#ifndef EL_DOM_SELECT_H #define EL_DOM_SELECT_H #include "dom/node.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* FIXME: Namespaces; *|E */ enum dom_select_element_match { /* Gives info about the relation required between two element nodes for * them to match. This is also referred to as combinators. */ /* The following are mutually exclusive and at least one must be set. * DOM_SELECT_RELATION_DESCENDANT is the default. */ /* Matches any F descendant of E: E F */ /* Bogus flag; it is an easy way to have a default. */ DOM_SELECT_RELATION_DESCENDANT = 0, /* Matches F being a direct child of E: E > F */ DOM_SELECT_RELATION_DIRECT_CHILD = 1, /* Matches F immediate preceded by E: E + F */ DOM_SELECT_RELATION_DIRECT_ADJACENT = 2, /* Matches F preceded by E: E ~ F */ DOM_SELECT_RELATION_INDIRECT_ADJACENT = 4, DOM_SELECT_RELATION_FLAGS = DOM_SELECT_RELATION_DESCENDANT | DOM_SELECT_RELATION_DIRECT_CHILD | DOM_SELECT_RELATION_DIRECT_ADJACENT | DOM_SELECT_RELATION_INDIRECT_ADJACENT, /* None of the following are mutual exclusive. They can co-exist * although combining them might not make a lot of sense. */ /* Matches any element: * */ DOM_SELECT_ELEMENT_UNIVERSAL = 8, /* Matches the root node of the document: :root or // */ DOM_SELECT_ELEMENT_ROOT = 16, /* Matches the empty element (not even text): :empty */ DOM_SELECT_ELEMENT_EMPTY = 32, /* Matches the some n-th child of its parent: :nth-child(n), etc. */ DOM_SELECT_ELEMENT_NTH_CHILD = 64, /* Matches the some n-th sibling of its type: :nth-of-type(n), etc. */ DOM_SELECT_ELEMENT_NTH_TYPE = 128, }; /* The special CSS .bar class attribute syntax is represented as * E[class="bar"]. The ID flag will match against any attribute with it's * boolean id member set. XXX: These flags are ATM mutually exclusive. */ enum dom_select_attribute_match { /* Matches any set value: E[foo] */ DOM_SELECT_ATTRIBUTE_ANY = 1, /* Matches exact value "bar": E[foo="bar"] */ DOM_SELECT_ATTRIBUTE_EXACT = 2, /* Matches space seprated list "z bar bee": E[foo~="bar"] */ DOM_SELECT_ATTRIBUTE_SPACE_LIST = 4, /* Matches hyphen separated list "z-bar-bee": E[foo|="bar"] */ DOM_SELECT_ATTRIBUTE_HYPHEN_LIST = 8, /* Matches value begining; "bar-z-bee": E[foo^="bar"]*/ DOM_SELECT_ATTRIBUTE_BEGIN = 16, /* Matches value ending; "z-bee-bar": E[foo$="bar"] */ DOM_SELECT_ATTRIBUTE_END = 32, /* Matches value containing; "m33p/bar\++": E[foo*="bar"] */ DOM_SELECT_ATTRIBUTE_CONTAINS = 64, /* Matches exact ID attribute value "bar": #bar */ DOM_SELECT_ATTRIBUTE_ID = 128, }; /* Info about text matching is stored in a DOM text node. */ enum dom_select_text_match { /* Matches E containing substring "foo": E:contains("foo") */ DOM_SELECT_TEXT_CONTAINS = 1, }; /* Info about what nth child or type to match. The basic syntax is: * * n * * with a little syntactic sugar. * * Examples: * * 0n+1 / 1 is first child (same as :first-child) * 2n+0 / 2n / even is all even children * 2n+1 / odd is all odd children * -0n+2 is the last two children * -0n+1 / -1 is last child (same as :last-child) * 1n+0 / n+0 / n is all elements of type * 0n+0 is only element of type (a special internal syntax * used when storing nth-info) * * That is, a zero step (0n) means exact indexing, and non-zero step * means stepwise indexing. */ struct dom_select_nth_match { size_t step; size_t index; }; #define set_dom_select_nth_match(nth, nthstep, nthindex) \ do { (nth)->step = (nthstep); (nth)->index = (nthindex); } while(0) /* This is supposed to be a simple selector. However, this struct is also used * for holding data for attribute matching and element text matching. */ struct dom_select_node { /* This holds the DOM node which has data about the node being matched. * It can be either an element, attribute, or a text node. */ /* XXX: Keep at the top. This is used for translating dom_node * reference to dom_select_node. */ struct dom_node node; /* Only meaningful for element nodes. */ /* FIXME: Don't waste memory for non-element nodes. */ struct dom_select_nth_match nth_child; struct dom_select_nth_match nth_type; /* Flags, specifying how the matching should be done. */ union { /* enum dom_select_element_match*/ unsigned int element; /*enum dom_select_attribute_match*/ unsigned int attribute; enum dom_select_text_match text; } match; }; enum dom_select_pseudo { DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_UNKNOWN = 0, /* Pseudo-elements: */ /* Matches first formatted line: ::first-line */ DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_FIRST_LINE = 1, /* Matches first formatted letter: ::first-letter */ DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_FIRST_LETTER = 2, /* Matches text selected by user: ::selection */ DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_SELECTION = 4, /* Matches generated context after an element: ::after */ DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_AFTER = 8, /* Matches generated content before an