# User Contributed Themes
You can use these themes by replacing the `[theme]` section of your config with their contents. Some themes won't display properly on terminals that do not have truecolor support.
## Nord
Contributed by **[@lokesh-krishna](https://github.com/lokesh-krishna)**.

## Dracula
Contributed by **[@crdpa](https://github.com/crdpa)**.

More screenshots

## Gruvbox
Contributed by **[@Skraylet](https://github.com/Skraylet)**.

Another screenshot

## Solarized
Contributed by **[@bnthor](https://github.com/bnthor)**.
### Dark

Another screenshot

### Light

Another screenshot

### One Dark
Contributed by **[@sergetymo](https://github.com/sergetymo)**.

More screenshots

## Yours?
Contribute your own theme by opening a PR.