/* The mujs ECMAScript backend. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "elinks.h" #include "bfu/dialog.h" #include "cache/cache.h" #include "config/options.h" #include "cookies/cookies.h" #include "dialogs/menu.h" #include "dialogs/status.h" #include "document/html/frames.h" #include "document/xml/renderer.h" #include "document/xml/renderer2.h" #include "document/document.h" #include "document/forms.h" #include "document/renderer.h" #include "document/view.h" #include "ecmascript/ecmascript.h" #include "ecmascript/mujs.h" #include "ecmascript/mujs/console.h" #include "ecmascript/mujs/document.h" #include "ecmascript/mujs/element.h" #include "ecmascript/mujs/history.h" #include "ecmascript/mujs/localstorage.h" #include "ecmascript/mujs/location.h" #include "ecmascript/mujs/navigator.h" #include "ecmascript/mujs/screen.h" #include "ecmascript/mujs/unibar.h" #include "ecmascript/mujs/window.h" #include "intl/libintl.h" #include "main/select.h" #include "osdep/newwin.h" #include "osdep/sysname.h" #include "protocol/http/http.h" #include "protocol/uri.h" #include "session/history.h" #include "session/location.h" #include "session/session.h" #include "session/task.h" #include "terminal/tab.h" #include "terminal/terminal.h" #include "util/conv.h" #include "util/string.h" #include "viewer/text/draw.h" #include "viewer/text/form.h" #include "viewer/text/link.h" #include "viewer/text/view.h" #include "viewer/text/vs.h" #include /*** Global methods */ static void mujs_init(struct module *xxx) { //js_module_init_ok = spidermonkey_runtime_addref(); } static void mujs_done(struct module *xxx) { // if (js_module_init_ok) // spidermonkey_runtime_release(); } void * mujs_get_interpreter(struct ecmascript_interpreter *interpreter) { assert(interpreter); js_State *J = js_newstate(NULL, NULL, JS_STRICT); if (!J) { return NULL; } interpreter->backend_data = J; js_setcontext(J, interpreter); mjs_window_init(J); mjs_screen_init(J); mjs_unibar_init(J); mjs_navigator_init(J); mjs_history_init(J); mjs_console_init(J); mjs_localstorage_init(J); mjs_element_init(J); mjs_document_init(J); mjs_location_init(J); return J; #if 0 JSContext *ctx; // JSObject *console_obj, *document_obj, /* *forms_obj,*/ *history_obj, *location_obj, // *statusbar_obj, *menubar_obj, *navigator_obj, *localstorage_obj, *screen_obj; assert(interpreter); // if (!js_module_init_ok) return NULL; JSRuntime *rt = JS_NewRuntime(); if (!rt) { return nullptr; } JS_SetMemoryLimit(rt, 64 * 1024 * 1024); JS_SetGCThreshold(rt, 16 * 1024 * 1024); ctx = JS_NewContext(rt); if (!ctx) { JS_FreeRuntime(rt); return nullptr; } interpreter->backend_data = ctx; JS_SetContextOpaque(ctx, interpreter); // JS::SetWarningReporter(ctx, error_reporter); JS_SetInterruptHandler(rt, js_heartbeat_callback, interpreter); // JS::RealmOptions options; // JS::RootedObject window_obj(ctx, JS_NewGlobalObject(ctx, &window_class, NULL, JS::FireOnNewGlobalHook, options)); js_window_init(ctx); js_screen_init(ctx); js_unibar_init(ctx); js_navigator_init(ctx); js_history_init(ctx); js_console_init(ctx); js_localstorage_init(ctx); js_element_init(ctx); interpreter->document_obj = js_document_init(ctx); interpreter->location_obj = js_location_init(ctx); return ctx; #endif } void mujs_put_interpreter(struct ecmascript_interpreter *interpreter) { assert(interpreter); js_State *J = (js_State *)interpreter->backend_data; js_freestate(J); interpreter->backend_data = NULL; #if 0 JSContext *ctx; assert(interpreter); ctx = (JSContext *)interpreter->backend_data; JS_FreeContext(ctx); interpreter->backend_data = nullptr; interpreter->ac = nullptr; interpreter->ac2 = nullptr; #endif } #if 0 static void error_reporter(struct ecmascript_interpreter *interpreter, JSContext *ctx) { struct session *ses = interpreter->vs->doc_view->session; struct terminal *term; struct string