element: ::before */ DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_BEFORE = 16, /* Pseudo-attributes: */ /* Link pseudo-classes: */ DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_LINK = 32, /* :link */ DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_VISITED = 64, /* :visited */ /* User action pseudo-classes: */ DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_ACTIVE = 128, /* :active */ DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_HOVER = 256, /* :hover */ DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_FOCUS = 512, /* :focus */ /* Target pseudo-class: */ DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_TARGET = 1024, /* :target */ /* UI element states pseudo-classes: */ DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_ENABLED = 2048, /* :enabled */ DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_DISABLED = 4096, /* :disabled */ DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_CHECKED = 8192, /* :checked */ DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_INDETERMINATE = 16384, /* :indeterminate */ /* XXX: The following pseudo-classes are not kept in the pseudo member * of the dom_select struct so they should not be bitfields. They are * mostly for parsing purposes. */ DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_CONTAINS = 10000, DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_NTH_CHILD, DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_NTH_LAST_CHILD, DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_FIRST_CHILD, DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_LAST_CHILD, DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_ONLY_CHILD, DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_NTH_TYPE, DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_NTH_LAST_TYPE, DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_FIRST_TYPE, DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_LAST_TYPE, DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_ONLY_TYPE, DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_ROOT, DOM_SELECT_PSEUDO_EMPTY, }; struct dom_select { struct dom_select_node *selector; unsigned long specificity; /*enum dom_select_pseudo*/ unsigned int pseudo; }; enum dom_select_syntax { DOM_SELECT_SYNTAX_CSS, /* Example: 'p a[id=node] a:hover */ DOM_SELECT_SYNTAX_PATH, /* Example: '//rss/channel/item' */ }; struct dom_select *init_dom_select(enum dom_select_syntax syntax, struct dom_string *string); void done_dom_select(struct dom_select *select); struct dom_node_list * select_dom_nodes(struct dom_select *select, struct dom_node *root); /* * +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Pattern | Meaning | Type | Version | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | * | any element | Universal | 2 | * | | | selector | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E | an element of type E | Type selector | 1 | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E F | an F element descendant of | Descendant | 1 | * | | an E element | combinator | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E > F | an F element child of an E | Child combinator | 2 | * | | element | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E + F | an F element immediately | Direct adjacent | 2 | * | | preceded by an E element | combinator | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E ~ F | an F element preceded by an | Indirect adjacent | 3 | * | | E element | combinator | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E:root | an E element, root of the | Structural | 3 | * | | document | pseudo-classes | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | | an E element that has no | Structural | | * | E:empty | children (including text | pseudo-classes | 3 | * | | nodes) | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E:first-child | an E element, first child of | Structural | 2 | * | | its parent | pseudo-classes | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E:last-child | an E element, last child of | Structural | 3 | * | | its parent | pseudo-classes | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E:nth-child(n) | an E element, the n-th child | Structural | 3 | * | | of its parent | pseudo-classes | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | | an E element, the n-th child | Structural | | * | E:nth-last-child(n) | of its parent, counting from | pseudo-classes | 3 | * | | the last one | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E:first-of-type | an E element, first sibling | Structural | 3 | * | | of its type | pseudo-classes | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E:last-of-type | an E element, last sibling | Structural | 3 | * | | of its type | pseudo-classes | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E:nth-of-type(n) | an E element, the n-th | Structural | 3 | * | | sibling of its type | pseudo-classes | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | | an E element, the n-th | Structural | | * | E:nth-last-of-type(n) | sibling of its type, | pseudo-classes | 3 | * | | counting from the last one | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E:only-child | an E element, only child of | Structural | 3 | * | | its parent | pseudo-classes | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E:only-of-type | an E element, only sibling | Structural | 3 | * | | of its type | pseudo-classes | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | | an E element being the | | | * | E:link | source anchor of a hyperlink | The link | | * | E:visited | of which the target is not | pseudo-classes | 1 | * | | yet visited (:link) or | | | * | | already visited (:visited) | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E:active | an E element during certain | The user action | | * | E:hover | user actions | pseudo-classes | 1 and 2 | * | E:focus | | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E:target | an E element being the | The target | 3 | * | | target of the referring URI | pseudo-class | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | | an element of type E in | | | * | E:lang(fr) | language "fr" (the document | The :lang() | 2 | * | FIXME | language specifies how | pseudo-class | | * | | language is determined) | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E:enabled | a user interface element E | The UI element | | * | E:disabled | which is enabled or disabled | states | 3 | * | | | pseudo-classes | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | | a user interface element E | | | * | E:checked | which is checked or in an | The UI element | | * | E:indeterminate | indeterminate state (for | states | 3 | * | | instance a radio-button or | pseudo-classes | | * | | checkbox) | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | | an E element containing the | Content | | * | E:contains("foo") | substring "foo" in its | pseudo-class | 3 | * | | textual contents | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E::first-line | the first formatted line of | The :first-line | 1 | * | | an E element | pseudo-element | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E::first-letter | the first formatted letter | The :first-letter | 1 | * | | of an E element | pseudo-element | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | | the portion of an E element | The UI element | | * | E::selection | that is currently | fragments | 3 | * | | selected/highlighted by the | pseudo-elements | | * | | user | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E::before | generated content before an | The :before | 2 | * | | E element | pseudo-element | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E::after | generated content after an E | The :after | 2 | * | | element | pseudo-element | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | | an E element whose class is | | | * | E.warning | "warning" (the document | Class selectors | 1 | * | | language specifies how class | | | * | | is determined). | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E#myid | an E element with ID equal | ID selectors | 1 | * | | to "myid". | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E[foo] | an E element with a "foo" | Attribute | 2 | * | | attribute | selectors | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | | an E element whose "foo" | Attribute | | * | E[foo="bar"] | attribute value is exactly | selectors | 2 | * | | equal to "bar" | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | | an E element whose "foo" | | | * | | attribute value is a list of | Attribute | | * | E[foo~="bar"] | space-separated values, one | selectors | 2 | * | | of which is exactly equal to | | | * | | "bar" | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | | an E element whose "foo" | | | * | E[foo^="bar"] | attribute value begins | Attribute | 3 | * | | exactly with the string | selectors | | * | | "bar" | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | | an E element whose "foo" | Attribute | | * | E[foo$="bar"] | attribute value ends exactly | selectors | 3 | * | | with the string "bar" | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | | an E element whose "foo" | Attribute | | * | E[foo*="bar"] | attribute value contains the | selectors | 3 | * | | substring "bar" | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | | an E element whose | | | * | | "hreflang" attribute has a | Attribute | | * | E[hreflang|="en"] | hyphen-separated list of | selectors | 2 | * | | values beginning (from the | | | * | | left) with "en" | | | * |-----------------------+------------------------------+-------------------+---------| * | E:not(s) | an E element that does not | Negation | 3 | * | FIXME | match simple selector s | pseudo-class | | * +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif