#!/bin/bash # # Test various -remote use cases. Start an ELinks instance before # running the test. All arguments to this test script will be passed to # ELinks. Set ELINKS to change the binary to execute ELinks. # # XXX: The test will affect your current ELinks configurations. If you # do not want this pass -config-dir to avoid this. # # FIXME: Maybe make this script eun more automatic by using screen. # # EDIT: There is now -session-ring and -base-session # used to prevent intererence with existing running elinks # # DOC: For this test GNU screen is recommended. If I assume You'll # be in the elinks sources directory and there isn't and elinks # currently running (ps axf | grep elinks). Then use: # # $ screen -S test # # then ctrl+a and c - create new screen and create new elinks instance # # $ ./src/elinks # # then return to the original window using ctrl + a and a # and execute the elinks remote control tests: # # $ ./test/remote.sh # # If everything is well the remote commands should be executed in the # running elinks session and You'll see the results if You press: # ctrl+a and a # die() { echo "$@" >&2 exit 1 } test_remote() { #echo $args #echo $1 desc="$1"; shift testno=$(expr "$testno" + 1) echo "[*] test $testno: $desc " #echo " > $elinks $confdir --remote '$@'" $elinks $args --remote "$@" #echo "Press return to continue..." #read } # MAIN SETUP # elinks binary elinks="`pwd`/src/elinks" #elinks="$elinks -config-dir /home/`whoami`/.elinks" # custom args args="$@" # command to start new elinks session ring testno=100 # go to current directory in the shell script cd `pwd` # MAIN PROGRAM echo "[=] Starting remote testing: " $elinks # tests 010 if remote is working $elinks $args --remote "ping()" || die "Start ELinks instance to proceed" # tests 020 infoBoxes test_remote "infoBox(): no quote" "infoBox(Hello World.)" test_remote "infoBox(): quote" 'infoBox("Hello World.")' test_remote "infoBox(): single quote (not considered as quote chars)" "infoBox('Hello World.')" test_remote "infoBox(): quoted quote" 'infoBox("Hello ""quoted"" World.")' test_remote "infoBox(): quoted string with comma" 'infoBox("Comma, a different kind of punctuation.")' # tests 030 open url test_remote "openURL(): prompt URL" "openURL()" test_remote "openURL(): in current tab" 'openURL("http://elinks.cz/")' test_remote "openURL(): in new tab" 'openURL(http://elinks.cz/news.html, new-tab)' test_remote "openURL(): in new tab" 'openURL("http://elinks.cz/news.html", "new-tab")' test_remote "openURL(): in new tab" 'openURL("http://elinks.cz/news.html", "new-tab")' test_remote "openURL(): in new window (requires that ELinks runs in screen or a window environment)" \ "openURL(http://elinks.cz/search.html, new-window)" # tests 040 open new window test_remote "xfeDoCommand(): open new window (requires that ELinks runs in screen or a window environment)" \ "xfeDoCommand(openBrowser)" # tests 050 add bookmark test_remote "addBookmark()" 'addBookmark("")' # tests 060 single url test_remote "ELinks extension: single URL" "/"