msg; struct string f; assert(interpreter && interpreter->vs && interpreter->vs->doc_view && ses && ses->tab); if_assert_failed return; term = ses->tab->term; #ifdef CONFIG_LEDS set_led_value(ses->status.ecmascript_led, 'J'); #endif if (!get_opt_bool("ecmascript.error_reporting", ses)) { return; } if (init_string(&f)) { js_dump_error(ctx, &f); if (!init_string(&msg)) { done_string(&f); return; } else { add_to_string(&msg, _("A script embedded in the current document raised the following:\n", term)); add_string_to_string(&msg, &f); done_string(&f); info_box(term, MSGBOX_FREE_TEXT, N_("JavaScript Error"), ALIGN_CENTER, msg.source); } } } #endif void mujs_eval(struct ecmascript_interpreter *interpreter, struct string *code, struct string *ret) { assert(interpreter); js_State *J = (js_State *)interpreter->backend_data; interpreter->ret = ret; js_dostring(J, code->source); #if 0 JSContext *ctx; assert(interpreter); // if (!js_module_init_ok) { // return; // } ctx = (JSContext *)interpreter->backend_data; interpreter->heartbeat = add_heartbeat(interpreter); interpreter->ret = ret; JSValue r = JS_Eval(ctx, code->source, code->length, "", 0); done_heartbeat(interpreter->heartbeat); if (JS_IsException(r)) { error_reporter(interpreter, ctx); } #endif } void mujs_call_function(struct ecmascript_interpreter *interpreter, void *fun, struct string *ret) { #if 0 JSContext *ctx; assert(interpreter); // if (!js_module_init_ok) { // return; // } ctx = (JSContext *)interpreter->backend_data; interpreter->heartbeat = add_heartbeat(interpreter); interpreter->ret = ret; JSValue r = JS_Call(ctx, fun, JS_GetGlobalObject(ctx), 0, nullptr); done_heartbeat(interpreter->heartbeat); if (JS_IsException(r)) { error_reporter(interpreter, ctx); } #endif } char * mujs_eval_stringback(struct ecmascript_interpreter *interpreter, struct string *code) { return nullptr; #if 0 JSContext *ctx; assert(interpreter); // if (!js_module_init_ok) { // return; // } ctx = (JSContext *)interpreter->backend_data; interpreter->heartbeat = add_heartbeat(interpreter); interpreter->ret = nullptr; JSValue r = JS_Eval(ctx, code->source, code->length, "", 0); done_heartbeat(interpreter->heartbeat); if (JS_IsNull(r)) { return nullptr; } if (JS_IsException(r)) { error_reporter(interpreter, ctx); } const char *str; char *string; size_t len; str = JS_ToCStringLen(ctx, &len, r); if (!str) { return nullptr; } string = stracpy(str); JS_FreeCString(ctx, str); return string; #endif } int mujs_eval_boolback(struct ecmascript_interpreter *interpreter, struct string *code) { return -1; #if 0 JSContext *ctx; assert(interpreter); // if (!js_module_init_ok) { // return; // } ctx = (JSContext *)interpreter->backend_data; interpreter->heartbeat = add_heartbeat(interpreter); interpreter->ret = nullptr; JSValue r = JS_Eval(ctx, code->source, code->length, "", 0); done_heartbeat(interpreter->heartbeat); if (JS_IsNull(r)) { return -1; } if (JS_IsUndefined(r)) { return -1; } int ret = -1; JS_ToInt32(ctx, &ret, r); return ret; #endif } void addmethod(js_State *J, const char *name, js_CFunction fun, int n) { const char *realname = strchr(name, '.'); realname = realname ? realname + 1 : name; js_newcfunction(J, fun, name, n); js_defproperty(J, -2, realname, JS_READONLY | JS_DONTENUM | JS_DONTCONF); } void addproperty(js_State *J, const char *name, js_CFunction getfun, js_CFunction setfun) { const char *realname = strchr(name, '.'); realname = realname ? realname + 1 : name; js_newcfunction(J, getfun, name, 0); if (setfun) { js_newcfunction(J, setfun, name, 1); } else { js_pushnull(J); } js_defaccessor(J, -3, realname, JS_READONLY | JS_DONTENUM | JS_DONTCONF); } struct module mujs_module = struct_module( /* name: */ N_("mujs"), /* options: */ NULL, /* events: */ NULL, /* submodules: */ NULL, /* data: */ NULL, /* init: */ mujs_init, /* done: */ mujs_done );