/* The "data" URI protocol implementation (RFC 2397) */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "elinks.h" #include "cache/cache.h" #include "network/connection.h" #include "protocol/data.h" #include "protocol/protocol.h" #include "protocol/uri.h" #include "util/base64.h" #include "util/string.h" /* The URLs are of the form: * * data:[][;base64], * * The is an Internet media type specification (with optional * parameters.) The appearance of ";base64" means that the data is encoded as * base64. Without ";base64", the data (as a sequence of octets) is represented * using ASCII encoding for octets inside the range of safe URL characters and * using the standard %xx hex encoding of URLs for octets outside that range. * If is omitted, it defaults to "text/plain;charset=US-ASCII". As a * shorthand, "text/plain" can be omitted but the charset parameter supplied. * * The syntax: * * dataurl := "data:" [ mediatype ] [ ";base64" ] "," data * mediatype := [ type "/" subtype ] *( ";" parameter ) * data := *urlchar * parameter := attribute "=" value * * where "urlchar" is imported from [RFC2396], and "type", "subtype", * "attribute" and "value" are the corresponding tokens from [RFC2045], * represented using URL escaped encoding of [RFC2396] as necessary. * * Attribute values in [RFC2045] are allowed to be either represented as tokens * or as quoted strings. However, within a "data" URL, the "quoted-string" * representation would be awkward, since the quote mark is itself not a valid * urlchar. For this reason, parameter values should use the URL Escaped * encoding instead of quoted string if the parameter values contain any * "tspecial". * * The ";base64" extension is distinguishable from a content-type parameter by * the fact that it doesn't have a following "=" sign. */ /* FIXME: Maybe some kind of redirecting to common specialized data URI could * be useful so "data:,blah" and data:text/plain,blah" are redirected to the * most specialized "data:text/plain;charset=US-ASCII,blah". On the other hand * for small entries it doesn't matter. */ #define DEFAULT_DATA_MEDIATYPE "text/plain;charset=US-ASCII" #define data_has_mediatype(header, headerlen) \ ((headerlen) >= 3 && memchr(header, '/', headerlen)) #define data_has_base64_attribute(typelen, endstr) \ ((typelen) >= sizeof(";base64") - 1 \ && !memcmp(";base64", (end) - sizeof(";base64") + 1, sizeof(";base64") - 1)) static char * init_data_protocol_header(struct cache_entry *cached, const char *type_, int typelen) { char *head; char *type; assert(typelen); type = memacpy(type_, typelen); if (!type) return NULL; /* Set fake content type */ head = straconcat("\r\nContent-Type: ", type, "\r\n", (char *) NULL); mem_free(type); if (!head) return NULL; mem_free_set(&cached->head, head); return head; } static char * parse_data_protocol_header(struct connection *conn, int *base64) { struct uri *uri = conn->uri; char *end = (char *)memchr(uri->data, ',', uri->datalen); const char *type = DEFAULT_DATA_MEDIATYPE; int typelen = sizeof(DEFAULT_DATA_MEDIATYPE) - 1; if (end) { int headerlen = end - uri->data; if (data_has_base64_attribute(headerlen, end)) { *base64 = 1; headerlen -= sizeof(";base64") - 1; } if (data_has_mediatype(uri->data, headerlen)) { type = uri->data; typelen = headerlen; } } if (!init_data_protocol_header(conn->cached, type, typelen)) return NULL; /* Return char after ',' or complete data part */ return end ? end + 1 : uri->data; } void data_protocol_handler(struct connection *conn) { struct uri *uri = conn->uri; struct cache_entry *cached = get_cache_entry(uri); char *data_start, *data = NULL; int base64 = 0; int decodedlen = 0; int datalen; if (!cached) { abort_connection(conn, connection_state(S_OUT_OF_MEM)); return; } conn->cached = cached; data_start = parse_data_protocol_header(conn, &base64); if (!data_start) { abort_connection(conn, connection_state(S_OUT_OF_MEM)); return; } datalen = uri->datalen - (data_start - uri->data); if (base64) { char *decoded = (char*)base64_decode_bin((const unsigned char*)data_start, datalen, &decodedlen); if (!decoded) { abort_connection(conn, connection_state(S_OUT_OF_MEM)); return; } mem_free_set(&data, decoded); } else { /* Allocate the data string because URI decoding will possibly modify * it. */ data = memacpy(data_start, datalen); if (!data) { abort_connection(conn, connection_state(S_OUT_OF_MEM)); return; } decode_uri(data); /* Use strlen() to get the correct decoded length */ decodedlen = strlen(data); } add_fragment(cached, conn->from, data, decodedlen); conn->from += decodedlen; mem_free(data); abort_connection(conn, connection_state(S_OK)); }