/* Hiearchic listboxes browser dialog commons */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "elinks.h" #include "bfu/button.h" #include "bfu/dialog.h" #include "bfu/hierbox.h" #include "bfu/inpfield.h" #include "bfu/listbox.h" #include "bfu/msgbox.h" #include "bfu/text.h" #include "config/kbdbind.h" #include "dialogs/menu.h" #include "intl/libintl.h" #include "protocol/uri.h" #include "session/task.h" #include "terminal/screen.h" #include "terminal/tab.h" #include "terminal/terminal.h" void update_hierbox_browser(struct hierbox_browser *browser) { struct hierbox_dialog_list_item *item; foreach (item, browser->dialogs) { redraw_windows(REDRAW_WINDOW_AND_FRONT, item->dlg_data->win); } } /* Common backend for listbox adding */ struct listbox_item * add_listbox_item(struct hierbox_browser *browser, struct listbox_item *root, enum listbox_item_type type, void *data, int add_position) { struct listbox_item *item; if (!root) { assertm(browser != NULL, "Nowhere to add new list box item"); root = &browser->root; } item = (struct listbox_item *)mem_calloc(1, sizeof(*item)); if (!item) return NULL; init_list(item->child); item->visible = 1; item->udata = data; item->type = type; item->depth = root->depth + 1; /* TODO: Possibility to sort by making add_position into a flag */ if (add_position < 0) add_to_list_end(root->child, item); else add_to_list(root->child, item); if (browser) update_hierbox_browser(browser); return item; } /* Find a listbox item to replace @item. This is done by trying first to * traverse down then up, and if both traversals end up returning the @item * (that is, it is the last item in the box), return NULL. */ static inline struct listbox_item * replace_listbox_item(struct listbox_item *item, struct listbox_data *data) { struct listbox_item *new_item; new_item = traverse_listbox_items_list(item, data, 1, 1, NULL, NULL); if (item != new_item) return new_item; new_item = traverse_listbox_items_list(item, data, -1, 1, NULL, NULL); return (item == new_item) ? NULL : new_item; } void done_listbox_item(struct hierbox_browser *browser, struct listbox_item *item) { struct listbox_data *box_data; assert(item && list_empty(item->child)); if_assert_failed return; /* The option dialog needs this test */ if (item->next) { /* If we are removing the top or the selected box * we have to figure out a replacement. */ foreach (box_data, browser->boxes) { if (box_data->sel == item) box_data->sel = replace_listbox_item(item, box_data); if (box_data->top == item) box_data->top = replace_listbox_item(item, box_data); } del_from_list(item); if (item->visible) update_hierbox_browser(browser); } mem_free(item); } static void recursively_set_expanded(struct listbox_item *item, int expanded) { struct listbox_item *child; if (item->type != BI_FOLDER) return; item->expanded = expanded; foreach (child, item->child) recursively_set_expanded(child, expanded); } static widget_handler_status_T hierbox_ev_kbd(struct dialog_data *dlg_data) { struct hierbox_browser *browser = (struct hierbox_browser *)dlg_data->dlg->udata2; struct widget_data *widget_data = dlg_data->widgets_data; struct widget *widget = widget_data->widget; struct listbox_data *box; struct listbox_item *selected; action_id_T action_id; struct term_event *ev = dlg_data->term_event; /* Check if listbox has something to say to this */ if (widget->ops->kbd && widget->ops->kbd(dlg_data, widget_data) == EVENT_PROCESSED) return EVENT_PROCESSED; box = get_dlg_listbox_data(dlg_data); selected = box->sel; action_id = kbd_action(KEYMAP_MENU, ev, NULL); switch (action_id) { case ACT_MENU_SELECT: if (!selected) return EVENT_PROCESSED; if (selected->type != BI_FOLDER) return EVENT_NOT_PROCESSED; selected->expanded = !selected->expanded; break; case ACT_MENU_UNEXPAND: /* Recursively unexpand all folders */ if (!selected) return EVENT_PROCESSED; /* Special trick: if the folder is already * folded, jump to the parent folder, so the * next time when user presses the key, the * whole parent folder will be closed. */ if (list_empty(selected->child) || !selected->expanded) { struct listbox_item *root; root = box->ops->get_root(selected); if (root) { listbox_sel(widget_data, root); } } else if (selected->type == BI_FOLDER) { recursively_set_expanded(selected, 0); } break; case ACT_MENU_EXPAND: /* Recursively expand all folders */ if (!selected || selected->type != BI_FOLDER) return EVENT_PROCESSED; recursively_set_expanded(selected, 1); break; case ACT_MENU_SEARCH: if (!box->ops->match) return EVENT_NOT_PROCESSED; push_hierbox_search_button(dlg_data, NULL); return EVENT_PROCESSED; default: return EVENT_NOT_PROCESSED; } if (browser->expansion_callback) browser->expansion_callback(); display_widget(dlg_data, widget_data); return EVENT_PROCESSED; } static widget_handler_status_T hierbox_ev_init(struct dialog_data *dlg_data) { struct hierbox_browser *browser = (struct hierbox_browser *)dlg_data->dlg->udata2; struct hierbox_dialog_list_item *item; struct listbox_item *litem; /* If we fail here it only means automatic updating * will not be possible so no need to panic. */ item = (struct hierbox_dialog_list_item *)mem_alloc(sizeof(*item)); if (item) { item->dlg_data = dlg_data; add_to_list(browser->dialogs, item); } foreach (litem, browser->root.child) { litem->visible = 1; } /* Return this so that the generic dialog code will run and initialise * the widgets and stuff. */ return EVENT_NOT_PROCESSED; } static widget_handler_status_T hierbox_ev_abort(struct dialog_data *dlg_data) { struct listbox_data *box = get_dlg_listbox_data(dlg_data); struct hierbox_browser *browser = (struct hierbox_browser *)dlg_data->dlg->udata2; struct hierbox_dialog_list_item *item; /* Save state and delete the box structure */ if (!browser->do_not_save_state) copy_struct(&browser->box_data, box); del_from_list(box); /* Delete the dialog list entry */ foreach (item, browser->dialogs) { if (item->dlg_data == dlg_data) { del_from_list(item); mem_free(item); break; } } /* Return this so that the generic dialog code will run and initialise * the widgets and stuff. */ return EVENT_NOT_PROCESSED; } /* We install own dialog event handler, so that we can give the listbox widget * an early chance to catch the event. Basically, the listbox widget is itself * unselectable, instead one of the buttons below is always active. So, we * always first let the listbox catch the keypress and handle it, and if it * doesn't care, we pass it on to the button. */ static widget_handler_status_T hierbox_dialog_event_handler(struct dialog_data *dlg_data) { struct term_event *ev = dlg_data->term_event; switch (ev->ev) { case EVENT_KBD: return hierbox_ev_kbd(dlg_data); case EVENT_INIT: return hierbox_ev_init(dlg_data); case EVENT_RESIZE: case EVENT_REDRAW: case EVENT_MOUSE: return EVENT_NOT_PROCESSED; case EVENT_ABORT: return hierbox_ev_abort(dlg_data); } return EVENT_NOT_PROCESSED; } struct dialog_data * hierbox_browser(struct hierbox_browser *browser, struct session *ses) { struct terminal *term = ses->tab->term; struct listbox_data *listbox_data; struct dialog *dlg; int button = browser->buttons_size + 2; int anonymous = get_cmd_opt_bool("anonymous"); assert(ses); dlg = calloc_dialog(button, sizeof(*listbox_data)); if (!dlg) return NULL; listbox_data = (struct listbox_data *) get_dialog_offset(dlg, button); dlg->title = _(browser->title, term); dlg->layouter = generic_dialog_layouter; dlg->layout.maximize_width = 1; dlg->layout.padding_top = 1; dlg->handle_event = hierbox_dialog_event_handler; dlg->udata = ses; dlg->udata2 = browser; add_dlg_listbox(dlg, listbox_data); for (button = 0; button < browser->buttons_size; button++) { const struct