = strlen(text); if (length <= fc->maxlength) { unsigned char *v = mem_realloc(fs->value, length + 1); if (v) { fs->value = v; memmove(v, text, length + 1); fs->state = strlen(fs->value); } } mem_free(text); break; case ACT_EDIT_ENTER: if (fc->type == FC_TEXTAREA) { status = textarea_op_enter(fs, fc); break; } /* Set status to ok if either it is not possible to * submit the form or the posting fails. */ /* FIXME: We should maybe have ACT_EDIT_ENTER_RELOAD */ if ((has_form_submit(fc->form) && !get_opt_bool("document.browse.forms.auto_submit")) || goto_current_link(ses, doc_view, 0)) { if (ses->insert_mode == INSERT_MODE_ON) ses->insert_mode = INSERT_MODE_OFF; status = FRAME_EVENT_OK; } break; case ACT_EDIT_BACKSPACE: if (form_field_is_readonly(fc)) { status = FRAME_EVENT_IGNORED; break; } if (!fs->state) { status = FRAME_EVENT_OK; break; } length = strlen(fs->value + fs->state) + 1; text = fs->value + fs->state; memmove(text - 1, text, length); fs->state--; break; case ACT_EDIT_DELETE: if (form_field_is_readonly(fc)) { status = FRAME_EVENT_IGNORED; break; } length = strlen(fs->value); if (fs->state >= length) { status = FRAME_EVENT_OK; break; } text = fs->value + fs->state; memmove(text, text + 1, length - fs->state); break; case ACT_EDIT_KILL_TO_BOL: if (form_field_is_readonly(fc)) { status = FRAME_EVENT_IGNORED; break; } if (fs->state <= 0) { status = FRAME_EVENT_OK; break; } text = memrchr(fs->value, ASCII_LF, fs->state); if (text) { /* Leave the new-line character if it does not * immediately precede the cursor. */ if (text != &fs->value[fs->state - 1]) text++; } else { text = fs->value; } length = strlen(fs->value + fs->state) + 1; memmove(text, fs->value + fs->state, length); fs->state = (int) (text - fs->value); break; case ACT_EDIT_KILL_TO_EOL: if (form_field_is_readonly(fc)) { status = FRAME_EVENT_IGNORED; break; } if (!fs->value[fs->state]) { status = FRAME_EVENT_OK; break; } text = strchr(fs->value + fs->state, ASCII_LF); if (!text) { fs->value[fs->state] = '\0'; break; } if (fs->value[fs->state] == ASCII_LF) ++text; memmove(fs->value + fs->state, text, strlen(text) + 1); break; case ACT_EDIT_AUTO_COMPLETE: if (fc->type != FC_FILE || form_field_is_readonly(fc)) { status = FRAME_EVENT_IGNORED; break; } file_form_menu(ses->tab->term, fs->value, fs); break; case ACT_EDIT_CANCEL: if (ses->insert_mode == INSERT_MODE_ON) ses->insert_mode = INSERT_MODE_OFF; else status = FRAME_EVENT_IGNORED; break; case ACT_EDIT_REDRAW: redraw_terminal_cls(ses->tab->term); status = FRAME_EVENT_OK; break; default: if (!check_kbd_textinput_key(ev)) { status = FRAME_EVENT_IGNORED; break; } if (form_field_is_readonly(fc) || strlen(fs->value) >= fc->maxlength || !insert_in_string(&fs->value, fs->state, "?", 1)) { status = FRAME_EVENT_OK; break; } fs->value[fs->state++] = get_kbd_key(ev); break; } return status; } unsigned char * get_form_label(struct form_control *fc) { assert(fc->form); switch (fc->type) { case FC_RESET: return N_("Reset form"); case FC_BUTTON: return N_("Harmless button"); case FC_HIDDEN: return NULL; case FC_SUBMIT: case FC_IMAGE: if (!fc->form->action) return NULL; if (fc->form->method == FORM_METHOD_GET) return N_("Submit form to"); return N_("Post form to"); case FC_RADIO: return N_("Radio button"); case FC_CHECKBOX: return N_("Checkbox"); case FC_SELECT: return N_("Select field"); case FC_TEXT: return N_("Text field"); case FC_TEXTAREA: return N_("Text area"); case FC_FILE: return N_("File upload"); case FC_PASSWORD: return N_("Password field"); } return NULL; } static inline void add_form_attr_to_string(struct string *string, struct terminal *term, unsigned char *name, unsigned char *value) { add_to_string(string, ", "); add_to_string(string, _(name, term)); if (value) { add_char_to_string(string, ' '); add_to_string(string, value); } } unsigned char * get_form_info(struct session *ses, struct document_view *doc_view) { struct terminal *term = ses->tab->term; struct link *link = get_current_link(doc_view); struct form_control *fc; unsigned char *label, *key; struct string str; assert(link); fc = get_link_form_control(link); label = get_form_label(fc); if (!label) return NULL; if (!init_string(&str)) return NULL; add_to_string(&str, _(label, term)); if (link->type != LINK_BUTTON && fc->name && fc->name[0]) { add_form_attr_to_string(&str, term, N_("name"), fc->name); } switch (fc->type) { case FC_CHECKBOX: case FC_RADIO: { struct form_state *fs = find_form_state(doc_view, fc); if (!fs->value || !fs->value[0]) break; add_form_attr_to_string(&str, term, N_("value"), fs->value); break; } case FC_TEXT: case FC_PASSWORD: case FC_FILE: case FC_TEXTAREA: { struct uri *uri; unsigned char *uristring; if (form_field_is_readonly(fc)) { add_form_attr_to_string(&str, term, N_("read only"), NULL); } /* Should we add info about entering insert mode or add info * about submitting the form? */ if (ses->insert_mode == INSERT_MODE_OFF) { key = get_keystroke(ACT_EDIT_ENTER, KEYMAP_EDIT); if (!key) break; if (form_field_is_readonly(fc)) label = N_("press %s to navigate"); else label = N_("press %s to edit"); add_to_string(&str, " ("); add_format_to_string(&str, _(label, term), key); add_char_to_string(&str, ')'); mem_free(key); break; } if (fc->type == FC_TEXTAREA) break; assert(fc->form); if (!fc->form->action || (has_form_submit(fc->form) && !get_opt_bool("document.browse.forms.auto_submit"))) break; uri = get_uri(fc->form->action, 0); if (!uri) break; /* Add the uri with password and post info stripped */ uristring = get_uri_string(uri, URI_PUBLIC); done_uri(uri); if (!uristring) break; key = get_keystroke(ACT_EDIT_ENTER, KEYMAP_EDIT); if (!key) { mem_free(uristring); break; } if (fc->form->method == FORM_METHOD_GET) label = N_("press %s to submit to %s"); else label = N_("press %s to post to %s"); add_to_string(&str, " ("); add_format_to_string(&str, _(label, term), key, uristring); mem_free(uristring); mem_free(key); add_char_to_string(&str, ')'); break; } case FC_SUBMIT: case FC_IMAGE: add_char_to_string(&str, ' '); assert(fc->form); /* Add the uri with password and post info stripped */ add_string_uri_to_string(&str, fc->form->action, URI_PUBLIC); break; case FC_HIDDEN: case FC_RESET: case FC_BUTTON: case FC_SELECT: break; } if (link->accesskey && get_opt_bool("document.browse.accesskey.display")) { add_to_string(&str, " ("); add_accesskey_to_string(&str, link->accesskey); add_char_to_string(&str, ')'); } return str.source; }