# Atom One Dark theme ported to Amfora # by Serge Tymoshenko #[theme] # This section is for changing the COLORS used in Amfora. # These colors only apply if 'color' is enabled above. # Colors can be set using a W3C color name, or a hex value such as "#ffffff". # Note that not all colors will work on terminals that do not have truecolor support. # If you want to stick to the standard 16 or 256 colors, you can get # a list of those here: https://jonasjacek.github.io/colors/ # DO NOT use the names from that site, just the hex codes. # Definitions: # bg = background # fg = foreground # dl = download # btn = button # hdg = heading # bkmk = bookmark # modal = a popup window/box in the middle of the screen # EXAMPLES: # hdg_1 = "green" # hdg_2 = "#5f0000" # Available keys to set: # bg: background for pages, tab row, app in general # tab_num: The number/highlight of the tabs at the top # tab_divider: The color of the divider character between tab numbers: | # bottombar_label: The color of the prompt that appears when you press space # bottombar_text: The color of the text you type # bottombar_bg bg = "#282c34" fg = "#abb2bf" tab_num = "#abb2bf" tab_divider = "#abb2bf" bottombar_bg = "#abb2bf" bottombar_text = "#282c34" bottombar_label = "#282c34" # hdg_1 # hdg_2 # hdg_3 # amfora_link: A link that Amfora supports viewing. For now this is only gemini:// # foreign_link: HTTP(S), Gopher, etc # link_number: The silver number that appears to the left of a link # regular_text: Normal gemini text, and plaintext documents # quote_text # preformatted_text # list_text hdg_1 = "#e06c75" hdg_2 = "#c678dd" hdg_3 = "#c678dd" amfora_link = "#61afef" foreign_link = "#56b6c2" link_number = "#abb2bf" regular_text = "#abb2bf" quote_text = "#98c379" preformatted_text = "#e5c07b" list_text = "#abb2bf" # btn_bg: The bg color for all modal buttons # btn_text: The text color for all modal buttons btn_bg = "#282c34" btn_text = "#abb2bf" # dl_choice_modal_bg # dl_choice_modal_text # dl_modal_bg # dl_modal_text # info_modal_bg # info_modal_text # error_modal_bg # error_modal_text # yesno_modal_bg # yesno_modal_text # tofu_modal_bg # tofu_modal_text dl_choice_modal_bg = "#98c379" dl_choice_modal_text = "#282c34" dl_modal_bg = "#98c379" dl_modal_text = "#282c34" info_modal_bg = "#98c379" info_modal_text = "#282c34" error_modal_bg = "#e06c75" error_modal_text = "#282c34" yesno_modal_bg = "#e5c07b" yesno_modal_text = "#282c34" tofu_modal_bg = "#e5c07b" tofu_modal_text = "#282c34" # input_modal_bg # input_modal_text # input_modal_field_bg: The bg of the input field, where you type the text # input_modal_field_text: The color of the text you type input_modal_bg = "#98c379" input_modal_text = "#282c34" input_modal_field_bg = "#282c34" input_modal_field_text = "#abb2bf" # bkmk_modal_bg # bkmk_modal_text # bkmk_modal_label # bkmk_modal_field_bg # bkmk_modal_field_text bkmk_modal_bg = "#98c379" bkmk_modal_text = "#282c34" bkmk_modal_label = "#282c34" bkmk_modal_field_bg = "#282c34" bkmk_modal_field_text = "#abb2bf" # subscription_modal_bg # subscription_modal_text subscription_modal_bg = "#c678dd" subscription_modal_text = "#282c34"