hierbox_browser_button *but = &browser->buttons[button]; /* Skip buttons that should not be displayed in anonymous mode */ if (anonymous && !but->anonymous) { anonymous++; continue; } add_dlg_button(dlg, _(but->label, term), B_ENTER, but->handler, NULL); } add_dlg_button(dlg, _("Close", term), B_ESC, cancel_dialog, NULL); /* @anonymous was initially 1 if we are running in anonymous mode so we * have to subtract one. */ add_dlg_end(dlg, button + 2 - (anonymous ? anonymous - 1 : 0)); return do_dialog(term, dlg, getml(dlg, (void *) NULL)); } /* Action info management */ static int scan_for_marks(struct listbox_item *item, void *info_, int *offset) { if (item->marked) { struct listbox_context *context = (struct listbox_context *)info_; context->item = NULL; *offset = 0; } return 0; } static int scan_for_used(struct listbox_item *item, void *info_, int *offset) { struct listbox_context *context = (struct listbox_context *)info_; if (context->box->ops->is_used(item)) { context->item = item; *offset = 0; } return 0; } static struct listbox_context * init_listbox_context(struct listbox_data *box, struct terminal *term, struct listbox_item *item, int (*scanner)(struct listbox_item *, void *, int *)) { struct listbox_context *context; context = (struct listbox_context *)mem_calloc(1, sizeof(*context)); if (!context) return NULL; context->item = item; context->term = term; context->box = box; if (!scanner) return context; /* Look if it wouldn't be more interesting to blast off the marked * item. */ assert(!list_empty(*box->items)); traverse_listbox_items_list((struct listbox_item *)box->items->next, box, 0, 0, scanner, context); return context; } static void done_listbox_context(void *context_) { struct listbox_context *context = (struct listbox_context *)context_; if (context->item) context->box->ops->unlock(context->item); } /* Info action */ widget_handler_status_T push_hierbox_info_button(struct dialog_data *dlg_data, struct widget_data *button) { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(push_hierbox_info_button)] */ struct listbox_data *box = get_dlg_listbox_data(dlg_data); struct listbox_item *item = box->sel; struct terminal *term = dlg_data->win->term; struct listbox_context *context; char *msg; if (!item) return EVENT_PROCESSED; assert(box->ops); context = init_listbox_context(box, term, item, NULL); if (!context) return EVENT_PROCESSED; msg = box->ops->get_info(item, term); if (!msg) { mem_free(context); if (item->type == BI_FOLDER) { info_box(term, 0, N_("Info"), ALIGN_CENTER, N_("Press space to expand this folder.")); } return EVENT_PROCESSED; } box->ops->lock(item); msg_box(term, getml(context, (void *) NULL), MSGBOX_FREE_TEXT /* | MSGBOX_SCROLLABLE */, N_("Info"), ALIGN_LEFT, msg, context, 1, MSG_BOX_BUTTON(N_("~OK"), done_listbox_context, B_ESC | B_ENTER)); return EVENT_PROCESSED; } /* Goto action */ static void recursively_goto_each_listbox(struct session *ses, struct listbox_item *root, struct listbox_data *box); static void recursively_goto_listbox(struct session *ses, struct listbox_item *item, struct listbox_data *box) { if (item->type == BI_FOLDER) { recursively_goto_each_listbox(ses, item, box); return; } else if (item->type == BI_LEAF) { struct uri *uri = box->ops->get_uri(item); if (!uri) return; open_uri_in_new_tab(ses, uri, 1, 0); done_uri(uri); } } static void recursively_goto_each_listbox(struct session *ses, struct listbox_item *root, struct listbox_data *box) { struct listbox_item *item; foreach (item, root->child) { recursively_goto_listbox(ses, item, box); } } static int goto_marked(struct listbox_item *item, void *data_, int *offset) { struct listbox_context *context = (struct listbox_context *)data_; if (item->marked) { struct session *ses = (struct session *)context->dlg_data->dlg->udata; struct listbox_data *box = context->box; recursively_goto_listbox(ses, item, box); } return 0; } widget_handler_status_T push_hierbox_goto_button(struct dialog_data *dlg_data, struct widget_data *button) { struct listbox_data *box = get_dlg_listbox_data(dlg_data); struct listbox_item *item = box->sel; struct session *ses = (struct session *)dlg_data->dlg->udata; struct terminal *term = dlg_data->win->term; struct listbox_context *context; if (!item) return EVENT_PROCESSED; context = init_listbox_context(box, term, item, scan_for_marks); if (!context) return EVENT_PROCESSED; if (!context->item) { context->dlg_data = dlg_data; traverse_listbox_items_list((struct listbox_item *)context->box->items->next, context->box, 0, 0, goto_marked, context); } else if (item->type == BI_FOLDER) { recursively_goto_each_listbox(ses, item, box); } else if (item->type == BI_LEAF) { struct uri *uri = box->ops->get_uri(item); if (uri) { int how = get_opt_int("document.browse.links.hierbox_goto", ses); switch (how) { default: case 0: goto_uri(ses, uri); break; case 1: open_uri_in_new_tab(ses, uri, 0, 0); break; case 2: open_uri_in_new_tab(ses, uri, 1, 0); break; case 3: open_uri_in_new_window(ses, uri, NULL, ENV_ANY, CACHE_MODE_NORMAL, TASK_NONE); break; } done_uri(uri); } } else { mem_free(context); return EVENT_PROCESSED; } mem_free(context); /* Close the dialog */ delete_window(dlg_data->win); return EVENT_PROCESSED; } /* Delete action */ enum delete_error { DELETE_IMPOSSIBLE = 0, DELETE_LOCKED, DELETE_ERRORS, }; static const struct listbox_ops_messages default_listbox_ops_messages = { /* cant_delete_item */ N_("Sorry, but the item \"%s\" cannot be deleted."), /* cant_delete_used_item */ N_("Sorry, but the item \"%s\" is being used by something else."), /* cant_delete_folder */ N_("Sorry, but the folder \"%s\" cannot be deleted."), /* cant_delete_used_folder */ N_("Sorry, but the folder \"%s\" is being used by something else."), /* delete_marked_items_title */ N_("Delete marked items"), /* delete_marked_items */ N_("Delete marked items?"), /* delete_folder_title */ N_("Delete folder"), /* delete_folder */ N_("Delete the folder \"%s\" and its content?"), /* delete_item_title */ N_("Delete item"), /* delete_item */ N_("Delete \"%s\"?\n\n%s"), /* clear_all_items_title */ N_("Clear all items"), /* clear_all_items */ N_("Do you really want to remove all items?"), }; #define listbox_message(msg) \ ops->messages && ops->messages->msg \ ? ops->messages->msg \ : default_listbox_ops_messages.msg static void print_delete_error(struct listbox_item *item, struct terminal *term, const struct listbox_ops *ops, enum delete_error err) { struct string msg; char *errmsg; char *text; switch (err) { case DELETE_IMPOSSIBLE: if (item->type == BI_FOLDER) { errmsg = listbox_message(cant_delete_folder); } else { errmsg = listbox_message(cant_delete_item); } break; case DELETE_LOCKED: if (item->type == BI_FOLDER) { errmsg = listbox_message(cant_delete_used_folder); } else { errmsg = listbox_message(cant_delete_used_item); } break; default: INTERNAL("Bad delete error code (%d)!", err); return; } text = ops->get_text(item, term); if (!text || !init_string(&msg)) { mem_free_if(text); return; } add_format_to_string(&msg, _(errmsg, term), text); mem_free(text); if (item->type == BI_LEAF) { char *info = ops->get_info(item, term); if (info) { add_format_to_string(&msg, "\n\n%s", info); mem_free(info); } } info_box(term, MSGBOX_FREE_TEXT, N_("Delete error"), ALIGN_LEFT, msg.source); } static void do_delete_item(struct listbox_item *item, struct listbox_context *info, int last) { const struct listbox_ops *ops = info->box->ops; assert(item); if (!ops->can_delete(item)) { print_delete_error(item, info->term, ops, DELETE_IMPOSSIBLE); return; } if (ops->is_used(item)) { print_delete_error(item, info->term, ops, DELETE_LOCKED); return; } ops->delete_(item, last); } static int delete_marked(struct listbox_item *item, void *data_, int *offset) { struct listbox_context *context = (struct listbox_context *)data_; if (item->marked && !context->box->ops->is_used(item)) { /* Save the first marked so it can be deleted last */ if (!context->item) { context->item = item; } else { do_delete_item(item, context, 0); } return 1; } return 0; } static void push_ok_delete_button(void *context_) { struct listbox_context *context = (struct listbox_context *)context_; struct listbox_item *root; int last = 0; if (context->item) { context->box->ops->unlock(context->item); } else { traverse_listbox_items_list((struct listbox_item *)context->box->items->next, context->box, 0, 0, delete_marked, context); if (!context->item) return; } root = context->box->ops->get_root(context->item); if (root) { last = context->item == root->child.prev; } /* Delete the last one (traversal should save one to delete) */ do_delete_item(context->item, context, 1); /* If removing the last item in a folder move focus to previous item in * the folder or the root. */ if (last) listbox_sel_move(context->widget_data, -1); } static widget_handler_status_T query_delete_selected_item(void *context_) { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(query_delete_selected_item)] */ struct listbox_context *context, *oldcontext = (struct listbox_context *)context_; struct terminal *term = oldcontext->term; struct listbox_data *box = oldcontext->box; const struct listbox_ops *ops = box->ops; struct listbox_item *item = box->sel; char *text; enum delete_error delete_; assert(item); delete_ = ops->can_delete(item) ? DELETE_LOCKED : DELETE_IMPOSSIBLE; if (delete_ == DELETE_IMPOSSIBLE || ops->is_used(item)) { print_delete_error(item, term, ops, delete_); return EVENT_PROCESSED; } context = init_listbox_context(box, term, item, NULL); if (!context) return EVENT_PROCESSED; context->widget_data = oldcontext->widget_data; text = ops->get_text(item, term); if (!text) { mem_free(context); return EVENT_PROCESSED; } if (item->type == BI_FOLDER) { ops->lock(item); msg_box(term, getml(context, (void *) NULL), MSGBOX_FREE_TEXT, listbox_message(delete_folder_title), ALIGN_CENTER, msg_text(term, listbox_message(delete_folder), text), context, 2, MSG_BOX_BUTTON(N_("~Yes"), push_ok_delete_button, B_ENTER), MSG_BOX_BUTTON(N_("~No"), done_listbox_context, B_ESC)); } else { char *msg = ops->get_info(item, term); ops->lock(item); msg_box(term, getml(context, (void *) NULL), MSGBOX_FREE_TEXT, listbox_message(delete_item_title), ALIGN_LEFT, msg_text(term, listbox_message(delete_item), text, empty_string_or_(msg)), context, 2, MSG_BOX_BUTTON(N_("~Yes"), push_ok_delete_button, B_ENTER), MSG_BOX_BUTTON(N_("~No"), done_listbox_context, B_ESC)); mem_free_if(msg); } mem_free(text); return EVENT_PROCESSED; } static void dont_delete_marked_items(void *const context_) { query_delete_selected_item(context_); } widget_handler_status_T push_hierbox_delete_button(struct dialog_data *dlg_data, struct widget_data *button) { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(push_hierbox_delete_button)] */ struct terminal *term = dlg_data->win->term; struct listbox_data *box = get_dlg_listbox_data(dlg_data); const struct listbox_ops *ops = box->ops; struct listbox_item *item = box->sel; struct listbox_context *context; if (!item) return EVENT_PROCESSED; assert(ops && ops->can_delete && ops->delete_); context = init_listbox_context(box, term, item, scan_for_marks); if (!context) return EVENT_PROCESSED; context->widget_data = dlg_data->widgets_data; if (context->item) { widget_handler_status_T status; status = query_delete_selected_item(context); mem_free(context); return status; } msg_box(term, getml(context, (void *) NULL), 0, listbox_message(delete_marked_items_title), ALIGN_CENTER, listbox_message(delete_marked_items), context, 2, MSG_BOX_BUTTON(N_("~Yes"), push_ok_delete_button, B_ENTER), MSG_BOX_BUTTON(N_("~No"), dont_delete_marked_items, B_ESC)); return EVENT_PROCESSED; } /* Clear action */ static int delete_unused(struct listbox_item *item, void *data_, int *offset) { struct listbox_context *context = (struct listbox_context *)data_; if (context->box->ops->is_used(item)) return 0; do_delete_item(item, context, 0); return 1; } static void do_clear_browser(void *context_) { struct listbox_context *context = (struct listbox_context *)context_; traverse_listbox_items_list((struct listbox_item *)context->box->items->next, context->box, 0, 0, delete_unused, context); } widget_handler_status_T push_hierbox_clear_button(struct dialog_data *dlg_data, struct widget_data *button) { /* [gettext_accelerator_context(push_hierbox_clear_button)] */ struct listbox_data *box = get_dlg_listbox_data(dlg_data); const struct listbox_ops *ops = box->ops; struct terminal *term = dlg_data->win->term; struct listbox_context *context; if (!box->sel) return EVENT_PROCESSED; assert(ops); context = init_listbox_context(box, term, NULL, scan_for_used); if (!context) return EVENT_PROCESSED; if (context->item) { /* FIXME: If the clear button should be used for browsers where * not all items can be deleted scan_for_used() should also can * for undeletable and we should be able to pass either delete * error types. */ print_delete_error(context->item, term, ops, DELETE_LOCKED); mem_free(context); return EVENT_PROCESSED; } msg_box(term, getml(context, (void *) NULL), 0, listbox_message(clear_all_items_title), ALIGN_CENTER, listbox_message(clear_all_items), context, 2, MSG_BOX_BUTTON(N_("~Yes"), do_clear_browser, B_ENTER), MSG_BOX_BUTTON(N_("~No"), NULL, B_ESC)); return EVENT_PROCESSED; } #undef listbox_message /* Search action */ static int scan_for_matches(struct listbox_item *item, void *info_, int *offset) { struct listbox_context *context = (struct listbox_context *)info_; char *text = (char *)context->widget_data; if (!*text) { item->visible = 1; return 0; } switch (context->box->ops->match(item, context->term, text)) { case LISTBOX_MATCH_OK: /* Mark that we have a match by setting the item to non-NULL */ context->item = item; item->visible = 1; break; case LISTBOX_MATCH_NO: item->visible = 0; break; case LISTBOX_MATCH_IMPOSSIBLE: break; } return 0; } static int mark_visible(struct listbox_item *item, void *xxx, int *offset) { item->visible = 1; return 0; } static void search_hierbox_browser(void *data, char *text) { struct dialog_data *dlg_data = (struct dialog_data *)data; struct listbox_data *box = get_dlg_listbox_data(dlg_data); struct terminal *term = dlg_data->win->term; struct listbox_context *context; context = init_listbox_context(box, term, NULL, NULL); if (!context) return; /* Eeew :/ */ context->widget_data = (struct widget_data *) text; traverse_listbox_items_list((struct listbox_item *)box->items->next, box, 0, 0, scan_for_matches, context); if (!context->item && *text) { switch (get_opt_int("document.browse.search.show_not_found", NULL)) { case 2: info_box(term, MSGBOX_FREE_TEXT, N_("Search"), ALIGN_CENTER, msg_text(term, N_("Search string '%s' not found"), text)); break; case 1: beep_terminal(term); default: break; } traverse_listbox_items_list((struct listbox_item *)box->items->next, box, 0, 0, mark_visible, NULL); } mem_free(context); } widget_handler_status_T push_hierbox_search_button(struct dialog_data *dlg_data, struct widget_data *button) { struct terminal *term = dlg_data->win->term; struct listbox_data *box = get_dlg_listbox_data(dlg_data); if (!box->sel) return EVENT_PROCESSED; assert(box->ops->match); input_dialog(term, NULL, N_("Search"), N_("Name"), dlg_data, NULL, MAX_STR_LEN, "", 0, 0, NULL, search_hierbox_browser, NULL); return EVENT_PROCESSED; }